Time  Nick                Message
23:04 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32924 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Filter agreements by logged in librarian
23:04 tuxayo              Does anyone know what to run after making/appling changes to vue pages? Like when testing bug 32924 for example. yarn build and restart_all and even reset_all didn't do the trick for me. I had to restart my whole ktd to see the new checkbox.
23:04 tuxayo              Hi :)
21:39 emlam               good night!
21:38 cait                time to leave for me - good night all :)
21:35 emlam               :)
21:34 cait                it's always great to have more librarians/people working in libraries join us here
21:34 caroline            it was in september, so yes, before your time :)
21:33 emlam               I think so! That was before I started (I've only been working here since October), but that sounds right
21:33 caroline            there was someone from maryland (I think MCPL too) who did a presentation on data visualisation, it was super interesting
21:32 caroline            oh emlam did your colleague do a presentation at kohacon?
21:31 cait                yes, but can't wait for spring, we get a lot of greyness in winter
21:30 emlam               ooh, nice :)
21:30 cait                Konstanz, right at the Swiss border and with a nice lake :)
21:27 cait                yes
21:27 cait                nice :)
21:26 emlam               and you're from Germany, right?
21:26 emlam               MCPL in Maryland, US
21:26 cait                ... now that this has been cleared up - where are you from emily?
21:24 emlam               it's fine! :)
21:23 cait                I am so sorry
21:23 cait                might be a little too late here
21:23 emlam               haha no worries! I am not in fact certain that I've been doing multi-patch signoffs correctly either, so still useful feedback!
21:22 cait                you are right
21:22 cait                I am so sorry
21:22 cait                ooooh!
21:22 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33150 trivial, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Signed Off , Add specific message for renewal too_soon situation
21:22 cait                bug 33150
21:22 emlam               Those ones aren't me - I'm Emily Lamancusa
21:20 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32970 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Signed Off , Allow export of batch item modification results in background jobs
21:20 cait                bug 32970
21:20 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32964 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Signed Off , OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable description is misleading
21:20 cait                bug 32964
21:17 cait                the search feature in my mail client is failing me
21:15 emlam               there's 30928, but it needs to be rebased
21:15 cait                i thought I saw one (just reading through today's bug changes) one sec
21:14 cait                yeha, the ones already pushed I woudl not touch
21:14 emlam               hmm...turns out I'm not seeing any that I signed off on that haven't already been QA'd or pushed to master. I would imagine redoing those now would make things messier?
21:12 cait                you've been testing a lot!
21:12 cait                also making sure you get the right number of patches in the release notes :)
21:07 cait                if I do QA on them, I can also fix it, but it might make it a little easier on the team if you could help
21:07 cait                you could try on one if you want
21:05 emlam               should I redo the signoffs on any bugs that I signed off on previously that haven't moved on yet?
21:05 emlam               davidnind++
21:05 emlam               whoa, that's awesome!
21:04 cait                davidnind++
21:04 davidnind           emlam: here are my notes for signing off using KTD https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/1893788#user-content-sign-off-a-patch
21:03 cait                caroline: and never catching up with all of them!
21:03 emlam               cait++
21:03 cait                sure! happy to help if you get there next time (I am around a lot)
21:03 caroline            cait++ #solving problems left and right
21:02 emlam               thanks!
21:00 cait                hm, not sure then, but I am sure we can figure it out
21:00 emlam               I...think I've always done a git bz attach. But I don't think I've always used the correct options for multiple patches on that, either
20:59 cait                when you are done, the uploaded file shoudl show your name under attachments in bugzilla
20:58 cait                maybe you did a git bz edit?
20:58 cait                make sure to also use the git bz attach
20:58 emlam               I'll make sure to use so next time :)
20:58 cait                ah yes, that only adds it to the last patch
20:58 emlam               Thanks! I haven't been using git so; I've been using git commit --amend -s ...which I now see is only supposed to work for bugs with one patch
20:56 cait                does that make sense?
