Time Nick Message 23:30 wahanui hello, aleisha 23:30 aleisha hi 22:08 tuxayo o/ wizzyrea 21:13 wahanui niihau, wizzyrea 21:13 wizzyrea hi 20:13 tuxayo o/ rangi o/ cait2 19:59 cait2 morning rangi 19:55 rangi morning 14:18 tuxayo The few baskets checked have received and cancelled dates. And the order lines have a closed date. 14:18 tuxayo «check if the orders in pending have received or cancelled dates then it might be a status bug from earlier versions» 14:18 tuxayo cait: cait3 11:41 tuxayo yes I wish I would allow me to sleep, but it's been a tough week, hopefully, never again. 11:41 tuxayo «shouldn't you be sleeping?» 11:41 tuxayo cait: hi o/ 10:15 sana_ hi 00:32 cait otherwise... it's possible 00:32 cait check if the orders in pending have received or cancelled dates then it might be a status bug from earlier versions 00:31 cait maybe they didn't close the baskets or reopened them it's hard to tell 00:31 cait shouldn't you be sleeping? 00:09 tuxayo I have a case where there many acculated and when receiving a shipment, the pages timeouts trying to process 10000 orders to display in the list 00:08 tuxayo Hi, does anyone know if it's a normal usage to still have pending order from 6 years?