Time  Nick                Message
21:35 domm[m]             caroline: thanks
21:35 domm[m]             ok, maybe authorized values will be enough; if not, we'll create a dynamic cataloguing plugin (which will have to replace the text input with a selectbox..)
21:31 caroline            maybe they could have an authorized value category, then click Link authorities automatically? It wouldn't manage subfields however
21:31 caroline            domm[m], not that I know of, sorry...
21:27 domm[m]             I can think of some not-so-easy ways involving plugins & value_builders, but maybe there is an easier way?
21:24 domm[m]             Is there an easy way to have a (small) list of authorities (it's a special library with a small, well-defined set of TOPIC_TERM) selectable as a dropdown/selectbox in the biblio edit form? Similar to "authorized values", but fetching the data from authorities?
20:51 tuxayo              No worries, I'll sort the pages out in two weeks. No need to bother someone else.
20:25 davidnind           I don't have permission to delete - maybe Joubu or thd does?
20:23 tuxayo              The 9 march meeting wikipage was created as a result of script confusion, I've emptied it and moved the content to the 22th feb. It is possible that the script will fail because the page will exist. So maybe still some manual work to do for the last time before having a reliable meeting workflow ^^
20:22 davidnind           tuxayo++
20:19 tuxayo              Chairing meetings wikipage updated so we have the way for noting the next next meeting without the script picking it up.
20:19 tuxayo              Thanks :)
20:16 davidnind           No problem, happy to add!
20:14 tuxayo              It's not an access problem but that I not using a Google account ^^" Sorry for not helping on this.
20:14 tuxayo              Thanks a lot for putting the 22 February in the calendar.
20:14 tuxayo              > for calendar access, if you don't have already - have added to the calendar for 22 February
20:12 tuxayo              Ok, I'm noting this
20:12 tuxayo              >  for example: #info The meeting after this is scheduled for 09 March 2023, 15:00 UTC
20:08 davidnind           You should ask Joubu for calendar access, if you don't have already - have added to the calendar for 22 February
20:04 davidnind           For the next next meeting putting in an #info makes sense as you suggest, for example: #info The meeting after this is scheduled for 09 March 2023, 15:00 UTC
20:02 davidnind           Yeah, I think having only one "Next meeting" should do the trick
20:02 wahanui             darn tootin' it is.
20:02 davidnind           Excellent!
20:00 tuxayo              That's the least terrible phrasing I got, any ideas from people knowing English better ^^"
20:00 tuxayo              "#info For this timeslot, see you 09 March 2023, 15 UTC"
19:56 tuxayo              The parsing is quite flexible. But we just have to avoid writing "next meeting" and it will be okay
19:56 tuxayo              and #info for this time slot, next meeting is: 09 March 2023, 15 UTC
19:55 tuxayo              But it caught both #info Next meeting: 22 February 2023, 22 UTC`
19:55 tuxayo              > 09 March 2023, 15 UTC at koha-meetings.pl line 479.
19:55 tuxayo              > 22 February 2023, 22 UTC at koha-meetings.pl line 479.
19:55 tuxayo              > processing Development_IRC_meeting_8_February_2023
19:55 tuxayo              davidnind-way: meeting script worked for me also :)
19:25 pastebot            "davidnind" at pasted "Description for stocknumberam123.pl cataloguing plugin/value builder" (12 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/1216
19:25 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32819 trivial, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Needs Signoff , Fix cataloguing/value_builder/stocknumberam123.pl
19:25 davidnind           A question for catalogers. For cataloguing plugin stocknumberam123.pl (used with 952$i Inventory number), the description says "...specific to AM123.." - what is AM123? I'm testing bug 32819 - paste with full description from the plugin to follow.
