Time Nick Message 20:12 Guest8161 thanks 20:10 caroline or try googling 20:10 caroline I don't know, you'd have to ask a developper 20:06 Guest8161 patch, how to install 20:04 caroline I guess you could try to backport the patch 20:04 Guest8161 OpacHiddenItemsExceptions 20:04 Guest8161 there is no way to implement it in 18.05 without updating the version 20:02 caroline Guest8161: that system preference is only in Koha 18.11 and up 19:54 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #172: SUCCESS in 1 hr 5 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U20/172/ 19:44 Guest8161 in koha 18.05 19:44 Guest8161 OpacHiddenItemsExceptions 19:44 Guest8161 OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickupExceptions en koha 18.05 19:43 Miguel hi 19:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U16 build #31: UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U16/31/ 19:00 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #347: SUCCESS in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/347/ 18:52 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #275: SUCCESS in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/275/ 18:48 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #171: SUCCESS in 1 hr 12 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U20/171/ 18:21 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U16 build #30: FIXED in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U16/30/ 18:21 wahanui Congratulations! 18:21 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 18:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #281: SUCCESS in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D9/281/ 18:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #346: SUCCESS in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/346/ 18:19 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D10 build #107: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D10/107/ 18:16 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #274: FIXED in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/274/ 18:16 wahanui Congratulations! 18:16 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 16:52 reiveune bye 11:27 tcohen morning 10:36 TimothyAlexis Joubu++ 10:24 Joubu use the usual* 10:23 Joubu Koha::News and Koha::NewsItem are Koha::Object[s]-based, so you can usual the usual ->new->store, ->find, ->search methods 10:22 Joubu the C4::Context->preference method deals with caching 10:22 Joubu unless you know what you are doing 10:22 Joubu but you should not use it 10:22 Joubu there is Koha::Config::SystemPreference[s] 10:15 TimothyAlexis Second question: Is there a Koha namespace replacement for C4::Context->preference(<syspref>) ? 10:15 TimothyAlexis Is there? 10:15 TimothyAlexis I'm thinking, what I've learned about Koha so far there could be something like a Koha::News::NewsItem object to use for inserting and deleting news items from the opac_news table. 10:15 TimothyAlexis Sorry, I don't even know why I added a link to that. 10:14 TimothyAlexis Questions from yesterday. 10:14 TimothyAlexis http://paste.koha-community.org/26448 09:37 ashimema true 09:37 Joubu it's not tight to I18N 09:36 Joubu I would create a new 'Filter' plugin 09:35 ashimema does that work.. 09:34 ashimema hmm 09:34 ashimema or add the functions into the I18N one? 09:29 jajm Joubu, should we create a new TT plugin then ? `To.html` is confusing: it does not convert to html, it's almost the opposite 09:28 ashimema great work team 09:28 ashimema fantastic 09:28 Joubu yeah, and we are done 09:28 Joubu we can have a To.raw 09:28 Joubu we filter things, then we display them 09:28 ashimema certainly for the tx() and friends methods I don't think that would be a terrible idea 09:28 Joubu but we can have additional processing (we have for the facet links for instance) 09:28 ashimema I was hypothesising.. you don't think it would be possible.. fair enough.. 09:28 Joubu yes, unless we force the parameters to be called with To.* 09:27 ashimema haha 09:27 ashimema thanks :) 09:27 ashimema and we'd need a QA script update to ensure QA peeps catch that tx() and friends all pass params via filters/macros as discussed 09:27 jajm yep, can do that 09:27 Joubu the (big) cons: we are loosing the "missing filter" check. I don't think we will manage to write a parser to make sure the variables are filtered correctly 09:25 Joubu at that ^ 09:25 ashimema converting that bug to macros as discussed above as opposed to the $Expand filter you implimented? 09:25 Joubu [% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = To.date(koha_new.published_on, options), author = To.html(koha_new.author)}) %] 09:25 jajm ashimema, a go at what specifically ? 