Time  Nick             Message
23:48 mtj              messages = INCLUDE 'patron_messages.inc'
23:48 mtj              it looks like the following is a typo...
23:41 mtj              re: your previosu question
23:41 mtj              https://jenkins.koha-community.org/view/master/job/Koha_Master_D10/873/
23:41 mtj              hi tcohen, i think the failed jenkins test is fixed by that patch ^
23:40 pastebot         "mtj" at pasted "xt_find_missing_filters_t.Template variables should be correctly escaped (113)" (13 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/17178
21:45 huginn`          Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31564 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to master , Pass start label when exporting single label as PDF
21:45 wajasu           thanks for fixing  bug 31564  i applied to my 22.05.03 release to get by until 22.11 is released
20:24 tcohen           emlam++
20:11 tuxayo           I would have never guessed before working on Koha that libraries would need so much to do SQL
20:10 tuxayo           677 000 page loads for the SQL library wiki page! :o
20:04 emlam            :)
20:04 tuxayo           Thanks for the fix :)
20:04 tuxayo           emlam: yes, there can be several people listed
20:02 emlam            tuxayo: Cool, thanks! Should I edit the listed developer credit?
19:59 tuxayo           emlam: if you see what's wrong in the query and were able to run a working one, you can fix the wiki right away :)
19:57 emlam            I see the wiki's disclaimer that the statements haven't all been tested, but I don't want to notice something that seems off and then not say anything
19:57 emlam            Hello! Newbie question - I think I found a bug in one of the SQL statements from the SQL Reports Library. Should I submit a Bugzilla entry for that?
19:36 lukeg            hi tuxayo!
19:26 tuxayo           hi #koha :)
18:46 tcohen           jajm: the failure is related to a fragile construct you added
18:45 ashimema         none from me I'm afraid
18:45 tcohen           and I missed any answers
18:45 tcohen           I'm sorry I've been offline
18:44 tcohen           anyone has any clue on the question I made earlier
18:37 ashimema         hi tcohen
18:35 tcohen           hola oleonard ashimema
18:29 ashimema         🙂
18:29 oleonard         Alright, I'll think about that
18:27 ashimema         it all felt a bit mixed without direction.. give it some clear direction and I could be swayed back 😜
18:26 ashimema         * then flat action buttons, * buttons too
18:26 ashimema         so, to me at least, it felt really disjointed having flat and 3d mixed throughout the page.. some flat mixed with some 3d in the left aside.. some flat ("buttons") mixed with some 3d in the center.. and then flat buttons
18:25 ashimema         do fee free to propose alternatives.. the challenge I faced was things like the 'News' which is in card but positioned on the left where the nav bars generally go..
18:24 ashimema         so I took the easy route of going  'all flat' as it appeared to be the direction of travel..
18:24 ashimema         however.. I'm not wed to it.. what did bug me was inconsistencies..
18:22 oleonard         Okay, I wasn't aware of that
18:22 ashimema         and was subsequently commented on in a few other bugs by tomas, lucas and someone else from memory
18:21 ashimema         it came from a github issue
18:18 oleonard         Is that an aspect of the redesign spec that people disagreed with?
18:18 huginn`          Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31762 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to master , Flat vs 3D or mixed
18:18 oleonard         I'm confused about why we needed Bug 31762
18:17 caroline         I was talking about end of year holidays
18:16 caroline         what already?
18:16 ashimema         holidays next week 😜
18:15 huginn`          Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31877 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Capitalization: Delete this Tag
18:15 caroline         bug 31877 and the ones around that
18:15 caroline         it's nothing serious at all, it can wait until the holidays :)
18:15 ashimema         I best dangle some more pocket money her way to temp her back
18:15 ashimema         though she's been a bit overwhelmed with homework the last few weeks 😜
18:14 ashimema         string bugs are still perfect for her
18:14 ashimema         hehe..