16:36 tcohen              oleonard: my pleasure
16:34 oleonard            Oh my tab wrapper stuff is pushed! Thanks tcohen
16:18 reiveune            bye
16:10 emlam               joubu++ also excited for KTD fixes/improvements :)
16:08 Joubu               try it before :D
16:08 tuxayo              Joubu++ thanks for the fixes
16:08 tuxayo              Gotta go get a parcel, then we will see if the meeting-wiki script works for me ^^
16:07 oleonard            That's too bad.
16:07 cait                I think they didn't get enough participants
16:06 oleonard            cait: Did he say why? I'm just curious
16:06 paulderscheid[m]    tuxayo++ all++
16:05 oleonard            tuxayo++
16:05 cait                oleonard: sorry, missed your question: no academy this year - i checked with rangi
16:05 tuxayo              Thanks all for the attendance.
16:05 huginn              Log:            https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/development_irc_meeting_8_february_2023.2023-02-08-15.01.log.html
16:05 huginn              Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/development_irc_meeting_8_february_2023.2023-02-08-15.01.txt
16:05 huginn              Minutes:        https://meetings.koha-community.org/2023/development_irc_meeting_8_february_2023.2023-02-08-15.01.html
16:05 huginn              Meeting ended Wed Feb  8 16:05:34 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
16:05 tuxayo              #endmeeting
16:05 tuxayo              #info for this time slot, next meeting is: 09 March 2023, 15 UTC
16:05 paulderscheid[m]    LGTM
16:03 tuxayo              And as for France, I see on walls in Marseille calls for women to be on strike that day. And I know there will be big demonstrations open to anyone.
16:03 tuxayo              As for next meeting on this timeslot: Thursday 9 march? Because March 8 (International Women's Day) is a public holiday in several countries according to Wikipedia.
16:02 tuxayo              #info Next meeting: 22 February 2023, 22 UTC
16:02 tuxayo              #topic Set time of next meeting
16:02 Joubu               ktd is fixed, you can pull now!
16:02 Joubu               yes
16:02 tuxayo              Nice! so let's close?
16:01 AgustinMoyano[m]    great!
16:01 Joubu               it's there, just remove check_ES_template_literals and related code from qa-test-tools
16:01 Joubu               AgustinMoyano[m]: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/blob/master/QohA/File/JS.pm#L19
16:00 AgustinMoyano[m]    Joubu: Ok, later I'll ask you how we cand do it
16:00 Joubu               The fix is contained in gettext 0.20.2.
16:00 Joubu               https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?50920
15:59 Joubu               AgustinMoyano[m]: let remove it and see if it causes troubles..
15:58 paulderscheid[m]    AgustinMoyano[m]: Yes, that
15:57 paulderscheid[m]    AFAIK support was added. Only doesn't work in JSX.
15:57 AgustinMoyano[m]    you will see that it runs ok
15:57 AgustinMoyano[m]    /kohadevbox/koha/misc/translator$ perl translate update es-ES
15:57 AgustinMoyano[m]    and then run
15:57 AgustinMoyano[m]    run qa where it will tell you that it has backticks
15:57 AgustinMoyano[m]    https://gitlab.com/thekesolutions/Koha.git
15:57 AgustinMoyano[m]    sorry
15:56 AgustinMoyano[m]    git clone --depth 1 --branch import_source_vue git@gitlab.com:thekesolutions/Koha.git
15:56 AgustinMoyano[m]    To test if it works you can:
15:55 paulderscheid[m]    template literals much o.o
15:55 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24725 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, CLOSED FIXED, xgettext does not support (yet) ES template literals
15:55 AgustinMoyano[m]    That was reported in bug 24725
15:55 AgustinMoyano[m]    There is a rule in qa scripts that don't allow for backticks be used in js files
15:55 paulderscheid[m]    or her way, of course :D
15:54 tuxayo              paulderscheid++
15:53 paulderscheid[m]    *his way around
15:53 paulderscheid[m]    If anyone knows a way around unprivileged docker containers, hit me up.
15:53 paulderscheid[m]    Server for penpot is already running, hadn't had the time to set it up, though.
