Time Nick Message 23:57 dcook heh 23:47 caroline lol! first world problem XD 23:46 dcook Times like this I wish I had a third monitor >_> 23:43 dcook Hmm maybe I'm not a registered participant... but I swear I registered ages ago.. 23:36 aleisha_ some messages from our sponsors! 23:33 carlos yep - fooled me first time it went through 23:31 dcook The EBSCO one looks like a talk 23:31 dcook The FE Tech ad was slick heh 23:30 carlos dcook: it's ads 23:28 cait photos! please! 23:28 cait marie-luce: me too :) 23:28 dcook Must be another ad break 23:28 oleonard Or is it an ad break? 23:27 dcook Oh we're onto another talk 23:24 marie-luce good idea! 23:24 georgewilliams Yes. Please tweet photos. 23:24 rangi ill tweet some photos so you can feel like you are here 23:24 marie-luce I love fennel tea! 23:23 cait so not really having much effect :) 23:23 cait tea yes... but fennel tea 23:22 marie-luce tea then? 23:22 cait coffee will be a last resort 23:22 carlos it's 10:21 Melbourne time and I'm already up to 5 coffees - better slow down 23:21 * dcook feels so close but so far 23:21 dcook Enjoy lunch, NZ folk 23:21 dcook aleisha_: Ah that makes sense 23:21 marie-luce have fun! 23:21 cait wish we could head out with you 23:21 cait enjoy 23:20 rangi lunch time now 23:19 marie-luce :) 23:19 rangi i think there are only a couple doing live online ones now. 23:19 * cait thinks she caught up now :) 23:19 rangi much easier with pre recorded 23:18 rangi actually ended up recording in the end, it's really hard to juggle live in person and live online ones 23:18 oleonard https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon20/Programme 23:18 lisettelatah mengu++ 23:18 marie-luce mengu++ 23:18 caroline mengu++ for doing a live presentation in the middle of the night 23:17 oleonard :D 23:17 marie-luce aleisha_++ 23:16 alexbuckley rangi++ 23:16 alexbuckley aleisha_++ 23:16 aleisha_ alexbuckley++ 23:16 lisettelatah aleisha_++ 23:16 lisettelatah rangi++ 23:16 oleonard aleisha_++ 23:16 oleonard rangi++ 23:15 aleisha_ those watching via the stream, we are running slightly early! 23:14 rangi There was a break between william and mengu, but not a big one between you lisettelatah and william 23:13 cait got to figure out what i am doing wrong here 23:13 cait i am still seeing William's 23:13 cait wow 23:12 lisettelatah and then they did the same thing with Mengu's and went right in after William's instead of a break. 23:11 lisettelatah I think they just went straight into William's presentation instead of a 5 minute break after mine. 23:10 dcook Can't fault you there, oleonard :) 23:10 dcook https://2020.kohacon.org/posts/programme/ and "time wellington" seem to be different? 23:10 * oleonard missed the start of things today, was off doing Sunday afternoon family stuff 23:10 dcook I had to mute for a few min 23:10 dcook I thought Lisette just ended? 23:09 oleonard That was the one that just ended 23:08 dcook Oh I thought William Tuttiett was up next? 23:05 dcook I didn't end-to-end test it. Just a theory. 23:05 dcook Hopefully the testing shows that heh 22:59 caroline I see that it did an update so you're right 22:58 dcook So easy to miss 22:58 dcook I didn't see it listed int he test plan 22:58 caroline hm... maybe I forgot 22:58 dcook I mean not running that command is probably creating the problem 22:58 dcook I'm guessing that's what's causing your problem 22:58 dcook caroline: Did you run perl './installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl' before testing the patch? 22:57 dcook I haven't run through the test plan yet, but I'm thinking maybe the test plan missed a step.. 22:56 caroline oh hai! 22:55 Guest3728 sup 22:55 dcook Ok I'll give that one a look.. 22:54 caroline no worries, I made the same mistake 22:54 dcook Ah my mistake 22:54 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25596 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , "Overpayment refund" is not translatable 22:54 caroline only when I have the patch for bug 25596 22:53 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26659 major, P5 - low, ---, joonas.kylmala, Needs Signoff , An item can be renewed even if there are holds waiting to be filled 22:53 dcook caroline: does the problem only happen when testing bug 26659? 22:51 cait but great examples on how you can do cool things with jquery 22:51 cait shouldn't have reloaded, will have to catch the end later :( 22:49 lisettelatah thanks! 22:49 cait i am 5 minutes behind i htink hm 22:48 marie-luce great work lisettelatah 22:45 cait :) 22:45 alexbuckley hi cait :) 22:32 * dcook will take more of a look in a minute heh 22:28 cait so maybe we just ignore that one 22:28 cait but it doesn't complain 22:28 cait you are right, i don't have lockdir either 22:27 caroline does it point to .../var/lock ? 22:26 cait i'll look at mine 22:25 cait hm ithink it has to bbe lockdir 22:23 caroline I have a zebra_lockdir 22:21 caroline oh yeah? I can try to put something in there 22:20 cait the lockdir one could give you trouble 22:20 caroline I just reapplied the patch, I will try the checkout/checkin again 22:19 caroline that's what I think 22:19 caroline https://snipboard.io/4bEBaN.jpg 22:19 cait hm shouldnt mattr for this 22:19 caroline Not completely empty There is "Impossible to connect to the message broker" (RabbitMQ thing) and also warning about my KohaAdminEmailAddress not being valid, etc. 22:18 cait system information tab is empty? 