Time Nick Message 22:39 tuxayo not much 22:39 tuxayo > wats up 22:39 tuxayo fridolin: good luck! 21:39 fridolin and like always rebase of forks, forks, forks 21:38 fridolin upgrade to 21.11 changed DB structure and it can generate multiple duplicated entries 21:38 fridolin lot of work, like fixing OPAC news 21:38 * fridolin under a rain of Koha upgrades ^^ 21:37 fridolin tuxayo: yo wats up ? 21:15 tuxayo fridolin: 👋 20:52 fridolin jellow 19:22 wajasu this way i have all my customizations in the backups. 19:21 wajasu but it would be great to include the opac/intra images, in the configuration tar. 19:20 wajasu also, when backups happen, i see it gets the database .sql.gz, and the config .tar.gz 19:19 wajasu i wonder if i can get the logo inthe opac/images through the UI or do i still need to manually copy it there? 19:18 wajasu ok. i see that there is HMTL customizations, which I can add my branding. I can upload my logo with the generic upload tool. 19:03 huginn paulderscheid[m]: The operation succeeded. 19:03 paulderscheid[m] @later tell oleonard What's your stance on moving from node-sass to dart-sass? Since node-sass has long been deprecated and dart-sass is the recommended path I'd appreciate it if we'd move forward. No more build failures with the wrong node version or aarch64. 18:42 wajasu thats ok. i love the opac onthe phone comparedd to version 3.10 koha. 18:41 caroline Yeah, I think staff interface responsiveness is not really a priority 18:38 wajasu but what catalogue is going to attempt their job on a phone :) 18:38 wajasu i noticed 21.11 and 22.05 staff interface doesn't handle the search area responsively or adjusting search field dynamically. opac is fine. 17:53 oleonard Why api 404. 17:00 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30499 trivial, P5 - low, ---, tmcmahon, Needs Signoff , Keyboard shortcuts broken on several pages 17:00 tmcmahon I just submitted a patch for bug #30499. If anyone looks at it, let me know what's wrong with it so I can improve future attempts. 16:27 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27251 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, CLOSED FIXED, Rewrite the QOTD editor using the Koha REST API 16:27 caroline bug 27251 16:26 caroline I was going to say that I'm not really knowledgable in that area, but I'm pretty sure the API is used internally, just based on some bugs that I remembered like 27251 16:24 lavamind gah let me answer my own question, yes, the JS is full of ajax calls to /api :P 16:23 lavamind so right now I'm instantiating koha in mojolicous but without REST support 16:22 lavamind I'm asking because Koha::REST::V1 changed quite a bit since 18.05 in ways that makes mojolicious unhappy (eg. uninitializer logger crashes at startup) 16:21 lavamind or if the REST api is really only useful with external stuff 16:20 lavamind I'm wondering if the REST api is still useful in that context, like if the webpages sometime run queries against the api 16:20 lavamind they learn basic stuff like catalog, patron management, etc 16:19 lavamind the multi-tenant instance I'm setting up is for a teacher that uses it for labs 16:18 lavamind I have another question 16:18 lavamind maybe I could help with that 16:15 caroline In this case, the translation was still correct, but fuzzys indicate that the original string was changed or that Pootle tried to guess what the translation might be by copying a similar one. So they need to be checked by a human 16:14 lavamind it seems like when I deploy a new instance with a DEFAULTSQL from 18.05, the database schema is automaticaly upgraded unless /var/lib/koha/instancename exists 16:13 caroline woot! 16:12 lavamind thank you!! 16:12 lavamind caroline: removing the # fuzzy comment worked 15:59 lavamind err 18.05 15:59 lavamind wouldn't "koha-upgrade-schema instancename" be sufficient to upgrade the database from 80.05 to 21.11 ? 15:58 lavamind that could be due to my default tar.gz database being from a 18.05 instance 15:57 lavamind and that is aborting due to DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'me.reset_password' in 'field list' at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Patron.pm line 423 15:57 lavamind my script runs /usr/share/koha/bin/devel/create_superlibrarian.pl 15:56 lavamind hah, I'm hitting another bug now due to the instance being reinstalled 15:53 lavamind caroline: aah I see, thanks, I'll try it right away 15:53 caroline Then install or update and it should appear in French 15:53 caroline lavamind, if you have access to the .po file, just remove the "fuzzy" comment before the string 15:52 caroline I downloaded the file for fr-CA-staff-prog for 21.11 and noticed the strings for "Advanced search" are marked as "fuzzy". That means they will appears in English in the staff interface 15:50 caroline Weird, I can't search staff-prog for 21.11 either on Pootle... Search works fine for 21.05 and 22.05 15:49 lavamind I'll reinstall the instance to see 15:48 lavamind returned OK, but not change 15:48 lavamind echo 'flush_all' | nc localhost 11211 15:46 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #223: SUCCESS in 50 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D12/223/ 15:46 lavamind I tried restarting it already 15:46 lavamind maybe something is stuck in memcached ? 