18:14 caroline         by the by, ashimema I just entered a couple of string bugs if Isobel is looking for more to do :) Although, she might be a programmer by now so string bugs are too easy for her lol
18:13 caroline         definitely not enough time to do everything...
18:12 davidnind[m]     I'll have a look at it this week - might also check to see if there are any better tools around (was using  Selenium + Robot Framework https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_Automated_Screencapture)
18:12 caroline         Do you really think people will be lost if the interface in the screenshots isn't exactly the same? I mean, we still have old screenshots in the manual
18:12 ashimema         there's never enough time though it there ☹️
18:12 ashimema         We're on a bit of a hiring mission at the moment at ptfs-e.. so I'm not sure I'll be able to commit as much next cycle... but I was contemplating trying to be rmaint for stable or offering to do the technical side of docs manager to try and help make some strides there...
18:10 ashimema         indeed
18:10 * ashimema       contemplates
18:10 caroline         I know Joubu showed me something he did too, but that was many years ago... And from what I understood we'd still have to "program" the screenshots, so a lot of work in the beginning
18:10 ashimema         probably a good idea davidnind.. but may not help right now as those id's and classes really get much better as part of the work rather than before it
18:09 davidnind[m]     might brush off my previous attempt at automating screen captures, now that we have better divs and ids for page sections
18:09 ashimema         I imagine it'll be a huge task..  we talked about trying to automate screenshot updates at some point (for translated manuals).. did we ever get anywhere with that?
18:09 caroline         ashimema, not really, as you can see :)
18:08 ashimema         I was going to ask about this.. do you guys have any sort of plan for this?
18:08 caroline         true... Do you prefer I do the screenshots in the blue interface still?
18:08 davidnind[m]     trying to figure out the best way to get screenshots updated for 22.11 - still a lot of changes going on at the moment
18:08 ashimema         hola
18:08 caroline         I know I didn't cherry pick when I was DM, but I wasn't sure if you did
18:07 caroline         davidnind[m], ok thanks!
18:07 davidnind[m]     caroline: I have a backlog of manual changes to cherry pick for older versions of the manual, so just one merge request should be fine
18:05 oleonard         Alright who broke Bugzilla :(
18:04 caroline         I'm lazy so I don't really want to do two merge requests with different screenshots
18:04 caroline         I have several installations on my computer so it's not a problem of getting the screenshots in blue or green, I was mostly wondering if you do cherrypicks or if I should do two merge requests or what
17:57 davidnind[m]     I hope that is correct - it seemed to work for me!
17:57 davidnind[m]     caroline: steps 1) on master, git checkout 42dd6ec342 2) flush_memcached, restart_all == > should have "old" staff interface 3) git checkout master (to get back to the latest)
17:53 davidnind[m]     argh... wrong commit! Trying to find the correct one now...
17:45 davidnind[m]     caroline: alternative I think is to checkout the commit before the staff interface change was made: git checkout 6d29372a9b
17:41 davidnind[m]     caroline: I think with koha-testing-docker (KTD) it would be git checkout 22.05.x and for .env change KOHA_IMAGE=22.05 - but I'm not sure whether you are using KTD
17:40 davidnind[m]     thanks oleonard!
17:33 oleonard         caroline: You can check out the old version
17:00 huginn`          caroline: The operation succeeded.
17:00 caroline         @later tell davidnind[m] what do we do for screenshots in the manual with the new staff interface? I'm documenting something that went into Koha in 21.11, but my staff interface is now the green one
16:59 caroline         davidnind[m], are you around?
16:42 paulderscheid[m] For the record: I got it working with an apache alias. Just thought there was a nicer system already inplace. Anyway, bye y'all o/
16:30 paulderscheid[m] caroline++
16:30 paulderscheid[m] But I tested it with 20, 50 and a hundred 50kb files and the execution time of opac-retrieve-file.pl is always ~1s which is too slow for my use case :/
16:26 paulderscheid[m] bye cait
16:26 cait             bye all
16:24 cait             caroline++ :)
16:14 paulderscheid[m] I'm trying it now with 20 50kb files
16:14 paulderscheid[m] Yes
16:12 caroline         Oh ok... that I don't know how to fix... is it a large file?
