Time Nick Message 23:23 tuxayo Hi Carolina , what do you mean? 23:18 Carolina Add a Koha login form to your web site in koha21 Thank you 23:17 Carolina hi 19:25 jim like you get the report with serial number 1,2,3 19:20 khall_ np! 19:11 tuxayo khall_: thanks :) 19:11 khall_ tuxayo seems to be working on 21.05.x! 18:59 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28675 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, ASSIGNED , QOTD broken in 20.05 18:59 tuxayo kidclamp , khall hi :) can you test if bug 28675 affects 21.05 ? Just go to the quote editor and click on "add quote". If nothing horrible happens then you're good :) 18:47 tuxayo Hector: here you can find documentation about installing Koha on Debian https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian 18:45 tuxayo jim: «add serial number in the reports» Is that numbering the returned lines from 1 to 30 if the query returned 30 results? 18:44 tuxayo you too :) 18:44 Hector have a nice day 18:44 Hector ok thanks for your kind answer 18:43 jim yes Koha needs the server to be on Ubuntu or Debian or anyother flavor of Linux 18:35 Hector ok that are three questions :) 18:34 Hector NeedI install LINUX as OS base? 18:34 Hector Koha, doesn't run on windows? right? 18:34 Hector may somone answer a question 18:33 Hector Hello everybody 17:51 jim like 1 , 2 3 17:32 tuxayo «add serial number in the reports» what do you mean? 17:32 tuxayo jim: proofread => check if what I wrote as the description of the queries makes sense. e.g. at some point I didn't know the difference between field and subfield. So stuff like that 17:00 jim Another thing I wanted to know how to add serial number in the reports 17:00 jim thank you for your format now I can get my desired result 16:56 jim proofread? 16:52 tuxayo Can you proofread how I phrased in english what the queries do? As I'm not a librarian. 16:52 tuxayo https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Getting_records_based_on_their_subfield_values 16:52 tuxayo jim: here are the queries documented. 16:42 tuxayo WHERE ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="041"]/subfield[@code="a"]') LIKE '%eo%'; 16:42 tuxayo FROM biblio_metadata 16:42 tuxayo SELECT biblionumber 16:42 tuxayo Here is how to get record with $a = eo 16:42 tuxayo That's interesting to learn about that in order to complete the library. 16:33 jim or english 16:33 jim like hindi 16:33 jim yes because i put language in that 16:31 tuxayo The aim is to only query $a ? 16:30 jim subfield is a 16:30 tuxayo And I don't know about the above query if it query 041 or all it's subfields. 16:30 jim Oww great 16:28 tuxayo i don't know if there is something more relevant to do using authorized values 16:28 tuxayo WHERE ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="041"]/*') LIKE '%spa%'; 16:28 tuxayo FROM biblio_metadata 16:28 tuxayo SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="041"]/*') 16:28 tuxayo I was curious and tried some things. Here is how to get the records that contain 'spa' (for spanish) in their 041 16:26 tuxayo odd, the report library doesn't have a case of getting record with a given value of a field 16:17 jim Authorized value is language 16:15 tuxayo jim: so it would be getting all the record with 041 equal to some value? 16:08 jim i created authorized value on it 16:08 jim from 041 search 16:08 jim not able to fetch records 15:55 tuxayo jim: what is puzzling you? 15:49 jim i have tried to understand it but I am not getting 15:47 tcohen ^^ thar one 15:47 reiveune bye 15:47 tcohen https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Query_MARC 15:47 tcohen No 15:47 tcohen ^^ there you can find how to query MARC 15:46 tcohen jim https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/3.2_SQL_Reports_Library#Query_MARC 15:46 tcohen I wasn't aware of that feature/behavior 15:46 tcohen I'm trying the issue myself 15:45 tuxayo tcohen: thanks for the tip. Ok so mystery solved about the part where I rollback the change. 15:45 tcohen so the 041 is not mapped to a column by default 15:44 jim where I can search Language to fetch the records 15:43 jim I want to create report using 041 Languiage wise 15:43 tcohen tuxayo that thing you're mentioning is related to a use of cookies 15:42 tcohen someone will probably look at your question 15:42 tcohen shoot 15:42 jim ? 