Time Nick Message 06:09 * magnuse waves from 06:11 * dcook waves to magnuse 06:15 magnuse kia ora dcook 06:16 magnuse see you in marseille next year? :-) 06:17 magnuse kia ora cait 06:19 dcook magnuse: We can hope although it sounds like a lot of people got sick this time around? :( 06:19 magnuse yeah, it did 06:22 magnuse but not until the end of the hackfest ;-) 06:22 cait there is always a risk now when people come together... but it was still a great week 06:25 reiveune hello 06:25 magnuse bonjour reiveune 06:25 ashimema Morning 06:26 * ashimema is home too now 06:27 cait how was your vacation? :) 06:29 cait ok brb 06:40 magnuse bonjour ashimema 06:41 * cait waves 07:12 Joubu @later tell tcohen we actually need a pre-push hook for RM to tell them to run yarn install when package.json is modified (and commit yarn.lock if not done yet) 07:12 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:13 ashimema nice idea Joubu 08:59 ashimema cait++ #QA Machine 09:03 cait heh :) 09:04 magnuse wow cait++ 09:05 cait ... now imagine what I could have done without my souvenir from Marseille... 09:28 ashimema @later tell mtj are packages built from tags or branches?.. I'm thinking 22.11.04 09:28 huginn ashimema: The operation succeeded. 09:51 TriveniChandriki[m] good afternoon 09:52 TriveniChandriki[m] when i am runing fines.pl 09:52 TriveniChandriki[m] i am facing this issue 09:52 * TriveniChandriki[m] uploaded an image: (75KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/RWwZarKjlqPUKZfQJkwzYvvw/image.png > 09:54 * TriveniChandriki[m] uploaded an image: (440KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/itzGvvAMQdzqULRQOmUQtTcd/image.png > 09:54 TriveniChandriki[m] this is log file 09:54 TriveniChandriki[m] please help me on this 09:56 cait trivenichandriki don't export the variables, run the script as the koha user 09:56 cait sudo koha-shell instance 09:56 cait the link to koha-conf.xml is not found, that has the db connection information 10:00 TriveniChandriki[m] i am doing git installation 10:01 TriveniChandriki[m] this client i am facing issue. other client working properly 10:05 cait then you probably have an issue with the paths 10:06 TriveniChandriki[m] This one different system aslo testing. Same problem 10:06 TriveniChandriki[m] In data any issues is there 10:23 cait I don't run things in a git installation - I can't help you more than that 10:23 cait I think the paths are probably wrong 10:45 oleonard o/ 10:47 cait hi oleonard :) 10:52 TriveniChandriki[m] <cait> "I don't run things in a git..." <- Ok 12:07 paulderscheid[m] Are you there oleonard ? 12:07 oleonard yes 12:07 paulderscheid[m] Do you want to check out penpot? 12:08 oleonard I was planning to 12:08 paulderscheid[m] I have an instance running for testing. I'll dm you the creds 12:09 oleonard Oh cool, thanks! 12:09 ashimema Nice 12:10 paulderscheid[m] You want one too ashimema ? 12:10 ashimema still catching up on all the things at the minute so best not let myself get distracted 12:10 paulderscheid[m] Alright 12:10 ashimema but at some point maybe đ 12:26 cait similar for me... not getting distracted 12:31 paulderscheid[m] I'm still adjusting the infrastructure anyway. When setup properly there'll probably be an email registration. 12:32 cait thx paulderscheid[m] 12:32 cait paulderscheid++ 12:32 ashimema bug 22276 and friends 12:32 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22276 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, RESOLVED FIXED, Add client storage of user-selected DataTables configuration 12:33 ashimema do we want to just outright enable stateSave for all datatables.. or require we set it? 12:33 * ashimema is looking at moving the code to centralise it a bit 12:38 paulderscheid[m] This is a useful feature but I think enabling it by default may lead to confusion for some users. 12:38 ashimema mmm 12:39 ashimema that worried me slightly too 12:40 paulderscheid[m] On the other hand one could argue that the tables are straightforward enough in ergonomics to easily set it how you want it again. 12:40 ashimema I'm tempted to only require 'stateSave: true' and do the rest internally though.. rather than require devs to add all the other bits for each table themselves 12:40 ashimema also true 12:41 paulderscheid[m] I see your point. 