Time Nick Message 23:30 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #164: FIXED in 49 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/164/ 23:30 wahanui Congratulations! 23:30 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 23:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #166: FIXED in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/166/ 23:25 wahanui Congratulations! 23:25 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 22:59 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #163: FIXED in 1 hr 8 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D9/163/ 22:59 wahanui Congratulations! 22:59 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 22:53 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #165: UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/165/ 22:40 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #163: STILL UNSTABLE in 50 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/163/ 22:22 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #164: FIXED in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/164/ 22:22 wahanui Congratulations! 22:22 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 22:18 aleisha http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/19.11.x 22:15 tuxayo Thanks, I will ask them if everything they planned had made it to 19.11 22:05 aleisha no worries tuxayo i am still catching up too :) i believe you can backport bug 22522. Joubu or tcohen may be able to answer more accurately? 22:03 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22522 critical, P1 - high, ---, ere.maijala, Pushed to stable , API authentication breaks with updated Mojolicious version 22:03 tuxayo IIUC I can backport bug 22522 when I reach it? (still few patchset to catch up) 22:03 tuxayo hi aleisha o/ 21:44 aleisha yup! will try and catch things up for the first release if i can :) 21:32 cait because I just see it i my inbox, it was: [Koha-devel] No translation updates on 19.11.x since 19.11.03? 21:23 cait thx :) 21:22 aleisha thanks cait i hadn't seen that. will keep in mind 21:22 cait not sure what's going on there. could you keep it in mind for your first release maybe? 21:21 cait aleisha: did you see the mail on the mailing list about no translation updates on 19.11 for a while? 21:13 cait hm i think i tried to make them them same on translating - some includes are used often, othres might be single use, not sure about that one 21:02 caroline are inc files supposed to be used everywhere? Example, I'm translating patronfields.inc, are those strings eventually going to be all over Koha wherever a patron is mentioned? I'm asking because the strings are not the same as what is currently in moremember 20:58 aleisha hi caroline :) 20:58 caroline hi aleisha! 20:58 aleisha hello 20:16 tuxayo "Replay of upgrade that initially had a typo to ensure the changes are done" 20:16 tuxayo Looking for advice about a DB upgrade message. Does the following looks good? 19:43 cait you beat me with filing it :) 19:42 cait i actually had this on my typo list from translating too 19:42 caroline thanks! 19:42 cait i'd say so :) 19:42 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25717 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Improve messages for automatic renewal errors 19:42 caroline bug 25717 19:42 cait can you repeat? 19:41 caroline cait so would my message be ok? 19:40 cait so you start like 3 days before due date to try auto_renewals 19:39 cait if you due_date + 10 days... and do that every day.. thatwould be bad 19:39 cait and also because you add to the end of the due date 19:39 huginn oleonard: The operation succeeded. 19:39 oleonard @later tell ashimema Remind me to ask you about Bug 25240 when you're back on the clock 19:39 cait the too early comes from not wanting to renew the item all the time 19:39 cait :) 19:29 caroline lol!! 19:28 oleonard ...I very deliberately avoid understanding how fines work in Koha 19:28 caroline Ok I thought patrons had fines 19:27 oleonard A checkout can have a fine 19:26 caroline Currently, it says "Item has an outstanding fine", but I don't think items can have fines... 19:26 caroline oleonard, can you tell me what has_fine is for (since you found the auto_too_late) 19:24 caroline thanks oleonard++ :) 19:23 oleonard yes 19:22 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25717 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Improve messages for automatic renewal errors 19:22 caroline bug 25717 makes sense? 19:21 oleonard Anyway, that's probably enough info to compose a clearer string. 19:21 oleonard I understand how a fixed date is useful, but I don't know about the days option. 19:20 oleonard caroline, it's from the "no automatic renewal after" circulation rule 19:14 oleonard whoa 19:14 huginn oleonard: AndrewIsh was last seen in #koha 50 weeks, 0 days, 5 hours, 39 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <AndrewIsh> Thanks for bringing the ILL template out of the dark ages 19:14 oleonard @seen AndrewIsh 19:12 * caroline has never used automatic renewal, so what does she know... 19:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #323: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest/323/ 19:11 caroline I have no idea why, though... maybe we dont want the item to be renewed like 24h before the automatic renewal? 19:10 caroline I think whoever wrote it copied the auto_too_soon string and didn't reread the sentence 19:10 oleonard Why would it be too late to renew something? 19:09 caroline so too late is cannot be renewed anymore 19:09 caroline auto_too_soon is Scheduled for automatic renewal and cannot yet be renewed 19:08 caroline or cannot be renewed anymore? 19:08 caroline Well it's for auto_too_late so I'm thinking it's supposed to say "Scheduled for automatic renewal and cannot yet be renewed" 19:08 oleonard caroline do you understand what it's supposed to say? 19:07 caroline otherwise I'll try to correct it sometime 19:06 caroline its in intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/renew_strings.inc if someone is in that neighbourhood 19:05 caroline it cannot BE anymore! *dramatic arm over brow* 19:04 oleonard That is nonsensical 19:03 caroline Is this an error? It reads really weird "Scheduled for automatic renewal and cannot yet be any more" 18:45 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #231: FIXED in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_U18/231/ 18:45 wahanui Congratulations! 