20:54 cait                the last reuploads the patch files with your added sign-off line
20:51 cait                git bz attach -e <bug number> HEAD~<number of patches>..
20:51 cait                git so <number of patches>
20:51 cait                test test test...
20:51 cait                git bz apply bug
20:50 cait                when you are using ktd, the process usually is:
20:49 cait                so something off in the process
20:49 cait                i noticed that you add comments with your sign-off line, bu tdon't actually add it to the patches
20:49 cait                and i think you are adding your sign-off line in the git bz attach step maybe?
20:49 emlam               why?
20:49 cait                ah ok
20:48 emlam               KTD
20:48 cait                or a dev env?
20:48 cait                just wondering: are you testing using usandboxes?
20:48 emlam               yes - what's up?
20:48 cait                emlam: still around?
17:35 oleonard            I really appreciate your time looking at it! I hope that method ends up being useful everywhere
17:34 caroline            Don't hesitate to CC me on any translation bugs
17:34 caroline            oleonard, it works super well when you're not a confused mess like me :)
17:27 cait                bye #koha :)
17:27 cait                emlam: but also seeing your sign-offs - emlam++
17:18 caroline            with the indexes its biblios and authorities so I think that should work for API too
17:18 tcohen              \o/
17:18 tcohen              we will now have CRUD for authorities
17:17 tcohen              and if Authorities is correct, nothing to be done then
17:17 tcohen              our API docs already call them biblios, so changing that would be a separate bug, if ever required
17:17 tcohen              https://api.koha-community.org/
17:17 caroline            LOC calls them "Authorities"
17:17 caroline            In that case, both are good I think? https://authorities.loc.gov/
17:17 tcohen              the same goes for biblios
17:16 tcohen              should it be Authorities or Authority records
17:16 tcohen              for authority record-related endpoints
17:16 tcohen              will need a 'section'
17:16 tcohen              the API docs
17:16 tcohen              this is for the API, so maybe not Koha-centric audience
17:16 oleonard            But we refer to the "module" as "Authorities"
17:15 caroline            https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Terminology
17:15 caroline            Use "authority record", not "authority".
17:15 caroline            sorry
17:15 caroline            authority record
17:15 caroline            tcohen, accoring to terminology page, it's authorities
17:15 tcohen              Authorities? Authority records?
17:14 tcohen              what is the right terminology
17:14 caroline            I will get there!
17:14 caroline            no they're not wrong, it's just that in the staff-prog, I think it's only the headers now
17:13 oleonard            caroline: Sorry, I'm not sure why some of the line numbers are wrong
17:13 oleonard            tcohen: I just didn't want to submit a giant patch
17:13 caroline            ok that's the breadcrumb, I hadn't realized... The line numbers didn't match, so I kind of knew I was lost. Testing for real
17:12 oleonard            tcohen: They're separate and not dependent batches
17:12 tcohen              they don't seem to require a particular order in which they are applied, right?
17:12 tcohen              oleonard: I'm confused by 'Part 3' and such
17:11 oleonard            Oh yeah that breadcrumb wrapper markup is waiting for an update from another patch. That'll fix the mess you refer to above
17:10 caroline            Ah, I think I found it... I was looking in the wrong file it's moved from staff-prog to messages...
17:09 caroline            :/
17:08 oleonard            caroline: I don't get the same result!
17:08 tcohen              so no one will be sure it was me
17:08 tcohen              pushed without signing....
17:08 tcohen              oh, I ctrl+c too late
17:03 emlam               haha, I usually keep an IRC window open...sometimes I have something to say, sometimes it's just useful to learn from what others are chatting about :)
17:01 cait                don't think we don't see you :)
16:58 emlam               hi cait!
16:58 cait                hi emlam :)
16:56 oleonard            No, I'll take a look
16:55 caroline            msgid "%s %s Confirm deletion of city %s %s %s Cities %s %s %s %s "
16:55 caroline            oleonard, regarding 33077, is the last one supposed to be
16:49 caroline            yay!
