Time Nick Message 19:49 mtj righto, will make optional 19:11 tcohen mtj: the 'watcher' feature should be optional 19:11 tcohen there seems to be have been a lot of activity on ktd the last few days 19:11 tcohen mtj: do you know what's happening with Jenkins tasks (master) 19:11 tcohen please make now 19:10 tcohen oleonard: we are supposed to get rid of them now 18:42 oleonard It's on my radar because it adds jQueryUI tabs, not sure if I should be trying to make a follow-up now or later 18:40 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30200 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, Passed QA , Add customizable tabs to interlibrary loan requests list 18:40 oleonard tcohen: Is Bug 30200 on your list for 22.11? 18:20 tcohen <.< 18:19 tcohen jajm: can you make sure the staff revamp applies in master? 18:10 tcohen that's how it's supposed to work 18:09 tcohen if there's a matching AV code, with that category, it picks the description from the AV 18:09 tcohen ILL backends can put arbitrary statuses with their own descriptions, in the code 18:07 oleonard tcohen: It does work? Or it does use ILLSTATUS? 18:05 tcohen oleonard: it does 18:05 wahanui hello, tcohen 18:05 tcohen hola 15:38 ashimema tcohen may know? 15:37 ashimema I'm not close enough to it to really advise I'm afraid 15:36 oleonard ashimema: the ILLHiddenRequestStatuses preference description says specifically that it uses ILLSTATUS authorized values 15:34 * ashimema wants to drop that preference entirely in preference for api table paging 15:34 ashimema what fields did you put in it.. it only works for core ones not custom ones 15:24 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31731 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , Offer user a dropdown of authorized values instead of a text field in preferences 15:24 oleonard I think my patch for Bug 31731 is ready but if I can't confirm that ILLHiddenRequestStatuses is working I can't really call it done 15:22 oleonard Anyone else find that the ILLHiddenRequestStatuses preference isn't working? 14:48 marcelr deep recursion too 14:48 tcohen we all love deeply nested if clauses 14:47 marcelr life would be much easier ;) 14:47 marcelr yes theoretically we can 14:47 tcohen can't we move sysprefs into AC as well? And MARC? 14:46 reiveune bye 14:37 ashimema lol 14:37 marcelr ashimema: maybe we can move the AV stuff into AC lol 14:36 marcelr the term news overload has its own context in Koha 14:36 marcelr the z3950 thing 14:36 marcelr only last patch 14:35 marcelr tcohen it just works 14:35 tcohen marcelr: gimme a fix 14:28 marcelr the 21.11 update of news items is even worse than i expected 14:23 ashimema indeed 14:18 marcelr nothing with the html editor etc 14:18 marcelr you need to know where it crashes 14:18 ashimema I'm so confused â˜¹ï¸ 14:18 marcelr check the logs first 14:18 marcelr well sounds like a nice debugging adventure 14:15 ashimema yup 14:15 marcelr not sure 14:15 marcelr for i think location 14:15 marcelr an idea did you extend the enum ? 14:14 ashimema any idea why clicking save on that nukes it from the database 14:14 marcelr but i gave up on 31503 now, no time left now 14:14 * ashimema uploaded an image: (74KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/jKMtzavXnrCXNQYOCfssFZXL/screenshot-mrdev-zebra-staff.koha-ptfs.co.uk-2022.10.11-15_13_20.png > 14:13 ashimema true 14:13 marcelr giving you that functionality right out of the box 14:13 marcelr would be nice to have some table designer or so 14:12 marcelr if you need to design CRUD forms for every table, we get a lot of copy+paste code 14:12 marcelr yeah i just wanted a quick start 14:12 ashimema anywho.. I didn't want to kill off your feature.. I will help shepherd it all through if you help me understand the big picture 🙂 14:11 ashimema I think this is where my fear around your use of AV's came from btw.. it's simpler to code for one case instead of trying to hack one case to work for all and sundry 14:11 ashimema at least two tables 14:11 ashimema totally agree 14:10 marcelr we should have two tables before doing large stuff on it 14:10 marcelr it should work but it is designed wrong 14:10 ashimema I can't afford to fall down another rabbit hole... 14:10 ashimema the pages stuff still seems a mess too 14:09 ashimema and I can't for the life of me get it to accept plain text 14:09 marcelr i am writing code to revert things that happen in the update 14:09 ashimema I keep ending up somehow deleting all versions of a block 14:09 marcelr ashimema: you dont wanna know what 21.11 does with my custom news items 14:09 ashimema I'm so confused by this functionality now.. 13:59 marcelr i worked around it a bit with OpacLibraryInfo 13:59 marcelr i recognize this discussion 13:58 ashimema in oh so many cases that's just not required in my opinion.. 13:58 ashimema I really don't like that all additional_contents end up treated like news and thus you always have to iterate for display 13:57 caroline is `gulp po:update` the command to update the strings in the po files from the tt? I always forget... 13:57 marcelr tcohen: tested it, applies just fine 13:56 marcelr it is just touching a dbrev which should normally be left alone 13:55 marcelr did you apply all patches? 13:55 marcelr tcohen: how is it possible that the last patch should not apply? 13:47 thd Yes, only a little weird and probably much more difficult to break. 