09:25 ashimema interesting 09:25 Joubu To.date(date, options) 09:24 Joubu but we could have To.html(var) 09:24 ashimema I didn't mean to give more work.. just help arrive at the cleanest approach 09:24 Joubu it conly deals with JSON so far 09:24 ashimema jajm, are you OK having a go at that? 09:24 Joubu I actually wrote the 'To' TT plugin for that purpose 09:24 Joubu we could have a TT plugin "filter" 09:24 ashimema :) 09:24 ashimema I like the macro option the best :) 09:23 Joubu but I think prefer the options we listed above, the one using a macro 09:23 Joubu the other t* (those with variables) could be html escaped by default, with a parameter to explicitely remove it (like when we already filtered the variables) 09:22 Joubu t() does not need to be html filtered IMO 09:22 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:22 Joubu @later tell oleonard can you have a look at 27200 please? 09:16 ashimema my brain hurts again.. lol 09:16 ashimema t() would do html.. would there really ever be a reason for a plain string to NOT want the html treatment? 09:15 ashimema that certainly swings me back around to filtering inside each of the functions as required.. 09:15 ashimema html(koha_new.author) there would get a second html encode.. 09:14 ashimema fair point 09:13 Joubu (and also the problem is that we are doing to double html filter) 09:12 ashimema I've linked the log of this chat in the bug so we don't loose it. 09:10 Joubu and we don't deal with that currently anyway 09:09 Joubu we have a check about that (the translator adding bad stuff) 09:09 ashimema either way.. I don't think it's a terrible idea to have the final html filter added 09:08 ashimema or.. was it in the Rmaint manual.. things to check before release 09:08 ashimema I'm sure I've raised it before and we ended up with a script on the translation server to spot such things... 09:08 ashimema though... don't we actually try and catch that at translation time right now? 09:08 ashimema the translator could in theory add in JS in a form of attack if they wanted to.. 09:07 ashimema hum.. that's a fair point 09:07 jajm we'd still need the last html filter imo, in case the translator introduces unwanted html 09:06 ashimema it's good to talk 09:06 ashimema jajm++ for getting us this far already :) 09:06 ashimema simply from the being more readable/less error prone option.. I'm mostly thinking about the QA team spotting missing filters or having to double read templates to understand how formerly simple contructs now work 09:05 ashimema if we can manage something like that.. I'd say it's preferable to the having to use BLOCK contructs and an $Expand passthrough 09:04 ashimema `[% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = $KohaDates(koha_new.published_on), author = html(koha_new.author)}) %]` 09:03 ashimema true 09:03 Joubu then we don't need the last html 09:02 ashimema haha 09:02 ashimema right? 09:02 ashimema `[% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = $KohaDates(koha_new.published_on), author = html(koha_new.author)}) | html %]` 09:02 Joubu that's still ugly 09:01 Joubu [% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = filter(date_var, 'KohaDates', options), author = filter(author, 'html') }) | html %] 09:01 ashimema so we could end up with 09:01 ashimema fingers faster than brain :P 09:01 ashimema yup.. ignore that from me 09:00 Joubu no need to 09:00 Joubu yes, jajm, that seems a good idea 09:00 ashimema hmm.. that's not a bad idea.. though still spreads them over multiple lines right? 09:00 ashimema but yes.. I was meaning "can we adapt tx to require a filter passed for each variable we pass.. so it does the filtering" 08:59 ashimema I don't think it works.. I've not actually tried 08:59 jajm one option I have considered is to turn filters into macro: [% published_on = html($KohaDates(mydate, options)) %] 08:58 Joubu you were meaning to add another parameter, per variable, to pass the filter to use? 08:58 Joubu this does not work, right? 08:58 Joubu [% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = published_on | $KohaDate, author = author | html }) | html %] 08:58 Joubu what about KohaDates that takes parameters? 08:57 Joubu ashimema: yes but... 08:57 ashimema that's kinda what I'm saying.. and hence my idea of inlining like above.. do you find the above any clearer Joubu? 08:57 ashimema I'm not against how your doing it.. just trying to see if there are any cleaner things 08:57 Joubu the Expand and the 2 lines are hard to read, confusing and error prone imo 08:56 ashimema rather than requireing the BLOCK construct? 08:56 Joubu jajm: most of the time we will need to html filter 08:56 ashimema so.. could the tx function be modified to always expect a filter passed with each variable and apply them internally.. 08:55 ashimema i.e filtering the variables inline 08:55 ashimema `[% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = published_on | $KohaDate, author = author | html }) | html %]` 08:55 jajm Joubu, then we would need an option to turn this off, right ? Not sure we'll gain much in readability 08:54 ashimema I also wondered if we could do something like 08:52 ashimema I wondered that 08:52 Joubu t() would not need it ofc 08:52 Joubu jajm: what about having the t* methods doing the html filtering by default? 08:51 ashimema reading 08:51 ashimema blimey.. I hadn't seen the comments on it over night 08:44 ashimema please correct me if I'm wrong.. or over/under thinking it 08:44 ashimema I think it would be super easy to miss that during QA and introduce potential security issues.. 