Time Nick Message 02:30 TriveniChandriki[m] Hi good morning all 06:41 reiveune hello 06:51 alex_ Bonjour 06:53 * dcook waves to the Europeans 07:52 paulderscheid[m] tuxayo: You really turned them inside-out ^^ But that's a good thing. 07:57 * cait waves 07:59 paulderscheid[m] Morning cait 08:00 cait not quite back yet, but well enough to hang out a little 08:01 MichaelaSieberBIB[m] :-) 08:01 cait and only about 1.200 unread bug mails... lol 08:02 Joubu \o/ 08:10 Joubu PedroAmorim[m]: see bug 33370, what about the second patch? 08:10 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33370 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Agreements_spec.ts is failing randomly 08:11 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 08:12 Joubu I am still getting weird random failures however... 08:13 paulderscheid[m] Still related to the order of request fulfillment? 08:14 Joubu maybe, maybe not 08:14 Joubu the patch is supposed to fix that 08:14 Joubu so either the patch is not enough/correct, or it's something else 08:21 Joubu and it's something else 08:33 Joubu @later tell tcohen jenkins is green but cypress tests didn't run... Koha_Master/2457 didn't we fix that 3x already? 08:33 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:35 Joubu @later tell tcohen Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/lib/koha/kohadev/.cache/Cypress/9.7.0/binary_state.json' - this is the error I showed you on Friday in ktd.. 08:35 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:02 mtj hi folks, any chance we can fix package builds today? and push follow-up for bug 33168 09:02 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33168 normal, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Signed Off , Timeline on "About Koha" is not working for package installs 09:21 cait yes please :) 09:21 cait tcohen: 09:25 Joubu I am about to push it 09:26 Joubu mtj: done 09:41 mtj Joubu++ merci beaucoup 10:01 MichaelaSieberBIB[m] is anyone willing to be the qa contact for Bug 33302 ? 10:01 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33302 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Placing item level holds in OPAC allows to pick forbidden pick-up locations, but then places no hold 10:19 oleonard o/ 11:41 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:46 tcohen mtj++ 12:01 tcohen Joubu: how should I reproduce locally? 12:02 tcohen and about the cypress tests and geometry, can we scroll to make it less fragile? 12:04 Joubu reproduce what? 12:04 Joubu scrolling - it's what the patch does 12:04 Joubu bug 33400 12:04 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33400 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Titles_spec.ts is failing because alert is not visible 12:05 tcohen the permissiosn problem 12:05 Joubu did you try a fresh ktd? 12:06 Joubu it happened to me this morning again when I tried `qa` on patches that had vue changes 12:07 tcohen will try, thanks 13:35 mtj hi tcohen, i added an arm64 image for master/bullseye on ktd 13:37 mtj perhaps we could could add some arm64 arch detection, so ktd magically pulls the correct image 13:38 mtj ktd pull; ktd up, etc... 13:40 * mtj cant think of a best solution for that 13:48 mtj ktd script could run `uname -m` to detect 'aarch64' 14:21 paulderscheid[m] uname -m seems like a sensible choice. I also use it in some scripts for the same purpose. 14:22 paulderscheid[m] Also mtj++ for maintaining 14:25 pastebot "mtj" at pasted "ktd on arm64" (19 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/2847 14:25 mtj hi paulderscheid[m], does that work for you? ^ 14:31 mtj paulderscheid[m]: what does 'uname -m' return on your apple lappy? 14:31 paulderscheid[m] arm64 14:31 paulderscheid[m] docker compose failed 14:37 paulderscheid[m] Btw, mtj Google Cloud now also has arm machines in stock `t2a-standard` 14:38 mtj ohh great news 14:41 paulderscheid[m] I think it's so much better than AWS 14:41 paulderscheid[m] But I'm opinionated ^^ 14:42 mtj paulderscheid[m]: can you paste the docker compose error 14:43 paulderscheid[m] I'm at it 14:43 paulderscheid[m] Doesn't pastebot automatically paste to IRC? 14:44 mtj yeah, but you need to select #koha channel too, in form 14:44 paulderscheid[m] I did 14:44 paulderscheid[m] I think my nick was wrong 14:44 pastebot "paulderscheid[m]" at pasted "docker output" (509 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/2850 14:45 paulderscheid[m] Ahh, the [m] 14:46 Joubu tcohen: we should reschedule a git repack - https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/task/20 From 5G to 1G... 14:55 mtj paulderscheid[m]: koha-koha-1 | Base class package "Crypt::CBC" is empty. 14:55 paulderscheid[m] Yeah 14:56 mtj hmm, i get the same error too... i think its new 14:56 paulderscheid[m] Real strange 14:56 paulderscheid[m] Already encountered that this morning 14:56 paulderscheid[m] Thought it was a 'me' problem :D 15:01 mtj 1 tic, will test... 15:36 tcohen Joubu: good catch 15:37 tcohen will launch it later today 15:37 tcohen will announce to the list 16:03 reiveune bye 16:05 mtj hi tcohen, Joubu, looks like we need to add the following pkgs as deps 16:05 mtj libauth-googleauth-perl libcrypt-cbc-perl 16:15 mtj paulderscheid[m]: should be working now -> https://paste.koha-community.org/2847 16:23 mtj the weird 'Base class package "Crypt::CBC" is empty' error happens on master/bullseye too 16:23 mtj https://jenkins.koha-community.org/view/master/job/Koha_Master/2459/console 16:24 mtj ..but not on buster, it seems - how strange?! 16:27 paulderscheid[m] Works for me now 16:27 tcohen ah, random errors, who doesn't love them 21:01 aleisha morning :)