16:10 paulderscheid[m] No, I mean the loading time is slow.
16:10 caroline         I'm sure you can automate it, search for the filename in the db in uploaded_files to get the hash
16:09 paulderscheid[m] I just need some way to access that.
16:09 paulderscheid[m] /var/lib/koha/kohadev/uploads/LMSEventManagement/097e222e08167fb7577238d6dba63eba_austin-distel-wD1LRb9OeEo-unsplash.jpg
16:09 paulderscheid[m] The thing is.. I already got the filenames and the images live here:
16:07 paulderscheid[m] Thanks so much for the pointers caroline o/ It works! But unfortunately it's very slow if I load 200 images client-side that way.
16:07 caroline         did you manage to get it?
16:03 caroline         If you don't want to go through the interface, I think the hash is also stored in the db, so you can extrapolate the url from that if you need
16:01 caroline         it's your opacbaseurl + cgi-bin/koha/opac-retrieve-file.pl? + a hash that was assigned to your file
16:01 caroline         e.g. mine looks like this http://master/cgi-bin/koha/opac-retrieve-file.pl?id=ffd1b1dbf7f37639c8b31b14aec606f3
16:00 caroline         use that link in your img src
16:00 caroline         Go to Uploads, find the file using the search, right-click the "Yes" link, Copy link location (or whatever is the equivalent in your browser)
15:59 paulderscheid[m] category was LMSEventManagement btw
15:59 paulderscheid[m] I just don't get with which path I have to access those resources
15:58 paulderscheid[m] The uploading part is all done caroline. It happens inside a plugin
15:57 paulderscheid[m] doesn't seem to work
15:57 paulderscheid[m] ```<img src="/LMSEventManagement/097e222e08167fb7577238d6dba63eba_austin-distel-wD1LRb9OeEo-unsplash.jpg">```
15:57 caroline         paulderscheid[m], when you upload, there is a link Public "Yes"
15:57 paulderscheid[m] I need to access them on the OPAC (public and permanent was set).
15:56 paulderscheid[m] Hi, quick question: How can I access uploaded files, that were uploaded via tools/upload-file.pl?
15:48 cait             get_return_branch_policy is new - maybe a dbic run?
15:45 oleonard         Works fine after I reset_all... some kind of problem with my data?
15:45 tcohen           git grep get_return_branch_policy shows the method is defined, in master
15:44 tcohen           oleonard: have you restarted plack ?
15:43 tcohen           can look in about an hour
15:39 oleonard         Anyone around who might know something about that?
15:39 pastebot         "oleonard" at pasted "Error when checking in" (5 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/17138
14:38 tcohen           i.e. have a template return a newline, then trim it and evaluate the result as a bool
14:38 tcohen           it is actually an ugly trick...
14:37 tcohen           it is complaining about a missing filter, but it has a filter and/or shouldn't have one
14:36 tcohen           s/fir/fix/
14:33 cait             fir?
14:32 lukeg            hi
14:31 tcohen           can someone tell me if the failure in master (xt/find-missing-filters.t) needs a fir on the tests?
14:30 tcohen           please use email if urgent
14:30 tcohen           morning, power outage here
14:27 cait             someone any luck with sorting SRU result sets using CQL?
14:17 ashimema         https://forum.freecodecamp.org/t/how-to-add-new-line-in-string/17763 looks like an a some little review of options.. will read more when I get back and have a go
14:16 ashimema         Patron search has all sorts of complications in it.. I was hoping not to delve too deep into that one..
14:15 ashimema         Interesting.. looks like you can also add a white-space: pre-wrap CSS rule to achieve it .
14:05 cait             doesn't the patron search too?