16:48 * tcohen            is planning on going there too
16:47 caroline            will you be there? awesome!
16:46 oleonard            Saving up for Finland
16:46 oleonard            Me neither :(
16:46 caroline            no... :(
16:45 oleonard            caroline are you going to Hackfest?
16:45 caroline            I love karaoke! And I suck at signing, so it's great for other people to feel good about themselves XD
16:44 cait                I've never done Karaoke... I am in
16:43 tcohen              we should do karaoke in MArseille
16:43 ashimema            hanging upside down at 40ft up torque wrenching up cable clamps is hard work
16:42 * ashimema          can barely lift his arms to the keyboard
16:42 * ashimema          is starting to wish he'd not spent his weekend doing safety checks at the high ropes facility he volunteers at this weekend...
16:41 cait                Koha's next superstar?
16:41 ashimema            😄
16:40 kidclamp            it's not a competition :-)
16:40 * cait              sang it first
16:40 * tcohen            waves
16:39 * cait              waves back
16:37 * kidclamp          waves
16:35 ashimema            😄
16:35 ashimema            lol
16:34 cait                ashimema: thief :)
16:33 ashimema            "It's another manic Monday.... I wish it could be Sunday..."
16:33 oleonard            jajm around?
15:17 caroline            oleonard, no prob, I'll take a look at it
15:17 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33077 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Improve ease of translating template title tags
15:17 oleonard            Hi caroline. If I may, I would like to promote Bug 33077
15:10 caroline_catlady    hi everyone! I hope Monday has been treating you all well so far!
15:02 ashimema            I wouldn't expect them to get backported any further than the current stable, 22.11
15:01 ashimema            sometimes I find our bz terms a bit hard to work with.. really they're an 'architectural enhancement' I would say.. but in reality people reading the maintenance release notes don't want to see many enhancements.. they just want clear bugfixes.
15:01 cait                lukeg: on the phone - in a little bit
15:00 ashimema            they don't really lead to a noticeable change to the end user (yet), but they do clean up templates so we felt for long term maintenance (especially as in theory 22.11 is the LTS) they were sensible to backport.
14:59 ashimema            correct 🙂
14:47 oleonard            breadcrumb wrapper patches should be 'minor' instead of 'enh' because backporting them helps *other* patches get backported, not because an eventual Bootstrap upgrade will be backported
14:46 oleonard            Sorry I think I just answered my own question!
14:45 ashimema            hi
14:40 oleonard            ashimema around?
14:33 liliputech          tcohen: working on it
14:24 lukeg               cait about?
14:20 marcelr             no backport
14:19 marcelr             but it doesnt matter anyway
14:19 marcelr             wonder if we should change enh here though
14:19 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32990 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Possible deadlock in C4::ImportBatch::_update_batch_record_counts
14:19 marcelr             bug 32990
14:10 tcohen              liliputech: please push 32472 ASAP, thanks
14:09 marcelr             should we change status now to move it into 21.11 queue ?
14:07 tcohen              it means then we don't cover that with tests
14:07 marcelr             just via production logs
14:07 marcelr             but wasnt caught
14:06 marcelr             my example came even from a module
14:06 tcohen              I'd say those backportes need a 'backport QA' step
14:06 tcohen              this is particularly complex to catch if it is happening in the controllers, which don't have automated tests
14:05 marcelr             yeah that could be very dangerous
14:05 tcohen              so people are (probably) backporting things that 'look correct' but due to bug 29844 actually break
14:04 tcohen              22.05 did
14:04 marcelr             thats the reason for crashing
14:04 tcohen              right 21.11 didn't get 29844
14:04 marcelr             i still see wantarray
14:04 marcelr             sub search {     my ( $self, $params, $attributes ) = @_;      if (wantarray) {
14:04 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29844 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, RESOLVED FIXED, Remove uses of wantarray in Koha::Objects
14:04 tcohen              bug 29844
14:04 tcohen              funky pastes on ubuntu
14:03 tcohen              oh
14:03 tcohen              wasn't aware
14:03 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32472 major, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Passed QA , [21.11 CRASH] The method Koha::Item->count is not covered by tests
14:03 tcohen              looking at it I assumed it is related to bug 32472
14:03 marcelr             sure?
