Time Nick Message 23:58 aleisha nice find re: the encoding of the hash dcook 23:45 aleisha fair, glad we could be the guinea pigs for you! our upgrade process for the libraries on community koha is automated so we missed this until it became a problem 23:42 dcook aleisha: Yeah I thought about updating to 22.11.04, but I decided that the build change was too new to move forward with right now. 23:39 aleisha awesome dcook ! was getting worried it was just an 'us' problem but couldn't work out what we would've been doing wrong :( 23:22 dcook aleisha: I'm getting closer to working out that flatpickr issue I think 23:08 * dcook_ waves 23:08 aleisha hello 17:47 davidnind lukeg: no problem! 17:36 lukeg thanks for all the sign-offs/testing! 17:36 lukeg davidnind++ 15:12 thd thanks for holding the meeting without an additional postponement tcohen. 15:11 tcohen busy days for everyone a month before the release 15:10 tcohen thanks for all atendees 15:08 cait tcohen++ 15:08 cait thany ou tcohen 15:08 oleonard tcohen++ 15:08 huginn Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/development_irc_meeting_26_april_2023.2023-04-26-14.31.log.html 15:08 huginn Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/development_irc_meeting_26_april_2023.2023-04-26-14.31.txt 15:08 huginn Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/development_irc_meeting_26_april_2023.2023-04-26-14.31.html 15:08 huginn Meeting ended Wed Apr 26 15:08:16 2023 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 15:08 tcohen #endmeeting 15:08 tcohen thanks everyone 15:08 cait ok 15:07 cait I think if we start this proces, we should fix for all 15:07 thd Better to start with one and learn something. 15:07 thd The same problem is present for all the lists but no one has raised the issue in relation to the other lists. 15:07 tcohen #info Next meeting: 10 May 2023, 14:00 UTC 15:06 cait is ist not also present for theothers? 15:06 cait koha-devel etc. 15:06 thd The general mailing list is still Katipo about which the issue was raised. 15:06 cait they host all mailing lists but Koha 15:06 cait thd: I think biblibre mostly 15:05 thd Them is perhaps the Koha founders who once worked there. 15:04 tcohen can you contact them? 15:04 tcohen and we might need to advertise the topics on the list so interested people are around 15:04 thd but we need input from Katipo to consider properly. 15:04 tcohen I'd say defer to next meeting 15:03 thd Certainly, 15:03 tcohen thd: we don't have quorum to decide anything on that today 15:03 thd The issue of DMARC compaitibility for the mailing list needs input from Katipo. MIME nesting seems not to be a serious choice as no one seems to have notice of implementing that. 15:03 reiveune bye 15:02 tcohen #topic Set time of next meeting 15:02 tcohen #action cait and ashimema will put together the TODO notes from the hackfest on the Wiki 15:00 cait i just don't want them to get lost there 15:00 ashimema action cait, and she can grab me if needed 15:00 cait yep,t hey are on the agenda 15:00 ashimema I made notes 15:00 cait can you action me plz? 15:00 cait I#ll try 15:00 tcohen are you volunteering? 15:00 cait maybe as a todo in the wiki? 15:00 cait we shoudl save the list 14:59 tcohen #info Development documentation (from the hackfest): nothing to discuss here. People do their best. If you want to spend time on documenting the listed things, and need guidance, contact us by any means 14:58 tcohen #info perldoc.k-c is outdated, we need to investigate and have it update more frecquently 14:57 tcohen [off] he blames constant nodejs dependencies changes 14:57 cait [off] that makes snse, but hope it's not a hard fix 14:57 cait i think gmcharlt_ 14:56 tcohen [off] Bernardo says the commands are erroring and that's why strings haven't got updated yet. HE's working on it right now 14:55 tcohen Do we know who maintains perldoc.koha-community.org? 14:55 tcohen #info We need to upgrade Gitea, and move to Forgejo. Anyone willing to spend time on that please contact tcohen 14:54 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30002 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Add project-level perltidyrc 14:54 tcohen #info We need to agree on a default Perltidy configuration. See bug 30002. To be voted next meeting. 