Time Nick Message 07:14 fridolin hi 07:16 magnuse \o/ 07:17 ashimema Wow, Joubu has been on a mission.. my inbox us over flowing with Bugzilla mail this morning. 😀 07:30 magnuse Joubu++ 07:30 magnuse josef_moravec++ for testing bug 10662 07:30 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10662 new feature, P3, ---, dcook, Failed QA , Build OAI-PMH Harvesting Client 07:30 josef_moravec hi magnuse ;) 07:31 josef_moravec magnuse: the feature itself works and look perfect, although there is room for enhancement of course ;) so tests are the only miising thing to pass it QA 07:35 reiveune hello 08:01 magnuse josef_moravec: let's hope dcook can find the time 08:01 alex_a bonjour 08:02 josef_moravec hi alex_a 08:13 alex_a hello josef_moravec 08:40 josef_moravec hi cait, I just improved my checkouts slip a bit https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Notices_and_Slips_Library#Checkouts_slip_using_only_Template_Toolkit 09:14 cait oh is $Remove_MARC_punctuation a new one? 09:14 cait very helpful 09:14 cait we coudl add those to a filter documentation page too 09:21 * andreashm waves 09:23 josef_moravec cait: it is from Apr 4, 2018, i added note here: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Notices_with_Template_Toolkit#Filters_available_by_default 09:24 cait doesn't need a use? 09:25 josef_moravec it is added in c4::letters, as well as KohaDates 09:25 cait godo to know 09:25 josef_moravec i found it, because i had to read through code to document the variables... 09:25 cait yeah... so gald you did 09:26 cait we reeally need to write this documentation to make things usable for libraries 09:30 cait paul_p: around? 09:31 cait or anyone else heard of Paprika CS? 09:31 paul_p cait yep. 'morning 09:31 cait hi 09:31 wahanui what's up, cait 09:31 cait was wondering if you had done a migration from paprika cs maybe 09:33 paul_p cait There's a french ILS called Paprika. Yes, we made paprika migration already. 09:34 paul_p the last one being very very recent (customer not live yet) 09:35 cait ah cool, asked the right person :) 10:06 cait josef_moravec++ 10:47 AndrewIsh josef_moravec++ Thanks for the feedback on Bug 20750 10:47 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20750 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, andrew.isherwood, Signed Off , Allow timestamped auditing of ILL request events 12:18 gveranis hi koha ! 12:18 ashimema Thanks for the QA on bug 3820 josef_moravec ++. Tests are certainly on my horizon for that one, the initial setting to NSO was to get feedback.. sounds like people like it so I'll throw the test updates together now. 12:18 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3820 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Failed QA , Members in Log Viewer Showing ?? in UPDATE 12:24 magnuse ashimema++ 12:24 magnuse hiya gveranis 12:26 gveranis I would like to something strange, when we try to search something we get results but on next pages the url has changed. For example we search for "Ελλάδα" ( greek word - utf8 - means Greece) but on url link for the second page converts to /cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=kw&q=%25CE%2595%25CE%25BB%25CE%25BB%25CE%25AC%25CE%25B4%25CE%25B1&offset=20&sort_by=relevance_dsc 12:27 gveranis any thoughts ? Ι already checked locale is on en_us_utf8, apache2 is on utf8 , mariadb is on utf8mb 12:28 gveranis something I missing here but I don't know what.. 12:31 gveranis icu is on 13:15 tcohen morning all 13:16 gveranis hi tcohen 13:20 fridolin gveranis: hi, what is you Koha version ? 13:20 gveranis 18.1100000 13:21 fridolin oki thnaks 13:21 gveranis seems to change the encode of query_cgi 13:21 gveranis for some reason 13:21 fridolin look for known bugs 13:22 fridolin https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20114 13:22 huginn` Bug 20114: normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, In Discussion , Build better $query_cgi 13:22 fridolin maybe 13:23 fridolin https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22290 13:23 huginn` Bug 22290: normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Next pages results for cyrillic symbols shows decoded text in URL in anchor tag 13:23 fridolin looks like the same as you 13:24 gveranis yes very simiral 13:25 gveranis *similar 13:26 gveranis I could say the same ;) 13:33 gveranis on facets the query_cgi seems to be ok , the problem is on page-number 13:34 gveranis the problem is that e.g %CE converts somehow to %25CE 13:36 gveranis I move the same installation to and works properly. Also I have another installation on which works also 14:21 caroline1 how's monday going so far? 14:22 Dyrcona Great for me! 14:23 