Time Nick Message 17:12 oleonard Bye all 15:33 wizzyrea also hi 15:33 wizzyrea oleonard scaring people again 15:33 wizzyrea whoa what'd I miss 15:08 reiveune bye 14:59 oleonard When they return they have faced their fears and they are stronger for it. 14:58 eythian way to scare people away temporarily oleopard 14:38 oleonard Hi wizzyrea 13:51 oleonard I get "output_pref is called with 'dateonly' (ref SCALAR), not a DateTime object" 13:49 vfernandes oleonard: can you execute this on command line? perl -e 'use Koha::DateUtils; my $date = "0000-00-00"; output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string( $date ), dateonly => 1 } );' 13:48 oleonard Sorry vfernandes I can't reproduce that problem 13:47 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #195: UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U18/195/ 13:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #207: SUCCESS in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/207/ 13:41 oleonard enaut: I don't think that MARC text is ready to paste into MarcEdit and go, but that's definitely the tool you'll want to compile it after you've massaged the data 13:41 vfernandes then try to open the details of the subscription record 13:41 enaut caroline_catlady, oleonard: thanks! 13:41 vfernandes set planneddate or publisheddate of one serial to NULL or '0000-00-00' 13:40 oleonard vfernandes: I can try to help you if you describe to me how to reproduce the error in my installation of Koha. 13:40 oleonard enaut: https://marcedit.reeset.net/ 13:40 vfernandes perl -e 'use Koha::DateUtils; my $date = "0000-00-00"; output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string( $date ), dateonly => 1 } );' 13:39 * magnuse wanders off 13:39 magnuse but have a look at MarcEdit, it might be able to convert to ISO2709 or MARCXML, which koha can ingest 13:38 magnuse ...which koha can't ingest directly 13:38 magnuse i think that is called "marc line format"? 13:38 caroline_catlady (txt) 13:38 caroline_catlady enaut that kinda looks like MARC, but in text format 13:37 enaut Can you Identify the format and give me a name so I can google for conversion solutions? 13:37 enaut https://pastebin.com/nyV5yPT2 13:37 enaut hey guys I'm trying to move our school library from some ancient "library for windows" program to koha... (not a librarian but a computer science guy)... I installed koha without issues but how do I import the data? I succeeded to export some file but I have no idea what format it is and how to get it to Marc21 13:37 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #701: SUCCESS in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/701/ 13:36 oleonard vfernandes: How can I reproduce the problem? What page do I navigate to? 13:36 vfernandes oleonard: how output_pref is receiving dt = dateonly 13:35 vfernandes detail.pl -> GetLatestSerials 13:35 vfernandes output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string( $line->{planneddate} ), dateonly => 1 } ) 13:34 oleonard What page are you on vfernandes ? 13:34 vfernandes Can't locate object method "ymd" via package "dateonly" (perhaps you forgot to load "dateonly"?) at /etc/koha/lib/Koha/DateUtils.pm line 233. 13:32 vfernandes in some of them the planneddate or the publisheddate is null 13:32 vfernandes I know, but i getting an error with some serials after upgrading to the last Koha 13:31 oleonard vfernandes: We can do that with the $KohaDates template plugin now 13:30 vfernandes yes 13:30 oleonard vfernandes: Are you trying to format a date before outputting it in the template? 13:30 caroline_catlady thanks for looking :) 13:29 caroline_catlady oleonard, you're right, I hadn't seen it 13:29 vfernandes which is strange 13:29 vfernandes when date is null, output_pref receives dt = "dateonly" 13:28 oleonard caroline_catlady: One of the examples in that section uses LIKE, so I assume it's possible 13:28 vfernandes i'm getting an error when passing a empty/null date to output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string( $date ), dateonly => 1 } ) 13:26 caroline_catlady I'm getting collation errors -_- 13:26 caroline_catlady Can you use runtime variables (https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Runtime_Variables) with LIKE in reports? or it has to be =? 13:25 vfernandes hi #koha 13:09 oleonard Strange that no one has complained before now magnuse, I guess I didn't even notice 13:06 magnuse the item search results table does not display itemtype? 13:00 cait bye all - catching a train :) 12:58 oleonard 🈠12:58 oleonard Hi caroline_catlady 12:57 caroline_catlady Good morning! 12:29 cait ... that was it :P 12:28 ere magnuse: :) 12:26 magnuse i already switched to old skool sql, though ;-) 12:26 magnuse thanks! 12:26 magnuse gah! you are probably right, there is both ::Biblio and ::Biblios... 12:25 magnuse yup 12:22 ere And you did `use Koha::Biblios` before that, right? :) 12:21 ere magnuse: Shouldn't it be Biblio*s*? 12:05 magnuse as far as i can see, it is done this way a gazillion times in Koha code. e.g.: my $count1 = Koha::Holds->search->count; 12:04 cait wondering... would search need some limits? 12:04 cait but... gah. 12:04 cait it somehow doesn't look right 12:03 magnuse gah! whu do i get "Can't use string ("Koha::Biblio") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use" when i try to do this: my $records_count = Koha::Biblio->search->count; 11:55 magnuse lulz 11:54 cait heh 11:53 oleonard But everyone should see Koha::Live at least once in their life. 11:53 oleonard Koha::Records is so much better than the "remastered" Koha::CDs 11:52 cait well... i see that it would make sense 11:52 magnuse you know it's friday when... you start typing Koha::Records instead of Koha::Biblio 11:46 oleonard Some mornings we all need a little extra encouragement 11:45 cait was more thinking of the pathces i found in the bugzilla emails... but you can do with the karma as you please :) 11:45 oleonard Yes I too believe I deserve praise for showing up 11:43 cait oleonard++ :) 11:43 cait hi oleonard :) 11:40 oleonard Hi #koha 08:58 * andreashm waves 08:08 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22646 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Fix use of PrivacyPolicyURL 08:08 magnuse good for our gdpr compliance if bug 22646 can get a signoff :-) 07:52 ashimema indragd isnt' online either 07:18 calire most likely :) 07:18 magnuse and the argentinians are sleeping, i guess... 07:15 calire yeah that'S what we get too 07:15 magnuse nope, "Service Unavailable" 07:13 calire anyone able to get into translate.koha-communty.org ? 07:10 fridolin hi 06:56 reiveune helo 06:56 alex_a bonjour 05:57 magnuse \o/