Time Nick Message 01:06 tuxayo eythian: hi :) 04:30 mtj hey people 05:28 mtj hi dcook, can you remember how/where the map files came from? 05:28 mtj https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=146995 05:29 mtj i was wondering if they are missing, or not... 05:30 mtj perhaps different node/yarn versions give diff results? 05:50 dcook mtj: oleonard is probably the person to ask for that one 05:51 dcook Or actually.. 05:51 dcook mtj: Actually, what it probably is... I think the yarn commands we were using built the dev versions instead of the prod versions 05:51 dcook Owen has an open bug report for that I think... 05:53 dcook bug 32975 05:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32975 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to master , Error in package.json's definition of css:build vs css:build:prod 05:55 mtj aah ok, makes sense 06:40 mtj dcook: many thanks for the patches :) 07:19 magnuse \o/ 07:29 reiveune hello 07:49 alex_ Bonjour 07:49 wahanui bonjour, alex_ 08:08 cait good morning #koha! 08:39 magnuse kia ora cait! 09:01 ashimema Morning 09:21 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 10:08 cait ah, it's alive! 10:08 cait was so lonely here yesterday 11:18 domm[m] I've stumbled upon this: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Easy_integration_of_external_data_RFC and we might need something like this (i.e. from the OPAC, send searches to various external data sources, and combine the results with the local catalogue). Is this RFC implemented? or something similar? 11:19 cait hm it looks like magnuse was working on ths in 2012 11:19 cait I am not sure if it resulted in any bugs/features implemented 11:20 cait there are some implementations of presenting data from other resources in Koha - overdrive 11:20 cait and LMSCloud has some things for Munchinger I think? paulderscheid[m] might know 11:20 cait off to lunch 11:22 paulderscheid[m] AFAIK we just make API-Requests to those vendors. They have passable APIs implemented. 11:24 paulderscheid[m] <domm[m]> "I've stumbled upon this: https:/..." <- Have to read that up on this later 11:25 domm[m] paulderscheid: and how are the API results merged into the local results? 11:25 paulderscheid[m] Sec 11:28 paulderscheid[m] We don't merge them into the search results. Instead it looks like we request the search string on the external APIs and bundle the results in a separate view. 11:28 paulderscheid[m] https://sb-duisburg.lmscloud.net/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=kw%2Cwrdl&q=test&limit=&weight_search=1 11:28 paulderscheid[m] I'll search for the implementation real quick. 11:34 domm[m] thanks! 11:41 magnuse domm[m]: nothing from https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Easy_integration_of_external_data_RFC was ever implemented, as far as i know... 11:41 AnkeB Hi, does anyone know what the second level for sorting in the OPAC results list is and if this is configurable? In the parameters I only find OPACdefaultSortField and OPACdefaultSortOrder for the first sorting level. 11:41 magnuse a couple of interesting plugins spring to mind, though. let me see... 11:41 paulderscheid[m] We have this include: https://github.com/LMSCloud/Koha-LMSCloud/blob/master/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/includes/additional-offer-facets.inc... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/mihIUaixCpKZzaXqeVUQSqWd>) 11:42 paulderscheid[m] Never even looked at this code before. Interesting :D 11:42 paulderscheid[m] Feel free to adapt, its GPL after all. 11:44 AnkeB I can't even find out what the default second sorting level is - it is obviously neither the author nor the title, anyhow. 11:48 domm[m] paulderscheid: thanks a lot! We'll take a look at this approach, and maybe use and/or adopt it :-) 11:49 paulderscheid[m] No problem. That's what a community is all about, right? :) 11:52 magnuse domm[m]: https://github.com/JSahlberg/Alex-plugin-koha pulls data from https://www.alex.se/?lang=en and displays it in a box on detail pages: 11:52 magnuse can't find a live example now, though 11:55 magnuse domm[m]: and there is AuthorityBox: https://koha-community.org/koha-community-newsletter-april-2019/#boxbib 12:00 oleonard o/ 12:02 paulderscheid[m] <magnuse> "domm: https://github.com/..." <- Cool stuff 12:06 domm[m] magnuse: thanks! 