15:41 tcohen I didn't know the feature, tuxayo, looking 15:40 jim need help for SQl report 15:40 jim anyone here 15:40 jim hello 15:38 tcohen ah, a syspref 15:38 tuxayo tcohen: PrefillItem on SubfieldsToUseWhenPrefill = "e f g h" 15:36 tcohen and it works 15:36 tcohen I've just added 'ASD' as default value on the 952$3 configuration (marc framework) 15:35 tcohen tuxayo what you mean by 'prefill'? 14:23 Joubu There is a missing bit, we need a QA safety net. But it can be done a bit later. 14:21 tcohen and am sure we can fix whatever arises 14:21 tcohen I tested it in the early ages 14:21 tcohen Joubu add my stamp 14:20 ashimema I did do a chunk of testing so take my SO 14:19 ashimema go :) 14:16 Joubu I will quote you all on the bug :D 14:16 jajm Joubu, go go go! 14:15 marcelr :) 14:15 marcelr Joubu can you push a few other NSOs too ? 14:14 marcelr kidclamp++ thx 14:14 Joubu Thanks, I didn't need more. A short "go" is better than silence ;) 14:13 marcelr we have 4 months for cleanup haha 14:13 khall go for it 14:13 marcelr wait and begin of July takes another year 14:13 marcelr Joubu you promised it 14:13 Joubu marcelr, kidclamp, khall, jajm, tcohen, you all agree with that, right? ^ 14:11 Joubu but I am feeling a bit ashamed to push such big changes with a NSO status 14:11 Joubu this is what I actually sent to the QA team a couple of weeks ago 14:11 Joubu "I will push it at the beginning of July, regardless of its status, if there is no objection before." 14:10 Joubu I don't need stamps on it, only a "go for it" is enough :) 14:10 ashimema personally 14:10 ashimema I'd go for it 14:10 ashimema I'm underwater with work at the minute though.. so can't easily commit to further testing QA 14:10 Joubu It's now or never, basically 14:09 ashimema and have tested.. 14:09 ashimema I like it 14:09 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17600 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Standardize the EXPORT 14:09 Joubu Asking again for the Xth times "Do we need bug 17600 (Standardize the EXPORT) or not?" 13:41 marcelr or a qa signoff 13:40 marcelr 28620 eg 13:40 kidclamp where? 13:40 marcelr kidclamp: now I need your signoff somewhere :) 13:38 marcelr the commit message is confusing 13:38 marcelr see bz 13:38 marcelr yeah 13:37 kidclamp you mean override existing values? 13:36 marcelr kidclamp: will signoff on this first part, but would be nice to include modify 13:31 tuxayo (bug is over my head so no idea about the actual choices to make) 13:30 marcelr right 13:30 tuxayo he he, send some to Amsterdam also ;) 13:27 * kidclamp takes the cookies out of the oven 13:25 marcelr kidclamp: you must have bribed them ;) 13:21 marcelr hi tuxayo 13:18 tuxayo hi #koha :) 13:03 kidclamp marcelr: they agree a syspref is better here - for both bibs and auths 12:49 marcelr standard perl dir 12:49 marcelr Template.pm of TT 12:45 Joubu marcelr: l.206 of which files? 12:42 marcelr the Template/Plugin/Biblio stuff 12:42 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27944 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, agustinmoyano, Failed QA , Add new stages to the article request process 12:42 marcelr Joubu: have a look at bug 27944 please ? 12:39 kidclamp let me ask our educators if I am overreacting - maybe it is not a large deal 12:39 marcelr we re almost there 12:38 marcelr just create a few hundred :) 12:38 kidclamp indeed I do 12:38 marcelr you want 1000 sysprefs? 12:38 kidclamp new syspref - off for existing and default to on for new? 12:37 kidclamp bugs become features :-) 12:37 marcelr bad habits are ok when time passes? 12:37 marcelr well maybe we should be pragmatical (as always :) 12:36 kidclamp The 040 (or 035) should contain similar data, but I think some libraries use 003 to determine source of record - changing it automatically can remove that 12:18 marcelr big change? hmm 12:14 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28491 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Field 003 in authority records not updated after import 12:14 kidclamp but this will be a big change - there are many mad schemes and I think it needs a pref - even bug 28491 concerns me - libraries invent mad schemes when we have let them for so long 12:10 kidclamp hmm...maybe I do agree marcelr...considering 12:09 tcohen this is something I've always made wrong assumptions about too, so intrigued 12:09 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27981 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , Add option to automatically set the 001 control number to the biblionumber 12:09 kidclamp bug 27981 12:09 tcohen what is the bug #? 