22:17 caroline Funny that I have two bugs with almost the same numbers opened in tabs hehe! 22:17 caroline yes this one ^ 22:17 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25596 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , "Overpayment refund" is not translatable 22:16 caroline bug 25596 22:16 caroline woops, not that one 22:16 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26659 major, P5 - low, ---, joonas.kylmala, Needs Signoff , An item can be renewed even if there are holds waiting to be filled 22:16 caroline dcook: I have a "broken fk constraint" when I try to test bug 26659 22:15 caroline I'll try with the patch see if anything changes 22:15 caroline It says RabbitMQ is not connected, but I don't think that's relevant 22:14 caroline ok so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong in the about page 22:14 caroline it's a git install (?) 22:14 dcook What sort of setup do you have? kohadevbox, koha-testing-docker, or your own dev install? 22:13 dcook Hmm 22:13 dcook hiya :) it's so nice having people awake during my 9-5 heh 22:13 caroline I'm just having trouble with my master 22:13 caroline hi dcook! 22:12 caroline this one's a missing module, I'm installing it 22:11 cait which one do you see? 22:11 cait interesting, not good, but interesting 22:11 dcook What's going on, caroline? 22:11 caroline le sigh 22:11 caroline hm... about gives me a software error too... 22:10 cait for any data issues 22:10 cait system information 22:10 cait caroline: could you check yor about page? 21:57 marie-luce lisettelatah++ 21:56 marie-luce very interesting! 21:56 cait lisettelatah++ 21:55 caroline lisettelatah++ 21:54 lisettelatah cait, thanks, I hope people find it interesting. I'm not sure I talked much about what's next except some bugs either coming down the line or related to issues I was discussing. 21:52 cait looking forward to your talk lisettelatah 21:43 marie-luce lovely talk! 21:35 marie-luce :) 21:35 cait :) 21:35 lisettelatah cait good reminder to make sure my testing environment is working before Koha DIY/Hackfast later this week 21:28 cait kohadevbox vs koha-testing-docker 21:28 cait yours is even more ancient then mine and htey are on my case alredy 21:20 caroline may be my install too... You know I have an old school install 21:19 cait i ran it 2-3 times and didnt see it 21:19 cait good you caught it 21:18 caroline yup, no works without patch, software error with patch -_- 21:11 caroline it may just be my db 21:11 caroline but I'll try the whole thing without the patch 21:10 caroline It does check in so when I try it again without the patch, it says not checked out 21:10 caroline I'll try it again without the patch 21:10 cait can you paste? 21:10 cait huh 21:10 cait what does it read? 21:10 caroline says broken FK constraint 21:10 cait hm strange 21:09 caroline when I check in with a backdate 21:09 cait when? 21:08 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25596 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , "Overpayment refund" is not translatable 21:08 caroline was trying to test bug 25596, but I get a software error... -_- 21:08 caroline not right now, maybe later 21:08 cait caroline: got your knitting? 21:07 caroline very impressed! 21:07 cait nice! 20:48 aleisha_kohacon slido.com/kohacon20 20:44 cait hi alexbuckley :) 20:41 marie-luce yeah, we can hear the audience now! 20:35 hayley yes very stressful hehe 20:30 cait then 20:30 cait and our connection the :) 20:29 hayley Monitoring the stream, in the auditorium :) 20:29 hayley hi cait yes I am! 20:25 cait hayley: are you on site? 20:19 cait hi hayley :) 20:19 hayley yeah toi ohomai, SUPERlibrarian! 20:12 marie-luce love it! 20:11 marie-luce it makes sense 20:11 cait and i thin it's a play on the superlibrarian permission 20:11 cait from their go live day 20:11 cait afaik a nz library gave Chris the one he presented in in Dublin 20:10 marie-luce can someone explaine the KohaCon cape meaning? 20:09 cait i see someone is alredy setting a trend for wearing capes at kohacons - I fully support that 20:09 cait caroline: and a real one again hopefully soon! 20:09 cait hi all 20:09 caroline cait: we'll have to have a virtual ice cream together 20:09 caroline same :( I miss y'all 20:07 marie-luce wish I could be there 20:07 lisettelatah hello everyone! 20:07 marie-luce Hi all 20:05 * caroline sends virtual hugs 20:05 caroline hello everyone! 19:33 cait waiting for the livestream 19:32 cait same from me - good luck for day 1, but I am sure it will all go well! 19:32 cait :) 19:19 carlos morning all - good luck with day 1! 17:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #304: SUCCESS in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_U18/304/ 16:36 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #303: FIXED in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_U18/303/ 16:36 wahanui Congratulations! 16:36 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 16:21 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9_MDB10.3 build #56: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D9_MDB10.3/56/ 16:16 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #299: SUCCESS in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D9/299/ 16:12 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #264: UNSTABLE in 33 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D8/264/ 15:52 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #302: FAILURE in 10 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_U18/302/ 08:16 huginn magnuse: The operation succeeded. 08:16 magnuse @later tell Joubu could it be a good idea to have a section in the release notes (or somewhere else) that documents subroutines that have been deleted or moved from C4:: to Koha::? might be a help for people developing/maintaining plugins etc