12:11 cait1 i go to lunch and miss all the cool stuff? boo :) 12:15 * oleonard scoffs at anyone who foolishly tries to eat or rest 12:15 cait1 hehe 12:16 cait1 AnkeB: the second sorting criteria is the biblionumber 12:17 cait1 AnkeB: if you have same author/same relevance the second sort criteria is the biblionumber (i forget if asc or desc) 12:17 oleonard cait1's QA keeping me humble today 12:17 oleonard cait1++ 12:17 cait1 sorry oleonard :( 12:18 cait1 actually I wanted to return the favor, didn#t set out to fail anything, I swear! 12:18 oleonard Don't apologize for being good at your job :) 12:18 cait1 easy said :) 12:19 magnuse cait++ 12:21 cait1 oleonard: I have 2 bugs I'd like your opinion on too... bug 33012 and bug 32447 12:21 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33012 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Accessibility: Some navigation items in OPAC cannot be accessed by keyboard (search history, log out) 12:21 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32447 minor, P5 - low, ---, a.roussos, Needs Signoff , In items table barcode column can not be filtered 12:25 AnkeB cait1 thank you - I'd never have thought of the biblionumber ;-) The sorting is ascendent. 12:30 cait1 I seem to remember a bug that it should be changed to desc (newer records first) - but not finding it 12:33 ashimema did I imagine a bug around enquire js in the opac 12:33 ashimema I see Uncaught ReferenceError: enquire is not defined 12:33 ashimema at global_21.1114000.js:154:1 in the console a fair bit 12:35 cait pass 12:36 marcelr o/ 13:29 tcohen hola #koha o/ 13:30 tcohen holiday here, but trying to help with bugs for the maintenance releases 13:30 tcohen meaning don't expect me to push big things today 13:52 cait waht about small things? ;) 14:18 cait does soemoen kow the status of the sandboxes? 14:18 Joubu biblibre's do not have the fix to attach the SO patches 14:19 Joubu I think ptfs-e's are ok 14:20 ashimema ptfs-e's should be working 14:20 ashimema I have a feeling the git checkout stuff still needs some fixes 14:20 ashimema but I've not had a moment to try it yet 14:22 Joubu I've rebased the whole ERM refactoring branch on top of master, and some other fixes - https://gitlab.com/joubu/Koha/-/commits/bug_32991 14:23 Joubu this is 35 patches above master, and it blocks new enhancements 14:23 Joubu Can it get some attention this week please? 14:24 cait I am not feeling confident restesting the whole ERM right now :( 14:24 cait i barely know what is where 14:25 cait I need to spend more time in there 14:56 paulderscheid[m] <Joubu> "I've rebased the whole ERM..." <- Did you write a test plan? 14:58 Joubu There are several bugs. There are some instruction in the commit messages. 14:59 Joubu The important bit is the technical part, the UI changes are minor. 14:59 cait I am trying to use get_marc_host in the letter templates 14:59 cait is there a way to dump what it returns? 14:59 cait to see the data structure? 14:59 Joubu To test you can run the cypress tests that cover most of the module, and you can also CRUD the different things from the UI. 14:59 cait dumper... for TT? 15:00 Joubu The hard case if the EBSCO part, you will need credential, and it's not covered by tests (yes it's bad) 15:00 paulderscheid[m] I will make some time this week. But not today. 15:00 Joubu cait: [% Dumper.dump(struct) %] 15:01 cait thx, I feel ilke I knew that one 15:01 cait once 15:03 cait ERROR PROCESSING TEMPLATE: undef :( 15:04 Joubu [% USE Dumper %] 15:04 Joubu git grep "USE Dumper" 15:07 cait ok 15:07 cait let me add that :) 15:07 cait and thx for debugging guidance 15:12 cait that... output a ton of things 15:14 cait [% FOREACH biblio IN biblios %] 15:14 cait [% biblio.title %] [% Dumper.dump(biblio.get_marc_host) %] 15:14 cait <hr>[% END %] 15:14 cait gives me the "Error processing template error again 15:15 cait ERROR PROCESSING TEMPLATE: undef error - something something title at input text line 7. < 15:15 cait but 773$a is something somehting title... so it does access the field 15:57 Joubu MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: re 32939 - I don't think you need 32981, it needs