Time Nick Message 06:07 paxed hmmm 06:08 paxed i don't think the translation toolchain picks up this: 06:08 paxed koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/koha-news.tt: [% SET location = "OPAC news" %] 06:38 reiveune hello 06:59 alex_a bonjour 07:19 cait good morning #koha! 07:40 josef_moravec morning #koha 07:46 cait good morning josef_moravec :) 07:52 ashimema Morning #koha 08:04 cait morning ashimema 08:41 ere cait: yt? 08:53 cait you there? yep 08:54 cait looks like you made more work than I expected :) 08:54 cait will take patience to test :) 08:54 ere cait: hi! Sorry about that... I'm finding it hard to leave it halfway there :P 08:55 cait I can see that 08:55 cait next time you do something like this maybe split it up more :) 08:55 cait like leave the removing of old code to a separate bug at the end of the tree 08:55 cait but it's there... and I started 08:55 cait so better try and finish 08:56 cait ashimema: could you take a look at the blocker bug filed for LDAP? I think it might be a setup issue, but don't know LDAP well enough 08:56 cait bug 22738 08:56 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22738 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Software Error after LDAP Authentication 08:57 cait or anyone else having an idea abot ldap of course :) 08:57 ere cait: I'm trying, but since I initially tried to minimize template changes, I wasn't quite prepared.. Sorry for the burden! 09:00 ashimema Sorry about that.. been on and offline allot after a set of rebbot 09:00 ashimema reboots.. even 09:00 ashimema right.. 09:00 ashimema so bug 22738.. on it 09:03 ere So, is the idea with e.g. staff-global.css that RM will update it whenever needed? I can't find anything about the process in the wiki. 09:05 ashimema correct I believe 09:05 ashimema I certainly do as rmaint 09:05 ashimema it's worth highlighting in the bug that there are scss changes.. they're easy to miss sometimes when they're buried inside a commit/patch containing lots of other changes 09:06 ashimema personally I try to commit the changes to that file separately as a way to highlight it. 09:08 ashimema and.. for testing.. none of the sandboxes yet do a scss -> css rebuild as part of their bug application process.. so to ease SO, it's often worthwhile adding a 'DO NOT PUSH' commit with the SCSS rebuild into the bug.. that way the bug will apply happily on sandboxes for testing but the RM also knows to not push that patch and it acts as a hint to the RM that they need to do a CSS rebuild 09:33 cait ere: yep, RM will generate them 09:35 cait ere: i think the info is missing or in another spot, i usually refer to https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Working_with_SCSS_in_the_OPAC_and_staff_client 09:36 cait looks like someone wrote a git hook to prevent committing them: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Tips_and_tricks 09:42 * kidclamp waves 09:55 ere cait: Well, the hook might be useful, but I think it would be also useful to actually document how you're supposed to do it.. 10:01 cait agreed 10:01 cait i'll see about it later 10:02 cait lunch :) 11:36 oleonard Hi all 11:37 cait hi oleonard :) 11:37 cait did you have a quiet monday? 11:37 oleonard it was unbearably quiet. I almost didn't survive. 11:38 * cait sends cookies 11:46 gveranis hi all 11:46 gveranis hi cait 11:51 cait hi gveranis :) 11:51 cait oleonard: ere pointed out earlier that we have it nowhere in writng not to commit the css files 11:51 cait wonderingw here we should put it 11:52 cait is there another page apart from https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Working_with_SCSS_in_the_OPAC_and_staff_client you could think of? 11:52 oleonard That's what I think of first 11:52 cait and shoudl it say SASS in the heading? 11:53 cait Compiling Sass files 11:55 cait josef_moravec: i think the YAML patch is already there 11:55 cait bug 22584 11:55 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22584 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Add YAML support for Codemirror 11:56 cait oh i see! never mind 11:56 josef_moravec bug 22757 is followup 11:56 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22757 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Needs Signoff , Use YAML CodeMirror higlighting on YAML preferences 11:56 cait yep, misread, thx! i had a feeling when testing we were missing something... but not that many! 11:56 josef_moravec maybe could be better described, of course 11:57 josef_moravec cait: there will be maybe discussion about that... these are ones used in code by loading using YAML module - but it is often not exactly yaml... 11:58 cait yeah... but it doesn't do syntax check... so will still look nicer i guess 11:59 josef_moravec cait: true 12:00 cait oleonard: reading helps... it says we use sass in scss format at the beginning 12:11 cait josef_moravec: will you qa 14576? I started, but woudl not mind :) 12:12 josef_moravec Just wanted to add the follow-up for the syntax highlight ;) 12:12 josef_moravec so you can continue on that, just consider this one small patch from me ;) 12:13 oleonard cait: It's confusing. But I prefer to say "SCSS" because that's the extension of the files 12:14 oleonard cait did you happen to see the latest comment on Bug 22318? 