Time  Nick              Message
02:32 * dcook           thinks tcohen must never sleep...
07:49 reiveune          hello
07:51 alex_             Bonjour
08:31 Joubu             @later tell tcohen There are several follow-up on 32030 to fix failing tests. However one fix is missing and I am not sure I will have time today to have a look (see last comment).
08:31 huginn`           Joubu: The operation succeeded.
11:08 vfernandes[m]     hi #koha-community:matrix.org
11:10 cait              hello
11:15 vfernandes[m]     can we check the Koha 22.11 (pre) release notes anywhere?
11:15 cait              yes
11:15 cait              sec
11:16 cait              https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-release-notes/-/blob/master/release_notes_22_06_00.md
11:16 cait              it looks like it's missing the most recent additions (says last change 3 weeks ago)
11:16 cait              ashimema: was this supposed to update automatically?
11:17 cait              vfernandes[m]: we've had some bigger additions after the script was last run, are you looking for something specific?
11:19 vfernandes[m]     I want to do a presentation with the most important new features of the Koha last versions (21.11, 22.05 and 22.11)
11:20 cait              for 22.11 the important ones missing are probably ERM module, OIDC authentication and provisioning, item groups and item group holds
11:21 ashimema          yes
11:21 ashimema          it was
11:21 ashimema          seems there's something odd going on
11:21 ashimema          I'll run it in a few minutes
11:22 ashimema          running now
11:22 ashimema          and watching for errors
11:22 cait              ashimema++
11:24 vfernandes[m]     thanks cait  and ashimema
11:31 tcohen            hola #koha
11:32 oleonard          o/
11:32 ashimema          done
11:33 cait              It includes 11 new features, 323 enhancements, 458 bugfixes.
11:33 ashimema          huge release
11:34 cait              It includes 6 new features, 260 enhancements, 363 bugfixes.
11:34 cait              this is 3 weeks of work now
11:35 cait              5 new, 63 enh and 95 bug fixes
11:36 * ashimema        is getting confused about whitespace in notices.. very confused.
11:36 cait              hmmmm why is NSO almot 40?!
11:36 cait              NQA I mean
11:38 cait              ashimema: can we help?
11:39 ashimema          what.. with whitespace issues?
11:39 ashimema          I'm just confused
11:40 ashimema          it's my new notices for catalog concerns
11:40 ashimema          they all hit the database with a crap load of whitespace
11:40 ashimema          but the templates look simple and small
11:40 ashimema          >Dear [%- INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' patron => ticket.reporter -%],<br>... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/SgwBBnmLoYTCmKxDmsDLoaBq>)
11:41 cait              Not sure then
11:42 pastebot          "ashimema" at pasted "Dear [%- INCLUDE 'patron-title" (62 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/18328
11:42 ashimema          paste shows it more clearly
11:42 ashimema          template above the --------
11:42 ashimema          results between the next two -----------
11:43 cait              really odd
11:43 ashimema          i.e a tonne of blank lines at the tope, a huge whitespace between 'Dear' and the name, 'more blank linkes..
11:43 ashimema          it's really weird..
11:43 ashimema          and it happens to all the new templates i've put it..
11:43 cait              it's probably the inlcudes
11:43 ashimema          I have absolutely no idea why
11:43 cait              at least the second one
11:43 ashimema          Joubu ^ any ideas
11:43 cait              it would not be visible on an HTML page, but it's visible in notice templates
11:43 cait              did you check HTML?
11:44 ashimema          yes
11:44 cait              ah you copied the source?
11:44 ashimema          yup
11:44 cait              i bet it's us not using [%- -%] consistently in the template building
11:44 cait              at lest for biblio-title
11:44 ashimema          mm, perhaps
11:45 ashimema          but that still doesn't really explain why we get a load of up front space
11:45 ashimema          another little annoyance I just spotted.. our helpers give relative URLs.. which are fine.. but not great in an email context
11:50 cait              but easy to fix by adding the opacbaseurl
11:52 ashimema          not really
11:52 ashimema          as the links are constructed inside the include it means adding an option to the include
11:52 ashimema          you can't just add it in the template easily
11:54 ashimema          OK.. fixing up [%- in the includes does help a lot
11:54 ashimema          still a few issues though.