12:41 ashimema I think the bit that surprised me here was I initially thought it was just about columns 12:41 ashimema reading the datatables page is appears to save more.. like the current filter/search and things? 12:41 ashimema and pagination. 12:41 paulderscheid[m] Yeah 12:42 cait if you jump back and forth from the page (a lot of people don't use tabs) that would proably be nice? 12:42 ashimema that could be more confusing 12:42 ashimema mmm 12:42 ashimema I understand your point cait 12:42 ashimema well 12:42 ashimema I'll stick a patch somewhere and people can adopt it and take it forward 12:43 paulderscheid[m] I think cait has a great point there. If you navigate in a single tab, the stateSave would be insanely useful. 12:43 ashimema another option.. only enable it where table_settings is passed? 12:44 cait yes, maybe 12:44 paulderscheid[m] That sounds like a logical approach. 12:45 cait although for some tables it could still be super useful 12:45 cait hm we can start there and still extend I guess 'on demand' :) 12:45 Joubu it's awful IMO. If you search for something and find it, click, go navigate, etc. Then come back again (even the day after), the table will be displayed filtered, sorted, etc. like it was before 12:45 paulderscheid[m] It's rather useful in a single session. 12:45 Joubu at least please let me disable it globally :D 12:46 Joubu 'on demand' is also awful 12:46 ashimema lol 12:46 Joubu some tables will be configured like that and others not? 12:46 cait i meant we could make the feature broader if people ask for it 12:46 ashimema I've created a hornets nest 12:46 cait ok, so maybe we just keep the columns? 12:46 Joubu 1 bug report per table we have in Koha? 12:46 paulderscheid[m] Haha 12:46 cait Joubu: ashimema was working ons omething globally i think 12:46 ashimema yeah.. it's the one bug per table that was annoying me Joubu 12:47 ashimema but I get your point also about making it optional to the end user somehow 12:47 Joubu yes, that's why I am not against an implementation that will "do it for all" (if we can disable it :D) 12:47 paulderscheid[m] I like the idea of having my table states saved during a session. When I log in the next day I'd expect everything to be reset. 12:47 paulderscheid[m] That'd be my expectation of that feature. 12:48 ashimema I really shouldn't have let myself get distracted by this 12:48 Joubu ashimema: yes please, do it :D 12:48 Joubu at least to avoid 1 bug per table! :) 12:55 ashimema hmm 12:55 ashimema did anyone test this works as is.. now I dig through the code it doesn't look quite right 12:56 ashimema we appear to expect the columns_settings form still rather than the table_settings for we switched to 13:02 Joubu bug 27467 is the way :D 13:02 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27467 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , Provide a static URL for tables 13:03 ashimema đ 13:03 ashimema that does similar does it not? 13:05 Joubu it modifies the url, so the back button will work as expected 13:06 Joubu and it keeps the column filtering (there is a dedicated patch for that so I guess the implementation we pushed recently does not do that) 13:07 ashimema the patch we pushed is a bit half way 13:07 ashimema it does more that I think it says on the box 13:07 ashimema it uses saveState to do the column stuff 13:07 ashimema but it also expects you to set saveState so has side effects.. 13:08 ashimema looking at the docs.. I'm not sure if we actually need to set saveState.. it looks like since 1.11. datatables stores it regardless and only uses it if set to true 13:08 ashimema thus we could grab from the stored variable regardless.. 13:08 ashimema what dt are we on these days? 13:10 Joubu 1.10.18 13:10 ashimema darn 13:10 ashimema so we do need it 13:19 caroline good morning! 