15:53 tuxayo              :o
15:52 oleonard            They announced it but then I didn't hear anything more
15:52 oleonard            Anyone know what happened with Catalyst Academy?
15:51 tuxayo              Anything else to discussion before closing?
15:51 thd                 tcohen has updated test.wiki.koha-community.org to MediaWiki Canasta 1.22.  I have not found any new bugs.  People should look and remember that the test database is not current.
15:51 khall_              indeed!
15:51 tuxayo              good then ^^"
15:51 tuxayo              lol
15:51 Joubu               it's pushed
15:50 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32573 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to oldstable , background_jobs_worker.pl should ACK a message before it forks and runs the job
15:50 tuxayo              «    Bug 32573 - background_jobs_worker.pl should ACK a message before it forks and runs the job suggests we should ACK of STOMP messages before we begin processing which would avoid the issue 30 minute time issue among other problems. It appears that the STOMP documentation and the RabbitMQ documentation do not agree. We should have a vote if needed.»
15:50 tuxayo              «ACK pre vs post processing for background jobs »
15:50 tuxayo              #topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...)
15:50 tuxayo              moving on?
15:50 * ashimema          runs off for the school run/parents evening
15:50 tuxayo              #info opinions needed to decide the future of our git hosting https://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-devel/2023-February/thread.html
15:50 tuxayo              Me too, there would be reasons but they are not mentioned in the discussion so I'm not sure why
15:50 Joubu               anyway, I don't have the energy for that right now :D
15:50 Joubu               we did change the git hosting to something more modern already few years ago
15:49 Joubu               It misses the "why" we would need to migrate to gitlab
15:49 Joubu               it's not a proposal :D
15:48 tuxayo              People that haven't done it (including me) go to the koha-devel topic and give feedback on the proposal to moving to Gitlab, it's a completely different plan
15:47 Joubu               #action Joubu we need to vote on forgejo move at some point
15:46 tuxayo              So updating the wikipage about using bugzilla to mention the important tag?
15:46 tuxayo              > was htinking about the Bugzilla docs
15:45 Joubu               one is transparent, the other is not
15:45 cait                oh i got actioned... was htinking about the Bugzilla docs... but maybe both?
15:45 tuxayo              Has the dust settled enough on the fork between the two projects?
15:44 tuxayo              Migration from gitea to forgejo shouldn't be much trouble. Still some work for the person doing it.
15:44 Joubu               we need to vote that at some point however
15:43 paulderscheid[m]    *Then
15:43 Joubu               *almost* nothing
15:43 paulderscheid[m]    The forgejo ftw
15:43 Joubu               and we have a server already, there is nothing to do
15:43 Joubu               it has always been
15:43 paulderscheid[m]    Alright
15:43 Joubu               I think so
15:43 Joubu               yes
15:43 paulderscheid[m]    Is self-hosted imperative here?
15:42 ashimema            forgejo would be good
15:42 ashimema            would love some input on the questions etc there
15:42 tuxayo              #action oleonard ashimema Draft in the developer handbook how to form our modals. With template of a simple case and a case with form inside. Update: focus is currently on staff interface redesign changes, see the draft style guide: https://annuel.framapad.org/p/koha-styleguide-draft (previously deferred until after the 22.11 release).
15:42 Joubu               IMO we should move to forgejo in a couple of months
15:42 ashimema            https://annuel.framapad.org/p/koha-styleguide-draft
15:42 ashimema            but it's still on the list and is an open tab in my browser
15:42 ashimema            nope.. not managed to move that forward yet
15:41 ashimema            sorry. was distrected
15:41 tuxayo              Anything new about the previous item?
15:41 tuxayo              «oleonard ashimema Draft in the developer handbook how to form our modals. With template of a simple case and a case with form inside. Update: focus is currently on staff interface redesign changes, see the draft style guide: https://annuel.framapad.org/p/koha-styleguide-draft (previously deferred until after the 22.11 release).»
