Time Nick Message 06:16 magnuse_ \o/ 06:33 ashimema Subfield l looks promising cait 06:38 * dcook waves 06:49 Joubu can we get attention on bug 33491 bug 33483 and bug 33416 please? So that we fix Jenkins or other ERM related issues? 06:49 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33491 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , EBSCO Packages - Add new agreement UI has some issues 06:49 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33483 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Cannot link EBSCO's package with local agreement 06:49 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33416 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Agreements.ts is failing 06:58 ashimema I'm on them Joubu.. just finishing off a rebase of a customer branch for a colleague then I'll prioritise those 06:59 Joubu thx! 07:02 magnuse_ "An error occurred when updating this desk. Perhaps it already exists" that sounds wrong to me. that the desk exists should not be a reason for not updating it, i think? 07:02 magnuse_ there are several strings like that 07:02 ashimema lol 07:02 ashimema that's silly 07:07 magnuse_ slightly 07:07 Joubu I guess that has been copied from cities.tt, where you cannot have 2 cities with the same name, but the form let you edit the name. 07:08 magnuse_ ah, that makes sense, i guess 08:27 PedroAmorim[m] other ERM fixes that been sitting for a while looking for QA are 33354 and 33355 if anyone has the chance 09:44 ashimema so, we've had to write out own form validator as such for erm right? 09:45 * ashimema is looking at bug 33354 09:45 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33354 normal, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Signed Off , Error 400 Bad Request when submitting form in ERM 09:46 ashimema and... being picky... should we have a cypress test for this ? 09:47 PedroAmorim[m] yes 09:47 PedroAmorim[m] git grep "checkForm" under prog/js/vue 09:47 PedroAmorim[m] we should, but we've been postponing this test in particular because it opens a new browser window to search for patrons 09:47 PedroAmorim[m] and we have still to figure out a way to do that in cypress 09:48 PedroAmorim[m] ideally, I think we should have our own patron-search modal vue component and then test that 09:48 ashimema ah, ok 09:48 ashimema thanks for the clarifications 09:48 ashimema I've always felt the opening a new window for patron search was a bit odd 09:48 PedroAmorim[m] it definitely is, but I understand this is how it's done in other parts of koha 09:49 ashimema I've tended to try and use selcet2/autocomplete type searches instead whenever I can see they're appropriate 09:49 ashimema this may not be such a case 09:49 ashimema yeah.. for anything more clever than first three chars autocompelte type searches, the window at the moment is our best approach 09:49 ashimema I reckon we can do better some day 10:00 Joubu yes, like you said, it's like that for consistency with other parts of Koha 10:00 ashimema yeah 10:00 ashimema I hear you 🙂 10:00 ashimema we can work on that as another thing 10:01 Joubu we could have (and in other areas as well then) a select2 with infinite scrolling and using the patrons endpoints, with a link to open the "more filters" window 10:01 ashimema I like that idea 10:02 ashimema I've used select2 in a few newer submissions of late.. not sure if any have gone through QA yet 10:02 ashimema but yeah.. I like the idea of also adding the 'more filters' option to pop open a more advanced search.. be that in a new window or a modal 10:02 ashimema I suppose the issue with a modal is we could quickly find ourselves with multi-modal modality.. 10:02 ashimema which gets fun 11:32 marcelr o/ 11:34 marcelr ashimema: how did you get with the marc tag 765 report ? 11:34 ashimema i got distracted 😜 11:34 ashimema will revisit it after my meetings today 11:35 ashimema looked reasonable and sane in the review I started 11:35 marcelr thx 11:38 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:38 marcelr hi tcohen 11:52 tcohen \o 11:55 jo[m] Hi… probably a beginner question, I have problems with cataloging. I click on "New from Z39.50/SRU", search for anything, click on a result on Import, fill out the missing fields on the "Add MARC record" form, Save, then on the "Add Item" form on "Add Item", then it shows up there. When I click again on "Add Item", two items are listed. 11:55 jo[m] So far so good. But in the frontend OPAC search there are no results. And also in the backend cataloging search, there are no results in the cataloging, just in the reservoir. Am I missing a step, or could there be an mistake in the installation? I followed the steps for Debian stable on a freshly installed machine. 11:56 jo[m] I looked up the bugtracker but didn't find a similar problem. If it helps debuggig, I can also give access to this koha since I'll format everything afterwards anyways. 11:58 oleonard jo[m]: You installed using the koha package? 11:58 jo[m] yes, with deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/koha-keyring.gpg] https://debian.koha-community.org/koha stable main 12:01 oleonard Usually this kind of problem means an issue with indexing, either Zebra or Elasticsearch. But the fact that you can't find the record using cataloging search (which doesn't use the index) is weird 12:02 oleonard jo[m]: If you go to the about page are there any issues reported under the server information or system information tabs? 12:03 tcohen Joubu: is anyone looking at the ERM tests failures? 