Time Nick Message 06:31 cait mtj hey :) 06:32 * ashimema wonders if mtj is still here? 06:32 cait good morning :) 06:37 * ashimema sleepily waves 06:37 ashimema Not feeling very motivated yet this morning. 06:38 ashimema Target number one for 20.05, let's get it running on Debian stable.. the tweet I just had to write is just embarrassing 06:44 cait ashimema: waiting for packages? 06:45 cait oh 06:45 cait found it 06:49 mtj hi cait, ashimema 06:49 cait hi :) 06:49 ashimema How's it going mtj 😀 06:50 mtj pretty good, thanks 06:51 ashimema If you do get a chance to take a look at packaging that would be awesome.. there's branches in the security repo for 3 releases.. not sure if wizzyrea got hers finished before Thanksgiving though 06:51 ashimema If not, no worries, I'll stall a little longer... Really struggling to get hold of drojf 06:53 mtj my afternoon got a bit sidetracked with wrist physio stuff today 06:54 mtj ..but happy to finish packaging stuff off now 06:57 mtj will keep you posted ashimema 07:00 ashimema Thanks mtj, very much appreciated. 07:03 cait mtj++ 07:21 magnuse mtj++ 07:39 reiveune hello 07:43 * ashimema wonders if lars still lurks here 07:50 fridolin black friday or wat ? 07:50 fridolin https://catalog.bywatersolutions.com/ 07:51 fridolin https://demo.biblibre.com 07:52 alex_a Bonjour 07:52 wahanui bidet, alex_a 08:22 marcelr hi #koha 08:37 ashimema is it just me or is the wiki very slow today 08:47 marcelr hi ashimema today releasing? 08:47 ashimema I've been ready for 3 days 08:47 marcelr waiting for packaging ? 08:47 ashimema it's a security release so I've had to hold off whilst the packages are built... but it's been a challenge getting hold of the packaging people 08:47 ashimema hopfully mtj is on the case now 08:48 ashimema though it's pretty late in his timezone now :( 08:48 marcelr this is becoming more an issue 08:48 ashimema mmm, very much 08:48 ashimema this release has been painful 08:48 ashimema not just on the packaging front 08:49 ashimema we're all volunteers.. I just have to remind myself of that.. I'm not angry at anyone, but feel like the holdups are reflecting badly on me :( 08:49 marcelr you shouldnt indeed 08:50 marcelr maybe send a message about why we are waiting 08:50 Joubu marcelr: Hi, did you see bug 19288 when QAing bug 20948? 08:50 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19288 minor, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Holds placed on a specific item after a next available hold will show varied results 08:50 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20948 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , Item-level hold info displayed regardless its priority (detail.pl) 08:50 ashimema I was trying to work out if they're dupes or not but didn't manage to before rolling release 08:50 marcelr hi Joubu i may have seen that one before ;) 08:51 ashimema it surprised me that one was marked major whilst the other minor. 08:51 Joubu marcelr: it's one or the other, if I understood well. So if one is picked, the other one must be closed 08:51 marcelr i picked the major 08:52 marcelr lets close the other one yes 08:53 marcelr Joubu what about the warn bug; still doing something there ? 08:53 Joubu I think kidclamp has a preference for his fix 08:53 marcelr anyone has 08:53 marcelr i will change the status 08:54 marcelr of kidclamps bug 08:54 Joubu I had to test bug 24114 before swithing the status to NSO, but feel free to test if you want! 08:54 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24114 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, ASSIGNED , modules must not warn 08:55 * Joubu is trying to make them believe he tests his patches before submitting them 08:56 * marcelr will not explain the benefits of testing again 08:57 marcelr bug 24114 08:57 marcelr no huginn 08:59 ashimema i see huginn.. 08:59 marcelr yeah bug 24114 08:59 Joubu it's the last one displayed 08:59 Joubu bug 10000 08:59 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10000 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, CLOSED FIXED, Little typo in intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/tools/letter.tt: sliip 08:59 marcelr it even is intelligent 08:59 marcelr :) 09:00 eythian rangi: cait: it's not impossible that I have the keys, but I'm not sure. If they were only ever on my catalyst machine, then no. Though, I remember before I left sending them to a handful of people so it's probable that one or both of you, maybe gmcharlt, etc also have them. 09:00 eythian I think wizzyrea too 09:00 marcelr hi eythian just give back these keys 09:00 eythian marcelr: NEVER! 