15:45 lavamind oh maybe its related to that error with koha-translate, it appears at the end Connection to the memcached servers '__MEMCACHED_SERVERS__' failed. 15:45 lavamind caroline: 15:44 caroline which version are you using again? 22.11.09 is not an existing version afaik 15:43 lavamind same issue in chromium, hrmm 15:42 lavamind lets see with another browser 15:42 lavamind opening the URL in a private browsing window, no change 15:42 lavamind no change 15:42 lavamind yeah I tried update already 15:41 caroline If the string is translated in the .po and you don't see it in the interface, I think you have to do ./translate install fr-CA (I'm never sure of the exact command, but it's either install or update) 15:39 caroline lavamind, it happens. I usually just close the tab and start again from the beginning 15:39 lavamind I'm not able to search on https://translate.koha-community.org/ the spinner just spins endlessly 15:38 lavamind and it's only 2 main menu items, not all, really weird 15:37 lavamind it is, in fact, translated: misc/translator/po/fr-CA-staff-prog.po:msgstr "Recherche avancée" 15:25 Joubu https://translate.koha-community.org/projects/ 15:25 Joubu lavamind: maybe the strings are not translated on our translation platform? 15:21 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES6 build #42: SUCCESS in 8 min 16 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_ES6/42/ 15:20 oleonard Sorry lavamind I can't reproduce your problem in my test system 15:12 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES7 build #44: SUCCESS in 8 min 14 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_ES7/44/ 15:12 lavamind the rest of the app seems translated fine 15:11 lavamind gotcha oleonard 15:11 lavamind err 22.11.09 15:11 lavamind this is with 21.22.09 15:11 lavamind I installed the fr-FR and fr-CA language packs using koha-translate, but for some reason "Advanced search" and "Item search" are not translated on the main menu 15:11 oleonard Not many folks around at this time of day lavamind but you can try us 15:10 lavamind I'm setting an experimental multi-tenant koha install on Debian an am ironing out a few things 15:10 lavamind hello koha 15:05 reiveune bye 14:56 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #2128: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 11 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/2128/ 14:56 wahanui Congratulations! 14:56 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #222: FIXED in 51 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D12/222/ 14:56 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 14:39 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #512: SUCCESS in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U20/512/ 14:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U22 build #159: SUCCESS in 1 hr 8 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U22/159/ 14:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #763: SUCCESS in 55 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10/763/ 14:14 cait1 yes 14:12 oleonard Weird. 14:09 cait1 oleonard: 14:09 cait1 horus later in some cases 14:09 cait1 i don't know, but I have seen the same 14:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #1036: SUCCESS in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest/1036/ 14:02 oleonard Anyone else finding that Bugzilla emails are really slow to arrive? 13:59 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_My8 build #942: SUCCESS in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_My8/942/ 13:45 alohabot 🎠🦄 Koha 'master' packages pushed to 'koha-staging' repo ðŸ®ðŸŒ®ðŸ¥“ 13:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES6 build #41: SUCCESS in 8 min 51 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_ES6/41/ 13:26 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES7 build #43: SUCCESS in 10 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_ES7/43/ 13:15 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 31244: Fix 500 if logout and not logged in <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=1ae5454b01f2a5cfac105b056bc2a8d72ac444a8> 13:15 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 31246: <span> displayed in 'Additional fields' section <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=a7272f988679904d3f018550a73719fc102b3425> 13:01 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 13:01 marcelr @later tell lukeg please have a look at bug 12758 and 31250 12:30 cait1 you can duplicate existing subscrpitions and there is also a limited batch editing function 12:30 