Time Nick Message 00:02 dcook Hey aleisha are you still around? 00:23 aleisha hello dcook im here! 00:23 dcook Yay! I'm going to shoot you a quick DM.. 00:23 aleisha :) 02:09 mtj hi dcook, looks like it happened with marcel's attachment in comment 38 02:09 mtj https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33168#c38 02:09 huginn 04Bug 33168: normal, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Signed Off , Timeline on "About Koha" is not working for package installs 02:09 dcook mtj: Yeah I saw that 02:10 dcook Must've had an auto indent to 4 spaces 02:10 dcook I don't think he uses ktd so probably has a bit of a different config to everyone else 02:11 mtj np, an easy mistake to make with invisible chars 02:11 dcook No doubt, eh? 02:11 dcook vim will warn on that one but I imagine other editors don't 02:12 dcook Actually, I was thinking we probably could add something to a git hook somewhere to double check debian/rules 02:12 dcook Although perhaps easier said than done 02:16 mtj hmm, we have 'make -n' for a syntax check of the rules file 02:17 mtj could be easy :) 02:29 mtj ill send a patch 02:34 gk_ Hello, All 02:34 gk_ I am getting Error: Upgrade to [07:54:38]: Bug 30472 - borrower_relationships.guarantor_id NOT NULL while upgrading koha 02:34 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30472 trivial, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to master , Field borrower_relationships.guarantor_id should be marked as NOT NULL 06:30 reiveune hello 06:58 alex_ Bonjour 07:36 MichaelaSieberBIB[m] salut 07:36 paulderscheid[m] Morning o/ 07:42 paulderscheid[m] @later tell kidclamp Here's the repo for the room reservations thing (If you see any glaring issues you can just open an issue or pull request): https://github.com/LMSCloud/LMSRoomReservations 07:42 huginn paulderscheid[m]: The operation succeeded. 10:16 oleonard Hi #koha 10:17 aude_c[m] Hello :) 11:36 PedroAmorim[m] o/ 11:38 * cait waves 11:43 oleonard Hi cait 14:27 tcohen mtj: around? 15:02 reiveune bye 15:47 paulderscheid[m] The penpot intance is running! 15:48 paulderscheid[m] I didn't configure smtp yet. If you want a login to test, dm me 17:23 tcohen back 17:23 tcohen paulderscheid[m]: what is that? 18:32 mtj hi tcohen, about 18:35 tcohen hi mtj can you zoom or similar? 18:36 tcohen short call 18:38 mtj sure 19:52 davidnz tcohen: open source professional UI design tool (like Figma) https://penpot.app/ 20:20 paulderscheid[m] This ^ 22:24 tuxayo For the record, they are funded by venture capital and business "angels" and are planning to go to the open core route at some point. (to make that 10x return of investment) 22:24 tuxayo It should be okay if nobody uses the official instance, we should be safe from the future non-libre features and not having to worry about being forced into a deal much more costly than we can afford. 22:24 tuxayo https://penpot.app/about 22:24 tuxayo > We already started a few years ago and we were able to fund the project thanks to our previous business activities, savings and help from amazing angels and VCs. 22:24 tuxayo > For the longer term, we have plans to make this a very successful open source company. An Enterprise-oriented open core business model surely sounds like a plan. 22:25 tuxayo > As long as we can keep Penpot an open source product while making sure we build a wonderful community, we'll be open to explore well-trodden open source business models as well as innovative ones. 22:26 tuxayo «we'll be open to explore well-trodden open source business models» 22:26 tuxayo At least they should have an opencollective/Liberapay/Patreon page. To try to not depend on more predatory models. 22:31 tuxayo I think it should hopefully be okay though. Is the need really there though? For people already using the non libre Figma, sure. 22:31 tuxayo IIUC Penpot allows to do stuff without need to train as much as if using Inkscape for example. And it's still based on SVG. 22:32 tuxayo So likely to help and should not be much risky. 22:32 aleisha morning :)\ 22:33 tuxayo hi :) 22:50 tuxayo «and are planning to go to the open core route at some point» 22:50 tuxayo Very good of them to announce that in advance 👍️ 22:51 tuxayo On another topic, does Bug 33040 makes sence for a functional PoV? (is adding the column a good ideal) I don't know that area of Koha. 22:51 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33040 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Add "Date published (text)" to serials tab on record view (detail.pl) 22:53 tuxayo aleisha, since you are in the QA team also, even if you look 2min a the description and think that it's a good change, that would unblock me. 22:56 aleisha ill take a quick look 22:58 aleisha yes that seems completely reasonable to me tuxayo :) serials are done so differently in each library so we should make it as usable as possible 23:14 tuxayo aleisha++ 23:16 dcook @later tell paulderscheid[m] penpot sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind a login to have a little play 23:16 huginn dcook: The operation succeeded.