Time Nick Message 00:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #214: NOW UNSTABLE in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/214/ 00:47 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 00:47 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #215: FIXED in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/215/ 06:37 josef_moravec morning #koha 06:41 * cait waves 06:41 * josef_moravec waves back 06:41 josef_moravec cait: have you seen discussion on bug 17140 06:41 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17140 major, P5 - low, ---, philippe.blouin, Failed QA , Incorrect rounding in total fines calculations, part 2 06:41 josef_moravec ? 06:41 cait seen comments, but didn't have time to read up on it 06:41 wahanui I haven't seen 'comments,', cait 06:44 cait how do those fines get created in the first place? we never had any isues there 06:47 josef_moravec cait: I have no idea, we only use whole crowns here in czech republic... so we never faced this 06:47 cait we didn't either with EUR :) 06:47 cait not sure when I can have a look :( 06:48 josef_moravec I think we should always have the same values on ui and db, and there should be some setting on precision... 06:49 cait sounds right to me 06:50 josef_moravec Then when any debit is created it should tak it into account do a check and during manual creation show warning and want to fix it by librarian, or when created automatically, it should be handled somehow 06:51 josef_moravec now we have Koha::Account::add_debit so could be doable 06:53 josef_moravec I am not against some quick fix for now, but the one just proposed is bad IMO, because it could lead to pay another amount than librarian expect, even if it is smaller than 0.01, because, we can't know all currencies on the world, who knows, there could be a currency where even 0.01 is big value - bitcoin fo example ; 06:53 josef_moravec ;) 06:54 cait my feeling is that such values should not exist in the first place 06:54 josef_moravec cait: absolutely agree 06:55 cait but that's where I'm missing information right now, I want to know where they come from to understand better 06:56 josef_moravec they can at least be added manual - could be mistake, typo, ... 06:56 josef_moravec s/manual/manually/ 06:57 cait hm 07:29 cait bbiab 07:53 alex_a bonjour 07:53 josef_moravec hello alex_a 07:54 fridolin hi 07:56 reiveune hello 07:56 wahanui privet, reiveune 07:56 josef_moravec hi fridolin, reiveune 08:13 magnuse \o/ 08:16 josef_moravec hi magnuse 08:53 cait morning #koha 08:54 josef_moravec hi cait 08:55 josef_moravec would you think it would be OK to set fines precision as system preference? or do we need more granularity here? like on library base for example 08:56 josef_moravec i will try to do something with bug 17140 hopefully 08:56 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17140 major, P5 - low, ---, philippe.blouin, Failed QA , Incorrect rounding in total fines calculations, part 2 10:10 tcohen morning 10:10 josef_moravec hi tcohen 10:11 cait josef_moravec: not sure, still need to take a closer look 10:11 cait do we really need to pref it? no way to make it not happen in the first place? 10:12 cait could a setting at currency level make sense? 10:12 josef_moravec we can prevent it by hardcoding precision to 2 as a first step; 10:12 josef_moravec cait: not sure 10:13 josef_moravec cait: should a currency setting be applied the same on acquisition and fines management? 10:13 josef_moravec it at least is the same now in $Price template filter... 10:33 * andreashm waves 11:02 magnuse \o/ 12:09 AndrewIsh Does anyone know if there's a standard "Koha" way of a template taking a hashref of parameters (simple key/value pairs) and joining them into a query string to be included in a link? 12:09 AndrewIsh I can cook up my own solution, but it feels like the sort of thing Koha would have a "way" of doing 12:12 AndrewIsh The url plugin seems to do exactly this: http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin/URL.html 12:23 oleonard Hi all 12:23 AndrewIsh Hi oleonard - just the person! ;-) 12:24 oleonard Oh boy! 12:24 AndrewIsh I just asked this: "Does anyone know if there's a standard "Koha" way of a template taking a hashref of parameters (simple key/value pairs) and joining them into a query string to be included in a link? I can cook up my own solution, but it feels like the sort of thing Koha would have a "way" of doing. The url plugin seems to do exactly this: http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin/URL.html" 12:25 AndrewIsh Upon playing, the url plugin does exactly what I need, I just wondered if Koha had an acknowledged way of doing it 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: DBRev <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=c53f907235116b17d9c31d644c8d576e915992c6> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (RM follow-up) Remove issuingrules columns for new installs <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=60c51b9bb07de4dea16b0a883ad1881829fe69ed> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (QA follow-up) Fix Circulation.t <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=1fd998f413c320257341f8ff86279cc3ed2c0a24> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: Fix 'Default checkout, hold policy by patron category' block <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=cf207a07a1104b752b16b89bd6dac50331fb2bc2> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: Move existing rules <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=13faff1250ed3ede712c405821f3ad9187e892b6> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (QA follow-up) Fix basic_workflow.t <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=05a2c58f790cc2de03ff2a9f52700f55982d36b4> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (QA follow-up) Fix indentation characters in smart-rules.tt <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=fbfcc5437ecbbb3e2bd2d65c6a8c55df3917b7ee> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (QA follow-up) Make DB update idempotent <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=fc92437665a337c3d731ed04ad617d6597718afa> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: Update new occurrences <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=566bb2976671dc56c67508c62bfe30f4b25a7656> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: Fix null/empty behavior, again <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=2d3aaff84e0d467c0cc44ae9f99c88879b8bcc0d> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: Replace logic in GetBranchBorrowerCircRule with get_effective_rule <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6845cd6a67fcc57c22aa695970236e3caab336fd> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (follow-up) Fix null/empty behavior <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=d1303ca834dd0b08fc1d44476cfbbb8b729b6165> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (follow-up) Change name of rule to fix ambiguity <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=f9d90a26444b2c4b5c8dbeaaa237b9fcf3ae1234> 12:27 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: Move maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty to circulation_rules <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=26a779eded6fe24abe0be904da64e0186c3d91ec> 12:30 oleonard AndrewIsh: There's no special way to do it, other than requirements about filtering variables. 12:30 oleonard I'm not sure I understand how the plugin makes it easier 12:32 AndrewIsh oleonard: Well, it enables me to pass all parameters to be included in the URL to the template as a hashref, then simply generate the link using: [% USE link_url = url('/cgi-bin/koha/opac-illrequests.pl', params) | url %] 12:33 AndrewIsh Which I can then use in my href <a href="[% link_url %]">Linky</a> 12:37 tcohen AndrewIsh: it looks interesting 12:37 oleonard My preference is that it be fairly transparent to the person working on the template what variables are being used. This offers the flexibility of switching a link to a simple form or something like that. 12:38 oleonard I think it's worth bringing up at a dev meeting though. 12:38 AndrewIsh oleonard: I agree that transparency is key, but if the parameters being passed are unpredictable, I'm not sure how else it could be done 12:39 oleonard True. I guess I'm not familiar with cases where the parameters are unpredictable. 