18:45 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 18:45 tuxayo "Replay of upgrade that initially had a typo to ensure the changes are done" 18:44 tuxayo Looking for advice about a DB upgrade message. Does the following looks good? 18:36 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #230: FIXED in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D9/230/ 18:36 wahanui Congratulations! 18:36 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 18:36 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1364: FAILURE in 1 hr 9 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/1364/ 18:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #16: SUCCESS in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U20/16/ 18:25 tuxayo tcohen++ 18:25 tuxayo thanks for spotting this 18:24 tcohen LA what you mean adding an SSL cert? i.e. do you have a cert you want to add, or are planning on using Letsencrypt 18:12 LA That's what I was unsure of. Didn't know if I could just do a CLI based import through Debian or if I had to somehow do it from Koha. 18:11 oleonard LA have you looked for Debian-specific documentation on that? It's not strictly a Koha question 18:08 LA Is there any documentation out there for adding an SSL cert to my instance? (Running Debian) 18:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #236: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D8/236/ 17:58 tcohen just change the number 17:58 tcohen totally 17:58 tuxayo tcohen: IIUC the SQL is already idempotent so I just have the copy the old DB rev? 17:52 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #322: SUCCESS in 54 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest/322/ 17:52 oleonard It's not a big deal, I was just curious about how some features have changed 17:49 oleonard I'd like to test a really old version like 3.22 tcohen, not sure if that can be done 17:49 tcohen oleonard: which Koha version specifically? 17:49 tuxayo tcohen: Oh, a new DB rev that retries the same SQL, but fixed? 17:49 oleonard Travel back into the mists of time 17:48 tcohen oleonard what are you trying to do? 17:47 oleonard So I guess there is a limit to how far back one can go 17:47 oleonard Thanks tuxayo, I just dug this link out of email: https://hub.docker.com/r/koha/koha-testing/tags 17:47 tcohen so, a new dbrev is needd 17:47 tcohen i.e. it isn't on my DB, and when 19..05.12 is released it won't try again 17:47 tcohen otherwise the syspref will be missing 17:47 tcohen you should add a new dbrev 17:46 tcohen but for people that already faced the issue like me 17:46 tuxayo tcohen: the docker image repo? 17:46 tcohen tuxayo it seems lukeG addressed it 0578902e9151f66763b05da58db6387c753fdb93 17:45 tuxayo export KOHA_IMAGE=19.05-stretch ; ku-md9 ; kd # RMaint 17:45 tuxayo oleonard: Yes, here is what I use to RMaint 19.05.x 17:42 tcohen I've just updated from the community repo 17:42 tuxayo tcohen: which build? 17:40 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #347: SUCCESS in 49 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9_My8/347/ 17:40 tuxayo :o 17:39 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "tuxayo" (21 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/22291 17:38 oleonard Do I change .env, the KOHA_IMAGE parameter? 17:37 oleonard If I wanted to start up koha-testing-docker with a different version than master what do I do? 17:37 Joubu got 1 new random failure, awesome.. 17:34 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #899: STILL UNSTABLE in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/899/ 17:26 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #818: SUCCESS in 1 hr 21 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U18/818/ 17:21 ashimema Party 17:19 reiveune bye 17:13 tcohen Joubu++ # jenkins back to green 16:57 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11 build #14: FIXED in 51 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11/14/ 16:57 wahanui Congratulations! 16:57 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 16:54 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #265: UNSTABLE in 49 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10/265/ 16:51 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10_Deps build #6: SUCCESS in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10_Deps/6/ 16:33 ashimema should it be NSO? 16:33 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11426 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Make HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC work with XSLT 16:33 ashimema anyone understand the current state of bug 11426 ? 16:20 caroline yeah there is already french in there, one more reason I was skeptical 16:20 cait i think biblibre did the ils-di, so it looks like a french record? 16:19 cait the in-built documentation pages (sorry if I don't make sense) 16:19 cait it's actually xml... 16:19 cait which most likely a technical person will look at - it should be ok 16:19 caroline cait: ok thanks! 16:18 cait from 16:18 cait they are frm the examples for the ils-di interface 16:18 cait caroline: just copy them 16:18 cait oh oops, should scroll down first, was referrng to cover code 16:18 cait having them more centralized would be lovely 16:17 caroline There are even library infos "Bibliothèque Jean Prunier" "Secteur Adulte" 16:16 caroline wth?? 16:16 caroline I am very skeptical about this string to translate https://translate.koha-community.org/fr_CA/20.05/translate/#filter=incomplete&unit=14476806&offset=0 16:12 oleonard Maybe after lunch... 