Time Nick Message 22:11 oleonard-away davidnind++ 20:53 oleonard-away The wiki had incorrect info on the IRC regulars page 20:52 * ashimema can't remember what each bit does now.. 20:52 ashimema Oh,didn't know wahanui was a rangi one.. coolios 20:51 oleonard-away rangi++ 20:51 ashimema Lol 20:46 wahanui i am a conch 20:46 oleonard-away wahanui! 19:07 davidnind oleonard: will do - I'm also always worried that I have missed something as well, especially with the more complicated ones 19:00 oleonard davidnind: I don't think it would be a bad idea for you to test it again. I'm always worried I've missed something. 19:00 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26302 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , OPAC XSLT Results: List variable number of itemcallnumbers 18:59 davidnind Thanks oleonard for testing bug 26302 - you beat me to it! 18:35 ashimema I see a cait 17:23 oleonard (I don't care, I just like logical consistency) 17:23 oleonard Seems odd that there isn't a corresponding one for staff, but I guess no one asked for it. 17:23 oleonard There a setting in circ rules: OPAC item level holds: "Allow|Don't allow|Force" 17:22 ashimema Not sure I follow regards your staff-specific holds thing 17:22 ashimema Once upon a time I think the idea was bibs could have multiple biblioitems.. but it's never worked that way whilst I've been working with Koha 17:07 oleonard I wonder why we don't have staff-specific "item level holds" setting in circ rules... 17:03 oleonard Don't we effectively have a 1 to 1 relationship between biblio and biblioitems? 17:02 oleonard request.tt has a section where it appears to loop through biblioitems: [% FOREACH bibitemloo IN bibitemloop %]. That's never going to loop more than once is it? 16:39 ashimema Basically it's 'Replace the "Show analytics" button with an I line list of the analytics' 16:38 ashimema Import the demo records as per the test plan.. then look at it (once enabling the pref). At that point it should all be fairly clear 16:37 ashimema The components parts stuff? 16:37 ashimema It applies.. I just need to finish adding a test to it tomorrow.. hence marking blocked 16:36 oleonard Then I would have to learn what it means 16:36 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11175 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, joonas.kylmala, BLOCKED , Show the parent record's component parts in the detailed views 16:36 ashimema At some point oleonard, bug 11175 might appreciate your prowess at making it look prettier.. btw 16:35 ashimema I ended up re-basing and fixing a bunch of bugs today whilst on the trail to start something new. Always fun starting something new when the first step is to find a gazillion bugs reported that already sorta do bits of it 16:34 ashimema Never a bad thing cleaning up bugzilla a bit 16:34 ashimema oleonard++ 16:32 reiveune bye 16:13 * oleonard was looking to see if a bug had been reported and ended up doing bug cleanup 16:11 oleonard Thanks! 16:11 caroline oleonard: cait was right of course :) I marked it as resolved-invalid 16:04 caroline I can take the time to test it now 16:03 oleonard I wondered if you'd ever had a chance to go back and test again 16:03 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25925 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , In the alert box for unfilled important field in cataloging, the cancel button is not translatable 16:03 oleonard Oh yeah... Bug 25925 16:03 oleonard haha I've already forgotten what bug I was going to ask you about XD 15:59 caroline yes hi! 15:59 oleonard caroline around? 15:34 oleonard Wow looks like wahanui has been offline since May?? 15:33 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28816 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , Improve the display of multiple holds during hold process 15:33 oleonard Bug 28816 15:24 ashimema It's not an area of deal with often so I wasn't really sure what to comment ;) 15:23 ashimema I already had a quick look 15:23 ashimema haha 15:23 oleonard See ashimema the stoat got your attention :D 15:23 ashimema lol 15:22 oleonard In appreciation in advance for your attention here is a stoat: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mls0SKe7NJA/TrJ-vjw5PxI/AAAAAAAAAPA/fh5uLGWZr84/s1600/Stoat_NaturalWildLife_3.jpg 15:20 oleonard Here's the old version for comparison: https://snipboard.io/vpQjDF.jpg 15:19 oleonard Here is the new version with HoldsSplitQueue set to "pickup library and item type": https://snipboard.io/BvRCwJ.jpg 15:17 oleonard Here's the before view for comparison: https://snipboard.io/eEXLaR.jpg 15:17 oleonard Working on a refresh of this page: https://snipboard.io/YtbNMs.jpg 14:26 marcelr please test ! 