Time Nick Message 14:47 MalkaRu ah hello? I am Malka -a UI/UX student at Sapir college and I developing redesign for Koha(in figma u can find my user there) I would like to talk to developers team about how can I share my designs and reasons behind certain chooses. 14:48 MalkaRu the redesign is free since its my college redesign project and koha also free 14:49 MalkaRu shall I like wait to response or leave my contacts so maybe anyone from dev design team contact me? 14:50 MalkaRu ah hello? anyone here? 14:51 MalkaRu I can leave my info so maybe some koha dev we can talk about improving the UI of Koha and u can see my progress? 14:52 MalkaRu this is sample of things I did https://www.figma.com/community/file/1210230663816229629 and this is my koha file u all welcome to watch and pls leave comments so I can improve in sake of Kohas better expirience https://www.figma.com/file/yWqrbiQpKDaFPtbiffJFhs/redesign?node-id=0%3A1&t=hmVu1GaVcVZ80Dvc-1 14:53 MalkaRu idk what is requested CTCP VERSION cos I used demo 18:44 Tanveer i have a problem in koha 18:45 Tanveer it is loging successfully with admin 18:45 Tanveer but after login when i am trying to click on any link its loged out and again i have to login