12:39 AndrewIsh Count yourself lucky ;-) 12:53 cait my coworker figured out how to crash your server with patron card printing reliably: bug 22462 12:53 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22462 major, P5 - low, ---, cnighswonger, NEW , Crash in patron card printing 12:55 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #670: UNSTABLE in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/670/ 13:03 Joubu wizzyrea: about 19014: there is too much writing, I did not follow everything. I would expect someone to test the patch I provided then tell me what's wrong/good with it :) 13:03 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #178: UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/178/ 13:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #161: UNSTABLE in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U18/161/ 13:13 ashimema bug 21683 might need a bit more attentin josef.. tomas and I are both at a lose as to where to go next 13:13 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21683 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Failed QA , Remove accountlines.accountno 13:13 ashimema @later tell josef_moravec bug 21683 might need a bit more attentin josef.. tomas and I are both at a lose as to where to go next 13:13 huginn` ashimema: The operation succeeded. 13:14 corilynn mornin' oleonard 13:15 corilynn I was using the koha sandboxes... 13:20 oleonard corilynn: I'm not sure how to handle that... 13:20 corilynn well, if it isn't you, then it isn't you... 13:20 corilynn I'm just sayin' that's what I did 13:35 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (QA follow-up) Remove weird 'Null' values for integer column <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=32fc535b8a71483b401b964b273cb280758ea8f4> 13:48 oleonard Thanks for the QA'ing cait! 13:48 cait sure! 13:48 cait hope you are ok with the follow-up request 13:48 cait i ran out of time and realzed it was more than one spot 13:49 cait (collection code vs. collection) 14:01 Joubu kidclamp: I am working on the .push that is wrongly filtered 14:03 ashimema meeting? 14:04 magnuse why would issues.branchcode be empty? 14:04 kidclamp oh, I thought it was in an hour 14:05 * ashimema could be wrong 14:05 kidclamp nope, I was looking at next weeks dev meeting 14:05 kidclamp when our timezone changes 14:05 Joubu #startmeeting General IRC meeting 6 March 2019 14:05 huginn` Meeting started Wed Mar 6 14:05:38 2019 UTC. The chair is Joubu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05 huginn` Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05 huginn` The meeting name has been set to 'general_irc_meeting_6_march_2019' 14:05 ashimema haha.. easily done 14:05 kidclamp #startmeeting General IRC meeting 6 March 2019 14:05 huginn` kidclamp: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 14:05 Joubu #topic Introductions 14:06 * kidclamp let's Joubu drive :-) 14:06 ashimema #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe 14:06 kidclamp #info Nick Clemens, BWS 14:06 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #671: STILL UNSTABLE in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/671/ 14:06 josef_moravec #info Josef Moravec, Municipal Library Ústà nad OrlicÃ, Czech Republic 14:06 Joubu #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/General_IRC_meeting_06_March_2019 14:06 oleonard #info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, USA 14:06 Joubu #info Jonathan Druart 14:06 cc_ #info Colin Campbell, PTFS Europe 14:06 cait #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 14:06 Joubu #chair cait kidclamp ashimema 14:06 huginn` Current chairs: Joubu ashimema cait kidclamp 14:06 calire #info Claire Gravely, BSZ, Germany 14:06 davidnind #info David Nind, Wellington, New Zealand 14:07 thd #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City 14:07 Charles_Quain #info Charles Quain Interleaf Technology Dublin 14:07 Joubu #topic Announcements 14:07 Joubu Anyone have something? 14:08 magnuse #info Magnus Enger, Libriotech, Norway 14:08 fridolin #info Fridolin Somers , Biblibre, France 14:08 kidclamp Koha New England Summit friday: https://bywatersolutions.com/news/2019-new-england-koha-summit 14:08 ashimema good turn out today 14:08 cait #info There will be a Koha user meeting at the German library congress in 2 weeks 14:09 kidclamp #info Koha New England Summit on Friday March 8th 14:09 Joubu cait: Is there an agenda? 