14:03 tcohen              my interpretation is 21.11 got a straight backport
14:02 marcelr             22.05 and 22.11 have the scalar context
14:02 marcelr             it is before that move
14:02 marcelr             this one isnt
14:01 tcohen              those 21.11 backports got dangerous with the 'scalar context only' move
14:01 marcelr             if SO gets lower, PQA get higher..
14:00 tcohen              the queue is really high for pushes
14:00 marcelr             np
14:00 tcohen              wasn't aware
14:00 tcohen              ok
13:59 marcelr             for 21.11 it is interesting
13:59 marcelr             fixing a POD line
13:59 marcelr             tcohen: any problems with 32472 ? for master this is a no-op actually
13:30 mtj                 nice
13:28 tcohen              mtj: marcelr had a momentary general API failure, and in the meantime a real bug was found. Which is not breaking the API it seems
13:28 ashimema            don't know if I'll get a moment to code it up though
13:28 ashimema            me too
13:28 mtj                 ooh, i like the swagger-cli idea, for testing
13:25 * mtj               reads back on the api/swagger chat
13:24 mtj                 hi team
13:08 tcohen              XDXD
13:07 oleonard            Only about 25 breadcrumb wrapper patches to be written XD
13:01 cait                the remaining patches have my SO lines...
13:01 cait                you are welcome
13:01 oleonard            Thanks for the weekend QA cait
12:59 ashimema            D
12:42 tcohen              :-D
12:42 tcohen              I guess it is time to start pushing features
12:42 tcohen              thank you marcelr and ashimema for raising this and providing a fix so quickly
12:38 tcohen              -> kill ktd
12:38 tcohen              launch ktd -> docker run misc4dev/run_tests.pl -> docker run cypress -> docker run swagger-cli
12:37 ashimema            Agreed
12:37 ashimema            Or b) why the internal validation doesn't catch a bad spec at start uo
12:37 tcohen              so
12:37 tcohen              Joubu: maybe it is time to run the test suite, and then separate tests before killing the container
12:37 ashimema            But yeah, I couldn't work out why a) things just work for us but failed weirdly for marcel
12:36 tcohen              using the swagger-cli tool
12:36 ashimema            I spotted the spec issue using swagger-cli
12:36 tcohen              and we need to add an extra test for the spec
12:36 tcohen              for pushing
12:36 ashimema            I couldn't replicate 404's
12:36 tcohen              QAing the patches
12:35 ashimema            Agreed
12:35 tcohen              because it might be the reason I feel the API docs haven't updated correctly recently
12:35 tcohen              I'm glad this bug showed up anyway
12:35 tcohen              I mean, I'm hitting endpoints using Postman without errors
12:33 tcohen              I don't reproduce the issue
12:33 tcohen              the erm API has a problem
12:31 marcelr             tcohen: now i checked without 33145 again, restarted and i dont see 404s as api response, but this is very weird
12:23 marcelr             back
11:54 tcohen              and the changelog on api/ doesn't tell much
11:54 tcohen              ashimema, marcelr: this was clearly working
11:52 liliputech          (speaking for 21.11, about to release 21.11.18)
11:52 liliputech          got a red build on Ubuntu22... somehow installation fails, is there a way I can reproduce this scenario (install koha on U22) with ktd to get a better chance of fixing things? (maybe package missing or out-of-date on U22)
11:48 tcohen              haven't seen the bug yet
11:29 ashimema            any idea how our faulty spec for the erm stuff got through?
