Time Nick Message 21:31 aleisha hello 18:11 caroline thanks davidnind! 18:11 davidnind aude_c caroline looking at fixing the manual build now (I hadn't updated the build process for 22.22..._) 18:06 oleonard Is issues_stats.pl broken? 17:10 oleonard Hello to you too fridolin :D 17:02 fridolin yellow 16:38 cait aude_c[m]: I am travelling the day before, but should be in the office then 16:04 caroline Thanks aude_c[m]++ 16:03 aude_c[m] caroline cait davidnind-away Joubu krimsonkharne ashimema I'm putting this in the diary a looong time in advance, but let me know if timing is already a problem for you 😃 16:03 aude_c[m] Meeting link will be https://meet.jit.si/moderated/f940c0462e7e38bfba07e77057f95af2c29a14a8596907b03035ab4b5fe235c8 16:03 aude_c[m] Automated screenshots for Documentation: meeting proposed Thursday 29 June 11:00 GMT (for the time where you are, check https://greenwichmeantime.com/event-time/share/?name=Koha%2520Doc%2520automated%2520screenshots&stamp=1688036400&theme=meeting) 15:43 tcohen ok, only cypress tests are failing right now 15:23 reiveune bye 15:23 cait caroline: it builds the files I think for vue 14:53 caroline (even if it said that it was already up-to-date) 14:53 caroline yarn install did the trick 14:48 caroline hm, yeah it's not helping... I applied the 3 patches, did yarn build and the form still looks the same 14:39 caroline I'll try applying this before 32931 and see if it's better 14:38 caroline ah thank you MatthewBlenkinsop[m] ! 14:38 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33355 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Signed Off , ERM UI and markup has some issues 14:38 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] There's a bug going through QA at the moment that fixes that UI issue in the New Agreement form - bug 33355 14:37 caroline thanks oleonard! 14:36 oleonard-away I thought it did caroline but I'm woefully behind on my Vue understanding 14:25 caroline Does yarn build work for the vue files too, or do I have to do another command? 14:12 aude_c[m] Thanks! 14:09 caroline It looks like the same error as before 14:09 caroline davidnind, can you have a look at https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/pipelines/839319792/failures 14:08 caroline The commit is on the pile, so the cherry-pick worked https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/commits/manual22.11.x 14:07 caroline aude_c[m], it looks to me like a problem with the manual build (building of the manual, not building manually) 14:05 aude_c[m] caroline: No... Pipeline failed https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/merge_requests/660 Can you see where I went wrong, please? (I picked your latest commit because it looked like something straightforward!) 14:03 caroline aude_c[m], did the cherry-pick work? 14:02 caroline ERM > Agreements > New agreement 14:02 caroline Does the New agreement form look like this for anyone else? (Is perpetual after the options, white part shorter at the top) https://snipboard.io/1OihwJ.jpg 13:44 tcohen caroline++ 13:39 cait oleonard++ 13:39 cait caroline++ 13:38 oleonard :) 13:38 tcohen oleonard++ # by the way 13:37 caroline Good morning 13:36 cait kidclamp++ tcohen++ 13:21 tcohen kidclamp++ 12:44 davewood magnuse: thank you 12:43 davewood CronjobLog 12:42 magnuse the cronjob should be logged in action_logs, if logging of cronjobs is activated. probably a syspref called CronLogs? 12:38 davewood i checked table message_queues but no success 12:38 davewood does koha log these things? if yes, where? 12:38 davewood a user didnt receive a cronjob report email. /usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/runreport.pl 117 --format=html --to=foo@bar.at 12:22 cait kidclamp++ 11:13 tcohen wb davidnind 11:10 tcohen \o hola #koha 11:04 magnuse \o 10:18 oleonard o/ 09:01 paulderscheid[m] Hi cait 09:00 cait morning paulderscheid[m] 08:54 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 08:45 cait davidnind++ 08:17 PedroAmorim[m] morning o/ 08:16 davidnind 🙂 08:09 cait davidnind: I can confirm you being yourself :) 07:44 davidnind (on IRC) 07:44 davidnind I confirm I am myself again 🙃 07:43 davidnind hopefully I am back to being myself 07:19 davidnz looks like my name is wrong again... still the same david from NZ 😀 07:16 cait or new david? 07:16 cait new nick? 07:16 cait hi davidnz :) 07:16 davidnz hi cait! 07:15 cait good morning #koha 06:25 reiveune hello