12:14 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22318 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Extend Koha news feature to include other content areas 12:15 cait oleonard: i have kept them, but maybe you want to update? i htink the note on top of the page might not be right either? says we only have one scss file 12:15 cait i just added a paragraph about the committing now 12:15 cait oleonard: i haven't tested it myself, but paxed is usually right 12:15 cait do you know how to test it? 12:16 oleonard I think I do, but it's not immediately obvious to me how to fix it 12:17 cait I'd run a quick test first before you go to the trouble 12:17 cait and we might want to fix others than too... 12:18 cait i guess one coudl do something like 12:18 cait [% IF ( location == 'OPAC news' ) %]Opac News[% END %] 12:18 cait i guess that would work for sure... but not looking really nice 12:31 josef_moravec oleonard++ 12:31 oleonard josef_moravec++ 12:35 cait oleonard++ josef_moravec++ 12:45 caroline_catlady good morning! 13:31 corilynn love it when I get an email back from LOC and it contains sarcasm :) 13:43 paxed cait, oleonard-away: you can assign a BLOCK into a TT variable, that might be the nicest solution 13:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #269: SUCCESS in 18 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/269/ 13:47 paxed cait, oleonard-away: so something like [% SET location = BLOCK %]OPAC news[% END %] would let the text be translatable while still being assigned into a variable 13:50 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 13:50 wahanui Congratulations! 13:50 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #261: FIXED in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/261/ 13:56 wizzyrea hi 14:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #258: SUCCESS in 44 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/258/ 14:18 wizzyrea good morning 14:18 wizzyrea @wunder 66542 14:18 huginn` wizzyrea: Error: I got an error searching 'None'. (keynotfound: this key does not exist) 14:18 wizzyrea @wunder 66542 14:18 huginn` wizzyrea: Error: I got an error searching 'None'. (keynotfound: this key does not exist) 14:18 wizzyrea kek 14:18 wizzyrea @wunder Tecumseh Kansas 14:18 huginn` wizzyrea: Error: I got an error searching 'None'. (keynotfound: this key does not exist) 14:19 wizzyrea @wunder Topeka 14:19 huginn` wizzyrea: Error: I got an error searching 'None'. (keynotfound: this key does not exist) 14:19 wizzyrea hm maybe it's just broken 14:19 wizzyrea @wunder nzwn 14:19 huginn` wizzyrea: Error: I got an error searching 'None'. (keynotfound: this key does not exist) 14:19 wizzyrea yes it is. 14:24 cait ere++ 14:25 cait corilynn: what was it about? :) 14:26 corilynn I asked them where the data was for a document that is a dead link everywhere it was linked 14:26 cait josef_moravec++ # thx for the rebase! 14:26 corilynn she said it was "approved" but it was still changing, of course! 14:26 cait oh 14:26 corilynn subtle, but still, funny 14:31 cait i guess i would have taken that as serious :) not being a native speaker and all :) 15:00 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #270: SUCCESS in 18 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/270/ 15:09 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #259: SUCCESS in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/259/ 15:14 oleonard Thanks paxed! 15:15 * oleonard waves to caroline_catlady, corilynn, and wizzyrea 15:15 paxed oleonard: that was off the top of my head, so i haven't tested it 15:16 caroline_catlady hi oleonard! 15:16 wahanui hi oleopard 15:17 wizzyrea whassup oleonard 15:19 oleonard Just briefed the branch managers about starting online patron registration 15:21 cait nice :) 15:21 wizzyrea ooooo 15:21 wizzyrea so exciting 15:23 oleonard If anyone has experienced any problems with that feature please let me know :) 15:23 cait when it works it works for us 15:24 cait we sometimes had issues with validation - submitting the form when mandatory and hidden fields didn't match up 15:24 cait but that you figure out pretty fast, you just can't use it 15:24 wizzyrea there were bugs when it was new there are a lot fewer now 15:25 caroline_catlady I haven't been able to work out the email validation either, but I didn't try very hard 15:25 cait we use it with, seems to work well 15:25 oleonard I think the only open question right now is whether we can get our message queue processed on a much faster schedule 15:25 cait oleonard: get the bug fixed instead .) 