14:54 tcohen done 14:54 cait thank you 14:52 tcohen #action tcohen to send email about roles for 23.11 14:52 cait would someone send to the mailing list please? 14:52 tcohen #info Roles for 23.11 are open. Please put your name here: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roles_for_23.11 14:51 tcohen #topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, .. 14:51 tcohen I'd skip the next ones today 14:51 tcohen #info CSRF day postponed for after the release 14:50 tcohen #info Selenium and Cypress tests are passing already 14:50 tcohen #topic Actions from last meeting 14:50 cait yep 14:49 tcohen moving on? 14:49 cait thank you 14:49 cait but if you do.. please also DO QA :) 14:49 ashimema I'm not releasing you give me the go cait 14:49 cait please sign up for QA if you can - need more hands always 14:49 tcohen I don't think it has finished yet 14:49 cait I also put up the roles page for 23.11 14:49 cait [off] ashimema: can you give me a go at transaltions still? I can finish tonight 14:48 tcohen [off] and I've got the command 14:48 cait #info Numbers are constantly above 100, I hope we can push down some more, lots of bugs (faulty behaviour) ones too 14:48 tcohen [off] Bernardo has fired the update script 14:48 tcohen cait++ 14:47 cait #info Need more action from the whole QA team to fix the QA queue 14:47 cait again? :) 14:47 tcohen don't get distracted :-P 14:46 tcohen your turn, cait 14:46 tcohen #topic Updates from the QA Team 14:46 tcohen Maybe we finish the FA upgrade next cycle 14:46 ashimema oleonard++ 14:46 oleonard I'm making good progress! Thanks to all for testing and QA 14:46 cait PedroAmorim++ 14:45 cait oleonard++ 14:45 tcohen #info kudos to oleonard for his intensive work on streamlining the UI and normalizing the way we do things 14:45 cait yes, QA is too low... I have asked QA team to fix it... 14:44 tcohen #info Great work from PedroAmorim[m] to speed up the ILL requests page 14:44 cait i missed my topic 14:44 cait oh 14:44 tcohen #info ILL backends into core delayed for next cycle 14:44 khall #info Kyle M Hall, ByWater Solutions 14:44 tcohen #info Generic solution for CSRF delayed for early next cycle, unfortunately 14:43 tcohen #info Lots of things done or almost done 14:43 tcohen #link https://annuel.framapad.org/p/Roadmap_for_Koha_v23.05 14:42 tcohen #topic Status of roadmap projects 14:42 ashimema I've not been on QA much this month.. trying desperately hard to keep up on other commitments 14:41 tcohen hehe 14:41 ashimema just made it đ 14:41 ashimema #info 22.11.x is behind on this months release whilst we try to get strings sorted 14:41 tcohen #topic Updates from the QA Team 14:41 tcohen Skipping 14:41 tcohen rmaints? 14:41 tcohen #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers 14:40 tcohen #info Email sent to koha-translate to start the conversation about switching to another tool begining next cycle 14:40 tcohen #info tcohen asked the Translation Manager to hand us the commands that are used in Pootle to update things, so we have more hands able to do it 14:40 cait I'll have if you fail things :) 14:39 tcohen moving on? questino? 14:39 tcohen #info Contact tcohen if you really want your stuff pushed, so we have a clear understanding of the steps that follow and the chances they have to get pushed 14:38 tcohen #info Looking closely to a design discussion on Vue-land 14:38 tcohen #info Lots of things pushed, several interesting ones to get in in the next weeks. Hurry! 