Time Nick Message 23:37 tuxayo Ok, the bug is that it reasks for login before giving the slip 22:11 tuxayo *fine 22:11 tuxayo on 20.11.x without the patch I seem to get the slips fin 22:11 tuxayo *in what way 22:10 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30045 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to oldstable , SCO print slip is broken 22:10 tuxayo does anyone know is what way the self checkout was broken in about bug 30045 ? 19:01 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1928: STILL FAILING in 12 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/1928/ 18:30 reiveune bye 15:02 ashimema wealthy patron sounds nice 14:56 tuxayo I'm up for the cozy castle too! 14:30 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30165 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Several q parameters break the filters 14:30 Joubu tcohen, ashimema: and bug 30165. This is quite bad 14:29 * oleonard biab 14:27 Joubu patch attached 14:26 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30164 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Header filter not taken into account on the cities view 14:26 Joubu tcohen: bug 30164 14:12 cait1 hm ok, I might be able to accept the dark secret if it's otherwise a good fit 14:11 oleonard I'll have to take it up with my wealthy patron. 14:09 * cait1 scares easily 14:05 cait1 we can have a friendly ghost maybe 14:05 cait1 but not too dark please 14:04 oleonard We shall all live in a cozy castle with great wifi and maybe a dark secret concealed within 14:04 cait1 oleonard: can you put in a good word for me too when you find this person? 14:02 * oleonard needs a wealthy patron who will pay him to work on Koha all the time 14:00 josef_moravec Looks like busy times for all ;) 13:59 oleonard Too busy here too! :) 13:58 josef_moravec cait1: busy too, not much time for Koha, currently working much more on VuFind things... 13:58 cait1 how are you? 13:58 cait1 josef_moravec: just too busy, but overall ok 13:58 cait1 oleonard: basically just contrast and watch out to make things not too narrow so that ridiculously long German words can fit 13:58 josef_moravec cait1, oleonard: how are you doing? 13:57 josef_moravec hi cait1 13:57 cait1 oleonard: I liked it too - had 2 comments I still need to put in an email :( 13:56 cait1 hi josef_moravec! 13:53 oleonard Oh good! 13:53 josef_moravec i saw the presentation of new Koha UI, it looks great 13:53 josef_moravec hi oleonard 13:16 oleonard Hi josef_moravec 12:43 oleonard Indeed. 12:43 huginn oleonard: josef_moravec was last seen in #koha 35 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours, 56 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: * josef_moravec waves at cait 12:43 oleonard @seen josef_moravec 12:43 oleonard oh, a josef_moravec sighting? It's been a while hasn't it? 11:54 oleonard Hey 11:44 tuxayo ^^" 11:44 tuxayo *hi 11:44 tuxayo ho #koha :) 10:59 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_My8 build #752: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_My8/752/ 10:53 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U21 build #96: SUCCESS in 1 hr 2 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U21/96/ 10:37 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #384: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U_Stable/384/ 10:24 tcohen hola #koha 10:16 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_My8 build #751: SUCCESS in 54 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_My8/751/ 10:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U21 build #95: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U21/95/ 09:55 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #803: UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest/803/ 09:50 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_CPAN build #538: SUCCESS in 1 hr 5 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_CPAN/538/ 09:41 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #80: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D12/80/ 09:36 alohabot 🎠🦄 Koha 'master' packages pushed to 'koha-staging' repo 🰠🡠🗠09:21 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #307: SUCCESS in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U20/307/ 09:12 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #536: SUCCESS in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10/536/ 09:06 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1881: SUCCESS in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/1881/ 08:45 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1927: STILL FAILING in 16 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/1927/ 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29876: Style report id in report results heading <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0a819572bdedb7fda8ea2e8180e1788e06556f0b> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29660: Remove hostitemsflag <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=1cf268a157b03a03d552556f2bb68c95a852d932> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29660: Unused code in placerequest.pl <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4bc94127dbab66376496b1ccc6fa6a3c0db929f2> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29660: Remove biblioitem loop from request.pl <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=d4855131e3b8e5852f221182ed9588f4ddc67368> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29760: Add patron category column to view_holdsqueue.tt <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=05ce32175a53edf65745d34b26dae7e80a6c23e5> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29660: Fix conflict with bug 29844 <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=5a841a8d4c36b818dd414ad544a1c58e7467f1a6> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30085: Reduce scope of holds count / today holds count <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=5efaed428e41f7ef87c1c6bd7ca97c8962626e72> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30085: Don't fetch ReservesControlBranch twice <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=aa7bffc1a3f2fa3b75b0cb5b089dc9dfa713624d> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30085: Consolidate querycoutn code and only check if needed <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=f44e797c76ea2339b8ff2e4f10721e5c283a14e4> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30085: Move IndependentBranches check sooner <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=e221bc52a06b9e46cdb502119411693bfa5affe9> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29876: (follow-up) Change "Report number" to "Report ID" <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=8d05b9d0607669c1abf75ce853a7e7bee55af623> 08:28 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29760: (follow-up) Fix class name <https://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=96c05acaf6cddf2b17936f4032ada60af92a8262> 08:11 cait1 I'll just put the question here: if I want an item to be able to be ordered to another library, can I get around making it 'on shelf holdable'? 08:07 cait1 someone experienced with holds configuration/transport between libraries around? 07:56 alex_a Bonjour 07:47 cait1 good morning #koha 07:13 reiveune hello 05:33 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1926: STILL FAILING in 10 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/1926/ 05:13 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1925: FAILURE in 9 min 57 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/1925/ 04:46 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1924: FIXED in 58 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/1924/ 04:45 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 04:41 alohabot 🎠🷠Koha '21.05.x' packages pushed to 'koha' repo ðŸ 🊠🎠04:29 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #535: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10/535/ 02:28 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1923: STILL FAILING in 9 min 50 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/1923/