Time Nick Message 15:54 mjk-nesfa So, I don't know if my setup is just borked or its's a general bug, but patron search seems broken. 15:56 mjk-nesfa Every time I try to run a search, I get stuck at "Processing" and things seem to time out 16:44 cait you API is not working 16:44 cait mjk-nesfa: let me find the trouble shoot page for you 16:45 cait ... and not finding it, but look for Koha REST API not working 16:48 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/REST_API_Debug 17:17 mjk-nesfa Somehow, a bunch of packages had been installed by CPAN. Nuking that and going with the OS files fixed it 17:17 mjk-nesfa Thanks for the link 17:31 RudyHinojosa[m] what is the recommended version of MariaDb to run with the latest Koha? 17:37 RudyHinojosa[m] currently using 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1. getting strange results with Zebra or Elasticsearch settings. 17:40 davidnz Rudy Hinojosa: see https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/System_requirements_and_recommendations 17:41 davidnz Generally, whatever installs by default with the OS version you are using should be OK 17:43 davidnz Have you tried a full reindex? (https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Commands_provided_by_the_Debian_packages#Zebra) 17:44 davidnz I don't know enough, and won't be much help, but I don't think the database you are using has much effect on the search results (as Zebra/Elasticsearch use indexes created outside the database) 17:45 RudyHinojosa[m] Thank you. Yeah, the full reindex presents errors too. I tried using bulkmarcimport.pl. The only change I made to the pl was to include the deleting of the biblio_metadata table if the-d switch is used. 17:48 davidnz I think that may mean you have errors in your records, sorry I don't know much more to help with that 17:49 RudyHinojosa[m] I was leaning that way, I logged in to the front end no issue, and did a z39 search to see if I could add any one single record, and got a 500 error. 17:50 davidnz It's quite quiet here at the moment (weekend still in Europe and US) - I would suggest posting to the mailing list with some more details to help with troubleshooting 17:55 davidnz I've never altered any of the scripts, with the reindexing using the package commands the -d option deletes the current index (Zebra: koha-rebuild-zebra -d -f -v instancename AND Elasticsearch: koha-elasticsearch --rebuild -d -b -a instancename) 17:55 davidnz Did you try manually adding a minimal record? 17:59 davidnz Other things that will help others troubleshooting: the exact version of Koha you have installed (e.g. Koha 22.11.02, I assume it is a fresh install), how you installed (using the packages is the recommended way), a sample MARC21 record (you can use https://paste.koha-community.org/ to share errors/larger text extracts) 18:12 davidnz cait++ (QAing all the things!) 18:15 RudyHinojosa[m] Thanks, David, You are very helpful. 18:17 * RudyHinojosa[m] uploaded an image: (77KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/NlymPYTwcpfvdkSZzIUtpPnv/image.png > 18:18 RudyHinojosa[m] no exceptions at the moment. 18:24 davidnz I'm assuming that when you changed the search engine used (SearchEngine system preference) that you have reindexed (I think this is required, but I could be wrong) 18:28 davidnz For the records (and items) you are trying to import, the codes you have used (such as for libraries and the MARC framework) need to match what you have configured in Koha 18:33 RudyHinojosa[m] yes. I did confirm all this. Is there a script to validate the koha database integrity? 18:34 * RudyHinojosa[m] uploaded an image: (248KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/RJwLLxISwICqBMnPkrxFexkU/image.png > 18:42 davidnz MARC bibliographic framework test: Administration > Catalog > MARC bibliographic framework test 18:42 davidnz Data inconsistencies - run this script: misc/maintenance/search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl 18:47 davidnz Not having some of those tables in your database (if I have read the log right) will cause some major issues - if you don't have the systempreferences table, then I'm not sure how your Koha is working 🤔 18:50 davidnz Depending on how far you got with configuring Koha for your instance, it may be better to start fresh and delete the instance and create a new one - if you have missing tables, then something has gone wrong... (see the package commands page above) 18:51 davidnz You can check if the tables exist by going into your database (koha-mysql instancename) and check if they are there... 19:01 RudyHinojosa[m] it's there. 723 records. 19:01 RudyHinojosa[m] i'm starting to feel that the instance account doesn't have full permissions to access all the tables. 19:11 davidnz in the development environment we use - on master there are 803 rows in systempreferences: I don't think that many new system preferences would have added since 22.11 19:20 davidnz when setting up a new instance, the required permissions should be setup correctly (see https://paste.koha-community.org/3849 for what is in the development environment, where kohadev is the instance name) 19:23 davidnz Also, on the About Koha page, check whether there are any errors under the 'System information' tab, and check that there are no missing or incorrect Perl modules under the 'Perl modules' tab 19:34 RudyHinojosa[m] so your kohadev doesn't have any privys? 19:38 davidnz doesn't look like it (bearing in mind this is a development environment, and I have never set up a production environment...) 19:44 RudyHinojosa[m] Ok, I can import the mrc record file from the front end now, but not via bulkmarcimport. 19:50 davidnz I've only every used the UI to import small samples of records for testing, haven't used bulkimport script so I won't be much help there (use -h for options and help) 21:12 RudyHinojosa[m] goodness. the uploaded file didn't have read permissions. so bulkimport just said "all done! 0 records imported", instead of "hmm I can't seem to open this file. check permissions" ..that would be to useful I guess. ;)