14:09 tcohen #info Tomas Cohen Arazi, Theke Solutions 14:09 cait #link http://www.professionalabstracts.com/bid2019/iplanner/#/session/30 14:10 kidclamp #link https://bywatersolutions.com/news/2019-new-england-koha-summit 14:10 cait #link http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-de/2019-February/000194.html 14:10 ashimema cool 14:11 Joubu great, lot of things :) 14:11 Joubu moving on? 14:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #162: STILL UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U18/162/ 14:12 * kidclamp nods 14:12 ashimema go for it.. 14:12 Joubu thanks jenkins, that's not a good announcement 14:12 Joubu #topic Update from the Release Manager (19.05) 14:12 Joubu kidclamp: your turn 14:12 kidclamp Pushing some things today - we (Joubu) is working on clearing the failures from 18925 14:12 kidclamp rental fees by time period is next target 14:13 kidclamp and working through the queue 14:13 kidclamp ES has made soem good progress, happy about that 14:13 kidclamp Manan needs some attention, please help there if possible 14:13 kidclamp s/Manan/Mana/ 14:13 Joubu there was movements on the "fix calculation - 2" bug 14:14 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #179: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/179/ 14:14 Joubu I think we need more people involved in the fix/test process 14:14 kidclamp indeed, I will try to update rounding error 18736 as well 14:14 Joubu that sounds quite critical for stable releases 14:14 cait bug 18925 14:14 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18925 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Move maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty to circulation_rules 14:14 Joubu how do we get the needed attention on Mana? 14:14 josef_moravec bug 18736 14:14 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18736 critical, P5 - low, ---, nick, Failed QA , Problems in order calculations (rounding errors) 14:15 kidclamp big issue is search results - not sure if problem is on Koha end or Mana end 14:15 kidclamp in general release does feel lie it is moving well 14:15 Joubu ping alex_a: Mana fixes are needed 14:15 kidclamp I have been very lax about requesting selenium tests, but I feel we are going to need mroe inthe future 14:16 * kidclamp coughs and looks at ashimema 14:16 cait Joubu: we threaten to remove it? ;) 14:16 Joubu there are more in the queue! :) 14:16 * ashimema is trying to find someone to run a "writing selenium tests" workshop at kohacon 14:16 vfernandes hi #koha 14:16 khall #info Kyle M Hall, ByWater Solutions 14:16 kidclamp Thanks to everyone for hard work and keeping QA queue coming my way :-) 14:16 kidclamp enough from me 14:16 Joubu ashimema: "writing useful and maintanable selenium tests" is much more tricky ;) 14:17 josef_moravec regarding mana search, see bug 22222, patch just added 14:17 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22222 major, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Needs Signoff , Mana subscription search always returns all results 14:17 alex_a Joubu, bug #id ? 14:17 ashimema #info it would be great if anyone fancied volunteering to run a workshop focusing on how to write selenium tests (or writing a bunch of them as a team) at kohacon 14:17 Joubu alex_a: it's on the main Mana report, in comments or related bugs 14:17 kidclamp josef_moravec++ 14:18 alex_a Joubu, think i'll need help 14:18 Joubu alex_a: let's see that after the meeting, we can help :) 14:18 Joubu #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers 14:18 Joubu rmaints? 14:18 wahanui i think rmaints is ashimema and fridolin are the rmaints 14:19 Joubu rmaints? 14:19 wahanui rmaints is probably ashimema and fridolin are the rmaints 14:19 fridolin yep 14:19 Joubu well, I thought I updated you 14:19 cait the bugs are more urgent, but I'd also like us to revisit how to register - right now it asks for a person, i think it would be better if it asked for an institution 14:19 kidclamp jessem 14:19 cait (mana) 14:19 fridolin we add a quick second release v17.11.16 14:19 cait I filed a bug for that - 22210 14:19 cait sorry for being too late 14:19 ashimema 18.11 is running smoothly, last release was clean 14:19 fridolin because of major bug 21986 reverted 14:20 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21986 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Quotation marks are wrongly escaped in several places 14:20 ashimema #info 18.11 is ticking along nicely 14:20 Joubu fridolin: not released yet, or I missed it? 14:21 fridolin tag is pushed 14:21 ashimema #info 18.11 was unaffected by a bug instroduced by bug 21986 14:21 fridolin packages are done 14:21 ashimema #info 18.05 and 17.11 both recieved a fast tracked release to resolve issues caused by bug 21986 14:21 ashimema I don't think I saw them announced 14:21 Joubu #info If you are using 18.05.08 or 18.05.09 you should update quickly to 18.05.10 that is going to be released very soon 14:22 Joubu hope I did not mess with the version numbers 14:22 fridolin same for 17.11.15 to 17.11.16 14:22 Joubu #info If you are using 17.11.14 or 17.11.15 you should update quickly to 17.11.16 that is going to be released very soon 14:22 tcohen 18.05.10 is already for upgrading 14:22 tcohen we upgraded last friday 14:23 Joubu should we add/update the news fields on the website? 