11:57 cait              maybe do the fixup on a separate bug
11:59 ashimema          I should probably put this include fix stuff in another bug ☹️
12:00 ashimema          lol
12:03 cait              ;)
12:08 ashimema          why do my bugs always end up so huge
12:09 ashimema          this was meant to be a fairly simple dev for a customer.. a couple of days worth..
12:09 cait              perfectionist? :)
12:09 ashimema          322 comments later and it's still going
12:10 ashimema          mind you.. bugzilla really doesn't help by adding in a comment for every attachement.. that grows awefully fast for larger patchsets with lots of rebases.
12:19 marcelr           o/
12:22 cait              h marcelr :)
12:41 * cait            waves at oleonard
12:42 oleonard          Back after a restart... hopefully ktd will work now...
12:43 cait              the normal up hasn't been working for me, but it worked with ktd --es6 up
12:45 tcohen            ktd pull
12:45 tcohen            because of the new deps
12:45 tcohen            sorry I didn't announce yesterday
12:45 cait              i did the ktd pull - was broken before the big pushes for me already
12:45 tcohen            ??
12:45 cait              I'll get you the error next time I get it
12:46 tcohen            I missed some of the conversation
12:46 cait              nope :) it's me, don't worry
12:46 ashimema          dman
12:46 ashimema          we're clashing on bug 32028 cait
12:46 huginn`           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32028 minor, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Passed QA , Add page-section to various administration pages (part 2)
12:47 cait              i put myself as qa contact...
12:47 ashimema          I was just writing a follow-up
12:47 cait              ah
12:47 cait              which page for?
12:47 ashimema          smart rules
12:47 cait              hah :)
12:47 cait              did you see my last comment there?
12:47 ashimema          just about to read it
12:48 ashimema          I went to comment and saw you had
12:49 cait              I can test your follow-up
12:49 ashimema          Just writing a quick test plan to say what I changed
12:52 ashimema          attaching now
12:53 ashimema          ooh..
12:53 ashimema          I want to make another change..
12:54 cait              go ahead
12:54 cait              I'll stare at buttons meanwhile
12:55 oleonard          That was my plan... pending ktd up...
12:58 ashimema          uploading again now cait
12:58 marcelr           is the new erm module workable without ebsco api keys or cant you do anything then ?
12:59 cait              yes, you can use local holdings
12:59 marcelr           how can you add one?
12:59 cait              there should be a button to do htat
12:59 marcelr           i can only search, and that gives 404s only
13:00 cait              but I haven't looked in a bit
13:00 cait              are you on the sandbox or on your installation?
13:00 ashimema          have you updated your dependancies marcelr.. it came with a bunch of new ones
13:00 marcelr           own installation
13:00 ashimema          that made me stumble this mornign as the API's were all silently failing
13:01 cait              on the left, you should have e-holdings - ebsco and local
13:01 cait              when you are at local - packages
13:01 marcelr           ok ill check did not see warnings in plack-error though
13:01 cait              btw... not sure i like the design htere being so different to all our other navs *hides*
13:01 cait              then you go new package
13:01 marcelr           i cant even see local packages
13:01 cait              hm
13:01 marcelr           i have agreement search
13:02 marcelr           can search packages and titles
13:02 marcelr           i will check missing stuff then
13:02 cait              go to your system preferences
13:02 cait              ERMProviders
13:02 cait              and we probably might adapt ddefaults if that is the issue
13:02 marcelr           File not found : js/vue/dist/main.js at /usr/share/koha/Koha/Template/Plugin/Asset.pm line 84.
13:02 cait              make sure you check local
13:03 marcelr           yes it says local
13:03 marcelr           i am missing js scripts apparently
13:05 cait              maybe for comparison: https://staff-erm.sandboxes.biblibre.eu (k.../k...)
13:05 ashimema          I thought we'd fixed lots of heading levels
13:05 ashimema          I'm seeing issues littered around a lot again today
13:06 marcelr           cait: the whole container i do not see it
13:06 marcelr           i suspect trouble on dev installs with this erm module
13:07 marcelr           wrong paths etc
13:09 cait              i commented today we should check in packages too
13:09 cait              i remembe we had missing something when adding other modules that made it not show up in packages (the files were missing)
13:11 marcelr           yes should be  checked (or have been)
13:12 cait              oleonard: E-Ressource management - the capitalization kinda upsets me
13:12 cait              is that correct?