15:41 tuxayo              #action tcohen To draft proposal for master→main change and draft of action list (previously deferred until after the 22.11 release).
15:41 tuxayo              #action tcohen To schedule/call a "CSRF day" to work on related patches together (previously deferred until after the 22.11 release).
15:41 tuxayo              «Guidelines for SQL - please provide feedback on the mailing list https://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-devel/2023-January/048016.html»
15:40 tuxayo              see and previous month for the begininng https://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-devel/2023-February/thread.html
15:40 tuxayo              «Please reply to the mailing list about Forgejo/Gitea fork and what we should do»
15:40 Joubu               #action cait add info about the 'important' tag to RMaint documentation
15:40 tuxayo              I needed to find a link:
15:40 tuxayo              ok
15:39 Joubu               we should move on
15:39 Joubu               I think cait wants to add a note about the 'important' tag, to the RMaint doc
15:37 tuxayo              would having them listed as such in the homepage be enough?
15:36 tuxayo              Like a category to some pages in the wiki?
15:36 cait                and it hink we have another custom tag... obsolete?
15:36 cait                it's a koha specific Bugzilla thing
15:36 cait                we shoudl add the important tag to the wiki
15:36 cait                but can we add another?
15:36 cait                yes
15:35 tuxayo              Done, if I recall correctly
15:35 tuxayo              «cait add to RMaint documentation to run the test suite locally for security release»
15:35 tuxayo              #topic Actions from last meeting
15:34 tuxayo              important tag is very nice, will avoid some issues we ran in the past
15:34 emlam               Joubu++
15:34 AgustinMoyano[m]    Joubu++
15:34 Joubu               that's all for me
15:34 Joubu               that will be useful for QAers, RM and RMaints. No need to read all the comments, the important ones should have the info you need to know!
15:33 Joubu               If a comment has the "important" tag, the comment will be highlighted. No excuse to not read a comment
15:33 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32614 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , Highlight important comments
15:33 Joubu               Bug 32614 - Highlight important comments
15:33 Joubu               * Bugzilla
15:33 Joubu               The last one has code and need to be tested. I think it's a great improvement for production system
15:33 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32594 critical, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , Add a dedicated ES indexing background worker
15:33 Joubu               Bug 32594 - Add a dedicated ES indexing background worker
15:33 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32395 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, In Discussion , Why do we send jobs params to the broker
15:33 Joubu               Bug 32395 - Why do we send jobs params to the broker
15:32 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32305 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Background worker doesn't check jobs receive from rabbitmq are in 'new' state
15:32 Joubu               Bug 32305 - Background worker doesn't check jobs receive from rabbitmq are in 'new' state
15:32 Joubu               several things pushed, but more are coming, and need help for those
15:32 Joubu               * RabbitMQ/worker (waiting for something)
15:32 Joubu               (this is pushed already, you can enjoy it now)
15:32 Joubu               and you will run all tests like you are jenkins
15:32 Joubu               run_tests.pl --run-all-tests
15:32 Joubu               use --help and it will tell you all what it can do
15:31 Joubu               there is an awesome new script in ktd, run_tests.pl
15:31 tuxayo              Joubu++
15:31 Joubu               https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues/320 https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-misc4dev/-/issues/58
15:31 Joubu               run_tests.pl (done, can be used from ktd!)
15:31 tcohen              leaving to feed the little beasts, sorry
15:31 Joubu               I had a try at testing pipeline's jenkins. The idea is to not run all the jobs at first, but only if the big one succeeds
15:31 ashimema            someone remind me 😜
15:31 ashimema            I can work through testing that lot tomorrow..