15:26 cait we figured out a way to send the password reset immediately 15:26 wizzyrea the answer is: yes. 15:26 wizzyrea lol 15:26 cait bug 21390 15:26 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21390 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Send self registration verification emails immediately 15:26 wizzyrea or that 15:26 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #262: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/262/ 15:26 cait we fixed bug 18570 - i see no reason why the solution wouldn't work for selfreg 15:26 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18570 normal, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, RESOLVED FIXED, Password recovery e-mail only sent after message queue is processed 15:27 cait it still goes via the queue, but is sent immediately, best of both worlds 15:28 oleonard Yeah it has been on our list to get work done on Bug 21390 but we don't want to wait 15:29 cait understandable 15:29 cait bye all, cya later :) 15:33 ashimema wizzyrea still around? 15:33 wizzyrea yep sup 15:33 ashimema just revisiting bug 11573 and contemplating how to do it 15:34 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11573 normal, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, REOPENED , Fine descriptions related to Rentals are untranslatable 15:34 ashimema it's about making the rental charge descriptions translatable 15:34 wizzyrea hmm 15:35 ashimema there are currently four distinct strings in there.. 'Rental', 'Daily Rental', '*Rental Renewal*' and '*Daily Rental Renewal*' (the one's with * actually add a bunch of extra details into the description too) 15:35 ashimema just wanted some pointer as to where we should go with it 15:36 wizzyrea oh gross so the question is how to translate those stinky strings into something translatable? 15:36 ashimema I already sort of don't like that the 'Rent' accounttype is used for both a fixed rental charge and an accrued daily rental charge so I was thinking of creating a second rental chage type for that 15:36 oleonard ("stinky strings" is what I call shoelaces now) 15:36 wizzyrea keke 15:37 ashimema but.. the renewal case has stumped me.. do we need the fact that it's a renewal distinctly? 15:37 ashimema are librarians likely to miss that distinction? 15:37 * wizzyrea ponders 15:37 wizzyrea what is the use case - someone renews an item that is a rental, and they get a whole new fee? 15:37 wizzyrea well ok 15:37 wizzyrea now that I've said it out loud 15:38 wizzyrea the librarians aren't the ones who would care about the distinction 15:38 ashimema hehe 15:38 wizzyrea the borrowers are 15:38 ashimema indeed 15:38 ashimema fair point 15:38 wizzyrea the people who pay, not the ones levying the fee care 15:38 wizzyrea librarian won't care, a fee's a fee. 15:38 wizzyrea the patron tho 15:38 wizzyrea they'll want to know what exactly they got charged for 15:39 ashimema lol 15:39 wizzyrea so yes sorry I think you need to keep it 15:39 ashimema I'm rapidly getting to turning one accounttype into four! 15:39 ashimema feels somewhat over the top.. but I can't think of a better way at present 15:39 wizzyrea (the counter argument is, if you were going to say, a video rental store, and you checked out Top Gun, then went back and re-rented it, do you care that you renewed it?) 15:40 wizzyrea top gun because that's from the era of video rental stores. 15:40 ashimema hehe 15:40 ashimema I like the accuracy in your argument there ;)_ 15:40 oleonard I would have said Showgirls, but that works. 15:40 wizzyrea so I guess, do we take the (LOOOL) "this turns the library into a rental shop" route, 15:40 wizzyrea or the "this is a library and library patrons want to know what they are being charged for and why" 15:41 wizzyrea route 15:41 corilynn the second one, wizzyrea 15:41 ashimema okies.. four accounttypes it is 15:41 ashimema will that piss off librarians doing reports though would be the next logical question ;) 15:41 wizzyrea (that's my instinct too but didn't want to commit without thinking about the other side!) 15:41 corilynn as a person who mans the ref desk and has to answer patron questions about their "mysterious" charges when the circ desk is scared 15:42 wizzyrea ^ this is 100% the best take to give weight to. 15:42 wizzyrea what is it like for the poor librarian who has to answer the questions about it 15:42 ashimema though I suppose it's not especially hard to update a report from `WHERE accountype = 'Rent'` to `WHERE accounttype LIKE 'Rent_%'` 15:42 ashimema or something like that 15:43 wizzyrea well 15:43 oleonard Librarians will usually prefer more granular statistics anyway 15:43 wizzyrea the reports are moving targets anyway 15:43 corilynn "says you have a .25 charge for being a week late on BLAH BLAH by WHOMEVER and a $23 charge on damaging WHOIST by YACK" 15:43 ashimema awesome 15:44 ashimema thanks guys, pleasure using your as my rubber duckies ;) 15:44 ashimema hehe 15:44 wizzyrea here to help 15:44 wizzyrea corilynn++ for excellent front line opinions 15:44 corilynn anytime, seriously 15:44 ashimema accounts is gonna just be waaay nicer in 19.05 me thinks.. so long as these keep moving quickly enough to get in 15:44 wizzyrea :D 15:47 oleonard wizzyrea: Next time you are up for doing a signoff could you look at Bug 21784? 