Time  Nick       Message
07:53 alex_      Bonjour
07:56 cait       good morning #koha
08:13 ashimema   Morning cait
08:30 magnuse    \o/
08:31 thibaud_g  hi everyone :)
10:31 cait       hi ashimema, magnuse and thibaud_g :)
10:33 magnuse    hiya cait thibaud_g and ashimema
10:34 thibaud_g  hey :D
10:35 thibaud_g  :) *
11:45 tcohen     hola #koha
11:45 tcohen     happy friday and year's last working day
11:46 cait[m]    yes! good day for some clean up and planning :)
13:43 bill-k2    Good morning. I've been asked to run misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl for a library I'm volunteering to maintain, but when I run it I'm hitting the following error:
13:43 bill-k2    DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::catch {...} (): DBI Connection failed: Can't call method "get" on an undefined value at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Database.pm line 61. at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Database.pm line 139
13:51 cait1      how are you runnign it?
13:51 cait1      within the koha-shell?
13:52 cait1      try sudo koha-shell instancename if you haven't yet and then run it there - applies to all scripts apart of the koha- package commands
13:55 bill-k2    That changed the error at least! Now getting: Can't call method "field" on unblessed reference at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Biblio.pm line 2392.
13:57 bill-k2    got it, I was running from the wrong directory. Ty for the support!
14:05 cait1      bill-k2: glad you figured it out :)
14:08 magnuse    see you on the other side, #koha!
14:10 cait1      magnuse: have a great start into the new year!
14:26 lukeg      hi all
14:43 cait1      hi lukeg :)
15:58 jabiertxof hi need some help
16:00 jabiertxof when add a book the origin library is not filled or ignored so con get iinto detailed view or labels. I couldent find where to fix, editing a book when there is only one library and saving also dont store nothing in the database, even with the  library selected in origin
16:02 jabiertxof I fix doing a database update of items table in the column "board???" and all works but I want the app no need this update if posible
16:03 jabiertxof homebranch is the column
16:08 jabiertxof when add a book became NULL
16:08 jabiertxof When update the bool NULL persist
16:12 cait1      check your frameworks
16:12 cait1      is the field set to invisible?
16:12 cait1      you can add your library's code as default, so it's set when invisible
16:13 cait1      Administration > bibliographic MARC frameworks > check all of them for 952 a and b (MARC21)
16:13 cait1      jabiertxof: ^
16:21 jabiertxof thanks cait! ! you save me!
16:21 jabiertxof cait1
16:30 cait1      :)
16:40 jabiertxof <3 Happy new year for all koha people specialy cait1
16:41 jabiertxof bye
17:55 cait       bye all and have a great start into the new year #koha!