16:10 ashimema lol 16:09 oleonard ...also rewriting the entirety of all cover-image services would be great, just for quick fix :D 16:09 ashimema :) 16:08 oleonard ...but certainly fixing the cover-handling would improve the way the focus appears 16:08 ashimema fun 16:08 oleonard ashimema I think the focus style might be both browser and OS-dependent :/ 16:07 ashimema I should write up the bug and come back to it tomorrow 16:07 ashimema but that doesn't entirely make sense to me.. perhaps it's just late and my brain has packed up 16:07 ashimema they seem to suggest a hover css class 16:07 ashimema indeed.. so it's dashed in firefox.. in chrome it's more apparent as it's a solid black border on focus 16:06 oleonard Regarding the focus, this is what I see in Firefox: https://zivotdesign.com/p/view.php?p=15918915381810 16:05 ashimema interesting 16:04 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 25538: Don't run search_utf8.t if KOHA_*_URL empty <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7c4d2444057dd2f8ae613ad73328f880258810c7> 16:04 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 25538: Use sudo -i in koha-shell <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=e5ffbb4dd4c3b616f715b74a9091e73e48ff0715> 16:04 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 25538: Default to --login|-i if no command passed <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=c9be26ad5ac7615f2f723900dfd16d83d71b66fe> 16:03 oleonard The JS which is supposed to replace an Amazon.com 1x1 pixel cover image doesn't seem to work in the shelf browser 15:59 ashimema the page is public and config hasn't changed since the test 15:59 ashimema https://commonslibrarytest.koha-ptfs.co.uk/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=217679&shelfbrowse_itemnumber=247064#holdings 15:59 ashimema looks like Amazon 15:59 ashimema erm.. 15:58 oleonard ashimema do you know which image service was being used during the test? 15:58 Joubu I am going to push it :) 15:57 ashimema awesome 15:57 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25538 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , www/search_utf8.t is failing randomly 15:57 ashimema aha.. bug 25538 just went PQA 15:56 * ashimema is growing tired.. think I should do something else for the last few minutes of my work day 15:56 ashimema maybe that's a chrome thing 15:56 ashimema if I tab through the blank area IS highlighted 15:55 ashimema to be honest.. I can't replicate the issue for keyboard focus 15:55 ashimema determine where their focus is on the page. 15:55 ashimema not highlighted by a visible focus indicator. This means that some users may be unable to 15:55 ashimema >Where items displayed on the ‘Book shelf’ do not include cover images, keyboard focus is 15:55 ashimema [off] Page 105 15:54 ashimema though they suggest something else entirely 15:54 ashimema I think so.. 15:54 Joubu what is the complaint? 15:54 oleonard ashimema: That it should? 15:54 ashimema another complaint from the accessibility report 15:54 Joubu ha 15:53 oleonard It depends on the cover image service 15:53 Joubu yes 15:53 ashimema or am I imagining that? 15:53 ashimema didn't we used to show a 'No image found' image or similar when a cover image wasn't found for the shelf browser? 14:16 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #230: STILL UNSTABLE in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_U18/230/ 14:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #229: STILL UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D9/229/ 14:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #235: FIXED in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.05_D8/235/ 14:11 wahanui Congratulations! 14:11 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 13:33 tuxayo yes Joubu o/ 13:32 Joubu tuxayo: around? 13:19 cait i didn#t check that closely, but was pretty sure about the function after a grep 13:18 cait possibly :) 13:12 oleonard Good point cait. Do you think I should also remove the opac-downloadcart template? It is now bypassed entirely 13:05 cait has time 13:04 cait nm - commented on the bug 13:03 cait like removing downloadBasket() 13:02 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25402 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Put OPAC cart download options into dropdown menu 13:02 cait oleonard: looking at bug 25402 - i wonder why i am not seeing some code removed for the modal? 13:00 cait time for apple pie here soon (making one) 13:00 cait have fun 12:58 ashimema right.. time for that walk 12:58 ashimema thanks 12:58 ashimema sounds up my street given the stuff I'm doing at the minute 12:57 cait ashimema: an easy one i can't touch Bug 24405 - Links in facets are styled differently than other links on the results page in OPAC 12:57 * ashimema likes the gitstats.. be nice to put a selection of those in a pretty form on the dashboard I reckon 12:56 ashimema author of the month has also slipped through my fingers.. grr 12:56 cait but also qa'ing some things i had filed and stuff i had already started on 12:56 ashimema lol 12:56 cait ashimema: that's the idea ;) 12:54 ashimema perfect english 12:53 ashimema ;) 12:53 ashimema oh noes.. that'll make it even harder for me to catch up if you're grabbing the easy ones.. haha 12:53 cait get the hang of it again..? 12:53 cait hm htat probably was no proper english 12:53 cait just trying to get a grip of it again :) 12:53 cait picking some more or less low hanging fruit for now 12:52 ashimema dang.. I have some catching up to do again now to keep up with cait 12:50 ashimema It'll be nice to move away from headings for a while.. though that one looks 'interesting' 12:50 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25240 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Accessibility: The 'Basket' page contains an inaccessible table 12:50 ashimema I'm heading out for a quick walk before I attack bug 25240 12:49 ashimema :) 12:49 oleonard Sure 12:48 ashimema I'm happy to be guided with regards to how we end up styling it 12:48 ashimema though, as you say.. we can target it directly anyway 12:48 ashimema I was still aiming to replace it with 'lead' or something different altogether 12:47 ashimema interestingly.. I thought it had had an effect though 12:47 ashimema I had a feeling something like that might bite me 12:47 dcook Or maybe it is the OpenAPI plugin after all.. 12:47 * dcook twitches 12:47 cait Cookie “CGISESSID†will be soon rejected because it has the “sameSite†attribute set to “none†or an invalid value, without the “secure†attribute. To know more about the “sameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite 12:47 cait hm is this something we shoud lworry about? 