14:05 cait             it matters a bit which sequence you do - you'd want to do html before html_line_break, because if you do it the other way around html will make the <br> visible )
14:04 ashimema         So I just need to find a js function equivalent now . As this data comes in via Ajax and goes through a datatables render function
14:04 ashimema         Coolios, thanks
14:04 cait             https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/commit/c7ba9148610582fb772cf4e2cc7e35227e1aac8f/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/patroncards/tables/members_results.tt#L20
14:04 cait             and member results
14:03 cait             https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/commit/ab1e0a5d6ad2eb31e4322ec11a1e971386144f5d/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/preview_letter.tt#L37
14:03 cait             that I don't know - the notice display uses it
14:03 * ashimema       is in phone texting
14:03 ashimema         Js
14:03 ashimema         Wonder if there's a is equivalent
14:03 cait             html doesn't display the \n from the database, so the filter converts those to <br>for display
14:02 cait             yeah that fixes that
14:02 ashimema         End users can enter whatever they like into the text area.. but it gets flattened when displayed to staff in the table in the staff client
14:02 cait             html_line_break
14:02 cait             serial comment i think, you could just grep for the filter name
14:02 ashimema         An example of where it doesn't work but would be nice it the opac problem reporte
14:01 cait             http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs/manual/Filters.html#section_html_line_break
14:01 cait             I think we already use it in some places where we have multi line comments
14:00 cait             does that help?
14:00 cait             TT can convert new line to Br and vice versa using filters
13:58 * ashimema       is also tempted by minimal markdown support, but that's scope creeping
13:57 ashimema         School run, brb
13:56 ashimema         My brain is stuck
13:55 ashimema         Anyone got any ideas of how I might display multi-line text in a datatable column.. as in its stored as a plain string in the database without html markup
13:41 ashimema         lol
13:41 cait             oleonard running away is maybe not a good sign either ;)
13:30 ashimema         I'm baffled by FA's versioning honestly..
13:30 ashimema         it doesn't appear to in the v5 search
13:30 ashimema         it comes up in that search
13:30 ashimema         for v4
13:30 ashimema         use the link Joubu posted above
13:29 cait             not finding it using the FA search on their website still
13:28 ashimema         there's also check list ordered (which adds numbers instead of bullets)
13:28 ashimema         check list unordered
13:28 ashimema         fa-check-ul
13:28 cait             hm can't find it?
13:27 ashimema         check-ul works as an interim btw
13:27 ashimema         agreed
13:27 cait             I think it would be a really nice one for inventory still
13:26 cait             ashimema: i had the same issue :( i tried to patch it and then got very confused
13:21 ashimema         but still.. i can find another easily enough
13:21 ashimema         so we're using FA4.. https://fontawesome.com/icons/list-check?s=solid&f=classic claims the icon was added in version 2.. I'm confused
13:20 ashimema         yes.. it would be great to switch
13:20 ashimema         thanks Joubu
13:19 Joubu            and we should switch to v5, there are many more icons!
13:19 huginn`          Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31477 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Switch icon for inventory
13:19 * ashimema       is looking at Bug 31477 - Switch icon for inventory
13:19 Joubu            https://fontawesome.com/v4/icon/search
13:18 ashimema         is there an easy way to know which font-awesome icons one can use?
13:18 ashimema         oleonard.. just the man
11:41 oleonard         Hi marcelr
11:38 marcelr          o/
11:26 oleonard         davidnind[m]++
10:57 ashimema         morning oleonard
10:57 ashimema         morning cait1
10:57 * cait1          waves
10:48 oleonard         Hi all
10:31 huginn`          cait1: The operation succeeded.
10:31 cait1            @later tell davidnind[m] it oculd be an issue with translations. if they translated using &nbsp;  - happens in French sometimes - that breaks the XSLT
07:38 cait             lukeg++
07:03 alex_            Bonjour
06:08 reiveune         hello
00:01 tuxayo           Thanks for the confirmation about the site, I'll ask if there have a communication channel.