Time Nick Message 06:56 fridolin yellow 06:59 ashimema blue 07:06 dcook green? 07:08 fridolin turquoise ;) 11:04 marcelr o/ 11:08 tcohen hola 11:08 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:16 marcelr hola 11:17 * cait waves 11:17 * tcohen hides 11:28 * cait looks sad 11:51 Joubu AgustinMoyano[m]: I am looking at the 'select' extension for DT. Did you manage to make it work? I am having trouble to make it preserve the selection when a new request is made (pagination, filtering, etc.). Did you try that? 11:53 Joubu I am wondering how I could keep the selection for bug 33568. Using our own localstorage key is easy to implement, but I don't like the 2 options we have 11:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33568 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view 11:54 Joubu either 1 key per biblio id (but we will need to clear it on logout, and we don't know what has been stored) 11:55 Joubu or 1 key 'itemselection' that will be an object, with the biblio ids in the keys, but... can be a mess because of concurent access? 11:56 Joubu there is no easy way to lock localstorage for update apparently 12:00 marcelr 33722 there is a lot messed up in the permissions of virtual shelves 12:00 marcelr some public lists dont show up anymore etc 12:01 marcelr kind of nice just before release ;) 12:01 tcohen what caused it? 12:03 marcelr yeah good question; open source ? 12:03 Joubu we pushed somethng related with list permissions 12:03 tcohen bug 30418 12:03 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30418 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, alexbuckley, Pushed to master , Add permission and setting for public lists to allow staff with permission to edit contents 12:03 marcelr good be a candidate to blame? 12:03 tcohen yeah 12:03 tcohen can you link it? 12:03 tcohen thanks marcelr 12:05 marcelr allow_change_from_staff` and allow_change_from_permitted_staff / life was easier once 12:10 tcohen there's a design problem isn't it? 12:10 marcelr not sure but i dont really like it 12:10 marcelr but i may be biased ;) 12:22 davewood im updating the cn_sort values directly in the DB but dont see a change in the sort order on opac-search.pl ... http://paste.scsys.co.uk/9612 12:23 davewood a customer has a weird request how items should be sorted by itemcallnumber and i plan on writing a custom ClassSortRoutine/Foo.pm module. after that I would run misc/maintenance/touch_all_items.pl and this should recalculate all cn_sort fields. 12:24 davewood /usr/share/koha/bin/maintenance/touch_all_items.pl 12:26 davewood i thought maybe i have to rebuild the zebra index, but that didnt help either 12:27 Joubu marcelr: 33624 "the list is not displayed"? 12:27 Joubu what do you mean? 12:27 marcelr see davidnind's comment when it is set to Nobody 12:28 marcelr not sure if something else went wrong somewhere 12:28 marcelr ending up in a private list while expecting publinc one 12:29 caroline the 23.05 files on pootle are not the official ones yet, correct? 12:29 Joubu marcelr: I am talking about your comment on 33624 12:29 Joubu https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33624#c7 12:29 huginn 04Bug 33624: trivial, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Using Browser "Back" button in Batch Record Modification causes biblio options to be displayed 12:29 ashimema I think you can start translating caroline 12:30 ashimema and then when we 'fix' them we'll pull in what you've already done 12:30 ashimema at least that's my understandin 12:31 marcelr Joubu ok wrong context 12:31 marcelr the list of record numbers is not displayed, you should click on it to show it 12:32 marcelr but the numbers are still there 12:32 Joubu do you see 3 tabs or only 2? 12:32 caroline thanks ashimema! 12:32 Joubu there is ' 12:32 Joubu Upload a file Enter a list of record numbers 12:32 Joubu 2 tabs 12:33 Joubu BUT if you have a list (virtual shelf) you see a third tab 12:33 Joubu "select a list of records" - we are talking about this one 12:35 marcelr two tabs, i seem to miss one 12:36 marcelr since i am testing lists now, i should see them in the meantime.. 12:36 marcelr i will retry 12:40 marcelr resolved 12:42 Joubu nobody else has an answer/wants to discuss the localstorage question? 12:43 marcelr one key per biblio sounds like a bad plan ? 12:44 Joubu because we need to flush them on logout 12:45 marcelr how do you envision concurrent access to localstorage from different tabs at the same time ?? 12:45 Joubu actually I think I have a solution. We don't want the selection to remain after a full refresh of the page, so it can simply be stored in a JS variable..... 12:45 marcelr always happy to help :) 12:45 Joubu thanks! :D 12:45 Joubu I 12:46 Joubu I just needed a rubber duck 12:46 cait davewood: definitely needs a rebuid 12:47 cait davewood: not sure why that would not help :( 12:47 davewood im stupid, that instance uses elastic, not zebra 12:52 davewood ok, works now :) 12:58 marcelr tcohen the lists thing may be false alarm 12:58 marcelr asking davidnind to reproduce this findings now 12:58 cait davewood: that's a good reason why it didn't work :) 12:58 marcelr s/this/his/ 13:05 Joubu do we really need StaffDetailItemSelection? 14:02 marcelr any unimarc qaer around for bug 33686? looks good to me but not hindered by any unimarc knowledge :) 14:02 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33686 trivial, P5 - low, ---, thibaud.guillot, Signed Off , Update plugin unimarc_field_100.pl 'Script of title' with 2022 values 14:03 marcelr it contains strings so should be done today 14:03 marcelr just pushing 14:04 Joubu done :D 14:05 Joubu just saying, bug 33568 is awesome 14:05 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33568 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view 14:22 marcelr thx Joubu 14:23 marcelr ashimema: bug 29664 ? 14:23 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29664 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Do not show voided payments in cash register statistics wizard 14:29 marcelr anyone: do we still need those 21.05, 21.11 and 22.05 priority searches on the bar at the bottom of Bugzilla ? 14:40 * ashimema hasn't the capacity to look at interesting things right now.. would love to support bug 33568 and many others and will do after 23.05 release 14:40 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33568 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view 15:33 tcohen TFW jenkins is green for a while 15:33 tcohen thanks #koha 15:33 ashimema tcohen++ 17:01 tcohen back 17:13 cait tcohen++ 17:13 cait ... I am trying to understand how Koha calculates the amounts on the tart page of acq 17:13 cait and it hurts 17:13 cait why do we calcaulate the amount spent by multiplying with quantity instead of quantityreceived? 17:14 cait isn't that... wrong? 17:15 tcohen cait: whatever you find wrong please file a bug 17:15 tcohen that's the best way to handle it 17:15 cait I know 17:15 cait but i might have to postpone 17:15 tcohen I'll do my best to have me or Agustin submit patches 17:15 cait i am looking for a missing amount and I need to continue there later 17:15 cait or I'll trhow together a quick one maybe 17:16 tcohen I'm working (right now) on a patch to restore the budgets/funds tree dropdown which got lost on squashing or rebaseing or both 17:18 cait bug 33756 17:18 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33756 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Wrong calculation of total amount spent? 17:19 cait tcohen: oh yes please... Nick's pulldown in receive was awesome 17:19 cait I reall think it should be what we do everywhere actually 17:19 cait and I think I also filed a bug for that 17:38 tcohen @later tell cait it would help if they were linked to the bug that introduced the issues... 17:38 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 18:42 Kamran_Ali_ I need Koha Training Certificate