12:46 oleonard ashimema: I think we can just drop the h3 class, but maybe you'd prefer to replace it with something else. We can target .results_summary.author in the CSS 12:46 * dcook should blame himself more often heh 12:46 dcook My fault 12:46 dcook Ohd erp 12:45 dcook Parameters marked as not required but it's requiring them anyway :S 12:45 dcook Ugh, this OpenAPI plugin is... interesting.. 12:45 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25237 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Accessibility: The 'Author details' in the full record display contains semantically incorrect headings 12:45 oleonard No, rush ashimema, I just wanted to comment about Bug 25237... the "h3" class isn't in the particular compilation of Bootstrap 3 we use 12:45 dcook kidclamp: I'll make a note to look at that again when it's not super late at night heh 12:44 ashimema Just lunching.. but around 12:44 wahanui salut, ashimema 12:44 ashimema Hi 12:44 cait y 12:40 oleonard ashimema still around? 12:40 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25549 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , Install plugin script/method should remove broken plugins 12:40 kidclamp *cough* bug 25549 *cough* 12:40 dcook Oh maybe it's just the plugin_methods table.. 12:39 dcook where did that get stored.. 12:39 dcook Ahh I'm running into the external koha plugin metadata thing... 12:38 cait i'll try to add a comment ot that later 12:37 kidclamp I see your point cait, my nit liking it is outweighed by my laziness, will update the name when I can 12:35 cait q 12:34 cait just keep fixing things is boring :) 12:34 cait you all get glared at this release for capitalization and terminology 12:34 * cait glares a little at Joubu for capitalization 12:34 cait the libraries complained they don#t want to see it in the normal view AND on the tab 12:33 cait 520 is another example 12:33 cait we definitely use it for the reason above 12:33 cait oleonard: because the content is hard to compare, we could only do set / not set maybe 12:32 cait 502 for example 12:32 cait the denylist helps avoid double up 12:32 cait kidclamp: there is another reason - some notes show in the xslt 12:31 * oleonard wonders why the pref isn't listed here https://hea.koha-community.org/systempreferences 12:31 kidclamp ah, it doesn't work on the staff side 12:30 kidclamp I am making wild assumption here that they didn't affect this tab at some point 12:30 kidclamp *sigh* sure - but that sounds like an issue with the frameworks editor beign hard to use. Having two ways to do things is...not good? The pref itself says "For hiding fields from other pages like the normal view, use the visibility settings for subfields in the MARC bibliographic frameworks section of the administration module." 12:29 AndrewFH (have never really looked at or thought about this syspref, so I'm just thinkin' aloud) 12:29 AndrewFH but managing it through frameworks would require one to change it in all frameworks one is using, though, right? whereas the syspref gives you one place to change it universally? 12:25 kidclamp hiding the field in the framework hides it on the note tab 12:25 kidclamp cait: alternate proposal - this syspref is dumb 12:13 cait kidclamp: commented on the bug meanwhile, do you want to have quick look? 12:12 kidclamp yeah, I amopen to anything for the name 12:06 cait kidclamp: around maybe? 12:05 oleonard I like that 12:05 cait i'd probably have gone with somthin glike OpacNotestoHide or so 12:04 oleonard A made-up single word 12:04 cait hm actually on... i guess i read it wrong, denylist is one word, right? 12:03 cait NotesDenylist 12:03 cait but i am a bit concerned about the new name 12:03 cait I am all for removing the NotesBlacklist pref 11:59 ashimema awesome oleonard 11:59 * oleonard already has those changes added to a Bootstrap 4 branch FYI 11:57 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22807 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Accessibility: Add 'Skip to Main Content' link 11:57 ashimema bug 22807 will be a really nice addition to Koha 11:57 cait ah ok, i put patcheson it... stlil needhelp there then 11:57 ashimema there's a few hopefully non-contentious ones in here now 😉 https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/showdependencygraph.cgi?id=23003 11:57 cait going to work on that ow 11:56 cait david has signed off 11:56 cait oh actualy it's nt true fo rhte second one 11:56 ashimema :) 11:56 cait just putting it into this channel :) 11:56 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11994 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Fix OpenSearch discovery in the OPAC 11:56 ashimema bug 11994 11:56 ashimema yeah.. I'll be back on QA soon 11:56 cait or 11994 11:56 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25553 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Edit item date sort does not sort correctly 11:56 cait like bug 25553 11:56 cait there are also some that i can't do because signef off on 11:55 ashimema cheeky bugger ;) 11:55 ashimema nooo 11:55 cait heh keep refreshing ;) 11:55 ashimema challenge laid down :P 11:55 ashimema pleasure.. it allowed me to knock you off top spot for the QA ranking this month now 11:55 ashimema no worries cait.. 11:54 cait ashimema++ thank you 11:48 cait morning tcohen 11:48 tcohen morning 11:47 cait thx, it's really an easy fix 11:45 ashimema let me just submit this code then I'll take a look 11:45 ashimema yup 11:44 cait ashimema: can you take 5 mins to pass 25507 for me? ;) 11:44 ashimema then decided h3 was wrong too.. because semantically what it contains really isn't a heading at all.. it's a label 11:43 ashimema but I was correcting it semantically to h3.. 11:43 ashimema not h3 11:43 ashimema it's originally h5 11:43 ashimema ah sorry.. 11:42 oleonard http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=blob;f=koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/en/xslt/MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl;h=656c56bc30fbd15380c68360574c2ce319b72906;hb=HEAD 11:42 ashimema adding `h3` in as a class actually looks pretty nice 11:42 ashimema and the other 'showAuthor' block waay below 11:41 ashimema <!