to be applied later 15:57 Joubu the order is: 32923, 32806, 32939, 32925, 32981, 32983, 32991 15:59 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] Yes ignore me, I accidentally checked out from a branch where I'd already applied some of the tree rather than from master 16:00 * cait gives up on her TT issue 16:01 Joubu cait: the methods return a list in list context 16:01 Joubu cait: the method returns a list in list context 16:01 Joubu 1292 return wantarray ? ( $host, $hostfld->subfield('g') ) : $host; 16:03 cait I figured as much, but I am not sure how to not make the TT explode 16:03 cait I expected the dump to work, but it explodes there too 16:03 Joubu [ 16:03 Joubu What are you trying to do? 16:03 cait 3150 16:04 Joubu % FOREACH entry IN biblio.get_marc_host %] 16:04 Joubu this is not correct 16:04 Joubu well, it does not read correct, because of the list context 16:04 cait i didn't do that? 16:04 Joubu I don't know, it's in the bug you paste 16:05 cait can you show me where? 16:05 Joubu I don't know what you are trying, and you send me this bug number 16:05 Joubu last patch, in the notice 16:05 cait ah I see 16:05 cait +[% IF ( biblio.get_marc_host ) %]In: [% FOREACH entry IN biblio.get_marc_host %][% entry.title | html %][% IF ( entry.subtitle ) %][% FOREACH subtitle IN entry.subtitle.split(' | ') %][% subtitle | html %][% END %][% END %][% entry.part_number | html %] [% entry.part_name | html %]<br>[% END %][% END %] 16:05 cait yeah that explodes 16:05 cait I was trying to dial it back to... let's see what biblio.get_marc_host actually is to see how i coudl fix it 16:06 cait so i tested with simpler code 16:06 Joubu 1292 return wantarray ? ( $host, $hostfld->subfield('g') ) : $host; 16:06 cait (16:14:40) cait: [% FOREACH biblio IN biblios %] 16:06 cait (16:14:40) cait: [% biblio.title %] [% Dumper.dump(biblio.get_marc_host) %] 16:06 cait (16:14:40) cait: <hr>[% END %] 16:06 Joubu replace that line, in Koha::Biblio, with return $host; 16:07 Joubu just to make sure my assumption is correct 16:07 cait ok, sec, I need to switch back to that branch and make the change 16:07 cait please don't run away :) 16:07 Joubu I will need to run away very soon unfortunately 16:09 cait line is changed 16:09 cait which TT to test? 16:10 Joubu where get_marc_host is called 16:10 cait still boom 16:10 cait I tried the original template and my modified one 16:10 Joubu reloaded plack? 16:10 cait ERROR PROCESSING TEMPLATE: undef error - something something title at input text line 7. 16:10 cait yes, restart_all 16:11 cait i don't have a $w 16:11 cait maybe change line 1269? 16:11 cait in Biblio.pm 16:12 Joubu yes 16:13 Joubu all the return statements 16:13 cait it does kinda improve htings 16:13 cait In: Programming Perl / now 16:14 Joubu that's not a proper fix, that will certainly explode somewhere else 16:14 cait yeah 16:14 Joubu either we always return a scalar and update the occurrences, or there are too many and the TT must be adjusted 16:14 Joubu better to avoid wantarray to be honest, it's too much trouble when called from TT 16:15 cait I think not that many of those yet, mostly introduced by our previous work in that area 16:15 cait the code should be mostly uniform to change 16:15 cait could you comment maybe? 16:15 caroline what is the `git commit --amend -s` equivalent for two patches? 16:15 Joubu you can force scalar context in tt using object.scalar.method 16:15 Joubu http://template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin/Scalar.html 16:15 cait caroline: git so 2 ;) 16:15 Joubu USE Scalar first 16:16 Joubu I have to run, sorry, see you tomorrow! 16:16 cait caroline: if you don't have the aliases - the way i used to do it was: 16:16 caroline cait, ha! thanks! I always forget... I'll add it here https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Git_bz_configuration#Signing_off 16:16 cait git rebase -i HEAD~3 (however many patches) 16:16 cait change pick to e 16:16 wahanui cait: that doesn't look right 16:16 cait in the lines of the patches you want to sign 16:17 cait then git commit --amend -s 16:17 cait git rebase --continue 16:17 cait until you are done with them all 16:19 caroline Can I change the test plan of a patch submitted by someone else? The bug was old and the test plan is outdated 16:19 cait i would do it and then just add a note bleow your sign-off that you did 16:19 caroline ok thanks I wasn't sure if it was impolite 16:19 cait i thint mostly people are ok with improved test plans :) 17:41 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] <Joubu> "the order is: 32923, 32806, 3293..." <- Tree is now signed off, ready for QA 18:13 fridolin yellow 18:57 frank_ Hello 18:57 frank_ Is someone her familiar with sending welcome emails to patrons? 