14:23 cait hm links to latest release? 14:23 Joubu #action fridolin JesseM maybe add an update on the website? 14:24 Joubu #topic Updates from the QA team 14:24 ashimema I think we should.. and we aught to have the fix anounced on the lists 14:24 davidnind I assume there will be the normal announcement? 14:24 fridolin yep i'll do an anconcement 14:24 ashimema I think we've done all the work and made the releases.. just not done the anouncements 14:24 ashimema fridolin: JesseM does that sound about right? 14:24 ashimema brill 14:24 Joubu so nobody can know :) 14:25 fridolin i think we can do a post on WP 14:25 fridolin no pb 14:25 ashimema brill 14:25 cait ml too please? 14:25 cait maybe reply to the other email 14:26 fridolin there is a mail "Critical bug fix to prevent data loss (Bug 22395)" 14:26 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22395 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, RESOLVED FIXED, Data in 245 field (subfield a or b) will be deleted if it has Quotation Marks 14:26 fridolin i will reply on it 14:26 Joubu moving on? 14:26 Joubu qa_team? 14:26 wahanui i guess qa_team is cait alex_a jajm khall josef_moravec ashimema Joubu marcelr tcohen rangi 14:27 cait special thanks to the busy QA team members 14:27 cait queue is mostly under control, but it's a never-ending battle 14:27 * ashimema would like to thank josef_moravec in particular.. he's been great going through the ILL pile 14:27 cait #info queue is under control and moving, but as always work never ends 14:28 cait and the Elasticsearch pile 14:28 * ashimema will be taking up arms against the QA queue again soon.. needed a few days break after a busy month 14:28 cait the dashboard shows quite a few of major bugs with the numbers slowly rising, not all in qa queue yet 14:28 cait #info Please take a look at major bugs that await fixing, testing or QA (see dashboard) 14:29 cait Joubu and others, do you have to add something? 14:30 Joubu We need help on misc4dev and QA tools, there are PR waiting for testing 14:30 Joubu it's not a dev meeting actually :) 14:30 Joubu #topic KohaCon 2019 update 14:31 ashimema I'll take a look at the qa tools Joubu.. sorry I hadn't spotted the merge requests open 14:31 Charles_Quain good progress on Kohacon. speaking slots filling up nicely - 24 proposals so far 14:32 Charles_Quain 75 delegates have registered 14:32 Charles_Quain looking to have Ken Chad - Library Consultant as Keynote speaker. 14:33 Charles_Quain Martin Renvoize is looking to get an Elastic Search presence to do a long workshop 14:33 ashimema I'm still tying down people to run workshops. 14:34 ashimema We've got an ES guy booked pending confirmation from myself, and a couple of perl pros (dbic and mojolicious in particular) 14:35 Joubu names? :) 14:35 ashimema I'm still looking for volunteers to help run 'Hands on with X' sessions.. to encourage librarians to participate in the workshops as well as the conference 14:35 oleonard What kind of travel expenses are you covering for volunteers ;) 14:36 ashimema I need to firm up names.. but Matt Trout is a possible, Jan Henning Thorsen is another 14:36 ashimema Tim Bunce a third 14:36 ashimema all well respected perl 'gurus' 14:36 Joubu whaou, that would be awesome 14:37 Charles_Quain Sponsorship of volunteers will depend in part on donations received. Donation page went live last week, and "begging letter" send in latest Koha_l update. 14:37 ashimema I'd love to get Sabastian but he seems to always be busy ;) 14:37 Charles_Quain waiting for the cash to roll in :-) 14:37 * ashimema can't spell today.. it's Sebastian.. not Sab ;) 14:39 ashimema I think that covers it from me.. 14:39 ashimema but do ask questions or catch me any time if you want to chat Kohacon 14:39 Charles_Quain ditto 14:40 davidnind let me know if you want anything posted on Twitter - have posted from updates and retweets 14:40 Charles_Quain do keep an eye on https://www.interleaf.ie/kohacon19/ 14:40 Charles_Quain we are using #kohacon19 for twitter 14:40 Joubu #info Do keep an eye on the KohaCon19 website https://www.interleaf.ie/kohacon19/ 14:41 Joubu #info and use #kohacon19 for social networks 14:41 Joubu #topic General 14:41 Joubu Another topic to add to this meeting? 