13:13 tcohen            marcelr: have you yarn build_js?
13:13 cait              ashimema: on your follow-ups now
13:13 oleonard          cait: I would say the R should not be capitalized
13:13 cait              tcohen: is that documented somewhere yet? build_js ?
13:13 cait              oleonard: my feeling too
13:13 cait              but i think I was told it was correct another time
13:14 marcelr           tcohen: where do i need it for? hasnt it been built ?
13:17 oleonard          ashimema: Do you remember a discussion a long time about about using display:table to make it so that tables don't overflow their containers?
13:25 ashimema          yes
13:25 ashimema          I remember
13:26 ashimema          from memory I tried to do a global fix and we found it was too big a change and broke display of a bunch of other things so I think it got reverted..
13:26 ashimema          I'd love to have it revisisted
13:26 ashimema          it annoyed me no end
13:27 oleonard          Yeah... I didn't remember there was a bug, I'll try to hunt it down because I don't remember what the global fix was
13:33 Joubu             tcohen: you must have pushed the dist file!
13:36 ashimema          ha, me either..
13:36 ashimema          let me know if you can't find it.. I likely have it in my history somewhere
13:49 ashimema          bug 25242
13:49 huginn`           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25242 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, CLOSED FIXED, Accessibility: The 'Holdings' table partially obscures navigation links at 200% zoom
13:49 ashimema          oleonard ^
13:49 oleonard          Oh, thank you ashimema
13:50 ashimema          it was table-layout: fixed
13:50 cait              bug 32147 is ready for testing
13:50 huginn`           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32147 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Capitalization: E-Resource management should be E-resource management
13:50 ashimema          or something along those lines.. rather than display:table
13:51 oleonard          I added a little follow-up to Bug 32004
13:51 huginn`           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32004 trivial, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Passed QA , Increase font size in top navigation pull downs
13:54 ashimema          bug 12580 is still open for the overflowing issues oloenard
13:54 huginn`           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12580 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , DataTables overflow their container elements
13:54 ashimema          linked from the above one
13:54 ashimema          🙂
14:34 SupportLibrary[m] Hello. I am writing with the following question. When creating a new template from Authority types, I render the field I assign number 113 for Auth field copied. In the template in field 113 b i am writing the name of the publisher (This template is for publisher Authority record). When i created the template i added it to the bibliographic framework of of my choice. In the framework i created a filed 9 (RLIN), so when i select an
14:35 SupportLibrary[m] already created publisher, its number is automatically filled. Why only the filed from which i select the publisher is locked but not the filed with 9 (RLIN) like it is with Personal name (100)?
14:37 SupportLibrary[m] The option  BiblioAddsAuthorities is set to don't allow!
14:45 caroline          SupportLibrary[m], can you share a screenshot? I'm not sure I understand what is going on
14:45 SupportLibrary[m] ok
14:45 caroline          I've also never been able to make publisher authorities work because of the $b. It's like it has to have an $a (it was the case a while back, I haven't tried in a while)
14:49 SupportLibrary[m] This is what happens: For tag 260 i made subtag b to be a authority for publisher. In subtag 9(RLIN) the number of the specific authority publisher is shown. When option  BiblioAddsAuthorities is set to don't allow, only the subtag b is locked but not subtag 9(RLIN)
14:52 caroline          Ok I think it was the same problem I had back then... Let me try again...
14:55 SupportLibrary[m] The problem is solved. I make subfield 260a the authority and now the subfield 9 (RLIN) is locked
14:55 Joubu             oleonard: I've used display:table for the DTs in the ERM module and it worked great
14:56 cait              caroline, oleonard: bug 32147
14:57 huginn`           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32147 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Capitalization: E-Resource management should be E-resource management
14:57 caroline          SupportLibrary[m], ok! Does it solve your problem though? Can you choose an authority and it is copied in 260$b?
14:58 SupportLibrary[m] no now it is copied in 260$a
15:00 caroline          :( Yeah... I think that's the extent of Koha capabilities...