19:00 frank_ I'm trying to send them their password after creating them in the staff interface. Supposedly this works by using <<borrowers.password>> in the WELCOME notice, but this just sends out the hashed password, even when using AutoEmailOpacUser 19:07 caroline frank_, which version of Koha are you using? Starting in 22.05 or 21.11 (not sure which), it is not possible anymore to send passwords in clear text in emails, for security resons 19:08 frank_ 22.11 19:09 caroline yeah, so it's not possible, sorry 19:09 frank_ That makes sense from a security point of view, but what would be the recommended way of telling patrons their initial password? 19:10 frank_ We're importing Patrons from an old system which uses a different password hashing method, so the old passwords can't be imported into Koha. 19:11 caroline what I tell my clients is either of two things 1) tell patrons to go "reset" their password (with preference OpacResetPassword turned on) or give patrons a basic password like their lastname followed by last 4 digits of phone number (or something like that) and advise in the email that this is how the initial password is constructed 19:12 caroline (and strongly recoommend changing their password) 19:15 reiveune bye 19:26 frank_ That seems to be the only option for now, but the issue I see with it is that a lot of people will probably never change their password and according to bug 21309 there isn't a way to force them to change their password 19:26 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21309 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Enforce password change on login 19:28 oleonard frank_: I agree with caroline. You ask them to please set a new password, and hope for the best. We have lots of patrons who don't set up passwords and that's just a fact of life. 19:28 caroline maybe if you assign no password and tell them to reset their password, they won't have a choice? 19:29 caroline (they need an email address in their file for opacresetpassword to work though) 19:30 caroline hi oleonard! 19:30 wahanui hi oleopard 19:32 oleonard o/ 19:39 frank_ Is there a way to send out the password reset email to all patrons? It might be possible to use this as a kind of welcome email that includes the link to set a password. 19:41 caroline hm... I'm not sure how the reset token is generated 19:44 caroline you could try to put in the url from PASSWORD_RESET into WELCOME and try it with a test user... 19:44 caroline Personally, I would send the OPAC URL and tell them to click on the 'Reset password' link... it's a lot of steps for them, but I think it is the most straightforward 19:46 caroline I don't think the <<passwordreseturl>> variable is available to all notices, but you can always try 19:48 fridolin HI there, my KTD is broken with "Error: Missing binding /kohadevbox/koha/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-83/binding.node" any idea ? 19:55 lukeg fridolin: did you try `npm install` ? 19:56 fridolin but the container fails to start 19:56 fridolin i've pulled the images 19:57 fridolin i'll try this again 19:58 fridolin lukeg: how can i choose to run a focal containers ? 20:00 lukeg can you try on a container that isnt master? like: 20:00 lukeg koha ; git checkout 22.05.x 20:00 lukeg KOHA_IMAGE=22.05 ktd pull 20:00 lukeg KOHA_IMAGE=22.05 ktd up -d 20:07 fridolin it works, 20:08 fridolin with 22.11.x and master before patch removing compiled CSS 20:09 fridolin maybe something with my Ubuntu env, thanks for your help 20:29 fridolin ahhh its in misc4dev do_all_you_can_do.pl 20:38 bag hello 20:41 caroline hi bag! 22:42 dcook @later tell tuxayo Just realized I actually won't be at the meeting as I'll be at an appointment.. 22:42 huginn dcook: The operation succeeded.