14:25 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26302 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , OPAC XSLT Results: List variable number of itemcallnumbers 14:25 marcelr bug 26302 third attempt, larger overhaul 13:54 marcelr 13:31 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22690 normal, P5 - low, ---, ere.maijala, Passed QA , Merging records with many items too slow (Elasticsearch) 13:31 ashimema bug 22690 13:31 ashimema 22690 back to PQA 12:39 oleonard Why didn't anyone tell me about "git checkout -" :D 12:10 oleonard Ah, I figured out where my mistake was. Thanks for listening :) 12:09 Joubu you are correct, empty also exists for list, I always use .size 12:09 oleonard Thanks 12:08 Joubu yes 12:05 oleonard But what about the type... [% SET foo = [] %] foo is a list? 12:04 oleonard ...but a simplified test seems to show the expected behavior. I'll have to see why it isn't working where I think it should. 12:03 oleonard Joubu the documentation suggests empty is for everything 12:02 Joubu empty is for string 12:02 Joubu http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs/manual/VMethods.html#section_empty 12:01 Joubu oleonard: use foo.size instead 12:01 ashimema hmm, odd 11:58 oleonard It doesn't seem to work that way but I haven't done a simplified test. Tinkering with request.tt. 11:57 ashimema I would have thought so 11:57 ashimema humm 11:57 oleonard At that point shouldn't [% foo.empty %] be true? 11:57 oleonard ashimema or Joubu maybe you know the answer to this: If I say [% SET foo = [] %], is that considered a list? 11:49 ashimema we live in fun times 11:49 ashimema oh well 11:49 ashimema I didn't spot one and can't find anything in email or irc logs about it 11:49 ashimema was there an anouncement about the change though? 11:49 oleonard I was thinking too late to change it back to Nov 11:49 oleonard both ??? XD 11:48 ashimema or too late for them to have changed to Dec 11:48 ashimema as in.. too late to change back to Nov 11:48 oleonard Kinda too late to change it since they've started to promote it 11:47 ashimema mind you.. I was only ever going to attend online anyway.. just means I'm unlikely to attend at all now 11:47 ashimema I can't imagine we'd have been happy with something over xmas week.. I understand they likely don't celebrate it in Pakistan.. but for an international conference it feels a bit off. 11:46 oleonard Yeah that's definitely what was in the accepted proposal 11:46 ashimema I was just surprised to see it on the website.. it was brought to my attention by colleagues.. I was blissfully unaware and had the November dates in my diary. 11:45 ashimema nope 11:45 oleonard ashimema: Have you asked about it? 11:15 ashimema over xmas.. really... 11:15 ashimema but it appears to be listed as 'December 20th-23rd, 2021' on the website now.. 11:15 ashimema I thought it was 'November 14 to 30, 2021' 11:15 ashimema did I somehow miss a date change for kohacon21? 09:47 ashimema cities is still the best example though.. 09:47 ashimema we fixed a few issues I found with it when I implimented the cashup details table in cash management using it 09:46 ashimema it works pretty well :) 09:20 matts Okay, thanks Joubu ! 09:17 Joubu (that's for plugin, but it gives you an idea) 09:16 Joubu matts: also https://koha-community.gitlab.io/KohaAdvent/2020-12-15-use_the_api/ 09:11 Joubu the parameter you are looking for is "_per_page" 09:11 Joubu matts: if you want to have a good example, have a look at cities or branches 09:11 matts I was expecting this answer :) 09:10 Joubu you are a developper so documentation is the code (:D) 09:04 matts More specifically, does it support pagination with server-side processing ? (ie: only the first page is loaded, not the whole dataset) 09:03 matts Where can I find documentation about the Datatables REST API wrapper ? 09:02 matts hi there ! 08:51 jaseel Hi 08:05 ashimema as it's always associated with the status 'failed' 08:05 ashimema or just failure_code 08:02 ashimema good idea 07:55 Joubu delivery_error? :) 07:55 ashimema _note is always errors at this point right.. I can't see any reason it wouldn't pertain to an error.. righT? 