09:01 marcelr heb geen actieve herinnering aan die ... sleutels 09:01 ashimema hopefully mtj is on the case for us eythian.. though it's getting late there now so he may have gone to bed 09:01 eythian Not while bug 21892 is unfixed, especially! 09:01 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21892 minor, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, RESOLVED WONTFIX, Robin Sheat is not a typo 09:01 ashimema we really need to sort out a few other packaging issue too with high priority :( 09:02 mtj hiya ashimema, ive no plans tonite, so ill be up for a while yet 09:02 ashimema oh cool :) 09:02 marcelr mtj++ 09:02 eythian marcelr: ik ook, het was vier jaar geleden. 09:03 ashimema does anyone still talk to lars... do we need his help or do we have a handle on D10 packaing (not this time around mtj.. i'm not burdening you with that one 😉 ) 09:03 eythian ashimema: well sing out if you need it, better to ping me by non-IRC methods over the weekend though as I don't often see it. 09:03 eythian Debian is pretty conservative, I can't see too many changes being required. 09:03 ashimema do you guys package stuff up where you work eythian 09:04 eythian ashimema: yeah but for centos, and there's a team that does it anyway so I haven't looked at it myself. 09:04 * ashimema has a real love/hate relationship with packages at the moment... dependancies accross os versions is proving harder and harder 09:05 ashimema we have a pretty major security issue with certain combinations of dependancies at the moment and no real way of pinning to versions we know work and are safe.. that scares me 09:05 eythian yeah, it can get tricky. It easier when you control the whole stack of course. 09:05 ashimema just wondering how others cope with that 09:05 eythian oh, that's a problem 09:06 ashimema basically.. the version of Mojolicious changes significantly between deb versions.. and introduces a security hole in the way we use it.. problem is.. when we fix the hole for that version it creates the exact same hole for the other version 09:06 eythian You can force versions in dependencies though, or on the system itself, depending on what you're doing. 09:06 eythian oh 09:07 eythian that's a tough one. 09:07 ashimema indeed.. 09:07 eythian detect the version in code and use it in the relevant way? It's ugly, but it won't have to last forever. 09:08 ashimema yeah.. that's my fallback if we can't get anything else to work.. but it feels so dirty.. haha 09:08 ashimema and this is in the auth code.. so could be evil looking it up with every request 09:08 Joubu we should provide a koha.exe with everything in it. I heard that's how some people do 09:08 ashimema we'd have to cache it I reckon 09:08 eythian ashimema: yeah, though you know it's never going to change for the life of the process, so caching is OK. 09:08 ashimema well.. that's where docker and things are taking us isn't it. ;) 09:08 eythian Joubu: itym flatpak/snap 09:09 ashimema self contained distributable apps with everything included.. 09:09 ashimema true 09:09 * ashimema needs a :tea: 09:10 Joubu eythian: well that was a bad joke and reference to an other OS 09:10 eythian Joubu: I know :) 09:11 eythian besides, you really just need to pass around koha.jar, surely 09:12 Joubu There were already several attemps from people from this channel I think 09:12 ashimema lol 09:13 ashimema our about page is getting insane :) 09:16 Joubu it's for librarians getting bored at work 09:16 ashimema remind me Joubu.. what do we do with bugzilla spam 09:16 ashimema bug 23881 09:16 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=23881 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , No control! 09:17 Joubu marking as spam (title=SPAM) and private the comments 09:17 Joubu usually it's enough 09:17 Joubu I had to disable the user a couple of time 09:18 ashimema ta 09:18 Joubu I also moved out from security when it's there. Yeah, spammers put content in non indexed parts... 09:23 ashimema good to know 09:23 Joubu docker container explode with "koha_koha_1 exited with code 1 09:23 Joubu " 09:24 Joubu how do I debug that? 09:25 ashimema ah.. I've never gotten to the bottom of that one :( 09:25 eythian Can you get logs after the fact in docker? I've only used it in k8s lately, where you can. 09:26 eythian Maybe have it do logging into a mounted volume so it's persistant. 