15:47 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21784 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Clean up js_includes.inc 15:48 wizzyrea i am up now, because that might help me get back on proper task 15:49 wizzyrea lol that one is rather huge teehee 15:49 wizzyrea deceptive "apply the patch and look at various pages in the staff client 15:49 wizzyrea to confirm that no JavaScript-driven interactions are broken." 15:49 wizzyrea Is this a challenge, I think it is. 15:49 oleonard The changes are teeny though 15:49 wizzyrea mua ha ha ha ha 15:50 wizzyrea (I'm teasing you) 15:50 oleonard I mean... You definitely could check every page in the staff client 15:50 wizzyrea i know it's wee. 15:50 wizzyrea might find other bugs tho lol 15:54 wizzyrea j/k I won't 15:54 wizzyrea do we like what we did to the circ home page 15:55 wizzyrea I do, was thinking of doing that to other areas. 15:55 oleonard Yes. Like where? 15:55 wizzyrea like maybe um 15:56 wizzyrea instead of the paragraph intro we had before, and the vacuum we've got now 15:56 wizzyrea on the label creator 15:56 wizzyrea and maybe on serials? 15:56 wizzyrea so buttons for "claims" "check expiration" 15:56 wizzyrea "manage frequencies" etc 15:57 wizzyrea and on labels maybe have buttons to the manage ones 15:57 wizzyrea instead of a drop down 15:57 wizzyrea like that 15:57 ashimema yup.. this could lead to me having to increase the accounttype column again 15:58 wizzyrea >.< 15:58 wizzyrea there are a lot of tools, but I'd like to do the tools 15:58 ashimema RENTAL_DAILY_RENEWAL won't fit inside a varchar16 15:58 wizzyrea oops. 15:58 wizzyrea would that db update be brutal for libraries with a lot of accountlines 15:59 ashimema grr 15:59 ashimema erm.. pass 15:59 wizzyrea brutal meaning "take a very long time" 15:59 ashimema we've recently updated it to 16 within the 19.05 cycle too 15:59 wizzyrea (at upgrade) 15:59 ashimema I don't think increasing is too honerous.. but I didn't benchmark it 15:59 wizzyrea i'm talking places with millions of lines (like some of the NZ publics) 16:00 wizzyrea and probably places like NEKLS and other consortia 16:00 ashimema indeed 16:00 ashimema `RENTAL_DAILY_REN` could suffice 16:01 ashimema less descriptive a code.. but it is a code so should never be in display anyway 16:01 wizzyrea my feeling is "make it fit" lol. 16:02 wizzyrea oleonard, done 16:02 oleonard Thank you! 16:02 oleonard wizzyrea++ 16:02 ashimema RENT_DAILY_RENEW 16:02 ashimema that'll fit 16:03 wizzyrea yes and readable as well 16:03 wizzyrea I wanted to do buttons to reports, and rearrange that page 16:03 wizzyrea but oleonard beat me to it 16:03 wizzyrea was sad bc I had it almost half done 16:03 oleonard :( 16:03 wizzyrea naw sok 16:04 wizzyrea I was alphabetising things and promoting some things that work well and demoting things that don't 16:05 * cait waves 16:05 wizzyrea but it wasn't done and you beat me so I kinda said yeah sok. :) 16:11 wizzyrea bug 19014 - corilynn, do you have an opinion? 16:11 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19014 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Patrons should not get a on_reserve notification if the due date is far into the future 16:12 corilynn sorry, on what? 16:12 corilynn I'm reading AWS documentation, it's like the twilight zone 16:12 wizzyrea on bug 19014, what libraries might generally expect 16:12 wizzyrea in terms of what happens when things auto renew 16:13 wizzyrea (it's ok to say "no idea") 16:13 wizzyrea and when they'd expect a notice 16:13 corilynn looking 16:13 wizzyrea it's probably the last mmm 4 or 5 comments 16:13 wizzyrea where the argument is happening 16:14 wizzyrea the patch is teasing me for a sign off but I don't want to wade into that drama 16:14 corilynn lol 16:14 wizzyrea without advisement 16:14 wizzyrea i really feel we should make enhanced messaging default on 16:14 wizzyrea non sequitur 16:15 corilynn ok, on the face of it, YEAH seems dumb to notify peeps of renewals that are in the far future 16:16 cait it's been a while, but far future or the day of renewal both seem not right to me 16:16 cait it is the message when the item can't be renwed right? 16:17 cait so i would have no time to return it 16:17 wizzyrea that's right 16:17 cait without getting fines (not all libraries... but still a lot) 16:17 corilynn ok, so what my library does, (which makes sense to me), is to say three days before the item is due: a. we auto-renewed the item OR b. we cannot auto-renew the item 16:17 cait yeah 16:17 wizzyrea I like 3 days 16:17 cait that was how we thoughtout the renewal feature at the beginning, using the normal reminder emails 16:17 wizzyrea what would you say though 16:17 cait i titally missed out on the discussion of when the specific auto-renew mail was added 16:18 wizzyrea "we may not be able to renew this item" 16:18 wizzyrea "to avoid fines you should return it" 16:18 cait we made it so the feature would start renewing 3 days before too 16:18 cait so it would be 'couldn't renew' 16:19 corilynn "The following books are due on XX-XX-XX and were unable to be auto-renewed" 16:19 cait i am not sure why we can't make this one work similarly? 