-- Author Statement: Alternate Graphic Representation (MARC 880) --> 11:40 ashimema MARC21slim2OPACDetail.xsl 11:40 oleonard I don't see it 11:39 ashimema yup 11:39 oleonard Are you saying the "h3" is in the xslt? 11:39 ashimema hmm.. suppose I best fix the bottom margin issues that causes at the local css level then 11:38 ashimema so we agree `lead` feels right 11:38 cait trying to catch up with things :) 11:37 oleonard Yes 11:37 cait is b4 the next one we are aiming for? 11:37 ashimema it's actually in the xslt 11:37 ashimema opac-detail 11:37 ashimema but it's valid in bootstrap3 11:37 cait which page is this? 11:37 ashimema yeah.. I thought that too 11:37 cait agree 11:36 oleonard putting "h3" in the class doesn't feel right at all 11:36 ashimema I think both may need a little tweeking in the css itself :( 11:36 ashimema any preference between `<span class="results_summary author lead">` and `<span class="results_summary author h3>` 11:35 ashimema if I want to replace the bad semantics of the details display for authors.. 11:34 ashimema oleonard.. bootstrap classes wise 11:34 ashimema right.. soo 11:33 ashimema Feel free to add more discussion points to the dev meeting agend.. please do infact 11:33 cait oleonard: i think you started something a while ago, was also wondering about use of icons, and buttons... and stuff 11:33 ashimema and a template for template going forward 11:33 cait i recently changed/standardized in patron accoutn too (hopefully correctly, not sure now) 11:33 ashimema we definitely should 11:33 cait I wonder if we sould have this kin of thing in a style guide for templates 11:32 ashimema I'll say 11:32 ashimema lol 11:32 oleonard ashimema: Nobody has been strict about heading tag usage, so you can assume that decisions were not made strategically. 11:24 ashimema that could well be the case 11:24 ashimema or am I totally not undertstanding the semantic point of the headings tags in the html spec 11:23 ashimema maybe styled as important somehow.. but semantically they're really not headings at all are they? 11:23 ashimema I wouldn't really say 'author' or 'contributor' should be headings at all 11:23 oleonard It's the wild west out there ashimema 11:22 * ashimema is a little confused as to why/how we're using headings tags in the record details display 11:22 ashimema :) 11:22 cait we just never finished 11:21 cait but the way is paved for removal :) 11:21 cait yep 11:21 ashimema be nice to finish that 11:21 ashimema yeah 11:20 cait actually it looks like it's removed fully from staff, but still a bit blocked for opac 11:19 * ashimema should work on that 11:19 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12561 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Omnibus: Deprecate non-XSLT detail and result views 11:19 cait bug 12561 11:18 cait and it believe we removed result listones? 11:18 cait oleonard worked on one of them at least - oleonard++ 11:18 cait there are some ramaining things that don#t work with XSLT 11:18 cait and we have been workig towards removal last release 11:17 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines#DEPR1:_non-XSLT_search_results_and_bib_display_templates_deprecated 11:17 cait look at the codig guidelnes 11:17 cait ashimema: we deprecated it yes 11:15 wahanui darn tootin' it is. 11:15 dcook Excellent 11:15 wahanui space and time is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp0vr1n25u4 11:15 dcook space and time? 11:15 dcook Hmm.. 11:15 dcook space and time is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp0vr1n25u4 11:15 dcook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp0vr1n25u4 11:14 ashimema lol 11:14 dcook Actually I don't know what we're talking about 11:14 dcook space not time 11:14 dcook Well maybe deprecate but not remove? 11:14 dcook ashimema: probably not 11:13 tuxayo Thanks Joubu :) 11:12 ashimema we never did deprecate non-xslt did we :( 11:11 ashimema lol 11:11 wahanui oleonard is probably happy for ashimema to write the release script 11:11 dcook heya oleonard 11:07 oleonard Hi all 11:03 dcook I was thinking of doing my own translations along similar lines, but happy to copy this method and make it more stnadardized 11:02 cait noone knows about it 11:02 cait Joubu: i've ben tryint to get him to document that better for ages 11:01 dcook Joubu++ 11:01 dcook Cheers, Joubu 11:01 dcook Cool. Works for me. 11:00 dcook Interesting 11:00 dcook Ah interesting I was looking in Github but it was in Gitlab 11:00 Joubu Koha/Plugin/Com/Theke/PayViaPayPal/i18n/ 10:59 Joubu koha-plugin-pay-via-paypal 10:58 dcook I'll scan his repo 10:58 dcook Hmm must've been a long time ago, as I don't recall 10:57 Joubu he advertised it on the ML iirc 10:57 Joubu implemented 10:57 Joubu tcohen implement it in one of his plugin 10:56 dcook Or point me at an example and I'll be happy to use that 10:56 dcook Joubu: Tell me more? 10:56 Joubu plugins are already translatable 10:56 dcook Nice to know about this... I'll add it onto my growing list of things to work on 10:56 dcook I'll keep that in mind 10:56 dcook Something that needs work it seems 10:54 jajm ideally we want to be able to search .mo files in multiple folders, i don't know if this is possible right now 10:53 jajm dcook, omeka S could be used as inspiration too https://omeka.org/s/docs/developer/modules/internationalization/ 10:53 dcook I wonder about putting in some kind of placeholder.. 