09:27 Joubu yes, but.. I have disk space issues, so it's good to not have them persistent :) 09:28 eythian then logrotate :) 09:28 eythian also, logs are necessary for diagnosing issues in general, so should be permanent somewhere. 09:28 magnuse @seen liw 09:28 huginn magnuse: I have not seen liw. 09:31 Joubu the (not so) funny thing is that I get it crashes when trying to create a volume, to have persistent stuffs :D 09:36 mtj ashimema: about for a Q? 09:36 ashimema sure 09:36 ashimema sort of in a meeting but I can multi-task ;) 09:36 eythian Joubu: ah, that would be a problem 09:36 eythian though you can mount into part of the local filesystem I think, maybe that works. 09:37 eythian Otherwise, I manually run the container with a shell inside, reproduce the issue, and see what's going on. Standard stuff. 09:42 Joubu silly question maybe but, how do I read binary logs? 09:43 Joubu I have a "lastlog" that is not really human friendly 09:43 eythian lastlog is a special thing 09:43 Joubu it's for login 09:43 eythian it's what "last" reads 09:45 Joubu where is syslog?! 09:45 Joubu there is nothing useful in /var/log 09:46 eythian you probably don't have a rsyslog daemon running in the container 09:46 eythian (that's normal, they should really only run one thing.) 09:58 Joubu Setting up libapache2-mpm-itk (2.4.7-04-1) ... 09:58 Joubu ERROR: Module mpm_invalid does not exist! 09:58 Joubu lol.. 10:16 marcelr Joubu: I can change bug 24114 to signed off or you could still add your sign off ? 10:16 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24114 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , modules must not warn 12:50 tcohen morning 12:57 * ashimema sort of hopes mtj has gone to bed.. it's epic late in nz now isn't it 12:57 ashimema morning tchoen 12:59 eythian ashimema: it's 13 hours ahead of you at the moment. 13:00 eythian but iirc mtj keeps weird hours 13:01 mtj hi eythian, im still up :) 13:01 ashimema crazy person :) 13:01 ashimema in a good way 13:01 cait told ya ,) 13:02 ashimema I seriously owe you beers mate 13:04 cait mtj: how is it going? 13:05 mtj hmm, its going ok.. just testing packages via a testing repo 13:06 magnuse mtj++ 13:06 tcohen mtj++ 13:07 mtj i havent done a 'rollover' release before, and im a bit rusty too 13:08 tcohen take more coffee mtj, and you'll be fine 13:08 tcohen haha 13:10 eythian mtj: I'm not surprised really :) 13:11 cait crossing fingers 13:11 cait have a nie weekend all 13:11 cait mtj++ too :) 13:11 * magnuse too 13:11 magnuse have fun cait 13:13 ashimema sorry mtj.. I have no idea what's happened to drojf.. he seems to have just dropped off the face of the earth 13:13 ashimema hope he's ok.. he's normally not bad at getting back to me 13:54 mtj yep, me too 13:55 mtj i seem to have created the 19.11 distro/pocket incorrectly on my test repo... 13:57 ashimema it's way too late for you.. I'm happy to call it and just send out a mail saying the release is just waiting on packaging and will be available early december 13:57 ashimema it just would have been nice to get a november release out in november.. haha 14:15 caroline_catlady good morning all! 14:21 caroline_catlady ashimema: did you want me to do anything about bug 24136? 14:21 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24136 minor, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Add libraries (sponsors) to the about page 14:22 ashimema er.. 14:22 ashimema nope 14:22 caroline_catlady or it was just to let me know? 14:22 ashimema sorry.. I clones a bug to create it.. that probably copied your cc 14:22 ashimema sorry 14:22 caroline_catlady okok no worries! 14:23 caroline_catlady I thought maybe you wanted me to review if we had any libraries in the sponsors 14:23 ashimema well hopefully they've all been caught by now anyway in the release notes ;) 14:23 tcohen :-D 15:29 Joubu ashimema: bug 24138, if you want to be ahead for .01 :D 15:29 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24138 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , suspension miscalculated when Suspension charging interval bigger than 1 and Max. suspension duration is defined 15:30 ashimema interesting.. 15:30 ashimema there are some other bugs around that area 15:30 ashimema I'll have a look 15:32 Joubu others are not that obvious 16:39 reiveune bye 17:55 vfernandes #koha it's possible on Koha email templates remove the hours from issue/return dates? 18:47 tcohen vfernandes you mean the default ones? 23:57 davidnind LOL - found 'Caroline was here' in the manual source files (acquisitions.rst):)