Dyrcona Hows' Monday going for you? 14:24 caroline1 not bad, but not good either 14:25 cait agreed 14:26 ashimema josef_moravec: bug 3820 ready for QA again :) 14:26 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3820 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Members in Log Viewer Showing ?? in UPDATE 14:26 caroline1 but it's only 9:30 am, so it can still go either way 14:40 josef_moravec ashimema: it wasfast ;) 14:41 ashimema it's my 'tea break project'.. and I happened to be about to grab a cuppa when i saw the qa email come in ;) 14:41 ashimema I was rather surprised no-one had done this before ;) 14:51 gveranis @fridolin I read this : https://www.perlmonks.org/bare/?node_id=495747 14:51 huginn` gveranis: I've exhausted my database of quotes 14:52 gveranis and when I set $query_cgi = Encode::decode_utf8(uri_unescape($query_cgi)); it works 14:53 gveranis Won't that escape data twice? Without actually running it, it looks like 14:53 gveranis "\x{1234}" 14:53 gveranis would be transformed by uri_escape_utf8 into 14:53 gveranis "%C8%B4" 14:53 gveranis which would be transformed by POST into 14:53 gveranis "%25C8%25B4" 14:53 gveranis while the right answer would be 14:53 gveranis "%C8%B4" 14:53 gveranis that was the problem 14:53 gveranis % -> goes to %25 after POST 14:54 fridolin arg encoding is hell 14:55 gveranis in perl yeah ! 14:56 fridolin i cant work on that now sorry 14:56 gveranis ok no problem 14:56 fridolin but report on the Bugzilla will help 14:56 gveranis yes I will add it 14:56 gveranis thanks 15:16 * Dyrcona recently fixed a "bug" in Evergreen because a bug was recently fixed in Encode.pm.... No fun relying on buggy behavior in Perl modules, of course no one knew it was a bug in Encode.pm when the feature was implemented. 15:17 Dyrcona So, yeah, "...encoding is hell..." "...in perl" 16:04 cait is schema.k-c.org rangi? 16:11 cait hm 16:11 cait CONSTRAINT `virtualshelves_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`owner`) REFERENCES `borrowers` (`borrowernumber`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL 16:11 cait .. so why are they still gone? 16:11 cait lists from a deleted staff member 16:11 eythian cait: it definitely was 16:22 tuxayo Can someone confirm that bug 20461 doesn't prevent to create subcriptions that will cause items with invalid itypes? 16:22 tuxayo last comment https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20461#c15 16:22 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20461 normal, P5 - low, ---, victor.grousset, RESOLVED FIXED, New subscription form: "Item type" and "item type for older issues" fields are ignored 16:22 huginn` Bug 20461: normal, P5 - low, ---, victor.grousset, RESOLVED FIXED, New subscription form: "Item type" and "item type for older issues" fields are ignored 16:23 tuxayo My undestanding of the issue changes every 1.5 month approximately so I prefer to be sure before proposing a follow up ^^" 16:30 cait josef_moravec++ writing logs patches 16:30 cait AndrewIsh: coudl you sign off 22363? 17:01 reiveune bye 17:07 josef_moravec cait: not finished yet, but i run out of time today 17:18 cait pretty great still 17:50 j_ hola 17:50 wahanui salut, j_ 18:07 tcohen hola j_ 18:44 * cait waves 18:56 AndrewIsh cait: Sorry, I was out, I'll sign off Bug 22363 first thing tomorrow 18:56 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22363 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, ASSIGNED , Move C4::Logs::GetLogs to Koha namespace 18:56 AndrewIsh josef_moravec++ for the work on bug 22363 :) 19:20 caroline1 I never noticed before, but it is impossible to reserve lost items? even with allowholdpolicyoverride enabled? 19:27 cait caroline1: hm is there a syspref maybe? 19:27 caroline1 I thought so, but I can't find it 19:34 caroline1 there is AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems, but not missing items 19:42 caroline1 I think bug 2711 answers my question 19:42 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2711 enhancement, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , No Holds on Lost Items 19:43 cait true 19:48 caroline1 huh... still doesn't work when I change hidelostitems to "show" 20:39 j_ +System Maintenance The Koha online catalog is offline for system maintenance. We'll be back soon! If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator 20:52 caroline1 j_: not sure if you're asking something or just accidentally copied something in the chat window? 20:57 cait :) 21:00 caroline1 hey it happens! More than once I typed :q thinking my cursor was in the terminal window, but it was in the IRC window >_< 21:00 cait we all have this happen 23:14 caroline1 good night everyone!