Time Nick Message 22:31 tuxayo Like adding «Ask your question and be patient, reask a few hours later due to timezones. Alternatively there are the mailing lists» 22:31 tuxayo I wonder if the topic of the channel is read often enough to be able to help. 19:57 tuxayo Yes lol, it happens so much, it seems to be the normal default understanding of chats which doesn't work for community chats 17:11 oleonard 1.5 minutes is too long to wait!! 17:10 TGoat Hi channel! Will someone please tell me if Koha is supported on Ubuntu 20.04? Not finding definitive a answer to this question. 16:25 cait have a nice weekend all 15:43 * oleonard can't believe people have meetings during times when he might want to talk to them 15:31 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28536 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Move translatable strings into overdrive.js 15:31 oleonard No problem, I just wanted to ask if you could find time to QA Bug 28536. It's usually easier to get one of your crew to test OverDrive stuff 15:30 kidclamp sorry, in a meeting 15:30 kidclamp oleonard: yes 15:18 oleonard kidclamp around? 14:24 oleonard cait++ 14:16 ashimema looks good 14:00 cait updated the page, please let me know if this is ok/better: https://koha-community.org/security/ 11:05 oleonard +1 11:04 magnuse yeah, removing the list makes sense 11:03 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 11:03 cait @later tell marcelr I agree with you about the list, i'll try to remove it later (security page) 10:28 oleonard Hi all 10:27 tcohen good morning 10:00 ashimema [off] only those with admin level bz access will be able to see that link 10:00 ashimema [off] The actual list is a bit longer than that too: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/editusers.cgi?action=list&matchvalue=login_name&matchstr=&matchtype=substr&grouprestrict=1&groupid=18&is_enabled=1 09:59 ashimema which is what the link does 09:59 ashimema security issues should just go into BZ via the security project 09:58 ashimema I'd drop the list 09:58 ashimema weird 09:49 marcelr cait: it needs updating; in terms of security, why publish such a list ? we could refer anyone to current RM and QA team or so ? 09:22 cait hm should we remove/update the list of names here? https://koha-community.org/security/ 09:03 nlegrand o/ 07:30 marcelr o/ 07:27 * cait waves 07:21 marcelr hi #koha 07:13 ashimema morning 06:52 magnuse there is no syspref to turn off the division of a patrons current checkouts into "todays checkouts" and "previous checkouts", right? 06:51 magnuse \o/ 06:46 alex_a Bonjour 03:58 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10_My8 build #648: FIXED in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10_My8/648/ 03:58 wahanui Congratulations! 03:58 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 03:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1761: FIXED in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/1761/ 03:49 wahanui Congratulations! 03:49 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 03:45 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_D11 build #160: FIXED in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_D11/160/ 03:45 wahanui Congratulations! 03:45 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 02:43 kubiz Okies tuxayo. Thanks for your response. I try to look into the file you share maybe I can find something in there regarding the title. Thanks 02:41 tuxayo https://koha-community.org/support/koha-mailing-lists/ 02:41 tuxayo kubiz: so that's a good question for the mailing list ^^" 02:41 tuxayo hum I don't know where the title comes from 02:36 tuxayo errata: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/21.05.x/C4/Biblio.pm#L2339 02:36 tuxayo https://demo-admin.bibkat.no/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/addbiblio.pl?biblionumber=3 02:36 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/19.11.x/C4/Biblio.pm#L2442 02:35 tuxayo my $oldrecord = TransformMarcToKoha($record); 02:35 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/21.05.x/cataloguing/additem.pl#L993 02:35 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/19.11.x/cataloguing/additem.pl#L959 02:34 kubiz NP, understood hehe 02:34 tuxayo oops, title, not author 02:34 kubiz Yes. I try to compare the same syntax in the addbiblio page same as the additem like you share. It is the same but i think it has to do something with where the data get from maybe on .pl file but i dont know where to refer. The % title comes from where 02:29 tuxayo It's the same, so I guess the "author" variable changed. So now it without contain a shorted version right? 02:28 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/21.05.x/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt#L51 02:28 tuxayo https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/19.11.x/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt#L37 02:28 tuxayo puzzling, I don't know why was this changed 02:23 tuxayo oh i see 02:22 kubiz sorry in editing items 02:22 kubiz in version 19.11 in editing records it show all the title record in tag 245 in subfield a,b,c etc.. 02:18 kubiz Sorry i dont know how to explain it in words 02:18 kubiz but the menu title 02:18 kubiz the record itself have no problem 02:17 kubiz https://drive.google.com/file/d/1buJ3lLj4bOmQU5gGQTV3TauOo9gpRqZ5/view?usp=sharing - edit record 02:17 kubiz https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u5e2LaC6NNSGd7NnqxeKWShIrOiLFIkG/view?usp=sharing - edit item 02:17 kubiz wait, maybe i need to share pictures to show what i meant 02:13 tuxayo kubiz: because item field are in 952 01:47 tuxayo Which subfield do you need changed? 245 is for record data. And the above link is about an item 01:47 tuxayo > https://demo-admin.bibkat.no/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=3&searchid=scs_1631841713665 01:47 tuxayo "menu page detail" I don't know which is this page 01:40 kubiz I try on version 21.05 also the same and the funny things is the old version 19.11 have no problem like the new version 01:40 kubiz in the editing items only shows the title tag 245 $a but not all the subfield in 245 01:39 kubiz i try this one on demo page version 20.11 same as mine 01:39 kubiz https://demo-admin.bibkat.no/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/addbiblio.pl?biblionumber=3 01:38 kubiz https://demo-admin.bibkat.no/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=3&searchid=scs_1631841713665 01:38 kubiz Yes tuxayo what i mean is the menu page detail 01:38 kubiz what i mean is this the menu title page for example: Items for Dying light by MacBride, Stuart (Record #3) this one in editing items and Editing Dying light Stuart MacBride lydopptak Adams this one is in editing the biblio record. 01:35 tuxayo kubiz: is $b maked visible for the editor? 01:35 tuxayo Administration => MARC bibliographic framework => "the relevant framework for this item" => MARC strcuture => 245 01:32 kubiz hi tuxayo 01:32 tuxayo hi kubiz :) 01:02 kubiz I have question regarding the page for edit section for item. It dont show all the title for tag 245 . It only show subfield $a but not $b. Has anyone have the same problem like me? but in the add biblio record page shows both 00:58 wahanui bidet, kubiz 00:58 kubiz hi