Time Nick Message 06:22 Joubu tcohen: you should use gulp instead of the perl script, otherwise the strings from js files won't be updated 06:24 Joubu tcohen: about weblate - check your emails (Aug 2021), we discussed it with Bernardo. About permissions specifically. Things are differents but we should be able to do all what we do with pootle currently. 07:17 Joubu @later tell marcelr I need your help on 17427 - can you have a look at the last comments please? :) 07:17 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:49 fridolin Joubu: for translation install, is perl script OK ? 07:51 fridolin Ah since it is used by koha-translate : $PERL_CMD $TRANSLATE_DIR/translate install $translate_opts $lang 07:51 fridolin should be OK ;) 07:51 Joubu yes 07:53 fridolin thanks 11:15 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:24 oleonard o/ 11:32 tcohen what was the bug # oleonard? 11:33 oleonard The username bug? 11:33 oleonard Bug 33815 11:33 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33815 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Crash when librarian changes their own username in the staff interface 11:34 tcohen thx 11:34 tcohen LOL was about to start fixing (NEW) but there's a patch 11:34 tcohen Joubu++ 11:36 Joubu there is another one for you, tcohen 11:36 Joubu I let you a later yesterday about it 11:38 tcohen can you remind me 11:39 tcohen (really sorry for that) 11:39 Joubu bug 33784 11:39 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33784 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Single receive - clicking the Receive link in parcel.pl should lead to the receive form 11:39 tcohen ah yes 11:39 Joubu it's almost ready 11:40 tcohen will take a look 11:40 Joubu there is also bug 33606 that is blocker for 23.05 11:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33606 blocker, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Access to ERM requires parameters => 'manage_sysprefs' 11:40 Joubu (yes, again this one...= 11:40 Joubu ) 11:41 tcohen +1 11:46 tcohen es-ES ready 11:46 tcohen \o/ 11:59 marcelr o/ 12:01 marcelr kidclamp: will revisit 33404 very soon, but you did not yet convince me 12:05 kidclamp Fair enough. If you would rather we convert and save the utf8, I am happy to go that route. I will try to write tests, but that's going to take some time 12:49 BiblioLainez Buenos Días!!!! Hace como una semana que no puedo realizar la busqueda de ejemplares...ç 12:51 BiblioLainez Hola!!! Alguien puede ayudarme????? 12:54 caroline BiblioLainez, can you explain your problem a bit more? What did you try? 14:01 caroline Just found this screen capture in the manual https://koha-community.org/manual/22.11/en/html/_images/cantdischarge.png The phrasing made me LOL 14:01 ashimema LOL 14:12 BiblioLainez Cuando ingreso a busqueda de catalogo no me figura nada, ni por nombre del libro, autor... 14:40 tcohen #koha I cannot reproduce the jenkins failures locally... 14:41 tcohen Using perl ${BUILD_DIR}/misc4dev/run_tests.pl --koha-dir=${BUILD_DIR}/koha --run-selenium-tests-only 14:41 tcohen with export BUILD_DIR=/kohadevbox 14:41 tcohen if anyone is able to reproduce, please help me 14:41 tcohen you need to have ktd launched with the --selenium switch 14:42 tcohen e.g. ktd --selenium up -d 14:42 tcohen https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/2530/ 14:49 marcelr kidclamp: could you post an example marc8 auth record on the bug (33404) 14:56 tcohen oleonard-away: can you test 33815? thanks 14:56 oleonard Yes 14:58 tcohen oleonard, Joubu we should move the 'hint' to a separate bug 14:59 tcohen to be pushed after the release as we are on freeze 14:59 tcohen string freeze 14:59 tcohen thanks 14:59 marcelr ho 14:59 marcelr la 14:59 marcelr kidclamp: please test my alternative patch please on 33404 14:59 tcohen dag marcelr 14:59 marcelr goedemiddag heer Cohen 14:59 oleonard tcohen: I suppose so. The separate bug can also add the hint to member-password.tt 15:00 tcohen yup 15:00 tcohen can you take care of that? 15:00 tcohen filing+moving that patch 15:00 oleonard Sure 15:01 marcelr cu later 15:04 tcohen oleonard++ 15:04 tcohen Joubu++ 15:04 tcohen marcelr++ 15:04 * tcohen goes feed kids 15:04 tcohen later! 15:15 reiveune bye 18:49 tcohen bXK 18:49 tcohen back 19:39 caroline Is the API self-documented? meaning this https://api.koha-community.org/ is automatically generated? Or does someone have to go through it and add the new endpoints? 19:40 paulderscheid[m] The openapi spec you write is used to generate the api docs automatically. If you compare the two, you'll spot that they are identical. 19:40 caroline and when you say "you write", it's the dev who adds the route or endpoint or whatever who writes this? 19:41 ashimema One can add further details though on top 19:41 tcohen caroline: the process is fully automated 19:41 tcohen using Redocly 19:41 caroline ok thanks! 19:41 ashimema The endpoints all have to have a spec written.. the API uses that spec to build router.. and it's that same spec that builds the docs 19:42 caroline I will close the API bugs that have the "Needs documenting" status then 19:42 ashimema If you want to embellish the docs though it can be done.. we just add more to the spec 19:42 ashimema Ah, cool 19:42 ashimema Yeah, that's sensible 19:42 ashimema Though I do have some things I'd love to embellish.. I should do that 19:43 caroline Do you want me to leave it? 19:45 ashimema Nah 19:47 caroline It's the same for the DB schema I suppose? 19:49 emlam yup, that's also generated automatically 19:50 caroline thanks!