14:41 ashimema found the ES guys name.. Philipp Krenn 14:42 Joubu I am gonna end the meeting then 14:42 ashimema +1 14:42 Joubu #topic Set time of next meeting 14:43 Joubu Next meeting: 4 April 2019, ? UTC 14:44 Joubu 14/21? 14:44 wahanui 0.666666666666667 14:44 oleonard Documentation meeting at 14:00 UTC that day 14:44 Joubu Same day or postpone to the week after? 14:44 ashimema shall we follow it? 14:45 Joubu 4 April 2019, 15 UTC? 14:45 ashimema anyone else got any preference 14:45 davidnind Day before? 14:45 Joubu better to stick on Wednesday I think 14:46 * ashimema is confused 14:46 ashimema 4th is thurs isn't it? 14:46 oleonard Yes 14:46 Joubu we are not in 2018 anymore, sorry :) 14:46 calire :D 14:46 davidnind depends which tz you are in 14:46 oleonard 3 April 2019, 14 UTC? 14:46 ashimema so 3 April 2019, 14 UTC 14:46 Joubu Next meeting: 3 April 2019, 14 UTC then? 14:46 ashimema that works for me 14:47 oleonard +1 14:47 Charles_Quain works for me 14:47 davidnind +1 14:47 thd Is that not the same TZ as now? 14:47 Joubu #info Next meeting: 3 April 2019, 14 UTC 14:47 thd Should we not be alternating meeting times? 14:48 thd ... I prefer this time but that is just me. 14:49 Joubu meetings on 21UTC are usually postponed because of the lack of attendees 14:49 Joubu would be 21 or 20? 14:50 thd I happily favour any consensus for 14 UTC or so if there is such. 14:50 oleonard Let's stick with 3 April 2019, 14 UTC 14:51 Joubu #info Next meeting: 3 April 2019, 14 UTC 14:51 davidnind +1 14:51 Joubu will be better to get KohaCon updates 14:51 Joubu #endmeeting 14:51 huginn` Meeting ended Wed Mar 6 14:51:17 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 14:51 huginn` Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community.org/2019/general_irc_meeting_6_march_2019.2019-03-06-14.05.html 14:51 huginn` Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community.org/2019/general_irc_meeting_6_march_2019.2019-03-06-14.05.txt 14:51 huginn` Log: http://meetings.koha-community.org/2019/general_irc_meeting_6_march_2019.2019-03-06-14.05.log.html 14:51 davidnind Joubu++ 14:51 oleonard Joubu++ 14:52 cait Joubu++ 14:55 kidclamp Joubu++ 14:56 calire Joubu++ 15:00 Joubu kidclamp: bug 22466 15:00 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22466 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, ASSIGNED , TT methods must not be escaped 15:01 Joubu patches attached! 15:14 wizzyrea hi friends 15:14 eythian what time do you call this wizzyrea 15:14 wizzyrea US time. 15:15 oleonard Start of the work day in that time zone, speaking generally 15:18 eythian wizzyrea: what are you doing in a weird place like that? 15:19 wizzyrea [off] it's a story and a half 15:21 magnuse kia ora wizzyrea 15:27 * indradg waves at wizzyrea 15:28 * indradg waves at magnuse 15:31 wizzyrea hi indradg 15:34 magnuse hiya indradg 15:35 indradg magnuse: do you have an example yaml file for handling the additional variables for SMS around? 15:37 pastebot "magnuse" at pasted "SMS YAML" (3 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/2592 15:37 magnuse ^ 15:37 indradg magnuse: got it! thanks :) 15:41 magnuse nothing very fancy :-) 15:54 indradg we did not have a 18.05.10 release note published... did we? 15:56 Joubu see 15:56 Joubu see minutes of the last meeeting :) 15:56 Joubu they are coming 16:01 indradg thanks Joubu 16:07 reiveune bye 16:30 JesseM Hi indradg. Just sent the 18.05.10 release notes 16:31 indradg JesseM++ 16:31 JesseM sorry for my delay 16:31 JesseM :) 16:54 oleonard JesseM: I think when you choose not to backport something the bug should be marked fixed. Isn't that what you do ashimema? 16:54 oleonard (Bug 22239) 16:54 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22239 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , JavaScript error on subscription detail page when there are no orders 16:59 JesseM oleonard: I believe you are correct 17:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #218: SUCCESS in 19 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/218/ 17:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #216: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/216/ 17:30 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #219: SUCCESS in 19 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/219/ 17:35 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #217: SUCCESS in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/217/ 17:42 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #217: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/217/ 17:45 ashimema That's certainly what I did yeah.. it's what I was passed on when I became an rmaint 17:46 ashimema JesseM oleonard ^ 17:46 wizzyrea that's certainly what I did when I was rmaint as well 17:46 JesseM thanks 17:47 wizzyrea why are these stupid fudge mint cookies so tasty 17:49 tcohen hi wizzyrea 17:50 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #220: SUCCESS in 19 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/220/ 17:50 Joubu JesseM, lucasG: 13515 is part of 18.05.10, was it expected? 