13:26 cait hi caroline :) 13:27 Joubu tcohen: about the cypress failure Koha_Master/2471 - this is (again) a random one. I don't recreate it right now locally, but I have seen similar one 13:27 Joubu it happens in AfterAll (when we are click outside the Vue app), and it's removed by bug 32983 13:27 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32983 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs documenting , Use REST API route to retrieve authorised values 13:28 Joubu it's not that one... 13:28 Joubu bug 33408 13:28 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33408 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Fetch sysprefs from svc/config/systempreferences 13:28 Joubu I would not spend time on it before we have 33408 pushed to master 13:28 Joubu also for PedroAmorim[m] ^^ 14:06 ashimema bug 33484 14:06 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33484 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, NEW , Generalise table saveState for all tables 14:16 tcohen +1 14:19 ashimema though I agree with Joubu's fears.. enabling it by default for all could be really rather jarring 14:19 ashimema I wish we could just get the column handling without enabling all the rest.. maybe make the other state stuff more optional 14:20 ashimema it would be trivial with dt 1.11.. but needs some extra wrapper code for our version âšī¸ 14:41 paulderscheid[m] I think I can finally appreciate the Koha::Objects implementation đĨŗ First time I actually went through the whole thing. 15:20 reiveune bye 15:40 tcohen Joubu: no yarn.lock changes with yarn install 15:40 tcohen ashimema: worth a try? 15:40 tcohen paulderscheid[m]: great! 15:41 ashimema ? 15:57 cait hm any Elasticserach experts aruond? 15:57 cait I am updating some training materials we have... and have some questions 15:58 cait like: any index: Zebre: full record. Elasticsearch: ? 15:58 cait From testing I think it's only "What is indexed somehow", but not completely sure 16:01 cait kidclamp: ping? :) 16:01 cait paulderscheid[m]: ping? :) 16:03 paulderscheid[m] What do you want to achieve. I'm 4 sure no expert, btw :D 16:09 caroline cait, I'm not an expert either, but from the behaviour I observed, yes "everything" in ES is "everything that is indexed". So if a subfield is not indexed in a specific index, it will never show up in search 16:19 kidclamp Unless you change the format for es records to searchable array 16:19 kidclamp Then you can have full search again 16:19 kidclamp Otherwise we store compiled Marc 16:22 cait is it recommended to do one or theother? 16:22 cait kidclamp++ also :) 16:22 cait paulderscheid[m]: understanding mostly - I am giving training next week and they are using Elasticsearch, but we don't yet :) 16:22 kidclamp One takes less space 16:22 cait so have to learn myself 16:23 cait kidclamp: what do you use? 16:23 kidclamp Marc unless someone asks 16:23 kidclamp The other gives you the ability to query specific Marc Fields as well 16:24 cait hm so without the index... i coudl do a marc field search? 16:24 cait i mean without having a specific index defined 16:24 cait i could tell it to search marc xxx 16:24 cait ? 16:27 cait kidclamp: ^ 16:28 kidclamp Yeah, I don't know the exact syntax, but can find later 16:28 kidclamp Or look the at Marc search plugin we have 16:28 cait can you maybe point me to it? 16:29 cait to the plugin 16:30 kidclamp https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-opac-marc-search 16:30 cait thank you kidclamp :) 20:37 cait hm the ERM module seems broken :( 20:37 cait I have git pulled, ktd pulled 20:37 cait and the tables are not showing 20:38 cait Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: currentRenderingInstance is null 20:47 Joubu yarn build? 20:47 Joubu well, should have been run by ktd startup 20:48 Joubu if you have /kohadevbox/koha/node_modules, then you need to either remove it, or run `yarn install` 20:48 cait i did that 20:48 cait and shut down my ktd twice now 20:48 cait i just posted the errors in full on bug 33066 20:48 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33066 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , We need a KohaTable Vue component 20:48 cait I#ll try yarn instal 20:50 cait you were right, that fixed it 20:52 Joubu it's easier to remove the node_modules directory and let ktd does the things for you 20:53 cait I'll try to do that next time 20:55 cait thx for the help :) 20:56 cait Joubu++ 20:57 cait back on the aliases now