12:04 kidclamp I do see your point, but 001 to biblionumber isn't LOC - so is the 0003 tied to this pref? or is it always going to be reset? I think there are more questions (also I have made enough mistakes on this one already) 12:03 marcelr kidclamp: if 001 and 003 go together for LOC, i wouldnt call it scope creep per se 11:41 tcohen how long did it take? 11:40 tcohen no messages when doing the full reindex? 11:37 jazeel search is not working 11:36 jazeel When i search a topic using elasticsearch via staff interface 11:34 jazeel Yes that i can see under server information (elasticsearch) 11:33 Joubu as well as "server information", there should be a "elastic search" entry there with some infos 11:32 Joubu if you have problems have a look at the about page, "system information" tab 11:32 Joubu then check the answers please 11:31 jazeel please check my quries 11:30 tcohen morning 11:16 jazeel Hello 11:09 jazeel I reindex all records using shell commad koha-elasticsearch and switched into elasticsearch. However i cant able to get result. 11:06 jazeel Ok 11:03 kidclamp ES does not have a daemon, indexes are updated immediately 11:03 kidclamp you can perform a full ES reindex, then it should do both for any future record changes 10:56 jazeel currently indexd all records under zebra 10:55 jazeel it will take any issues for current zebra files after running the command koha-elasticsearch? 10:53 Joubu you need to use the koha-elasticsearch shell command 10:52 jazeel could please share the file name for elastic index ( i mean perl file) 10:49 Joubu if you have problems have a look at the about page, "system information" tab 10:49 Joubu Nothing else should be needed. Did you do that? 10:49 jazeel Hello 10:48 jazeel Hello 10:47 jazeel Yes. 10:46 Joubu did you install Koha using the debian packages? 10:45 jazeel Need to do any other ? 10:45 jazeel Thats only need? 10:43 Joubu shell* 10:43 Joubu you will need to build the elastic index, there is a koha-elasticsearch shall command 10:43 jazeel Yes. 10:42 Joubu have a look at the syspref "SearchEngine" 10:42 jazeel koha version : 10:40 jazeel Instead of zebra we want to use elasticsearch 10:39 Joubu which version of Koha are you using? 10:39 jazeel Now we are using zebra 10:38 jazeel I would like to know how to use elasticsearch insead of solr on koha 10:37 Joubu hi jazeel 10:37 jazeel Hello 10:33 jazeel Hello 10:33 jazeel hi 08:37 Nemo_bis huomenta 07:44 cait1 hello #koha 06:46 alex_a Bonjour 05:55 marcelr hi #koha 05:38 reiveune hello 03:45 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D10 build #181: UNSTABLE in 51 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D10/181/ 02:56 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U2010 build #28: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U2010/28/ 02:54 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U16 build #91: SUCCESS in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U16/91/ 02:51 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #330: SUCCESS in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/330/ 02:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #403: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/403/ 02:42 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #345: SUCCESS in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D9/345/ 02:34 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #229: SUCCESS in 23 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U20/229/ 02:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_U18 build #98: SUCCESS in 1 hr 22 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_U18/98/ 02:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_D11 build #132: SUCCESS in 50 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_D11/132/ 02:03 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_D10 build #122: SUCCESS in 1 hr 5 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_D10/122/ 02:00 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_U16 build #96: SUCCESS in 1 hr 4 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_U16/96/ 01:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_U_Stable build #14: SUCCESS in 53 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_U_Stable/14/ 01:43 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_D9 build #112: SUCCESS in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_D9/112/ 01:32 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.11_U20 build #106: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.11_U20/106/ 00:36 fridolin here i am