14:37 tcohen #topic Update from the Release Manager (23.05) 14:37 cait tcohen++ 14:37 tcohen moving on 14:37 tcohen #info Join at https://koha-us.org/2023/04/06/spring-into-fitness-koha-community-challenge-2023/ 14:37 tcohen #info 'Spring into Fitness: Koha Community Challenge 2023 (koha-US and ByWater Solutions)' 14:36 tcohen #action tcohen will reinforce it tomorrow 14:36 tcohen #info Andrii sent a reminder to the lists 14:35 cait too much this week and next week I'll have more time but too late 14:35 cait sorry not volunteering this time 14:34 tcohen say, tomorrow? 14:34 tcohen can anyone send a reminder to the lists? 14:34 tcohen #info Call for talks closes April 30th 14:33 tcohen #info KohaCon23 Update: 14:33 tcohen #topic Announcements 14:33 tcohen 10 more seconds 14:32 ashimema #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe 14:32 tcohen hi thd, nice to see you around (and everyone else of course) 14:32 thd #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City 14:32 oleonard #info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA 14:32 cait #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 14:32 tcohen #info Tomas Cohen Arazi 14:32 tcohen #topic Introductions 14:31 tcohen #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_26_April_2023 Today's agenda 14:31 huginn The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_26_april_2023' 14:31 huginn Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:31 huginn Meeting started Wed Apr 26 14:31:28 2023 UTC. The chair is tcohen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31 tcohen #startmeeting Development IRC Meeting 26 April 2023 14:31 cait next meetings? 14:31 cait but really anyone can 14:31 cait i can fire it up and make someone chari 14:31 cait we also probably need a plan for kohacon2024 14:30 tcohen can someone fire it up? 14:30 cait I need to finish something to send out - really only half here I ama fraid 14:30 cait also realyl happy if somoene else could do that one 14:30 tcohen agenda? 14:30 tcohen yeah 14:30 cait sending email about roles page etc 14:30 cait we need to action some stuff 14:30 tcohen let's have a small meeting 14:30 ashimema not many 14:29 ashimema less meetings, more doings I feel is the current status 14:29 tcohen is anyone around? 14:29 cait is next week too soon? 14:29 cait It not good at all, but I think we need to move again 14:29 ashimema honestly.. I'm also burning out here 14:29 * ashimema poked tcohen to see if we want to run it 14:29 thd Not enough people present for whom to chair. 14:28 cait but I really don't have time to chair right now :( 14:28 cait at least 14:27 cait we pused that one 2 tiems already I think 14:27 thd Yes, a low quorum. 14:27 cait this is bad 14:27 oleonard cait: There doesn't seem to be a quorum anyway 14:27 cait still doing training this week, that makes it a little more difficult for me than usual 14:27 thd cait: Are you chairing the meeting? 14:26 cait oleonard: sorry here now 14:26 thd People miss a something for whatever reason and the postponed date/time does not signify with people. 14:12 paulderscheid[m] Dev meeting seems to be dead 14:11 ashimema i'm only vaguely here 14:10 oleonard cait ashimema Joubu tcohen kidclamp ? 14:10 oleonard No wahanui :( 14:09 oleonard qa_team? 14:09 * oleonard bangs pots and pans together to wake everyone up 14:07 thd Is there a previously postponed meeting now? 13:30 TriveniChandriki[m] please help me on this 13:30 TriveniChandriki[m] search is not working 13:29 TriveniChandriki[m] /koha-dev/var/log/z3950-error.log (Permission denied) at /usr/share/perl5/Log/Log4perl/Appender/File.pm line 151.: /home/mittlib/kohaclone/catalogue/search.pl, referer: http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=a 13:29 TriveniChandriki[m] good evening 13:29 TriveniChandriki[m] hi all 13:28 ashimema excellent 13:26 tcohen it doesn't rely on distro-shipped yarn/node, but the official one, on the right version 13:25 ashimema thanks tcohen 13:25 tcohen and builds 22.11 packages correctly 13:25 tcohen mtj: koha-dpkg-docker is now functional 13:25 tcohen I asked him to share his recipe 13:23 cait I'll have an eye on pootle 13:22 ashimema thanks 13:22 tcohen poked him 13:21 ashimema I've prompted bernardo twice I think.. no replies so far 13:21 ashimema exactly 13:21 ashimema we announced freeze, but pootle hasn't got the latest yet 13:21 tcohen haven't been updated? 