Time Nick Message 00:42 arkibus[m] Would it be a good idea to try to put Koha on a low spec laptop such as this? https://www.pbtech.co.nz/product/NBKLEN8220061S/Lenovo-V14-IGL-14-HD-Intel-Celeron-N4020-8GB-500GB 03:09 mtj hi arkibus[m], the lappy only has a 2-core cpu, so not a great option for koha 03:15 mtj https://shop.remarkit.co.nz/collections/laptops/products/lenovo-thinkpad-x380-yoga-business-laptop-8gb-ram-256-ssd-08th-gen-touch-screen?variant=42707483984026 03:15 mtj arkibus[m]: ^ a better option for $400... its half the price and 4 times the cpu performance :) 03:16 mtj https://browser.geekbench.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Celeron+N4020+ 03:16 mtj https://browser.geekbench.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=CORE+I5-8350U 03:16 mtj ^ cpu performance comparision 03:29 mtj arkibus[m]: if you didnt have a requirement for an actual laptop, you could use something like this... 03:29 mtj https://shop.remarkit.co.nz/collections/desktops/products/copy-of-hp-elitedesk-800-g2-mini-pc?variant=37107598688410 03:48 arkibus[m] mtj: Thanks very much for your answers and suggestions. I volunteer at a very small library, we have quite a small desk, so I think they want a laptop. At the moment I need to get a quote for a computer that can run Koha so we can apply for funding. So processor speed is important I see, I'll definitely keep that in mind. 04:08 mtj hi arkibus[m], id recomend a system with a 4-core processor/cpu 04:12 mtj consider buying a 2nd-hand/recycled system, even better if its local to you 04:13 mtj they all come with decent warranties and support 04:14 mtj ..in the unlikely event that you have a hardware problem, replacement parts are easy to find for most models 04:15 mtj hp elitebooks and lenovo thinkpads 06:35 Joubu tcohen, ashimema: can you please push the follow-up on bug 32648? 06:35 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32648 minor, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Search.t is failing if run after Filter_MARC_ViewPolicy.t 06:35 Joubu I don't think it deserves its own ug 06:35 Joubu bug* 07:27 Joubu oleonard: bug 32910 - ping? 07:27 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32910 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Passed QA , Upgrade fontawesome icons to V6 07:57 Joubu @later tell tcohen follow-up on 30418 to fix Permissions.t 07:57 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:59 Joubu @later tell tcohen follow-up on 8179 07:59 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:01 magnuse bug 8179 08:01 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8179 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, agustinmoyano, Pushed to master , Receiving multiple order lines at once 08:15 davidnind Joubu: Koha How To - I did a git pull for koha-testing-docker (now includes commit for the how to) and a ktd pull, but I get a 404 error when accessing the page that was in your email (there is no howto folder under /kohadevbox) 08:21 Joubu davidnind: http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/how-to.pl there? 08:22 Joubu davidnind: davidnind: the script is at /kohadevbox/koha/how-to.pl 08:23 Joubu ho wait, the image failed 08:26 davidnind that would explain it... 08:34 Joubu what I wrote for ktd is completely wrong... 08:56 * cait waves 08:57 Joubu davidnind: it's currently building the new image. I am going to pull and test it when it's done! 08:58 davidnind Joubu++ 08:58 davidnind I'll give it a try again later... 09:22 Joubu davidnind: looks ok now! 09:30 cait Joubu++ 09:30 cait I saw the missing CSS error yesterday, but forgot to file it 09:53 davidnind Joubu++ 09:54 davidnind Joubu: the how to page now loads, thanks! 10:22 Joubu mtj: bug 33018 - ping! 10:22 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33018 normal, P5 - low, ---, mtj, In Discussion , debian package tidy-up 10:25 oleonard Hi all 11:02 petro Hello, our customers on our pilot are asking what are the most important/biggest changes coming to v23.05. Can anyone please help us with that? Thanks! 11:03 Joubu See https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-release-notes/-/blob/master/release_notes_22_12_00.md 11:11 petro Alright, thanks :) 11:46 mtj hi Joubu, will take a look ^^ 11:46 mtj im happy to help on bug 32910, oleonard 11:46 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32910 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Passed QA , Upgrade fontawesome icons to V6 11:54 mtj ah, i see its PQA already :) 11:54 mtj oleonard++ many thanks 11:56 oleonard I can work on rebasing it again 12:29 tcohen hola #koha o/ 18:36 AndreJaneiro[m] hello good afternoon, 18:36 AndreJaneiro[m] or can it be in portuguese? 18:36 AndreJaneiro[m] i have same questions regarding the customization of the opac page for Koha 18:36 AndreJaneiro[m] inglish is better right? 18:37 caroline yes english is better, we have some poeple who speak other languages, but I'm not sure for portuguese 18:38 AndreJaneiro[m] ok 18:39 AndreJaneiro[m] so on the opac website 18:39 AndreJaneiro[m] there is a JS for the new biblionumbers added to the library 18:40 AndreJaneiro[m] and we have a "place" to manualy add the books we want to show 18:41 AndreJaneiro[m] opac_book_news_biblionumbers 18:41 AndreJaneiro[m] however, when added it does not show 18:42 AndreJaneiro[m] other books show up instead 18:42 AndreJaneiro[m] i think its a spelling problem 18:43 AndreJaneiro[m] should i right them like this 18:43 AndreJaneiro[m] 67984, 68062, 68156, 68117, 68025 18:43 AndreJaneiro[m] or is it any other way? 18:44 caroline Maybe someone else can chime in, but it looks like something specific to your installation 18:44 AndreJaneiro[m] it can be yes 18:45 AndreJaneiro[m] because in the area for that, is in a diferent tab called KEEP 20:49 davidnind Andre Janeiro: Is this is some custom JavaScript put in OPACUserJS or News/HTML Customizations? Or is this a specific customisation made? It doesn't sound like a normal Koha feature to me. 20:51 davidnind Andre Janeiro: If you have custom, maybe posting in https://paste.koha-community.org/ 20:52 davidnind Andrew Janeiro: Also, sharing the exact Koha version you have may help others help you with your issue (Staff interface > About Koha)