15:00 caroline          Can you add the place name in 113$a and publisher name in 113$b?
15:02 liliputech        hi koha (long time no see)
15:05 oleonard          Hi liliputech
15:05 caroline          cait are you looking for a signoff or comments?
15:05 SupportLibrary[m] <caroline> "Can you add the place name in 11..." <- May be it is possiible. If 113$a is authority and 113$b is authority which number will be shown in 113$9(RLIN)?
15:06 tuxayo-webchat    hi, sorry, can't attend the meeting
15:08 cait              both
15:08 SupportLibrary[m] In my case take the number of the last  selected
15:09 oleonard          Joke's on tuxayo, we all forgot XD
15:09 caroline          SupportLibrary[m], I meant in the same authority put place name in $a and publisher name in $b... but I don't think it would work either
15:09 liliputech        'kay, meeting postponed?
15:09 ashimema          lol
15:10 * ashimema        runs out the door on the school run.
15:10 SupportLibrary[m] caroline: I will try tomorrow
15:11 * liliputech      forgot his schoolbag, going back home @lightspeed
15:24 caroline          regarding e-, I found this, which is not the best reference as they don't use any capital letters in their entry headings, but in "Cite this entry", they have it written like E-book https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/e-book
15:28 cait              i think this is right
15:28 cait              no capital letters.. only for names like months, days, countries
15:28 caroline          I also found the same in wikipedia, but wanted a more reputable source...
15:29 marcelr           E-mail or e-mail is fine
15:29 marcelr           E-Mail is not
15:29 cait              https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/German
15:29 cait              they do use capitals when appropriat
15:29 cait              e
15:29 caroline          ok! Good to know, I was looking at only common words, like "cat"
15:30 cait              oc :)
15:31 caroline          :D
15:31 caroline          I will sign off and we can debate the long form vs abbreviation later?
15:36 cait              sure :)
15:37 caroline          ok maybe I can't sign off... Is it normal that after I enable the syspref, there is nothing in the module? There is no add button, no title https://snipboard.io/pvhrkZ.jpg
15:37 caroline          please ignore the quantity of tabs lol, I'm doing too many things at once
15:39 caroline          ERMModule is enabled and ERMProviders is set to Local, I should be able to add local agreements no? Do I have to rebuild something before?
15:41 marcelr           caroline: there is still a problem in master
15:41 marcelr           i had the same
15:42 marcelr           tomas should push some files still
15:42 caroline          ah ok, phew I thought it was only me again... thx marcelr :)
16:23 cait              caroline: just fixed the space
16:23 caroline          +1 ok will check again
16:25 cait              thx!
16:27 ashimema          See the message on devel lists Caroline
16:27 ashimema          To play with eRM you need to build the js
16:29 ashimema          https://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-devel/2022-November/047385.html
16:29 ashimema          We're discussing how to ease this..
16:29 ashimema          And my opinion is no, Tomas shouldn't push more files
16:30 cait              hm but we need them built in the packages, don't we?
16:30 ashimema          It would end up with a rapidly increasing repository size and conflict resolution fun regularly
16:30 ashimema          We do need a clearly documented process though
16:31 ashimema          He was keen to get it pushed for string freeze etc . But we are still working on those little things
16:41 caroline          both commands don't work on my environment, unfortunately
16:45 ashimema          perhaps a `yarn install` first?
16:47 caroline          It gives me the same error 00h00m00s 0/0: : ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'install'
16:47 caroline          am I supposed to be in a particular directory?
16:49 ashimema          hmm
16:49 ashimema          pass I'm afraid
16:50 caroline          ERM is not in the sandboxes either
16:51 caroline          Sorry cait
16:51 oleonard          https://staff-erm.sandboxes.biblibre.eu
16:52 caroline          can I add a patch to that sandbox?
16:52 cait              not your fault
16:53 cait              i think this one is locked and probably a bit outdated
16:53 caroline          The option is there but I don't want to break it for everyone
16:53 cait              have you run the new jsbuild thing?
16:53 cait              or do we have a general problem?