07:54 ashimema ok.. I'll switch it up and just plain replace 'delivery_note' with 'error_code; 07:54 ashimema as we pass more detail there anyway 07:54 ashimema which seems a bit funky.. perhaps for that case the code should include a 'Check the logs' 07:54 Joubu (if I am reading the diff correctly) 07:54 ashimema I think in the send_or_die we pass a raw error from the parent module 07:53 Joubu and the borrowernumber can be retrieved from message_queue.borrowernumber 07:53 Joubu + error_code => 'INVALID_BORNUMBER' } ); 07:53 Joubu + delivery_note => 'Invalid borrowernumber '.$message->{borrowernumber}, 07:53 Joubu the only message where we use it is INVALID_BORNUM 07:53 ashimema I'll double check.. I can't remember which bit I thought might warrant it. 07:53 Joubu ashimema: we don't need the additional info actually 07:53 ashimema oh well.. these things happen 07:53 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28803 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, BLOCKED , process_message_queue.pl dies if any messsages in the message queue contain an invalid to_address 07:53 ashimema annoying.. bug 28803 was meant to be a quick fix before breakfast.. but it's just made me dig and have to fix a bigger bug.. 07:52 Joubu that's a bit ugly but I don't think we need an additional DB field for that 07:52 ashimema that could work 07:52 Joubu ERROR_CODE;k1=v1;k2=v2 07:51 Joubu or a separator? 07:51 ashimema but I do think we may want a field on top of error_code.. sometimes we pass additional detail in there 07:50 ashimema that's exactly what I was just saying 07:50 Joubu that's pointless 07:50 Joubu + error_code => 'DUPLICATE_MESSAGE' } ); 07:50 Joubu + delivery_note => 'Message is duplicate', 07:50 ashimema haha.. yes 07:50 ashimema go on 07:50 Joubu we don't need delivery_note AND error_code 07:50 ashimema ? 07:50 Joubu it's the code that is wrong IMO 07:50 Joubu ashimema: it's not the DB field that is missing 07:48 Joubu ho right 07:47 ashimema so you will never ever get codes back to use in that template ;) 07:47 ashimema and correspondingly, _set_message_status isn't updated to set the field when it's passed 07:46 ashimema the error_code field isn't added to the database ;) 07:46 Joubu the only thing used in this patchset is 'delivery_note' 07:46 Joubu I don't understand what's missing 07:45 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28803 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , process_message_queue.pl dies if any messsages in the message queue contain an invalid to_address 07:45 ashimema I spotted it whilst writting tests for bug 28803 07:45 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28813 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, NEW , Delivery notes feature was pushed prior to it's completion 07:45 ashimema bug 28813 07:45 ashimema I've posted a bug 07:45 ashimema I'll get a fix posted in a moment.. though might not handle that bit.. 07:44 ashimema but we also still pass some bits through in the delivery_note field rather than relying on the code 07:44 ashimema we add codes.. 07:44 ashimema indeed 07:44 ashimema go on? 07:43 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14723 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, emmi.takkinen, Pushed to master , Additional delivery notes to messages 07:43 Joubu ashimema: Bug 14723: Add error codes and replace strings with them in template 07:42 ashimema rather than relying solely on codes for translation 07:42 ashimema this needs more fixing.. we still pass/record raw strings 07:42 ashimema hmmm.. 07:38 Joubu yes, it's in stable 07:36 ashimema Probably a new bug at this point 07:36 ashimema The above bug is royally broken as far as I can tell.. would you prefer followups or a new bug 07:35 Joubu ashimema: yep 07:33 ashimema morning marcelr, how are you today? 07:32 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14723 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, emmi.takkinen, Pushed to master , Additional delivery notes to messages 07:32 ashimema I just found a pretty bad QA failing on bug 14723.. the feature doesn't work... 07:32 ashimema morning #koha 07:32 ashimema Joubu around yet? 06:05 marcelr hi #koha 05:57 reiveune hello 05:23 huginn Oak: The operation succeeded. 05:23 Oak @later tell cait Hello, I hope you are well. I have an online job interview with a German company today at 16:00. Any tips? 05:22 huginn Oak: cait was last seen in #koha 1 day, 16 hours, 17 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <cait> I just have to say how much I love Koha for storing passwords encrypted. And leave that here. 05:22 Oak @seen cait 05:12 * Oak waves