10:53 cait dcook: i believe we still have the english strings visible, which is helpful for translaitons, 10:52 dcook For now, I'll probably just do my plugins in English, but I know folk do want to be able to translate them 10:52 cait jajm: let's start small ;) 10:52 cait it's quite limiting, as you need to fork now to translate - and it will be 'mono-lingual' 10:52 dcook ^ 10:52 dcook DSpace does that quite well 10:52 jajm cait, not having to copy template for koha "core" would great too :) 10:52 cait i've always been sad that this is not something that was added form the start for plugins 10:51 dcook And yeah in the plugin just use a msgid so that you're sourcing the right strings 10:51 cait s 10:51 cait ye 10:51 dcook People should be able to send pull requests with translatoin files for a plugin 10:51 cait and we need separate files so we can ship with translations 10:51 dcook It doesn't make sense 10:50 cait we don't want to keep copying template files for plugins 10:50 dcook Yeah, I think cait is onto the right thing 10:50 cait i still believe this is the way to go 10:50 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15395 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, RESOLVED FIXED, Internationalization: plural forms, context, and more 10:50 jajm cait, i thought about plugins while writing bug 15395, but didn't figure how to do it properly 10:50 cait well, install it 10:50 cait it's generated when you translate a language 10:50 dcook I don't see a misc/translator/po/xx_XX/LC_MESSAGES/Koha.mo file? 10:49 cait so it woudl need to know where to look for plugins i guess 10:49 dcook I'm still not sure I follow 10:49 cait ship them with mo files 10:49 * dcook scratches his head 10:49 cait jajm: i was suggesting to use osmething like it for makig plugins translatable 10:49 cait oh thanks jajm is here :) 10:49 jajm dcook, it uses misc/translator/po/xx_XX/LC_MESSAGES/Koha.mo 10:49 cait _base_directory 10:48 dcook Like I'm not seeing how it knows what po files to use.. 10:47 dcook Although I'm not 100% sure how it will work.. 10:47 dcook I've been wanting something like this for so many years 10:47 dcook But I like what I'm seeing overall 10:46 dcook The Wiki doesn't really seem like the best place to put documentation to me? 10:46 cait they are only wrappers 10:46 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Internationalization,_plural_forms,_context,_and_more_RFC 10:46 dcook I18N.t and I18N.tx for instance are not intuitive at all and there are no code comments 10:45 dcook Oh I mean the I18N.pm module itself heh 10:45 dcook Reminds me of Java 10:45 cait it's not badly documented, look at the wiki 10:45 dcook Looks really badly documented, but I think I follow the code 10:45 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15395 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, RESOLVED FIXED, Internationalization: plural forms, context, and more 10:45 cait bug 15395 10:44 cait jajm would also know more 10:44 cait well of the plugin 'package' 10:43 dcook Hmm 10:43 cait i tihnk they should be part of the plugn code 10:43 dcook When does it pull them in? 10:43 cait looks at I18N.pm and how it'sused, it hink it's all in there 10:43 dcook Where would they add them? 10:42 cait and people could just add their po/mo files to add a new translations 10:42 dcook Hmm I'm not familiar with that but sounds interesting 10:42 cait dcook: it pull stranslations on the fly from the .mo... so no need to run scripts copying plugin files around 10:42 cait dcook: also the new way we use .mo files for translations of JavaScript could be interesting 10:42 dcook Oooh interesting 10:42 cait dcook: didn't read back but I know tcohen worked out somethig for translating plugins 10:16 dcook I think we often have maximum version marked as undefined, but perhaps we should have it pegged at the latest version we've actually tested against 10:16 dcook Of course, plugin developers could be more responsible with their plugin metadata 10:14 dcook And for people without vendors... whoever their IT staff are, although I guess they might be reluctant to do something Koha specific.. 10:13 dcook That's why I'm more inclined to have vendors install the plugins, rather than having librarians installing them 10:13 dcook That's a good point too. 10:12 andreashm And some are worried about plugins, that will stop working with new releases. 10:12 dcook I sent out an email about translatability but haven't heard back :( 10:12 andreashm But there also translatability.' 10:12 dcook If people like koha-plugin-oaipmh-import, I might try to do patches for master, and then create a plugin version with a "migrate" method, so that people could move their data across seamlessly 10:12 andreashm Yeah. 10:11 dcook I've worked on Koha for 8.5 years now and don't have any plans to change that any time soon, but if I did move on, my plugins would be out in the open, so someone else could fork it and take it over 10:10 dcook For my "work plugins", we probably won't publish those beyond our company (depending on the plugin). But my personal plugins I'll put on Github, and my hope is that other people use them and contribute to them 10:09 dcook It's a reasonable discussion to have 10:09 dcook I think maintainability would be the right word 10:09 dcook I'm hoping to create a number of plugins based on local customizations, and I want to be able to install that plugin across like 80 Koha installations at 1 time 10:09 andreashm There has been some discussion in Sweden about the maintainability (is that correct English?) of plugins 10:08 dcook Yeah my main goal is to allow vendors to disable library administrators from uploading their own plugins, and to make it easier for vendors to install plugins at scale 10:08 andreashm Improving the plugin system overall sounds good. 10:07 andreashm hehe 10:07 dcook Eating our own dogfood so to speak... 10:07 dcook Like we'd use koha-plugin-oaipmh-import locally for importing Dspace records into Koha 10:07 dcook And then that might help me find more work hours to work on plugins too 10:06 dcook But I'm hoping to find work hours to improve the plugin system overall 10:06 dcook At the moment, I'm doing these ones on my own time 10:06 dcook I'm optimistic about the plugins 10:06 dcook heh 10:06 dcook Ahhh 10:06 dcook That's good! 10:06 andreashm (But were still looking at potentially changing it, hha) 10:05 andreashm It's a solution that works very well. 10:05 dcook My first goal is to get the koha-plugin-oaipmh-import working, which would let any (authenticated) program send OAI-PMH encapsulated records to Koha 10:05 dcook Sounds interesting 10:05 andreashm (I think they still use OAI for that. Might be their REST API though. Don't know) 10:04 dcook Ahh I think I follow 10:04 andreashm The OAI stuff is all on LIBRIS end, we don't get exposed to that 10:04 andreashm Currently we send a http request with a timestamp, and get changed after that. So we only see the http side. Then we have a small import script that imports to Koha (plus some added stuff like write-saved fields) 10:03 dcook Sounds like you have a script that pulls OAI-PMH from the LIBRIS OAI-PMH server, and then use the Koha HTTP API? 10:02 dcook Hmm I'm not sure that I follow 10:01 andreashm Might change that to a bookmarklet/"magic button" type solution. 