17:50 Joubu it's not marked as push to your branch on the bug report 18:03 oleonard wizzyrea: I'm not sure I should ask what kind of stupid fudge mint cookies you're talking about because I probably shouldn't be shoving them into my gob 18:05 wizzyrea they aren't even fancy ones they're like great value mint fudge cookies 18:05 wizzyrea kinda like the girl scout ones but not 18:09 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #218: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/218/ 18:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #221: SUCCESS in 20 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/221/ 18:17 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #218: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/218/ 18:30 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #222: UNSTABLE in 19 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/222/ 18:36 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #219: UNSTABLE in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/219/ 18:59 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (RM follow-up) Remove maxissueqty from issuingrule in SIP tests <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=fcd6bdc5b8ed5cd48b19d03a86e2ab9aaa0b0626> 18:59 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 18925: (RM follow-up) Remove schema files for deletedtables <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=c57967681f3041aab19b7f14270e267c7de54be6> 18:59 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #219: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/219/ 19:21 oleonard Is 50 branches with unfinished work too many? 19:22 cait i just deleted 100 qa branches this morning 19:22 cait ... 19:22 wizzyrea lol 19:22 cait so i'd say probably not :) 19:22 wizzyrea that's a lot :) 19:23 oleonard It's just that I have ideas 19:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #672: STILL UNSTABLE in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/672/ 19:29 wizzyrea I hate it when you start something and then you get pulled off to something else and then you're like oh yeah i was doing that thing but then you've lost momentum 19:29 wizzyrea hehe oleonard I know that feeling 19:31 wizzyrea anyone have any gotchas to relay to me before I give elasticsearch in the kohadevbox a go? 19:31 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #163: STILL UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U18/163/ 19:31 wizzyrea like, commonly experienced problems, things to avoid... 19:35 oleonard cait? kidclamp? ^^ 19:35 cait huh? 19:35 cait oh 19:35 cait remember to index :) 19:35 cait i think the full one doesn't happen automatically or something 19:36 cait sometimes i forget i turned it on when it works.... it's nice 19:37 wizzyrea :) 19:39 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #180: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/180/ 19:58 oleonard Bye all 20:32 wizzyrea all of this flapping is the internet at my house. Tomorrow I shall work from the library. 20:32 wizzyrea at least the wifi works there. 22:05 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 22:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #223: FIXED in 19 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/223/ 22:14 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #220: SUCCESS in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/220/ 22:30 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 22:30 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #220: FIXED in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/220/ 23:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #224: SUCCESS in 19 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D8/224/ 23:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #221: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_D9/221/ 23:34 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #221: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_18.05_U18/221/