15:31 Joubu               Test of Pipeline (https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/test_pipeline/) (to improve later)
15:31 tcohen              about the git hooks, https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/pipelines/771428468
15:31 Joubu               it was messy, not it's a bit better. Less jobs, better coverage
15:30 Joubu               Clean of the job list (done)
15:30 Joubu               I sent an email to the QA team already, nothing new here
15:30 Joubu               * CI/Jenkins
15:30 cait                but haven# thad time to test
15:30 Joubu               code is there, just need to be tested and merged
15:30 cait                i like that
15:30 Joubu               several people asked that, it will allow to keep the DB from one run to another
15:29 Joubu               * ktd DB persistency (waiting for approval)
15:29 Joubu               but it will get fixed very soon
15:29 Joubu               currently it's broken, so don't pull your ktd images!
15:29 Joubu               I sent an email to the list, we now have pre-commit hook that will installed automagically for ktd users
15:29 Joubu               * git hooks
15:28 Joubu               I will continue with the other topics, just raise hand if you have question
15:27 Joubu               there is code in all of that, all we need to testing
15:27 Joubu               we don't run cypress tests, and we missed regressions
15:27 Joubu               and I forgot https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues/311
15:27 Joubu               there 2 follow-ups to improve the current situation 32806 and 32898
15:26 Joubu               different layers need to be adjust to prevent crashes, so misc4dev and ktd, and finally koha
15:26 Joubu               it's all related to removing the compiled files, js and css
15:26 Joubu               we need more help to make them move forward
15:26 tuxayo              comments from people involved?
15:26 Joubu               lot of help needed
15:25 tuxayo              lots of stuff going on! :)
15:25 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32898 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Cypress tests are failing
15:25 tuxayo              - Bug 32898 - Cypress tests are failing (Waiting for SO)
15:25 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32806 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , Some Vue files need to be moved for better reusability
15:25 tuxayo              - Bug 32806 - Some Vue files need to be moved for better reusability (In discussion!)
15:25 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32609 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Remove compiled files from src
15:25 tuxayo              - Bug 32609 - Remove compiled files from src (waiting for QA)
15:25 tuxayo              - Issue #62 - Run cypress tests with --run-all-tests (waiting for approval) https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-misc4dev/-/merge_requests/59
15:25 tuxayo              - Issue #60 - Run build_js if available otherwise build (waiting for approval) https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-misc4dev/-/merge_requests/58
15:25 tuxayo              - Run yarn build commands after reset_all (waiting for approval) https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-misc4dev/-/issues/60
15:25 tuxayo              «ERM/Vue/Cypress »
15:24 cait                sorry, not sorry :)
15:24 tuxayo              #topic Status of roadmap projects
15:23 * ashimema          has been trying.. but you keep filing it back up again cait ;P
15:23 tuxayo              moving on?
15:23 tuxayo              ashimema: it being part of another even helps a lot to have people planning time for it. Otherwise it's tough to get people ^^
15:22 cait                but overall, we seem to pick up speed, which is good and please continue :)
15:22 cait                and then there are some bugs sitting since December I'd like to see moving
15:22 cait                the number of bad bugs is a little worrying, to we shoudl focus on those to get stable more stable
15:22 cait                and then even lower
15:22 wahanui             okay, cait.
15:22 cait                I am also happy to see some movement on the queue and hope we'll get below 100 soon
15:21 cait                oh sorry
15:21 ashimema            really happy these sessions are happening.. and glad to hear they're slowly picking up attendance a bit
15:20 ashimema            tuxayo++
15:19 tuxayo              3 attendants, 2 new people trained on patch testing. Results for attendants: 11 tickets out of the Needs Signoff queue: 5 signoffs and 6 failed QA. And 2 attempts with a comment let on the ticket to ask for more details about how to test.
15:19 tuxayo              There was testing sessions spread over 3 days as part of the hackathon of KohaLa (french Koha users association).
15:18 wahanui             qa_team is, like, cait, marcelr, khall, kidclamp,  lukeg, aleisha, fridolin, ashimema, tuxayo, nugged, petrova, Joubu and dcook
15:18 tuxayo              qa_team?
15:18 tuxayo              #topic Updates from the QA team
15:18 tcohen              yes please
15:18 tuxayo              moving on?