08:43 ashimema `[% t('RSS feed for {libraryName} library news') | html | $Expand libraryName = Branches.GetName(branchcode) %]` 08:43 ashimema Joubu's middle option there I think missed filters.. i.e 08:43 ashimema so.. the thing I'm really debating is are we making it harder to spot missing filters... 08:42 ashimema interestingly.. that TT bug I reference does appear to claim that `[% published_on = koha_new.published_on | $KohaDates %]` should work as we expect.. but calling it with an explicit SET prepended will not... but they seem to agree that's a bug 08:39 Joubu with a parameter for other behaviours? 08:39 Joubu shouldn't we have the t* TT methods HTML filter by default? 08:37 Joubu so the automated way offered by 20988 does not longer work 08:34 ashimema the middle one.. you're loosing an html filtering of the return fo GetName(branchcode); 08:34 ashimema and... 08:34 ashimema don't you? 08:34 ashimema I think that final one wouldn't work.. you need $Expand to get 'libraryName' into the substitution in the t() at the beggining.. 08:33 ashimema er... 08:32 Joubu [% t('RSS feed for {libraryName} library news') | html | libraryName = Branches.GetName(branchcode) %] 08:32 Joubu well, without the Expand then 08:32 Joubu [% t('RSS feed for {libraryName} library news') | html | $Expand libraryName = Branches.GetName(branchcode) %] 08:32 Joubu vs 08:32 Joubu [% t('RSS feed for {libraryName} library news') | html | $Expand libraryName = libraryName % 08:32 Joubu [% libraryName = BLOCK %][% Branches.GetName(branchcode) | html %][% END %] 08:32 Joubu And, what about: 08:28 ashimema I don't think it's relevant now 08:27 ashimema but the TT bug that got me wondering if there was a nicer way to define those $Expand things was https://github.com/abw/Template2/issues/263 08:27 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26392 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Signed Off , Wrap all translatable strings in opac-main.tt 08:27 ashimema bug 26392 is the one we're talking about right now 08:27 Joubu can you remind me the bug number? 08:26 ashimema aha.. it was SET I was thinking of 08:24 ashimema I have a really vague recollection that I fixed a bug in TT itself around that. 08:24 jajm ashimema, it would be great if it worked like that, but i believe that's what I tested first 08:22 ashimema maybe TT doesn't work that way.. me tests 08:22 ashimema [% published_on = koha_new.published_on | $KohaDates %] 08:22 ashimema not also be written as 08:22 ashimema [% published_on = BLOCK %][% koha_new.published_on | $KohaDates %][% END %] 08:22 ashimema could 08:21 ashimema next silly question.. 08:21 ashimema due diligence and all that ;) 08:20 ashimema just measuring up the options to see if a new set of eyes could help shift it along 08:20 ashimema generally I'm not against it at all 08:20 ashimema but needed to make 100% sure he understood what it was doing first 08:20 * ashimema was trying to see if there was any other way.. 08:20 jajm not really happy with the solution, suggestions welcome :) 08:20 ashimema you already filter published_on in the BLOCK 08:19 ashimema yeah.. I had to look for further context 08:19 jajm for instance if published_on contains html that should not be escaped 08:19 jajm ashimema, Expand is when you don't want to filter the contents of your variables 08:17 ashimema the later prevents double encoding 08:17 ashimema hmm, I see 08:14 ashimema [% t('Published on {published_on} by {author}') | html | $Expand published_on = published_on, author = author %] 08:13 ashimema vs 08:13 ashimema [% tx('Published on {published_on} by {author}', { published_on = published_on, author = author }) | html %] 08:12 * ashimema is trying to wrap his head around 08:12 ashimema or anyone else whose up to speed on the new translations stuff 08:11 ashimema jajm around? 08:04 liliputech_asu morning :) 08:03 ashimema mornin' 08:03 cait1 good morning #koha 07:29 wahanui hello, alex_a 07:29 alex_a Bonjour 07:25 wahanui niihau, reiveune 07:25 reiveune hello 07:05 magnuse \o/ 05:49 dcook Nothing like finding Zebra bugs on a Friday afternoon... 01:47 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.05_U16 build #142: NOW UNSTABLE in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.05_U16/142/ 01:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.05_U16 build #141: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.05_U16/141/ 00:59 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.05_U18 build #6: STILL UNSTABLE in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.05_U18/6/ 00:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.05_U2010 build #49: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.05_U2010/49/ 00:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.05_D10 build #155: NOW UNSTABLE in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.05_D10/155/ 00:06 koha-jenkins Project Koha_20.05_U18 build #5: STILL UNSTABLE in 55 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_20.05_U18/5/