10:01 andreashm Staged MARC Files before. Now using a now export method that LIBRIS supports. (http api on our end, OAI serverside on their end) 10:00 dcook Staged MARC Files? 10:00 dcook Custom script to import form LIBRIS? 10:00 dcook If you don't mind me asking, what have you been doing in the meantime? 09:59 andreashm =) 09:59 dcook And thanks :) 09:59 dcook andreashm: Yep, I was working late, and now I'm being a nerd and popped back on to work on plugins 09:33 ashimema [off] email inbound Joubu 09:31 ashimema just lots of them 09:31 ashimema small ones 09:30 Joubu hard to see how big are the changes you are going to make 09:29 Joubu ok 09:29 Joubu https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/showdependencygraph.cgi?id=23003 09:29 ashimema it's a slow process.. reading all 258 pages of the report and converting each failure point into one or multiple bugs ;) 09:28 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23003 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Accessibility improvements 09:28 ashimema I'm adding bugs in a tree against bug 23003 09:28 Joubu apart from "fixing the accessibility" :) 09:28 Joubu could we at least get an overview of what you are planning to do? 09:27 ashimema all before August :( 09:27 ashimema and that I need to basically resolve all the reported issues in their report.. 09:27 ashimema but I'm also bearing in mind that I am required to backport the entire lot to 19.11 for the customer 09:27 Joubu to get feedback, and make sure we all agree 09:26 Joubu I'd love to see a RFC posted on the ML 09:26 ashimema yup 09:26 Joubu ashimema: are you already writing code? 09:25 ashimema either way I'm on a mission to work through every page in the OPAC to get the heading nestings semantically correct.. be it whether they all start at level 2 or we drop the nav one and they all start at level 3 I'm not especially attached to either case 09:24 ashimema we could drop it.. 09:23 ashimema fun 09:23 ashimema aha.. ok 09:23 Joubu so, no good reason 09:23 Joubu ashimema: coming from f4c0b2f80d1f511cf995768aef4f0e1ac8a40d5f then copy/pasted 09:18 ashimema seems a bit odd and means that we should never use H1 in anything other than that one place 09:17 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24986 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Maximum row size reached soon for borrowers and deletedborrowers 09:17 Joubu magnuse: do you think you will find time to test the patch attached on bug 24986? 09:17 ashimema anyone know why the logo is an H1 heading on the OPAC? 09:10 ashimema lol 09:07 Joubu is.. 09:07 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:07 Joubu @later tell tuxayo in now in your 19.05 queue. It comes as an addition of the one you have already into 19.05. 09:07 Joubu in now in your 19.05 queue. It comes as an addition of the one you have already into 19.05. 09:06 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:06 Joubu @later tell tuxayo 24881 is messy sorry about that. Basically we don't want the dt_from_string call, nowhere. It caused some tests to fail, sometimes. To prevent that I replaced all the occurrences with a $now var defined at the top. First I wanted to test on 19.05 (that's why a first patch was pushed there), then wrote a patch for master (which modifies more occurrences). This second one was backported and 08:44 davidnind ashimema: if you haven't across it before, WebAim's WAVE toolbar is really good https://wave.webaim.org/ 08:23 ashimema basically it's not keyboard navigable is the summary 08:23 ashimema let me find the relevant page in the report 08:22 Joubu why is the datepicker wrong? 08:21 ashimema though... in many cases I'm not sure I agree with the findings 08:21 ashimema huge numbers of headings in the wrong order which I'm currently working through 08:21 ashimema this 158 page report gives allot more issues 08:21 Joubu why? 08:20 ashimema the other one we're getting very wrong is the calendar datepicker aparently 08:20 ashimema that was the top priority 08:20 Joubu that's basically what is considered "super wrong" by the report 08:20 * ashimema has added skip links ;) 08:20 Joubu 3. Button to place a hold on 08:20 Joubu 2. No search autocomplete 08:20 Joubu 1. the "skip links" - https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Skip_link 08:20 Joubu Koha gets a quite good score, but a 'C' is given for: 08:18 ashimema there are soooo many blooming accessibility tools.. often reporting marginally different things.. makes it very hard to be compliant 08:16 Joubu lol 08:16 ashimema hadn't heard of tanaguru before.. looks interesting 08:15 ashimema [off] UK Government have put accessability into legislation.. so if I don't get through all this for the Houses of Parliament they'll legally be required to fine themselves 08:14 Joubu aware of tanaguru? 08:13 ashimema I have a 158 page report from a customer I'm working through already 08:13 Joubu well it's in French, but you read French isn't it? ;) 08:13 Joubu the last link in the description 08:12 ashimema yes.. I've been attaching bugs to that as a collector 08:12 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23003 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Accessibility improvements 08:12 Joubu yes 08:12 Joubu bug 23003 08:12 ashimema do you mean 23003 08:12 ashimema oh 08:12 ashimema nope 08:11 Joubu it's should be on bugzilla 08:11 Joubu btw have you seen the pdf file I uploaded last year about Koha accessibility? 08:10 wahanui i guess the question is a bit general 08:10 Joubu ashimema: what is the question 08:02 ashimema anyone with an eye on accessibility here? 08:01 andreashm dcook: (if you're still around) keep up the good work with 10662. I haven't had time to comment, but locks promising that there is progress! 08:00 * andreashm waves at dcook on his way out 07:59 andreashm dcook: working late? 07:59 dcook Oh and ashimema, I've been making a list of things I want to work on, and I think I'm up to 7 big things at the moment... heh somehow I'll try to do all of them O_O 07:58 ashimema night night 07:58 dcook ciao folks 07:58 dcook I should run. It's been a looooong day. 07:58 dcook accessibility is a hard one O_O 07:57 * ashimema is bemused by some of the requirements for accessability :( 07:56 andreashm hey dcook! 