Time Nick Message 23:18 mtompset Snapdragon like the System On A Chip processor, or something else? 23:17 mtompset Greetings, Snapdragon. 22:17 huginn` mtompset: kidclamp was last seen in #koha 2 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <kidclamp> Joubu bug 21262 22:17 mtompset @seen kidclamp 22:17 * mtompset grins. 22:17 huginn` mtompset: CrispyBran was last seen in #koha 2 days, 4 hours, 33 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: * CrispyBran is trying to look somewhat entelyjint next to kidclamp 22:17 mtompset @seen CrispyBran 22:06 caroline_ bye everyone! 19:40 mtompset Silly | html filter's broke the git bz. :) 19:39 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20896 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Move serial enumeration to the right of callnumber on staff detail page 19:39 mtompset Hope you don't mind that I rescued bug 20896. :) 19:39 mtompset cait, greetings! 19:03 tallerjoy mtompset wait long enough and there may be! :D 18:48 mtompset Hopefully there isn't a tallestjoy. ;) 18:48 tallerjoy hola! 18:48 mtompset tallerjoy?! 18:39 mtompset I was going to give him kudos for doing the parameters as a hash, and going cardnumbers and borrowernumbers in the ModCourseInstructors. :) 18:38 huginn` mtompset: khall was last seen in #koha 1 week, 4 days, 7 hours, 44 minutes, and 18 seconds ago: <khall> mornin all! 18:38 mtompset @seen khall 18:36 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21349 normal, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Needs Signoff , Instructors with special characters (e.g. $, ., :) in their cardnumber cannot be removed from course reserves 18:36 mtompset Bug 21349. :) 18:36 mtompset Greetings. Does anyone use the CourseReserves portion of Koha? 17:04 caroline_ next time ;) 17:02 mtompset I prefer https://www.thelowcarbgrocery.com/catalog/chatilas-bakery-doughnuts-g-124.html :) 16:59 * caroline_ sends mtompset virtual cookies 16:57 caroline_ thank you so much! Charles will have a look at it 16:57 mtompset Ooooo..... commented and marked failed qa. 16:49 mtompset Salamat po! ;) 16:45 caroline_ bon appétit! 16:45 mtompset oh... I think I see what he might be referencing... still checking. ;) -- going for lunch first. ;) 16:44 caroline_ no worries, nothing urgent 16:44 mtompset Almost there... 16:43 mtompset still checking... :) 16:43 caroline_ ah ok, kidclamp told me there was a problem with the database 16:42 mtompset BTW, if it doesn't update the database, then that would be a FailedQA, not a does not apply. :) -- still checking... 16:40 mtompset Let me refresh my memory... 16:35 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17015 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, charles.farmer, Needs Signoff , New Koha Calendar 16:35 caroline_ mtompset: I saw that you tested bug 17015 and it applied, did you do the update database? 16:31 caroline_ It was great! I hope I get to go next year too! 16:31 caroline_ I figured after ~10 days of neglecting my clients, I had to at least come in and work through my emails ;) 16:31 mtompset Enjoy KohaCon? 16:31 mtompset That's what energy drinks, and personal days off are for. :) 16:30 mtompset Greetings, caroline_ ! 16:26 caroline_ Hi everybody! Just came back to work now (still tired from jetlag though) 15:53 mtompset davidnind[m], Thanks for the delayed greetings. :) 15:00 reiveune bye 14:57 mtompset Effectively granting some patron's the ability to see across branches, but others only within their branch. 14:56 mtompset The next step I need to write is 10589, where if the item is from branch X, and the patron is from branch X and has a particular category code, they can see. 14:55 talljoy i like it. i can see how other libraries might like it too 14:55 talljoy right. 14:54 mtompset well... user's category... 14:53 mtompset A patron's category is definitive of what they can see. 14:53 mtompset oh! No, that would be a pain. :) 14:53 talljoy but totally see how that is a much BIGGER deal to fix. 14:52 talljoy no, it was just that i would have preferred to see the 'hidden' itype/ccode/or location in the advanced search as a 'privileged user' 14:52 mtompset Perhaps that's the test case I couldn't find, and was racking my brain for months to trigger. 