cait1 kohaje: subscriptions are handled very differently betweeen systems, there is not really a standard or so that would make it easy to exchange 11:55 kohaje but not sure about that, it would be very helpful 11:54 kohaje *neither 11:54 kohaje me neirter due to too much specific parameters 11:51 oleonard I don't think there is, kohaje 11:49 kohaje such as same serials with same periodicity but as batch not single one by one 11:48 kohaje hello guys, is there any option to import batch serials subscriptions into Koha? 11:30 tcohen hi all 11:12 jajm i'll apply your last two patches to my branch and to the sandbox 11:10 jajm oh i see... yeah that's better :) 11:10 oleonard I reimplement it using CSS, eliminating the need for the template change 11:09 jajm oleonard: why "Undo change to Home breadcrumb" ? the home icon is on the design documents everyone agreed on 11:09 jajm oleonard: i think your commit "Reducing template file changes" is not useful anymore, i already removed all unnecessary template changes... :/ 11:02 oleonard They're alternate paths forward, although jajm's work is a logical next step after mine if folks want to take that approach 11:02 oleonard jajm has made a lot of follow-ups which are template changes. The work I was doing at the same time takes a completely different approach. 11:01 Joubu jajm: could you apply them maybe? 11:01 oleonard No 11:00 Joubu oleonard: are they applied on the sandbox? 10:50 oleonard If anyone is interested. 10:50 oleonard https://gitlab.com/koha-dev/koha-dev/-/commits/wip-bug-30952-staff-redesign 10:45 oleonard >:( 10:45 oleonard Or maybe my comment on the bug didn't go through?? 10:45 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30952 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, ASSIGNED , New interface for staff client 10:45 oleonard I'm curious if anyone saw my work in progress branch with followups to Bug 30952 10:42 wahanui hi oleopard 10:42 marcelr hi oleonard 10:33 oleonard-away Hi all 10:21 cait1 ah, that's cool :) 10:11 marcelr even 18 10:10 marcelr 16-17 10:10 marcelr cold 10:10 cait1 how is the temperature in Amsterdam today? 10:09 cait1 hi marcelr 10:09 marcelr o/ 10:07 * cait1 waves 07:00 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:00 Joubu @later tell oleonard could you have a look at bug 31217 as well? 06:43 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 06:36 marcelr hi #koha 06:31 reiveune hello 05:25 wajasu i guess i need to read the koha docs :) 05:25 wajasu there are video from a a RALIMITS on you tube that should ids like opacheader inthe news dropdown, but that may have been taken away. 05:24 wajasu i guess no opacheader preference in 22.05, so i will need to put my logo in htdocs/../images directory and use JS/CSS to put it in the header. 05:21 wajasu browsers warn about unsecure... but soon wont let unsecure sites when it hits critical mass. 05:20 wajasu so much for searching for book. wrong query, get a visit. :) 05:19 wajasu from what i can tell all DNS domains will have certs. all email servers will need DMARC, SPF, etc linked to those domains. and the auth providers (Cert auths, 2FA folks, Oauth) etc will lockdown most of the internet so no anonymous people. 04:55 tuxayo https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/com.duosecurity.duomobile/latest/ 04:55 tuxayo https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/com.authy.authy/latest/ 04:55 tuxayo https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/com.lastpass.lpandroid/latest/ 04:55 tuxayo And all 3 have trackers 04:55 tuxayo I get that one can be saved by having a backup on a server. But for a librarian, the value is very limited. And the consequence is that we recommend non libre apps. So it looks disproportionate for a limited value. 04:55 tuxayo But I get it they could be not noted or lost. 04:55 tuxayo wajasu: for those cases, there are recovery code in other 2FA implementation. 04:34 wajasu but yes, you need some superlibrarian or auth person reset your account without the other means. 04:33 wajasu i've had a work environment where i had the phone for the second factor. but then i added the duo app to a second device(laptop). then if the phone died, i had another device to get in. 04:26 tuxayo Maybe I missed something, first time testing 2FA 04:26 tuxayo 2FA for librarians looks like one of the contexts where being locked outside is the least a problem. Making disproportionate the recommend non-libre apps that copy on a server the 2nd factor secret. 04:26 tuxayo If a staff member is locked outside, they can just show up in person to a colleague with the permission to reset the auth can't they? 04:20 tuxayo wow, aren't we defeating the point in part of 2FA if an eternal service also has the 2nd factor? 04:19 tuxayo > We recommend cloud-based mobile authenticator apps such as Authy, Duo Mobile, and LastPass. They can restore access if you lose your hardware device. 04:19 tuxayo 2FA: