Time Nick Message 05:31 aplusphilic Hellow 05:43 BobB hi aplusphilic 05:49 aplusphilic Hi BobB 05:49 aplusphilic I need help and I wonder if you can assist 05:51 aplusphilic I have SSO server which I'm using Keycloak server https://www.keycloak.org/ 05:51 aplusphilic I'm struggling integrating with Koha for SSO puprposes 05:52 aplusphilic Keycloak support both OpenId connect/Oauth2 and SAML 06:17 aplusphilic Hi Highway 06:32 ashimema Have you looked at https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Shibboleth_Configuration aplusphilic 22:14 Bovinity Hello! 22:16 Bovinity Does anyone know of a way to get around CORS issues with public reports in JSON format? Would like to do some stuff with that data, but no easy way to grab the data from another domain's site. 23:07 dcook Bovinity: What do you mean by another domain's site? 23:07 dcook Do you have control of that server? If so, you could set up the web server to allow CORS 23:08 dcook Oops. Old timestamp. 23:36 Bovinity No, I don't have control of it. Just noticed that jsonp seems to work, though. So yay. :D 23:39 * dcook thumbs up