16:19 corilynn where XX-XX-XX is three days from now 16:19 cait there is the 'don't renew before' setting in circ 16:19 corilynn do you want me to wade in on the bug? 16:20 cait comments are always good i tihnk 16:20 wizzyrea comments are really good 16:20 wizzyrea as it's devolved into a bit of ego 16:20 corilynn it's not my particular bally-wack, but okay 16:20 wizzyrea my way! no MY way 16:20 cait heh 16:20 wizzyrea "well, here's what we do..." 16:21 cait I guess i was a little afraid of it too 16:21 wizzyrea dont feel like you have to get involved any more than you want to 16:21 wizzyrea perspectives are good tho 16:21 corilynn you asked, i answered, might as well chip it in stone 16:21 cait i know Holger was participating - we worked out the initial feature together and he did the programming, but that was before the new notice was added and some changes were made 16:21 corilynn (plus my boss monitors my activity on bugzilla for some reason) 16:22 wizzyrea like, for performance review? 16:22 cait ugh? 16:22 corilynn no, he's just curious 16:22 wizzyrea that could be good or bad. :) 16:22 corilynn exactly 16:22 corilynn no one knows what i do 16:22 wizzyrea well you send him to me and I'll say "librarian viewpoints are really valuable" 16:23 wizzyrea >.> 16:23 wizzyrea "you let them do what they want" 16:23 corilynn It's like I make pizza in a ramen noodle shop 16:23 wizzyrea haha 16:23 wizzyrea ramen pizza! 16:23 corilynn lol 16:23 wizzyrea this idea has merit. 16:23 wizzyrea pork belly and miso pizza? yes. 16:23 corilynn my *other* boss goes glassy-eyed if I say software development words 16:26 wizzyrea hehe 16:26 corilynn yet, i was hired to "make things work using software" 16:27 wizzyrea hehe 16:27 wizzyrea that's why I call myself "doer of things" 16:27 oleonard https://www.mrfood.com/Pizza/Ramen-Noodles-Pizza-Bake 16:27 corilynn i used to call myself SQL-Bitch 16:28 wizzyrea omfg oleonard 16:28 corilynn yeah, that looks kinda tasty oleonard 16:28 wizzyrea ok 16:28 wizzyrea in nz 16:28 wizzyrea spaghetti pizza is 100% a thing 16:29 oleonard If you're looking to be dissuaded from doing ramen pizza look no further than this: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Ramen-Pizza 16:29 wizzyrea but it uses tinned spaghetti 16:29 wizzyrea see I was thinking of a ramen *flavoured* pizza 16:29 wizzyrea with a regular bready crust 16:29 wizzyrea and a miso kind of sauce with bok choy and pork belly and sesame oil 16:29 corilynn Maybe I should have said making Pizza in a window factory? 16:30 corilynn added my $1.02 to bug 19014 16:30 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19014 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Patrons should not get a on_reserve notification if the due date is far into the future 16:30 oleonard corilynn: Only if you don't want the conversation to be completely derailed 16:30 wizzyrea corilynn++ yay 16:38 corilynn cait, I failed bug 18823, but when you have a moment can you go through Alex's comments? 16:38 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18823 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, alex.arnaud, Failed QA , Advanced editor - Rancor - add ability to edit records in import batches 16:39 corilynn comment 106 16:44 tcohen hola #koha 16:45 oleonard Hi tcohen 16:49 cait corilynn: on house chores now, but will try when i get back on the laptop properly 16:50 wizzyrea cait (or ashimema) there's another one that needs looking at reasonably urgently - 22759 16:50 wizzyrea bug 22759 16:50 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22759 blocker, P1 - high, ---, nick, Signed Off , Circulation rules for maxissueqty are applied per branch even for defaults 16:55 cait there is tons... queue exploding 16:55 cait qa_team help! 16:55 cait qa_team? 16:55 wahanui qa_team is cait alex_a jajm khall josef_moravec ashimema Joubu marcelr tcohen rangi 16:56 wizzyrea qa_team help! is <reply> cait alex_a jajm khall josef_moravec ashimema Joubu marcelr tcohen rangi 16:56 wizzyrea qa_team help! 16:56 wahanui cait alex_a jajm khall josef_moravec ashimema Joubu marcelr tcohen rangi 16:56 wizzyrea ha 16:56 oleonard qa_team ASSEMBLE! 16:56 ashimema lol 16:57 wizzyrea i like that too 16:57 * ashimema is about to have dinner 16:57 ashimema I can have a punt at a bunch of them tomorrow unless you beat me to it cait 16:57 * ashimema is struggling to keep up with QA demand at the moment 16:57 wizzyrea that one I linked is rather bad 16:57 ashimema and is waaay behind on his RMaint queue :( 16:59 ashimema cait 17:00 ashimema bug 11573.. 