Time Nick Message 00:18 tcohen mtj: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-elasticsearch-icu/-/jobs/4062770908 00:18 tcohen mtj++ 02:05 tcohen @later tell rangi certs for irc.k-c need review 02:05 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 04:45 aleisha tcohen: it might be good to email rangi, he's in delhi at the moment so not sure how frequently he's checking this :) 06:42 reiveune hello 07:02 mtj hi folks, the dev/master KTD images are now fixed - so pull a new version 08:08 rangi[m] hi tcohen, just in a break, ill update them now 08:09 rangi[m] hows that now? 08:09 Joubu rangi[m]: it's fixed, thanks! :) 08:09 rangi[m] certbot auto renew with nginx is a bit janky 08:09 rangi[m] sometimes it works (like all the other sites) and sometimes it misses one 08:10 rangi[m] i had planned to have people submit some patches in this workshop but im the only one with a laptop, so im just talking for hours instead 08:11 Joubu lol 08:11 Joubu talking about what? 08:15 Joubu tuxayo, mtj, tcohen, ashimema: The ktd git log is very confusing. We need to enforce the Issue + merge request rule. We need first to open an issue, then create the merge request with and link both (Commit title starting with "Issue #123") 08:15 rangi[m] im at Delhi University, and my workshop is how to contribute to koha 08:15 Joubu It helps to know where a commit is coming from, and have a discussion on the issue instead of the merge request 08:15 mtj hi rangi[m], Joubu 08:16 rangi[m] if we can get 1% of libraries in India to contribute in some way, that will be a lot. so thats my plan 08:16 Joubu rangi[m]: guess you will talk about sandoxes then! :) 08:16 rangi[m] definitely 08:16 rangi[m] my plan was to walk people through install the ktd 08:16 rangi[m] but i had to just demonstrate it instead 08:18 Joubu if you have some IT people in the public ktd is good to show, but it may scare non-tech people :D 08:18 rangi[m] yep :) 08:18 rangi[m] ok closing element for the next session 08:19 mtj ciao rangi[m] 08:20 mtj hi Joubu, sorry about the reverts in KTD repo - was for an emergency fix that was not needed 08:27 Joubu mtj: it was not only for you, all of us ;) 08:32 mtj Joubu: yep, understood - and your point is taken :) 09:29 * cait1 waves 09:29 cait1 almost back 09:30 cait oh i missed rangi 10:56 tcohen hola #koha o/ 10:56 tcohen mtj++ 13:40 emlam hi all 13:48 PedroAmorim[m] hi o/ 14:18 Joubu ¡Test everything! :D 14:18 Joubu regressions-- 14:30 tcohen Joubu: we are known for not introducing regressions, and testing everything 15:06 emlam meeting time? 15:08 caroline That's what I have in my calendar too 15:10 caroline I can chair, but if we're only two, I don't think it's worth it 15:11 emlam yeah, probably not 15:12 * emlam shrugs 15:14 caroline tuxayo around? 15:15 * ashimema waves from Exmoor holidays whilst he has a few minutes of signal 15:20 caroline I guess we'll postpone. Next week is out because there is a Dev meeting, so the week after? the 19th? 15:21 caroline #startmeeting General IRC meeting 5 April 2023 15:21 huginn Meeting started Wed Apr 5 15:21:47 2023 UTC. The chair is caroline. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:21 huginn Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:21 huginn The meeting name has been set to 'general_irc_meeting_5_april_2023' 15:22 caroline #info Meeting postponed to April 19th for lack of participants 15:22 caroline #info Next meeting: 19 April 2023, 15 UTC 15:23 caroline #endmeeting 15:23 huginn Meeting ended Wed Apr 5 15:23:03 2023 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 15:23 huginn Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/general_irc_meeting_5_april_2023.2023-04-05-15.21.html 15:23 huginn Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/general_irc_meeting_5_april_2023.2023-04-05-15.21.txt 15:23 huginn Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/general_irc_meeting_5_april_2023.2023-04-05-15.21.log.html 15:25 caroline Ok I changed the calendar, but I need someone to run the script to generate the minutes and update the wiki page 15:26 caroline @later tell tuxayo I postponed the general meeting to april 19th, I already updated the calendar, can you run the script to generate the minutes and wiki page? Thanks! 15:26 huginn caroline: The operation succeeded. 15:30 emlam caroline++ 15:34 caroline Still no proposals for KohaCOn24 :( https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon24_Proposals 15:47 cait caroline: oh noes,s orry for missing the meeting 15:48 caroline cait, I figured y'all were on your sickbeds after hackfest 15:48 cait i am kinda back, but maybe not 100% 16:01 reiveune bye 18:28 mtj hi tcohen, ive added a patch for arm64 support to bin/ktd script 18:28 mtj https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/442 18:29 tcohen mtj: let it go through the usual QA process 18:29 tcohen I'll review tomorrow 18:29 tcohen thanks 18:30 mtj np, assigned to you :) 18:30 mtj https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/442/diffs?commit_id=7fa615221598ac73d2d65a2b80886bf80129bf70 18:33 mtj ooh, i see a typo 18:37 mtj https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/443/diffs?commit_id=9121e16fd12480f83ac04f3a745780edffe456bf 19:29 cait caroline++ # being awesome 19:29 caroline gee thanks! :) 19:30 caroline I'm screenshoting this to look at it next time i'm depressed ;) 19:37 cait I can also repeat it anyime 19:38 cait just tell me you need to hear it :) 22:03 aleisha morning!