11:28 ashimema            makes sense
11:24 tcohen              heh
11:24 tcohen              this is because, most of the time, plugins don't break the API and the penatly for checking one by one is not acceptable. If it fails, checking will be done and slowly
11:23 tcohen              ashimema: me skip validation of the spec on 'each' plugin on a first run. If it fails we load them one by one again to catch the faulty one
11:22 tcohen              hole #koha
10:51 ashimema            that's a red herring too then
10:51 ashimema            doh.. OK
10:51 ashimema            any that may include some api routes
10:51 marcelr             no nothing
10:51 ashimema            koha plugin
10:49 marcelr             what kind of plugin
10:49 ashimema            looking at the code we actually disable validation on the first try to load the schema...
10:48 ashimema            do you have any plugins installed marcelr?
10:46 marcelr             weird
10:44 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32983 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to stable , Use REST API route to retrieve authorised values
10:44 marcelr             but they are linked: Bug 32983: ERM - Retrieve AVs from an endpoint
10:43 marcelr             yes confusing but something like the wrong error message here ?
10:42 ashimema            but it appears we don't validate the spec as a whole somehow
10:42 ashimema            I'd have thought that would lead to a crash in ::OpenAPI with invalid spec errors as a whole
10:41 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33145 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Invalid specification for ERM routes
10:41 ashimema            I'm actually really surprised the api doesn't appear broken for everyone right now without bug 33145
10:41 ashimema            wish I knew how/why though.. haha
10:41 ashimema            glad it resolves it for you
10:41 ashimema            ho.. now that is even more odd
10:40 marcelr             I dont understand why it fixes a problem with the authorised_value_id but it seems so
10:37 marcelr             yes ashimema thats the fix i want !
10:36 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33145 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Invalid specification for ERM routes
10:36 marcelr             let me try bug 33145 then
10:33 marcelr             well the best road now is fix the AV stuff recently pushed then
10:32 ashimema            we have the same versions of everything you've listed so far ☚ī¸
10:21 marcelr             i would say we have a configuration issue in the swagger files that is exposed with some higher dependency
10:20 marcelr             5.99 really 5.05
10:19 marcelr             hmm'
10:19 marcelr             libmojolicious-plugin-openapi-perl/now 5.99+really5.05-koha1 all [installed,local]
10:19 marcelr             libmojolicious-perl/now 9.90+really9.22-koha1 all [installed,local]
10:18 marcelr             and the Mojolicious version ?
10:18 ashimema            Yeah, i agree
10:17 ashimema            Worst kind of bugs heisenbugs
10:17 marcelr             but since the issue is cleared when reverting, thats not the problem
10:17 ashimema            Very odd indeed
10:16 marcelr             yeah i checked one apache rewrite rule too in apached-shared-intranet
10:16 ashimema            yeah, that's the same as I have for Mojolicious
10:16 * ashimema          had all sorts of apache issues with dev installs and the API..
10:16 ashimema            so it's not an apache directive gone array
10:16 marcelr             What about: Mojolicious (8.12 ) 	9.22
10:15 ashimema            and you say commenting that one API route fixes it for you..
10:15 ashimema            humm.. that's very strange then
10:15 ashimema            what's the in brackets vs own column version numbers mean?
10:15 marcelr             these are fine
10:15 marcelr             Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI (5.05 )
10:15 * ashimema          is confused by the versions table on the about page now...
10:15 marcelr             JSON::Validator (5.08 )
10:14 marcelr             i do
10:14 ashimema            may be worth a quick check of those.
10:14 ashimema            JSON::Validator 5.08 and Mojolicous::Plugin::OpenAPI 5.05 are the current recommended versions
10:13 marcelr             i very recently did an upgrade on my container
10:12 marcelr             yeah might be
10:12 cait                coudl it be dependencies after all?