12:03 jo[m] System information: No warnings 12:04 ashimema see earlier conversation today tcohen 12:04 ashimema i'm working through QAing the one's he believe resolves them 12:04 ashimema you should see a few in the PQA state already 12:05 tcohen ok thanks ashimema 12:05 jo[m] Server Information: (green background): Memcached running, Zebra running, Message broker RabbitMQ, the grey/white rest is infos, no warning or error 12:05 tcohen yeah, they are on my local branch already 12:05 ashimema 🙂 12:07 jo[m] On koha team and timeline i get warnings that docdir might not be defined in koha-conf.xml… let's see if i can fix that, but probably shouldn't be the issue here 12:12 oleonard jo[m]: After you add a record and an item, while still on the item edit page, click the "Normal" tab in the sidebar to see if your record is there 12:14 Joubu tcohen: they are fixed with the PQA patches 12:16 jo[m] Yes, that looks good, it's there, details like ISBN on the top, and Holdings (1) in the current and home library, status available and so on 12:17 tcohen Joubu: thanks 12:21 magnuse__ jo[m]: sounds like you have zebra running, but maybe not the indexer. try checking with "$ sudo koha-indexer --status <instancename>" 12:23 jo[m] Hah! "Indexer not running for enzendorfer: failed!" 12:23 jo[m] lets see what koha-indexer --status enzendorfer does 12:23 jo[m] s/status/start/ 12:26 jo[m] "Indexer running for enzendorfer:." - yet still the same behaviour :-/ 12:26 jo[m] even after importing/adding another item 12:27 magnuse that is weird 12:27 magnuse try a full reindex with "sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -f -v enzendorfer"? 12:29 jo[m] output: https://pastebin.com/xiCYkUbV 12:32 jo[m] yet Cataloging - No results found, also for a freshly added item 12:42 jo[m] indexer-error.log and indexer-output.log both empty 12:44 jo[m] a search in the frontend opac gives two warnings about uninitialized values $hits and $times 12:46 marcelr ignore them 12:46 jo[m] yes 12:47 jo[m] also empty: api-error.log opac-error.log plack-api-error.log sip.log zebra-error.log zebra-output.log z3950-error.log worker-output.log 12:57 magnuse jo[m]: the output from "rebuild-zebra" looks ok. so this is weird 13:44 caroline good morning! 13:45 cait strings got updated 13:45 cait in case someone wants to know :) 13:54 ashimema bug 32721 is nice if any friendly QA person wants to help nudge it over the finish line 😜 13:54 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32721 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, matt.blenkinsop, Signed Off , Allow UserCSS and UserJS at branch level 14:19 magnuse ashimema: oh, that sounds awesome! 14:20 ashimema it's one I liked the idea of so gave to one of our new devs as one of their first bugs to sharpen their skills on 14:20 ashimema it's pretty cool 14:24 marcelr does anyone know what is the current status of translating authorised values ? 14:24 marcelr we still dont huh ? 14:25 marcelr bug 20307 14:25 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20307 new feature, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, BLOCKED , Language overlay for authorized values 14:25 marcelr bug 24977 14:25 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24977 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, ASSIGNED , Enable translations for authorised values (POC) 14:26 marcelr too bad :) 14:26 ashimema i really really really want that 14:26 cait we all do 14:26 cait lots of tickets linked to that one 14:27 ashimema but I've put so much time into trying to help nurse it through.. I'm at a lose as to how to progress it. 14:27 marcelr stumbling over them again 14:27 marcelr two parallel devs 14:27 ashimema I think we need jajm, joubu and I to just sit in a room together to finalise it 14:27 marcelr marseille ? 14:28 marcelr cait: now I am translating Not for loan, but all these other AV ones are just .. what they are 14:28 cait ah yes 14:29 marcelr bug 30352 14:29 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30352 major, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, ASSIGNED , "Not for loan" in result list doesn't translate in OPAC 14:29 cait ok, I understand 14:29 cait but right now we have a gemran catalog with the not for loan really standing out 14:29 cait and because it#s no span or such my tricks have failed me 14:29 cait text nodes are really hard to target :( 14:29 marcelr i resolve it in the xslt now 14:29 marcelr not in the module 14:29 ashimema indeed 14:30 cait it's small but really visible - I'll be very happy to test 14:30 marcelr great will submit today or tomorrow 14:33 cait thx 14:33 cait I realyl tried, but got lost there 14:37 Joubu marcelr: there are 2 implementations already. A first step forward would be to give your opinion on them. 14:49 marcelr and choose the one where the author will move forward ! 14:49 marcelr how do i know that? 14:49 marcelr :) 15:01 Joubu marcelr: both implementations were ready at some point... 15:01 Joubu now it's just hard work to reach the same state, not very motivating 15:03 Joubu marcelr: you could start there https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24975#c16 15:03 huginn 04Bug 24975: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Patch doesn't apply , Refactor database translations 15:04 marcelr will have a look; thx 15:04 marcelr lots of time, np :) 15:07 marcelr but for now, good evening all 15:34 reiveune bye 17:13 caroline did we miss the meeting again? 18:13 oleonard hahaha we sure did caroline 18:13 oleonard davidnind can't leave us alone for one second 18:14 caroline he sent us a reminder too 18:17 davidnind lol 🙃 22:46 aleisha hello