16:53 caroline          I tried but it says there is no such thing
16:53 caroline          it's probably just me
16:54 cait              ah ok, probably ont only you
17:07 * ashimema        is looking into it now
17:07 ashimema          for me.. i get
17:07 ashimema          yarn build_js... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/LHOvRagohDbshQdvcSAdxAhW>)
17:08 ashimema          now I'm running `yarn install` which should grab webpack for me.
17:09 ashimema          hmm
17:10 ashimema          ok.. not happy here either
17:13 ashimema          are you running in k-t-d caroline?
17:13 ashimema          for me
17:13 ashimema          kshell > kshell
17:13 ashimema          yarn install
17:13 caroline          no I have what is called a "vintage" installation
17:13 ashimema          yarn build_js
17:13 ashimema          that does the trick
17:13 ashimema          dev type install?
17:13 ashimema          I use that at times too
17:14 ashimema          for that I get npm/node version issues
17:15 caroline          git that I pull every time
17:15 ashimema          ?
17:16 caroline          I have a git installation on my computer that was done ages ago and I just pull when I need to update it
17:17 caroline          I didn't install it myself, so I can't say for sure, but maybe by package? I have no idea
17:19 caroline          I wouldn't spend time on this if it works for you
17:20 caroline          I'll just not test ERM for now and wait until it is completely integrated
17:24 ashimema          Will look more tomorrow
17:24 ashimema          Runnin around after kids now
17:45 tcohen            hi all
17:45 tcohen            gentle reminder: tomorrow is string freeze
17:45 tcohen            please SO/QA all the things that touch strings
17:45 tcohen            please special attention to those page-section patches, that will be a pain to rebase later
18:19 ashimema          This release is properly creeping up in me
18:19 ashimema          Will spend some hours tonight trying to receive any last page-section bugs
18:20 ashimema          I'm also kinda keen to get the tab Vs pills one done.. the majority case (where it's not embedded inside another page-section of filedset) seems agreed upon..
18:20 ashimema          But not coded
18:21 ashimema          The nested cases still need a little thought... I'll try to look at that too
18:21 oleonard          I think I have the patch mostly ready
18:28 cait[m]           hello
19:03 ashimema          nice
22:52 cait              we missed the election meeting.. and we only got 11 days left...
22:55 davidnind[m]      oh no! I haven't read back through the yet today..
22:56 cait              checked the logs, it looks like it was postponed, maybe missing the urgency
22:59 davidnind[m]      should I recreate for next week at the same time, or leave to tcohen to do? (cutting it fine before the release....)
22:59 cait              next week might be our best pick
23:00 cait              meaning i have no better idea - and we are also still missing some of the more important roles
23:02 davidnind[m]      Ok, I'll finish what I'm doing and 1) add for next week 2) send an email to the general and development mailing lists with a reminder about the roles. The release manager can change to suit if needed.
23:02 cait              you are awesome :)
23:03 davidnind[m]      sometimes... 😄
23:03 cait              oftentimes
23:19 cait              oleonard++ davidnind++ ashimema++
23:35 davidnind[m]      #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 9 November 2022
23:35 huginn`           Meeting started Wed Nov  9 23:35:00 2022 UTC.  The chair is davidnind[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
23:35 huginn`           Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
23:35 huginn`           The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_9_november_2022'
23:35 davidnind[m]      #info Agenda link: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_9_November_2022
23:35 davidnind[m]      #info The meeting was not held, so is postponed for a week at the same time
23:35 davidnind[m]      #info The meeting needs to be held before the 22.11 release so that voting can take place for 23.05 roles
23:35 davidnind[m]      #topic Next meeting
23:36 davidnind[m]      #info Next meeting: 16 November 2022, 15:00 UTC
23:36 davidnind[m]      #endmeeting
23:36 huginn`           Meeting ended Wed Nov  9 23:36:14 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
23:36 huginn`           Minutes:        https://meetings.koha-community.org/2022/development_irc_meeting_9_november_2022.2022-11-09-23.35.html
23:36 huginn`           Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2022/development_irc_meeting_9_november_2022.2022-11-09-23.35.txt
23:36 huginn`           Log:            https://meetings.koha-community.org/2022/development_irc_meeting_9_november_2022.2022-11-09-23.35.log.html
23:40 cait              Am I stil the only person where the QA script kills patches? I end up with the files unstaged after running it