17:00 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11573 normal, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, REOPENED , Fine descriptions related to Rentals are untranslatable 17:00 ashimema is it important to keep the inconsistency in the untranslatable strings 17:00 ashimema i.e. 17:01 ashimema 'Rental' vs 'Rental fee' vs 'Renewal of Rental Item TITLE BARCODE' 17:02 ashimema and the same for with 'Daily' prepended 17:02 ashimema i.e. do we need to keep the display of TITLE and BARCODE from the item in the fee description even though we store both the issue and item id in the table and I think display that already 17:03 wizzyrea i'd rather reduce display redundancy 17:03 ashimema me too :) 17:04 wizzyrea if it's doubled up, undouble it lol 17:07 oleonard If it's quadrupled let's halve it! 17:12 wizzyrea what you said. 17:13 ashimema ok.. it's ready for a first round of testing now :) 17:13 wizzyrea oo 17:14 ashimema it's at the top of my accounts tree at the moment.. can probaly be pushed a but futher back if we want to but I'm sorta hoping it might encourage some eyes on the stuff further up the tree too ;) 17:14 ashimema it will fail QA as it stands (I've detailed why in a comment.. just needs a DB update really which I'll work on after tea) 17:14 wizzyrea oleonard, has you a minute 17:14 ashimema have a good evening #koha 17:15 * oleonard do 17:15 wizzyrea i'm gonna sign off on 21946 17:15 wizzyrea and you had some display ideas about the hierarchy 17:16 wizzyrea (that one depends, functionally, on 22759, but there's nothing to do with the interface wrong except it needs UX love) 17:18 wizzyrea the tests will conflict, I tested the function without the unit tests and it works well with 22759 in place. if you try you'll just want to skip the unit tests patch on 22759 for now, til nick gets them resolved 17:19 cait oh,... now i missed ashimema 17:19 cait ashimema: what's for tea? :) 17:22 wizzyrea golly I keep trying to test bug 22225 but... i'm never sure if what I'm seeing is the right behaviour 17:22 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22225 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Tax hints and prices on orderreceive.pl may not match 17:23 wizzyrea I have testing waffle sickness - I'm waffling about whether what it's doing is right! 17:23 cait taxes do that to you 17:23 cait I've had this staring at 880 with hebrew today.. 17:24 wizzyrea >.< 17:28 ashimema Thai yellow curry.. the girls are loving it.. nice the find a Thai curry that's kiddy friendly 17:28 ashimema Our green and red ones are rather spicy 😉 17:29 ashimema As for bug 22225, I kinda took nicks word for it that it was wrong in the first place 17:29 cait i love yellow too :) always a good staple to have at home (curry paste) 17:29 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22225 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Tax hints and prices on orderreceive.pl may not match 17:29 corilynn no rush, cait, just wanted to make sure he's tackled all that you asked 17:29 ashimema Code wise it reads like it needs the change I made, but test plan wise I agree it's a pain 17:30 ashimema Especially as the actual numbers dont change retrospectively if I remember rightly.. just the descriptions 17:30 corilynn Maybe I shouldn't try and write instructions while doing the thing I'm writing the instructions for? 17:30 wizzyrea OK GREAT that is where I got hung up I think 17:31 wizzyrea that the numbers weren't changing 17:31 wizzyrea i ws like "should this number not be changing I'm so confused!" 17:32 cait corilynn: we are on a tight deadline currently with feature slush soon :( lots of things to do right now 17:33 cait corilynn: instructions or even better a patch for the manual would be great 17:33 wizzyrea afk a little bit 17:33 ashimema My bad, I should have made that clear in the test plan. We're cheating in the test plan just to prove the change.. really once set those Prefs should not be changed ever as we don't update the numbers behind the scenes and if we did we'd be breaking all sorts of calculations down the line 17:33 cait i have another feature i'd love to see that i just don't understand how to set up (save fields/subfields from being overwritten by import/z3950) 17:33 ashimema Ta 17:33 cait not touching that one without instructions again :( 17:34 corilynn cait, I mean for a seperate thing I'm doing 17:35 cait ah 17:35 cait sorry :) 17:35 corilynn I'm writing the instructions *while* writing the software, it's not efficent, but when I go back to do the thing it's confusing to recreate 17:35 corilynn because Amazon Web Services instructions are circular 17:36 corilynn i wrote the instructions for bug 18823 17:36 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18823 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, alex.arnaud, Failed QA , Advanced editor - Rancor - add ability to edit records in import batches 17:41 cait yep true, there is a good attachement there 18:16 oleonard wizzyrea: When I linked to this before you said you thought it didn't need the parent type