Time Nick Message 19:14 * cait waves 14:52 tcohen https://snag.gy/sDxJV6.jpg 14:46 tcohen fixed! 14:40 * alex_a keep on testing 14:39 tcohen alex_a++ # good catch 14:34 tcohen and it should 14:34 tcohen well, it didn't expect NULL 14:34 tcohen my patch is wrong :-D 14:34 tcohen ok 14:30 tcohen will try 14:30 alex_a But it works for debits created after 14:30 tcohen ah 14:30 alex_a tcohen, i get errors by retrieving account for debits made before applying 19066 and 21786 14:28 tcohen ^^ alex_a 14:28 tcohen how do you reproduce the failure? 14:23 tcohen now 14:23 tcohen I will check 14:23 tcohen hi alex_a 14:22 alex_a (hello) 14:22 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21786 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Routes for credits should include library_id 14:22 alex_a tcohen, now i get an internal server error while testing Bug 21786. And it could be caused by my rebase on 19066. So ++ could become -- :D 14:20 tcohen hi kidclamp 14:19 tcohen alex_a++ 14:08 * kidclamp waves 13:32 tcohen hi ashimema cait 13:11 tcohen morning 08:23 cait morning ashimema :) I did, hope you too! 08:22 ashimema Hope you all had a lovely Christmas 08:21 ashimema Morning #koha 07:30 cait good morning #koha!