15:16 tcohen              \o/
15:16 ashimema            there's in the repo in another branch if I remember correctly
15:16 ashimema            or maybe even a gitlab wiki site
15:16 ashimema            yeah.. I was thinking along those line
15:16 tcohen              ashimema: I'd like to have a separate 'advanced' file for tricks and stuff
15:16 ashimema            it's already on the list to slim it down a bit and clarify some points
15:15 tcohen              it is better to do it like that, specially if some dev is stuck and imporant for you
15:15 ashimema            so I can look at ktd too
15:15 * ashimema          is cleaning up readme's for some of our other infrastructure
15:15 tcohen              that you all can contact me if you need to talk about your devs
15:15 emlam               got it - will do
15:15 tcohen              only
15:15 tuxayo              anything else to add?
15:14 tuxayo              emlam: if you have ideas, find some stuff confusing or find issues, you can open a ticket here: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/issues
15:13 cait                I think it's great - we need to take that feedback and make things better
15:13 emlam               :)
15:13 emlam               Awesome! :0
15:13 emlam               I'm just getting the hang of using it so the perspective on what's helpful for a new user is fresh for me
15:13 tcohen              so, go ahead :-D
15:13 tcohen              emlam: I love answering things
15:12 tcohen              but things need a tidy
15:12 emlam               I would love to help with the README if I can ask a million questions...
15:12 tcohen              and the first portion he could follow
15:12 tcohen              I'm training a junior dev
15:12 tcohen              help with the README is welcome
15:11 cait                also tcohen++ for the ktd updates - with the last batch of changes I am much faster because not constantly struggling permission errors
15:11 ashimema            I'm excited to get that one pushed
15:11 ashimema            awesome on the compiled assets front tcohen
15:11 tuxayo              nice
15:11 ashimema            tcohen++ for all his work dockerising the release-tools
15:10 ashimema            rmaint scripts are getting refined and improved with each new member on my team taking things on
15:10 cait                tcohen++ koha++ :)
15:10 ashimema            nice to have tcohen back and pushing to master.. my team are getting into the groove now
15:10 tcohen              we are removing them soon, updates to come
15:10 tuxayo              oops, go on tcohen, rmaints can give info also
15:10 ashimema            Likewise, we're bashing through the queue
15:10 tcohen              looking closely at the conversations about compiled assets in the source tree
15:10 tcohen              and resumed pushing.
15:09 cait                and I was in the wrong topic - too slow
15:09 tcohen              Not many updated, worked on wiki update this morning
15:09 wahanui             rmaints is probably liliputech, wainui, lukeg and ashimema
15:09 tuxayo              rmaints?
15:09 tuxayo              #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers
15:09 thd                 :)
15:09 tcohen              sorry, I was answering something personal
15:09 Joubu               so we don't spend 2h :)
15:09 tcohen              Not many updates
15:09 Joubu               Can we make this meeting a bit more... dynamic?
15:08 cait                over 50 registrations for hackfest in Marseille .)
15:07 tuxayo              tcohen: 🎙️
15:07 tuxayo              #topic Update from the Release manager (22.11)
15:06 tuxayo              Anything to announce that doesn't fit better the other topics?
15:06 tuxayo              #topic Announcements
15:04 emlam               #info Emily Lamancusa, MCPL, USA
15:03 tuxayo              #info Victor Grousset, Tuxayo Antartica, France
15:03 cait                #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany
15:03 thd                 #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City
15:03 lauraesca[m]        #info Laura Escamilla, ByWater Solutions
15:03 * ashimema          will need to duck out at some point for school runs etc.. and is a bit distracted with another ongoing meeting
15:02 ashimema            #info Martin Renoize, PTFS Europe, UK
15:02 paulderscheid[m]    #info Paul Derscheid, LMSCloud GmbH, Germany
15:02 khall_              #info Kyle Hall, ByWater Solutions
15:02 Joubu               #info Jonathan Druart
15:02 AgustinMoyano[m]    #info Agustin Moyano
15:02 tcohen              #info Tomas Cohen Arazi
15:02 wahanui             qa_team is cait, marcelr, khall, kidclamp,  lukeg, aleisha, fridolin, ashimema, tuxayo, nugged, petrova, Joubu and dcook
15:02 tuxayo              qa_team?