10:12 marcelr             i guess no problems in KTD will not prevent lots of trouble in production
10:11 marcelr             do you see errros in plack-api
10:11 ashimema            freshly checked out master
10:11 ashimema            I get none
10:11 marcelr             There is obviously something wrong or missing in the AV stuff for API. Yes, i got 404s all over the place.
10:11 ashimema            I can't replicate that here
10:11 ashimema            did oyu say all api endpoints were 404 marcelr?
10:10 TriveniChandriki[m] marcelr: Dev installation any problem is there
10:08 ashimema            let me have a little play
10:08 ashimema            but I moved local dev and went ktd only recently
10:08 ashimema            I don't have one of them anymore.. I was a long standing holdout using both ktd and a traditional dev setup...
10:08 ashimema            ok
10:07 marcelr             dev install
10:07 ashimema            are you on a dev install or is this in ktd?
10:06 ashimema            I can have a little look
10:06 ashimema            weird that there's issues in 32981
10:06 ashimema            to fix the erm stuff
10:06 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33145 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Invalid specification for ERM routes
10:06 ashimema            bug 33145
09:55 marcelr             the api is ok when you go before the commit of bug 32981
09:55 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32981 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to stable , Add REST API endpoint to list authorised values for a given category
09:55 marcelr             bug 32981 is causing trouble already
09:51 marcelr             could it also depend on Mojo versions and such ?
09:50 ashimema            I just pulled master and validated the schema
09:50 ashimema            hmm
09:49 ashimema            wow.. those spec are a bit odd
09:49 marcelr             there is something missing or wrong with authorised_value_id_pp
09:48 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32983 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to stable , Use REST API route to retrieve authorised values
09:48 marcelr             on top of bug 32983 ?
09:48 ashimema            I do for erm eholdings though.
09:48 ashimema            I don't see schema validation issues for av marcelr..
09:47 ashimema            hmm
09:47 ashimema            we keep threatening to add one too
09:46 cait                2 more demos on 22.11 now :) https://koha-community.org/demo/
09:40 PedroAmorim[m]      tcohen: I believe add_pagination_headers are required on the mojo controller because it adds X-Total-Count header, and that is required for count method (see http-client.js)
09:40 PedroAmorim[m]      good morning
09:35 cait                maybe put a note on one of the bugs?
09:24 marcelr             the author of authorised values should fix the rest
09:24 marcelr             well, just commenting out authorised_value_id_pp in the swagger.yml is quick and dirty fix to overcome the complete block
09:22 cait                yeah sorry :(
09:20 marcelr             i hoped for a pending fix
09:19 marcelr             ok misunderstanding
09:19 cait                I am not aware of a fix
09:19 cait                because i had listed them in the email
09:19 cait                you asked about somethign recently pushed - i said 3 bugs were pushed about AV
09:19 cait                21.863 today, 19910 in January
09:19 marcelr             you say that there is a fix ?
09:19 cait                Joubu: is hea still cleaned up regularly? numbers are high! (just a little suspicious :) )
09:18 cait                do you mean reversing?
09:18 marcelr             i'll try now applying them
09:17 cait                I was not involved, so only thought it was good news I could add to the mail ;)
09:17 marcelr             it block the whole api now
09:17 cait                recently pushed (I had listed them in the QA mail)
09:17 cait                there have been 3 bugs for AV API
09:16 marcelr             thats recently pushed probably?
09:16 marcelr             stuff like this: [2023/03/06 09:13:28] [ERROR] Warning: Could not load REST API spec bundle: /parameters/authorised_value_id_pp/in: /oneOf/0 Not in enum list: body./parameters/authorised_value_id_pp/in: /oneOf/1/oneOf/0
09:16 marcelr             hi
09:13 ashimema            Morning
09:11 marcelr             i am getting 404s back from rest api in current master; does that ring a bell ?
09:06 marcelr             hi #koha
08:49 cait                good morning #koha
08:36 magnuse             \o/
08:16 liliputech          hi koha