repeated: https://zivotdesign.com/p/view.php?p=15550021303140 18:17 oleonard ...but they're not naturally grouped ,as it is right now 18:17 wizzyrea I still don't but realise that maybe it's an accessibility thing 18:17 oleonard Adding the parent item type to the column would create de facto grouping because of the sorting 18:17 wizzyrea which I think is why it is the way i tis 18:17 wizzyrea it is* 18:18 oleonard Oh sorry it is currently repeating the item type, I forgot 18:23 oleonard If the item type details do not cascade like circulation rules do then the hierarchy isn't as important to the display in item types administration 18:23 cait wizzyrea: if you got a moment - bug 22753 18:23 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22753 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Move hold to top button doesn't work if waiting holds exist. 18:23 wizzyrea yep i'm looking at that one :) 18:24 cait cool thx! 18:29 cait 75 *sighs* 18:40 wizzyrea what does "split the hold queue" mean 18:44 wizzyrea anybody? 18:45 wizzyrea nvm I found it 18:45 wizzyrea not the hold queue. The hold queue. 18:45 wizzyrea get it 18:45 cait now you lost me :) 18:45 wizzyrea right? 18:46 cait there is no spelling difference,.. right? 18:46 wizzyrea (there's a syspref, split the holds pending list for a single item by one of several things, and then there's the hold queue, which is the thing you get from the circ home page) 18:46 wizzyrea in this case they were referring to the holds pending list for a single item. 18:47 wizzyrea a single biblio 18:47 cait oh 18:47 cait maybe should be rephrased? 18:47 wizzyrea but I don't call that the hold queue :P anyway it's alright 18:47 wizzyrea I figured it out 18:47 * cait waves at khall 18:47 wizzyrea hi khall 18:47 oleonard I've been trying to get this working: https://zivotdesign.com/p/view.php?p=15560451934595 18:47 * khall waves 18:47 cait khall: did you see my comment on bug 22761? 18:47 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22761 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Move "Fee receipt" from template to a slip 18:48 oleonard ...and it works well except when there's *not* a filter on the DataTable 18:48 khall cait: I can do that 18:48 cait if it makes sense to you 18:48 cait wizzyrea: oleonard maybe you want to chip in? 18:48 cait btw - love seeing this 18:49 cait khall++ 18:49 khall thanks! I imagine I'll do the "fee invoice" one too, because it'll be lopsided otherwise :) 18:50 cait I would love that even more :) 18:50 cait my thinking was that we have always slip and email in different letter codes 18:50 cait so far 18:50 khall cait: how about ACCOUNT_CREDIT? Then we can do ACCOUNT_DEBIT for the fee/fine one 18:50 cait so credit is when you pay 18:50 cait payment receipt? 18:51 cait and debit is list of existing fines? 18:51 cait sorry, i still get confused with the newer terminology 18:51 khall cait: yeah, a credit is anything like a payment, writeoff, forgiveness, etc 18:52 wizzyrea oh holy geez 18:52 wizzyrea so when you split the biblio hold priority list 18:52 wizzyrea and you have the numbers set to priority within each table 18:52 wizzyrea it LOOKS like you can change the ordering with the dropdown 18:52 wizzyrea but you can't 18:52 wizzyrea it is vaguely greyed out 18:52 wizzyrea but not enough to make it clear that you can't do that. 18:53 * wizzyrea grumbles 18:53 cait heh 18:53 cait come... look at the slip bu 18:53 cait g 18:53 cait it will cheer you up 18:53 wizzyrea hehe 18:53 wizzyrea just after this 18:53 wizzyrea the thing works it's just been a lil frustrating testing it :) 18:57 oleonard See y'all tomorrow 18:57 wizzyrea by 18:57 wizzyrea w 18:57 wizzyrea lolgdi 18:59 wizzyrea I think that will be lovely 18:59 wizzyrea the work around the slip 18:59 wizzyrea everything that a library could hand to a patron ought to be a notice 18:59 wizzyrea that can be edited 19:08 cait wizzyrea: bug 22225 works completely different to what i thought 19:08 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22225 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Tax hints and prices on orderreceive.pl may not match 19:09 wizzyrea how so 19:09 cait I commented 19:09 wizzyrea see I was very confused by that 19:09 cait maybe i am super wrong... but isn't it confusing to display the price differently? especially budgeted cost? if it's budgeted... it hsould not go up or down on receive 19:09 wizzyrea it doesn't change retroactively, I'm told 19:09 cait for me... i think the formula is wrong 19:10 cait not the template 19:10 wizzyrea that could be? 19:10 wizzyrea I really wasn't sure 19:10 wizzyrea but the labels swapped around correctly as far as I could tell even though the prices themselves didn't update as I expected 19:10 cait where are the acq librarians when you need them? 19:10 wizzyrea THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING 19:11 wizzyrea :) 19:11 wizzyrea anyway i'm going away now 19:11 wizzyrea to get my dog from the groomer 19:18 * ashimema loves the print slip bug too 19:19 cait actually... i know some acq librarians, sending them an email 19:19 cait ashimema: what do you think - new letter code or use old? 19:19 cait well use the letter for the slip too or have separate 19:20 ashimema Not entirely sure yet 19:20 ashimema Still wrapping my head around it 19:21 ashimema As for bug 22225 19:21 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22225 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Tax hints and prices on orderreceive.pl may not match 19:22 ashimema The bug just corrects a mistake of mine regarding when I added the labels in the first place to make it adamantly clear what is being displayed 19:22 ashimema It was my confusion as to what numbers were being displayed in the first place that lead me to add the labels 19:22 ashimema So I totally understand the wtf moment your all having there 19:22 cait i understand 19:22 cait it might only highlight an issue 19:23 ashimema It's also one of the big reasons I want acq to be a focus area during the next couple of cycles 19:23 cait let's see if i can get some comments on the question 19:23 ashimema Exactly.. I think it highlights and issue.. I bet people have been misunderstanding it for years 19:25 ashimema I reckon it's a Pandora's box of subtle but important bugs 19:25 cait probably 19:25 wahanui probably is too hard. 19:26 ashimema We have customers that want allot of enhancements in acq but the foundations there really scare me... I've not found anyone that fully understands it end to bed yet 19:37 cait I though I did... until an hour ago 19:39 * cait creates qa branch 100 for this month :D 19:41 ashimema Yowsers 19:42 cait which is a problem... not they no longer sort right 19:42 cait i started with 01 19:44 ashimema Lol 19:44 * ashimema wonders how you qa 19:46 ashimema Be interesting to go back to basics and retrain on QA some time.. it's been a while since I've reassessed my own routines.. they get minor adaptations and additions frequently.. 19:46 cait we can compare 19:46 cait i have a naming scheme for branches 19:46 cait q01-xxxxx-keywords 19:46 cait s01.... for sign offs 19:46 cait m01... for my own patches 19:47 cait i clean them up once a month 19:48 cait apply... run the qa script while i read the bug and test plan 19:48 ashimema Interesting 19:49 ashimema I nearly always start by reading the code and test plan.. see if I spot any immediate fails 19:49 cait then read the code... see where i might want to run off the test plan 19:49 cait test 19:49 cait ... comment... etc :) 19:49 ashimema The I'll checkout a bug_xxxx branch and apply the patch to that 19:50 ashimema I test, run QA scripts, write minor followups and add signoff lines, attach, comment then throw the branch away 19:51 ashimema If it fails I comment why and similarly throw away the branch 19:51 cait i keep the branch arund a bit, so i can get back to where i was easier 19:51 cait also helps me to remember where i have been and need to finish 19:53 ashimema I also more recently have got into the habit of running the whole test suit against any of the more complicated ones.. I used to run just the obvious affected tests 19:53 ashimema But I've been bitten enough now that I try to run the whole lot 19:54 cait it's good 19:54 cait but it takes a while 19:54 ashimema I try to use Bugzilla assignee, QA etc fields to keep track . I do however leave some branches around.. but I find I often forget what I was doing anyway to end up nuking them and reapplying anyway 19:54 cait so that's why apply first and read while they the tests run :) 19:55 cait maybe i just like to see the list grow 19:55 cait gamification etc 19:55 ashimema Yeah.. I also use git worktree 19:55 cait what is that? 19:55 wahanui that is wrong - it's about 1/2 that (about 8C) + raining! 19:55 cait wahanui: forget that 19:55 wahanui cait: I forgot that 19:55 cait what is that? 19:57 ashimema So I always have two different branches checked out at a time.. one directory pointed to but koha-testing-docker so I can run the test suit against any branch whilst I'm working in another branch doing other cosing 19:57 ashimema Helps me multitask 19:57 ashimema I love being able to have two branches checked out 19:57 cait sounds nice :) 19:57 cait i still have to give koha-testing-docker a go 19:59 ashimema It needs a fair chunk of space.. but it's so nice to be able to run tests consistently 19:59 ashimema And it's actually really simple to setup and use 20:15 cait maybe show me in dublin? :) 20:17 ashimema Sure 20:18 * ashimema wishes Dublin was longer.. feels like I have so much I want to fit in 20:20 cait sam 20:20 cait e 20:20 cait maybe we can do a thing sometime later if we don't manage 20:43 cait oh no 20:43 cait just missed khall 20:43 cait wizzyrea: if i enter a max total checkouts on all libraries... sohuld that show up for all libraries now? 21:08 reiveune bye 21:34 rangi ashimema: are you about? 21:35 cait bit late :) 21:35 cait hm a little earlier than here