14:52 mtompset talljoy, they mentioned something about an advanced search vs regular search not working? 14:51 * mtompset laughs. 14:51 ncbaratta Well that's no fun 14:51 mtompset Fine line between genius and insanity, ncbaratta. Keep on the genius side. :) 14:50 ncbaratta yes mtompset 14:50 talljoy mtompset i did. they were lovely and i was happy to help them with a signoff! 14:50 mtompset Talking in the third person, ncbaratta? 14:47 ncbaratta she has changed quite a lot in recent years :) 14:47 ncbaratta Howdy!!!! 14:47 mtompset Almost didn't recognize the former documentation queen. :) 14:46 mtompset Greetings, ncbaratta. 14:33 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14385 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Signed Off , Extend OpacHiddenItems to allow specifying exempt borrower categories 14:33 mtompset I believe you may have met some of my colleagues trying to get bug 14385 signed off and QA'd. :) 14:32 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15774 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Patch doesn't apply , Additional fields for baskets 14:32 mtompset I would have rescued all of the DNA's, but bug 15774 is tough and messy! 14:31 mtompset It was on the kohacon hackfest board as does not apply, and it was easy enough to save, so I figured I should. :) 14:31 talljoy thank you. i'll get this up so my library can signoff on it! 14:30 talljoy ah! 14:30 mtompset It was "doesn't apply" 14:30 talljoy thanks! 14:30 talljoy you submitted new patch 14:30 mtompset -- i fixed it. 14:30 talljoy mtompset, i'm not seeing any comments. 14:29 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20896 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Move serial enumeration to the right of callnumber on staff detail page 14:29 mtompset bug 20896 14:28 talljoy not yet. what's the bug number? 14:27 mtompset talljoy, did you see my comments on a bug you posted? 14:27 mtompset My keyboard went flaky. 14:27 mtompset Greetings, #koha 14:10 mtompset So, perhaps a hunt and fix bug may be in order? 14:10 mtompset and noticing there was an ugly Ymd date call in it too. 14:09 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20929 normal, P5 - low, ---, solaris.smoke, Needs Signoff , koha-dump should not pass a --password argument to mysqldump 14:09 mtompset Though I was looking at bug 20929 14:09 mtompset You're welcome, tuxayo 13:48 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20915 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, victor.grousset, Signed Off , Use date --iso-8601 instead of date +%Y-%m-%d to be more readable and crontab friendly 13:48 tuxayo Thanks mtompset for bug 20915 :) 13:46 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20782 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , EDI: Clicking the 'Invoice' link on the 'EDI Messages' page does not take you directly to the corresponding invoice. 13:46 ashimema super simple signoff for anyone using EDI: bug 20782 13:14 fridolin no idea 13:14 fridolin mmmmmmm 13:13 tuxayo so, can't tell 13:13 tuxayo fridolin: not timestamped :( 13:00 fridolin a plack error ? 13:00 tuxayo fridolin: nope 12:54 fridolin issued_id autoincrement pb ? 12:54 tuxayo Like if the server discarded the first return return but still sent a positive reponse in the return page. 12:53 tuxayo hi :) has anyone seen a document shown as returned in the return page. But not really returned. Which means is you return it again it will get listed twice in the return list! 12:52 tuxayo o/ fridolin 12:43 fridolin ;) 12:43 fridolin vive la France 12:43 fridolin hi theere 07:24 * andreashm probably should have paid more attention to the koha-docker presentation 07:23 andreashm ok, time to clone the koha git repo, since I managed to break the one I was using during the hackfest. sigh. 07:12 * andreashm waves 06:46 alex_a bonjour 06:43 reiveune hello 06:40 ashimema Hello everyone else 06:40 ashimema Morning #koha southern hemisphere 03:08 huginn` davidnind: The operation succeeded. 03:08 davidnind @later tell mtompset Delayed returned greetings (wasn't paying attention!) 03:01 mtompset Have a great day (24 hour period), #koha davidnind wizzyrea alexbuckley kathryn ashimema 03:00 mtompset Greetings, davidnind. 02:25 huginn` davidnind: The operation succeeded. 02:25 davidnind @later tell edveal That's awesome!