07:55 dcook hola andreashm! 07:55 dcook I mean even if we just started using WRAPPER for *new* templates adn then slowly refactored old ones... 07:53 dcook ashimema: Just reading your earlier messages now. A template template would be great :D. 07:53 dcook Chris sent one that I received that was 80KB... but I guess I could've just got it because it was CCed to me.. 07:52 dcook Ohh 525KB is the thread in my inbox.. 07:52 dcook Too big is > 40k 07:52 dcook Wait.. 07:52 dcook Hmm the email that I got is still only 525KB with all those threaded replies... *shrugs* 07:51 * dcook finishes yet another email that he actually started 8 hours ago 07:50 ashimema lol 07:50 dcook I'm probably not saying much anyone but ashimema wants to hear anyway :p 07:50 dcook Yeah that must be it 07:24 did dcook: I think a reply with many mails quoted in both txt and html . 07:19 ashimema yowsers.. that's some big email 07:17 dcook Should be < 1k 07:17 dcook I wonder why they're that big.. 07:17 dcook Hmm weird 07:17 did dcook: 55k and 60k too big > 40k 07:14 dcook Wish I could turn it off but it's done by the mail server :| 07:13 dcook I wonder if it's my email crypto sig.. 07:12 dcook Oh man, way to call me out on verbosity lol 07:12 ashimema erm.. i thought it was a biblibre one so would have asked you did ;) 07:11 huginn ashimema: The operation succeeded. 07:11 ashimema @later tell oleonard Any chance you could help me shed some light on the styling getting applied on bug 25151 later? 07:11 did who has admin right on koha dev list? I get admin emails but no acces? dcook: has mails to big in the queue. 07:09 ashimema no worries did 07:09 ashimema haha.. it happens 07:09 did hi, my apologies for yesterday connect/disconnect noise, computer suspended , disconnect, error in suspend , wake up and reconnect, rince repeat... 07:00 dcook <3 just on phone but back soon 06:56 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #162: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 13 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D9/162/ 06:56 ashimema I'm on board with pretty much everything you've said of late :) 06:56 ashimema I like coming in in the morning and seeing the backtalk.. great to see what you're up to :) 06:55 ashimema I added an item the the dev meeting agenda to create a template template for OPAC pages to try and improve consistency.. you jumped on WRAPPER at about the same time as I though.. it would be great to use that instead of some of our includes :) 06:54 dcook Finding lots of bugs and trying to fix them all in a mad dash to the end of day 06:54 dcook sure am 06:54 ashimema dcook still here? 06:51 alex_a Bonjour 06:51 * ashimema is in a really happy place today.. soo good to see the accessibility bugs suddenly taking off. 06:02 reiveune hello 06:00 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #162: STILL UNSTABLE in 49 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/162/ 05:43 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #161: FIXED in 1 hr 22 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D9/161/ 05:43 wahanui Congratulations! 05:43 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 05:36 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #163: UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/163/ 05:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #161: STILL UNSTABLE in 51 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_U18/161/ 04:57 aleisha yay 04:51 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #162: FIXED in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_19.11_D8/162/ 04:51 wahanui Congratulations! 04:51 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 04:50 TimothyAlexis peace be with you my friend 04:41 wahanui bonjour, aleisha 04:41 aleisha hello 00:46 dcook Of course, I don't have time today to work on any of these things heh 00:46 dcook And easier to differentiate code that makes sense to be in a plugin vs code that should be upstreamed 00:46 dcook If we had more local or third-party code in plugins, then it would be easier to do upgrades... 00:45 dcook I think I can get buy-in from my boss to work on the plugin system, if it means that it makes life easier for us in the long-term 00:44 dcook Mmm that would be great 00:44 * oleonard would like to see every feature that depends on 3rd-party services (Amazon, Google, etc) moved to plugins 00:43 dcook Trying to follow my own logic there... 00:43 dcook And the thing that blows my mind is... if we make these changes to the core Koha system, and handle more localizations via plugins... it might make it easier to do more community work 00:42 dcook It's all doable though O_O 00:42 dcook Hehe. Well when you put it that way... 00:37 oleonard You always have big ambitions dcook :D 00:28 dcook :| 00:28 dcook Oh and making a pluggable authentication system (I actually have most of that done locally too...) 00:27 dcook Oh and adding a message queue to Koha... I've already implemented that one locally, but it would be good to find an upstream community-based solution 00:26 dcook (But need better plugin infrastructure for managing plugins at a large scale and preventing end users from breaking things) 00:26 dcook Really keen to move lots of our local customizations into plugins 00:26 dcook For now, I think I'm going to focus most on API and plugin infrastructure though 00:25 dcook I have so many things I'd like to do O_O 00:25 dcook Hehe. Easy! 00:10 oleonard At least wait until after my Bootstrap 4 branch is pushed :) 00:03 dcook Might just go on my infinite TODO list for now though 00:03 dcook We could improve consistency :D 00:03 dcook I loved tcohen's burn earlier... 00:02 dcook Since the OPAC is smaller than the Staff Client, I figure it's the best target for improvements heh 00:02 dcook Well with the WRAPPER we could standardize the headers and footers more at least. The individual page content could then be handled within the individual templates 00:01 dcook Oops forgot to check back here