Time Nick Message 17:25 jtmlis it was so easy, only hick up was my fault with my dns a records, pointing to subdomains. 17:25 jtmlis thank you ashimema , yes well koha has been so well packaged that I was so suprised when I could install from a ppa. 17:09 tuxayo It's nice to see that it's doable to install&configure such a complete software without being an expert. And that it can be an educational tool. 17:09 tuxayo > Students playing with Koha 17:07 ashimema :D 17:07 ashimema Beware though.. once you've got on in, it's rather addictive 17:07 tuxayo Same offer from me :) 17:06 ashimema If you want to show off with your name on the Koha about page in a future version jtmlis feel free to ask for a bit of mentoring on a first patch .. I'm always happy to help 17:06 tuxayo ^^ 17:05 ashimema Students playing with Koha.. that always makes me really happy 17:04 tuxayo À++ 17:04 jtmlis thanks tuxayo a plus tard 17:03 tuxayo good luck! 17:03 tuxayo > I have to try again but school has me writing 4 essays this week. 17:03 tuxayo yay, two intalls :) 17:03 tuxayo > ran into some issues on the local install, but it went well on a server. 17:02 tuxayo Great! :D 17:02 tuxayo > Library student, looking to learn systems 17:01 tuxayo indeed :( 17:01 tuxayo > I just wonder when this covid-19 stuff will end. 16:44 jtmlis anyway I ran into some issues on the local install, but it went well on a server. I have to try again but school has me writing 4 essays this week. 16:43 jtmlis tuxayo: you helped me when I arrived so I just kinda stuck around and hang out here. I don't read the chat much, but yeah. Feeling emotional today, I just wonder when this covid-19 stuff will end. 16:42 jtmlis tuxayo: Library student, looking to learn systems, right now I am just using koha locally, to catalog my personal collection. 16:41 jtmlis thanks wahanui 16:25 tuxayo jtmlis: what brings you here, are you from a library using Koha? ^^ 16:22 wahanui bots are listed on this page: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/IRC_Regulars 16:22 tuxayo bots? 16:22 jtmlis we need some bots 16:22 jtmlis ,w 16:21 jtmlis tuxayo: im from Canada, Quebec. 16:20 tuxayo jtmlis: where are you from? I'm from France 15:49 jtmlis Morning 10:31 tuxayo jtmlis: hi o/