Time Nick Message 06:08 magnuse \o/ 06:33 reiveune hello 07:00 cait good morning #koha 07:33 davewood im still looking for a way to properly sort using items.itemcallnumber ... looking for the proper approach ... should we set itemcallnumber to a format that gives us the results we want or is it smarter to write custom code? for example a custom C4::ClasssSortRoutine::* (not sure if that would be the correct place. ... question: how is cn_sort populated and how can it be refreshed? 07:33 davewood morning cait 07:38 Joubu cn_sort is (re)generated when the item is saved (created or modified) 07:38 Joubu IF itemcallnumber or cn_source are different from what is in DB 07:42 davewood so if im working in the DB directly, can I trigger that somehow? there used to be a command line script "touch_all_items" or something according to some old bugreport that I found but that script doesnt seem to exist anymore 07:43 davewood https://koha.katipo.co.narkive.com/As4fcgV5/problem-sorting-items-by-call-number-and-cn-sort 07:43 davewood 2011 :) 07:44 davewood oh, that script is still there! 07:44 davewood didnt find it before 07:45 davewood /usr/share/koha/bin/maintenance/touch_all_items.pl 07:51 Joubu yes, it should work 07:57 cait it might be quicker to do a custom script if you have a lot of items 07:57 cait i think we did that once 07:57 cait but it does work, it just does more than you need 07:57 cait davewood: you could write your own class for generating the sorting form of the callnumber, it's pretty fleixble 07:59 cait davewood: before you run it, make sure that your items have items.cn_source set to what you want 07:59 cait 952$2 08:24 davewood so cn_sort is the source of truth for how opac-search.pl sorts results? ... I suppose the ES index has to be rebuilt which takes its values from cn_sort. 08:24 cait not oly the OPAC 08:24 cait inventory tool too for example 08:24 cait most callnumbers are not really sortable sensibly - having a sorting form or soem kind of processing is common in ILS 08:25 davewood ILS? 08:25 cait Integrated library systems 08:25 davewood integrated library systems 08:25 davewood wow, i guessed that correctly :) 08:26 cait I think you are right about indexing 08:26 davewood how can I make sure cn_sort for new items is generated "correctly? 08:26 cait you can sort it by sql 08:27 cait but Elastic might interpret it differently, I haven't worked on that yet 08:27 cait select cn_source, cn_sort, itemcallnumber from items order by cn_sort... check if it makes sense to begin with 08:43 cait depending on your callnumbers the results might not be perfect - most of ours are not using DDC or LOC, but have their own schemas, so we mostly use the generic one 08:50 cait davewood: ...^ 08:51 davewood where can I select the ClassSortRoutine? ... i looked in /cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?tab=searching but neither of the options make sense. 08:51 cait it has its own page 08:51 davewood cait: im still digging around, your input is very helpful though. :) 08:51 cait one second 08:51 cait go to adminsitration > classification configuration 08:52 cait for classification sources I recommend to set unused ones to "not in use" 08:52 cait that will make them not show up in cataloguing 08:53 cait in the pull down 08:53 davewood new intra interface doesnt have "administration > classification configuration" but i found it ... DefaultClassificationSource 08:53 cait you can define your own, if you want 08:53 cait then you link it to a sorting and a splitting rule 08:53 cait it does have it 08:54 cait on the second column on the admin home page 08:54 cait I am looking at a 22.11 right now :) 08:54 cait you also want to set DefaultClassificationSource, but I was getting there later 08:54 cait /cgi-bin/koha/admin/classsources.pl 08:55 cait found it? 08:56 cait a classification sort is waht you set for the item when cataloguing, you will most likely use the same for all, the default and the "in use" setting help ensuring that new items are created correctly 08:56 cait a classiciation source is then linked to a filing rule - that defines how the cn_sort is generated 08:56 cait and to a splitting rule - that is used for printing labels 08:56 davewood hmm .. maybe if we use dots instead of commas in our itemcallnumbers the decimal classification does what we want. 08:56 cait by default Koha has 3 filing rules available - dewey, lcc and generic 08:57 cait the library might not like that :) 08:57 cait filing rules are really just some .pm files - I think it should be posible to make up your own 08:58 cait https://koha-community.org/manual/22.11/en/html/administration.html#classification-sources has some description of what the different filing rules do 08:59 cait when generating cn_sort 11:28 cait gitea GUI is very slow today 11:29 cait I can#t get to the project page 11:34 marcelr o/ 11:34 cait hi marcelr 11:43 Joubu marcelr: in case you want to have fun with C4::Auth again, have a look at bug 17427 ;) 11:43 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17427 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Replace CGI::Session with Data::Session 11:43 marcelr yes i saw it hit the queue :) 11:46 cait we use CAS (SSO and SLO) in a big project, but can't test easily - but if needed... 