Time Nick Message 23:04 jabiertxof it give me some problems I couls sove but is a panic situation on restoring backuups 23:03 jabiertxof or better dont allow remove running instances 23:03 jabiertxof also wiki on debian setup maybe must warn instance must be stoped before remove 22:11 jabiertxof maybe a warn in the interface is welcome :) 21:50 jabiertxof Hi just to inform my issue uploading is because it give me a 403 Request Entity Too Large 19:12 jabiertxof thanks so much for helping me! 19:10 jabiertxof probably I fiil out tommorow 19:08 jabiertxof the bug happends to me on /cgi-bin/koha/tools/stage-marc-import.pl 19:07 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, bugs.koha-community.org jabiertxof 19:07 cait[m] please also consider filing a bug 19:07 cait[m] or bulkmarcimport 19:07 cait[m] stage_file and commit_file for like the staged import 19:07 jabiertxof and in my local dev 22.05 19:06 paulderscheid[m] This bug should be filed.. Who found it @cait? 19:06 jabiertxof is strange upload go well in other demo server 19:06 jabiertxof I remember a warn to use with caution 19:05 jabiertxof bulckbackup.pl or similar? 19:05 cait[m] they stil work 19:05 cait[m] try using the command line scripts if you can get to the server 19:05 paulderscheid[m] Oh, that's bad 19:05 jabiertxof Yes because cant upload the books 19:05 cait[m] i tihnk it's ealted to the background jobs 19:05 paulderscheid[m] Is that blocking behaviour? 19:04 cait[m] but no bug filed yet I tihnk 19:04 jabiertxof thanks so much unsdertand my problem, sorry Im not english 19:04 cait[m] it has been discussed a few days ago 19:04 cait[m] I see the same here 19:04 paulderscheid[m] Strange 19:04 jabiertxof langs also give me a error (also happends in 22.05 can not acces to memcahed sokets. Info koha show memcached working 19:02 jabiertxof in the JSON parse, I go with the same file to the 22.11 demo server and upload correct. I only add 4 langs, all the rest is a fresh install 19:01 jabiertxof the problem is here: xhr.onload = function (e) { var data = JSON.parse( xhr.responseText ); if( data.status == 'done' ) { progressbar.val( 100 ); progressbar.next('.fileuploadpercent').text( '100' ); } callback( data.status, data.fileid, data.errors ); } 19:00 jabiertxof I need hemp with a issue updating a fresh install from 22.05 to 22.11, all seems correct but when try to upload a mrc file with my books I get a JS error 18:58 jabiertxof hi all I start using Koha, thanks for working on 16:02 reiveune bye 14:58 paulderscheid[m] Happy holidays! 14:51 paulderscheid[m] I get that. But thanks for chiming in o/ 14:51 oleonard I added some comments paulderscheid[m]. Unfortunately I won't be available to try some other options myself until after the new year. 14:46 paulderscheid[m] Thank you both :) 14:46 cait1 what oleonard said :) 14:44 oleonard http://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2022-12-21 14:42 paulderscheid[m] Hey cait1. How can i link to the log of this chat? 14:29 paulderscheid[m] Ah no, I have them and they seem to work. 14:28 paulderscheid[m] Oh my.. I think I overlooked that. 14:28 oleonard (in the table headers) 14:28 oleonard The sorting icons don't work for me. I don't see them. 14:27 oleonard It's all CSS, so we certainly have a lot of leeway there 14:26 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, that's what I thought. 14:26 oleonard I don't think the little + icon is very clear in terms of what the user expects it to do 14:26 paulderscheid[m] Agreed. Do the svg icons look good on your end? 14:25 oleonard paulderscheid[m]: it makes more sense to me to have the controls in the last column rather than at the start. What do you think? 14:09 paulderscheid[m] Maybe you could add your 2 cents on the bug :) 14:09 cait1 paulderscheid[m]: i had a question for you too 14:08 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32341 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, hammat.wele, Signed Off , Some OPAC tables are not displayed well in mobile mode 14:08 paulderscheid[m] I just looked at bug 32341 and it technically works but I think the added UI elements could be improved upon. Just thought I'd ask you. 14:07 oleonard A little bit paulderscheid[m] :) 13:58 paulderscheid[m] oleonard around? 13:28 tcohen \o/ 13:28 magnuse thanks for pointing me in that direction 13:28 magnuse time for a minor upgrade :-) 13:28 magnuse yeah 13:28 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30462 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, RESOLVED FIXED, Improve the default display for the background jobs queue management page 13:28 ashimema 🙂 13:28 magnuse ah bug 30462, which is in 22.11.00, 22.05.07 13:28 tcohen 22.05.07 13:28 huginn 04Bug 30982: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Use the REST API for background job list view 13:28 tcohen https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30982 13:26 magnuse probably not in 22.05 13:26 magnuse ah, i see that in ktd, at least 13:24 magnuse 22.05.06 13:22 ashimema version magnuse? 13:22 tcohen there should be a 'last hour' checkbox? 13:19 magnuse there should be a cutoff there, to only load the 1000 newest jobs or something 13:17 magnuse but it makes the page for viewing background jobs very slow to load 13:16 tcohen but it should be almost immediate, not taking resources 13:15 tcohen magnuse: yeah, every action that changes bibs or items related to one of those holds will update the queue 13:13 magnuse with RealTimeHoldsQueue = on i get 4000+ background jobs for holds per day on one site. anyone else seeing that? the site is an active public library, but not huge either. 1870 active holds at the moment 12:48 ashimema And do it for them this time 12:47 ashimema Okies, I'll catch wizzy 12:44 cait1 I think i cannot 12:43 ashimema matt is rolling release so wanted to draft up the annountment 12:43 ashimema can you add people to wordpress cait1 ? 12:41 ashimema yeah.. I really need to get into habbits of using the docker 12:41 ashimema well.. I was looking at en-GB initially.. but there are feck loads of fixes we had to do to pass the junit test 12:41 tcohen I use THE docker image for release-tools 12:41 tcohen but yeah 12:41 ashimema er.. 12:41 tcohen ashimema: you can install md5sum 12:40 cait1 which language? 12:40 cait1 i can fix that 12:40 ashimema for example 12:40 ashimema so can only make suggestions and not actual translation fixes 12:40 ashimema I no longer appear to have any rights in the UI.. 12:39 ashimema cait1 translation stuff 12:35 ashimema I bet you don't have access to add users to download.koha-community.org 12:33 * ashimema is updating docs: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Release_maintenance 12:32 ashimema or is this another thing you're doing from inside the docker image 12:31 ashimema md5sum doesn't exist 12:31 ashimema have oyu tried running it on mac? 12:31 ashimema tcohen.. your change to Koha/Release for tarball 12:31 cait1 oh what for? 12:31 ashimema I've been looking for you 12:30 cait1 well.. kind of 12:30 cait1 ashimema: been here all day? 12:28 tcohen hola #koha 09:40 ashimema still no cait? 09:17 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello #koha! I have a question. When changing the code of a constant value for language? How the code to be changed across all bibliographic records? 08:58 ashimema I miss the cait, cati1, cai2, cait3 bot 08:58 ashimema cait around? 07:09 reiveune hello 06:40 fridolin Hohoho 06:40 fridolin yellow