Time Nick Message 19:52 Col routines. Log viewer? 19:52 Col I made some further progress, I commented out three routines that threw errors from the updatedatabase.pl file, specifically,, Everything else including the zebra index rebuild was successful. The server is working on the newest version and it seems our data is there. I am not really sure how to check if there will be lingering errors due to bypassing those 17:52 Col I did some searching on the listserv archives but I wasn't able to find anything that resembles it. I looked at adding an sql mode to allow invalid dates but didn't have any luck. Has anyone seen something like this before during their schema updates> 17:51 Col Hello, I am making some progress with moving Koha 3.16 to the latest version, but I am running into an issue with the schema update. The error is related to an invalid Datetime and screenshot can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/iWYIXuL 10:35 paulderscheid[m] Was a Team effort ;) 02:31 mtj tcohen: oops, arm64-runner fixed 02:29 mtj paulderscheid[m]++ many thanks for the set_arch() patch 🍻