12:14 paulderscheid[m] @Joubu could you test the change on bug 33358 on your end? Not sure whether it works everywhere. 12:14 huginn paulderscheid[m]: I've exhausted my database of quotes 12:21 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: it does not seem to work 12:22 paulderscheid[m] Damn. 12:22 cait bug 33358 12:22 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33358 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Do not use editorconfig for vue files 12:23 paulderscheid[m] Maybe Pedro has an idea.. 12:25 Joubu was it working for you? 12:26 tcohen hola #koha o/+ 12:30 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: as we are forcing some config maybe we should actually add a vue entry to this file instead 12:31 paulderscheid[m] That’s the other option 12:32 paulderscheid[m] That was my first thought actually, but I thought I had beaten the syntax 12:38 Joubu looks like you cannot set trailing comma from editorconfig.. 12:38 Joubu or even arrow parens 12:51 paulderscheid[m] <Joubu> "was it working for you?" <- Yes, at least that's what I thought. You are also using the Volar extension, right? 12:54 Joubu apparently, yes 13:06 paulderscheid[m] Maybe we should add prettier for formatting vue 13:12 cait y 13:54 paulderscheid[m] Sorry, was on lunch break 13:55 paulderscheid[m] That way we'd have more control over the style in which we want to format the vue files. 14:00 cait y 14:00 cait :) 15:10 reiveune bye 21:08 crispybran Anyone know who manages or owns https://koha-community.slack.com/? Trying to find out more about this Slack workspace. 21:15 Chrisk Hello, I am testing a fresh upgrade install of koha on latest ubuntu server and getting an error on staging a test marc for import; fails in staging. I did a tail *.log on the log folder, and I am wondering if someone is willing to give me an idea of where the problem is at> 21:15 Chrisk log output> "[Thu May 04 13:59:50.170349 2023] [cgi:error] [pid 2278] [client] AH01215: The job has not been sent to the message broker: (Can't locate object method "throw" via package "Koha::Exceptions::Exception" (perhaps you forgot to load "Koha::Exceptions::Exception"?) at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/BackgroundJob.pm line 141.: /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/tools/stage-marc-import.pl, referer: 21:16 Chrisk referer: [Thu May 04 13:59:50.170562 2023] [cgi:error] [pid 2278] [client] AH01215: ) at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/BackgroundJob.pm line 148.: /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/tools/stage-marc-import.pl, referer: 21:22 Chrisk no love? 21:23 Chrisk sheash 21:23 davidnind crispybran: not sure it is an "official" community resource, maybe some set it up to experiment? https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Website_Administration 21:24 davidnind Chrisk: it is normally a bit quieter here at this time of the/evening/night 21:25 Chrisk I see. when does the channel come to life? 21:25 davidnind I'm assuming you've set up Koha using packages, and are running 22.11.05 or .05 21:26 Chrisk Yes. 21:27 davidnind I don't run a production environment, so not really able to help - I normally use a development environment, so a restart_all from the command line to restart all the services 21:28 davidnind I think it will be something to do with the RabbitMQ server, which is used I think to make the background jobs run 21:28 davidnind (but I am probably wrong) 21:30 davidnind Normally Europe time can be quite active, but around now there are still some people around (America/Canada/NZ) but tends to be a bit quieter... 21:31 Chrisk I noticed bywater test koha is running an older version of perl. I've got it at : 5.034000 21:31 Chrisk They are 5.028 21:31 davidnind I would suggest posting to the general mailing list as well, with details of your version (from About Koha section in the staff interface) and how you installed 21:33 davidnind The development environment with master is using Perl 5.032001 21:34 davidnind See system requirements and recommendations https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/System_requirements_and_recommendations 21:36 Chrisk Thanks for sending those links over 21:36 davidnind Whatever version of Perl that came by default with one of the supported operating systems "should" be fine - Debian 10 and 11, and Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 21:38 davidnind I'm sure I saw your error come up recently, on either IRC or the mailing list (but I can't find it now...), but I don't know what the solution was 21:38 Chrisk I think I will startup a new vm and run the koha install with the system defaults to see how it shakes up. Thanks for the suggestion davidnind. 21:39 Chrisk Have a good one. 21:39 davidnind Maybe check under About Koha > Perl modules and System information tabs to see if anything is not right (using the package install should normally install all the required perl modules with the correct versions) 22:40 aleisha hello 22:42 davidnind hi alisha! 23:24 davidnind or aleisha even 23:46 aleisha :) 23:56 dcook Yikes... anyone have an issue in 22.11 of not being able to delete fields from a record? 23:57 dcook Ohhh or maybe it's these new record overlay rules.. 23:57 * dcook is not a big fan