13:46 ashimema so I would say much less so.. 13:46 ashimema it's just adding a little formatting to plain text 13:44 thd ashimema: Does markdown not also "look weird" when displayed in an input box even if it is closer to plain text? 13:42 ashimema but we wouldn't want html in that particular one.. it would look weird when displayed in the input box 13:41 ashimema in my case it's going to go into an inputbox allowing the end user to do stuff.. markdown might be nice to allow some basic formatting but it's not really required 13:40 ashimema indeed 13:38 tcohen HTML with the WYSIWYG stuff would be enough 13:35 tcohen we could definitely have templating tool for notices/additional contents 13:34 ashimema being adapted for too many different use cases.. but in this case I 'think' it makes sense. 13:34 ashimema additional_contents still seems such a mess to me.. 13:34 ashimema okies.. 13:34 ashimema yeah.. probably multi-lingual too 13:33 ashimema I was thinking along the lines of a few fields and then a question or two.. they can all be overwritten 13:33 oleonard ashimema: If it needs to be multi-language, additional_contents seems like a logical choice 13:32 ashimema currently nothing in Koha is markdown 13:32 ashimema but in our case it could start simple.. just text 13:32 ashimema it is in github.. 13:32 ashimema it's allows for asking questions for eample 13:32 ashimema so you can set up a markdown based template for issues.. then when someone goes to report a bug they get faced with a prefilled issue from that template.. 13:31 tcohen is that markdown? 13:31 ashimema issue templates 13:31 oleonard ashimema: github like templates? 13:28 ashimema do we think that fits with the addition_contents stuff? 13:27 ashimema So.. with my 'Catalog concerns' bug the sponsor has asked for github like templates for the input box... 12:43 * thd still thinks there are no Atlantic whales ;) 12:42 * thd has only seen whales in the Pacific not the Atlantic. May also be proportionate to where looking. 12:40 marcelr tcohen: it was a good choice to look for whales and not sharks :) 12:39 thd tcohen: When might you be less tired / recovered from driving? 12:16 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31673 blocker, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to master , DB update of bug 31086 fails: Cannot change column 'branchcode': used in a foreign key constraint 12:16 tcohen rmaints: I suggest we hurry a release for bug 31673 12:08 tcohen I drove all day yesterday and am a bit tired heh 12:07 marcelr we just wanna push you to push 12:06 marcelr tcohen: who should ever want to hate you :) 11:55 * tcohen hopes easy reviews 11:55 ashimema lots of tiny ones 11:55 ashimema lol 11:55 tcohen haha 11:54 tcohen y'all hate me? 11:54 tcohen oh wow, 49 PQA? 11:39 ashimema mm 11:36 marcelr when criticals go in discussion ;) 11:35 ashimema I've not verified myself 11:35 ashimema aparently 11:35 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29012 major, P5 - low, ---, kevin.carnes, Pushed to stable , Some rules are not saved when left blank while editing a 'rule' line in smart-rules.pl 11:35 ashimema result og bug 29012 11:35 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31727 critical, P5 - low, ---, kevin.carnes, In Discussion , Orphan records in circulation_rules and false positives after attempt to fix values to be empty or zeroes instead of missing 11:35 ashimema bug 31727 11:34 marcelr 30951 btw 11:33 marcelr it all starts with a nice bug report :) 11:33 marcelr in the dashboard i am not seeing other criticals reported for database ? 11:32 marcelr just as 30571 11:32 marcelr thats PQA too 11:32 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31673 blocker, P5 - low, ---, nick, Passed QA , DB update of bug 31086 fails: Cannot change column 'branchcode': used in a foreign key constraint 11:32 marcelr tcohen is it bug 31673 11:30 ashimema are you talking about the circ rules stuff Andrii reported? 11:29 tcohen people are reporting that a backport for 22.05 (and maybe even 21.11) is breaking, related to 'reserves' 11:27 marcelr for z3950servers 11:27 marcelr tcohen which NOT NULL in particular: we have a fix in PQA still? 11:27 oleonard tcohen: watching whales sounds amazing 11:25 ashimema been a bit underwater with support and getting our new contractor onboard 11:25 ashimema indeed.. I've not wrapped my head around that one yet 11:23 tcohen it seems we need an urgent fix for some of the 'not null' DB changes 11:23 tcohen did I miss something while watching whales in Argentina's southern region? 11:22 marcelr wb tcohen 11:20 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:17 marcelr great 11:17 ashimema fun 11:17 * ashimema is reviewing eRM 11:17 marcelr hello ashimema 11:17 ashimema hi 11:17 marcelr hmm 11:16 oleonard IRC just isn't cool anymore 11:16 marcelr quiet 11:16 marcelr this appears to be a quite tuesday sofar 11:15 marcelr o/ 10:31 oleonard o/ 08:23 saa can anyone help 08:23 saa how to sort out this error 08:23 saa we created customized fields in acq frameworks and default framework after upgrading koha while receiving orders we are getting error as AH01215: DBIx::Class::Row::store_column(): No such column 'curr' on Koha::Schema::Result::Item at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Object.pm line 79: /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/acqui/finishreceive.pl, referer: http://localhost:8001/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/orderreceive.pl?ordernumber=2600&invoiceid=263 07:05 ashimema Morning 06:59 alex_ Bonjour 06:40 reiveune hello