15:02 oleonard            #info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA
15:02 wahanui             it has been said that rmaints is liliputech, wainui, lukeg and ashimema
15:02 tuxayo              rmaints?
15:01 tuxayo              #topic Introductions
15:01 tuxayo              #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_8_February_2023 Today's agenda
15:01 huginn              The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_8_february_2023'
15:01 huginn              Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:01 huginn              Meeting started Wed Feb  8 15:01:29 2023 UTC.  The chair is tuxayo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:01 tuxayo              #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 8 February 2023
14:57 tcohen              marcelr++ # all the details
14:55 tuxayo              Meeting in 5min!
14:52 Joubu               rebase against ktd/master and try again
14:51 Joubu               oleonard: update ktd src
14:50 Joubu               tcohen: isn't files/git_hooks copied to /kohadevbox/git_hooks?
14:47 tcohen              doing a KOHA_IMAGE=master-buster ktd pull
14:47 tcohen              will try to reproduce your problem but my internet sucks
14:46 tcohen              I'm using master-bullseye and have no problems
14:46 oleonard            KOHA_IMAGE = master-buster
14:46 oleonard            Joubu: I did, "ktd --es6 pull"
14:46 tcohen              oleonard: echo $KOHA_IMAGE
14:45 huginn              tcohen: The operation succeeded.
14:45 tcohen              @later tell thd I've updated the test wiki to Canasta 1.2.2. Fixed a bug they have and tweaked the mounts too, please check if it works ok, in which case we can upgrade the production site
14:45 Joubu               did you pull?
14:44 Joubu               it needs to rebuild
14:44 tcohen              looking, oleonard
14:44 oleonard            tcohen: https://paste.koha-community.org/1205
14:44 tcohen              oleonard: can you be a bit more specific?
14:43 oleonard            I've tried several times, done all the pruning and pulling I know how to do
14:43 oleonard            tcohen Joubu, do you have any advice for diagnosing why KTD is crashing today?
14:43 caroline            sorry I'm confused and I needed to get it out :)
14:42 caroline            maxfine "when you edit the rule"... there is no maxfine when you edit the rule...
14:41 caroline            Someone also replied (I think just to me? I can't find the message on the archive) saying it was not 32271 but "maxfine"
14:40 * oleonard          pretends not to notice messages about fines
14:33 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32271 major, P5 - low, ---, geraud.frappier, Signed Off , Overdue fines cap (amount) set to 0.00 when editing rule
14:33 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32905 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Fine calculation issue in 22.05
14:33 caroline            I don't see how bug 32905 is different from bug 32271
14:30 caroline            I feel like there is something lost in translation for the fines thread on the mailing list... It's like we're all talking about the same thing but not in the same terms so we think it's not?
13:32 huginn              Joubu: The operation succeeded.
13:32 Joubu               @later tell tcohen it's issue_61, updating the commit message!
13:32 pastebot            "oleonard" at pasted "KTD just won't work for me today" (22 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/1205
12:30 cait                hello #koha
11:52 tcohen              hola #koha o/
11:13 tundunf             hi all! :)
09:23 PedroAmorim[m]      hi
08:29 magnuse             \o/
07:48 wahanui             hey, alex_
07:48 alex_               Bonjour
06:43 wahanui             niihau, reiveune
06:43 reiveune            hello
05:11 Nemo_bis            ProfDrOsmanBarre[m]: Koha may help
04:11 ProfDrOsmanBarre[m] Any body home to answer
04:10 ProfDrOsmanBarre[m] Hello, We need a software to run a library in Somalia, Mogadishu