13:21 ashimema 22.11 strings 13:19 tcohen what is it? 13:17 tcohen hola 13:17 cait tcohen: can you help? i believe bernardo just needs to trigger a script 13:07 oleonard I guess sometimes Docker just isn't meant to be upgraded... 11:09 paulderscheid[m] And we could stay on the same version across koha versions + debian versions 11:09 paulderscheid[m] Maybe we could use nvm or even better fnm to install node instead of the packed version. Would give us more control mtj 10:53 mtj its possible that bullseye's version of node is too old (v12), so we need to get a newer version? (v14) 10:49 mtj the build-packages page on the wiki, has been updated with steps to install working node/yarn/gulp versions 10:48 mtj https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Building_Debian_Packages_-_The_Easy_Way 10:35 mtj i dont think i've tried using the pkg versions from the debian.org repo 10:32 mtj its possible that different versions of node/yarn/gulp might cause problems? 10:27 ashimema nice one 10:26 mtj if you grep for 'gulp-cli', you can see the node/yarn/gulp versions and install method 10:25 mtj ^ thats the build.log for the 22.11.04 package 10:25 mtj http://deb.kohaaloha.com/koha/deb/22.11.x/build.log 10:22 ashimema I have no idea what they're doing.. 10:22 ashimema đ 10:22 ashimema that's the idea 10:22 ashimema exactly 10:20 mtj ashimema: yes, afaik, fresh js/css gets built from Makefile.PL 10:19 ashimema coolios 10:19 ashimema so it's not out community packages that are the problem 10:16 mtj hi ashimema, they are building their own 10:16 ashimema packages for 22.11 are building the js and css correctly at packaging time right? 10:15 mtj hi tcohen, im about for a while, if you like to chat about docker package stuff 10:15 ashimema but.. I don't know if they're using packages or building their own? 10:15 ashimema Aleisha seems to be suggesting their 22.11.04 installs arent working 10:14 huginn 04Bug 32609: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs documenting , Remove compiled files from src 10:14 ashimema https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32609 10:14 ashimema not sure really.. 10:14 ashimema hi mtj 10:13 oleonard Hi #koha 10:10 mtj ashimema: can i help with anything? 10:09 mtj hey #koha 09:10 ashimema we're getting massively behind on the queue now too because of this 09:10 ashimema I've chased again 09:06 magnuse nb-NO 22.11 has not had any new strings to translate in a month 09:01 ashimema I just don't have time to chase this stuff up again 09:00 cait de-DE 09:00 cait check german, i didn't translate 22.11 for sure yet 09:00 ashimema how does one tell? 09:00 ashimema i have no idea 09:00 cait ashimema: are there strings to translate? I could do them in an hour or so 08:58 magnuse *sites 08:58 magnuse looks like some other site of ours have the same problem, but not all 08:48 ashimema ah, good call 08:47 magnuse this seems to have fixed it: update borrowers set date_renewed = NULL where date_renewed = '0000-00-00'; 08:45 magnuse the date_renewed column has some proper dates, some NULLs and some 0000-00-00 08:45 ashimema aleisha was reporting issues with the js/css build stuff on a bug too.. 08:45 magnuse :+1 08:44 ashimema I'm hoping to roll 22.11.05 later today 08:43 ashimema âšī¸ 08:42 magnuse anyone else seen that? 08:42 magnuse huh? upgraded to 22.11.04 last night and now some patron searches give a 500 error from the api, and this in the plack-api-error.log: [WARN] OpenAPI >>> GET api/v1/patrons [{"message":"Month out of range.","path":"\/body\/19\/date_renewed"},{"message":"Month out of range.","path":"\/body\/4\/date_renewed"},{"message":"Month out of range.","path":"\/body\/9\/date_renewed"}] 07:13 cait good morning #koha