Time Nick Message 00:04 wizzyrea is the administrator address one that you can actually get mail for? 00:04 wizzyrea Did you set something different for each branch? 00:05 wizzyrea (email address) 02:33 tcohen can we add a turing test challenge? 02:33 * wizzyrea blinks 02:33 wizzyrea it's true, I'm a cylon. 02:35 * tcohen knew it! 02:35 tcohen seriously, vero veronica and fabi read like bots 02:41 rangi was all the same person tcohen 02:41 rangi from el salvador, just english as a second language 02:42 rangi i suspect had translated their questions and cut and paste them 02:42 tcohen so my bouncer is showing me repeated sentences with no link 02:42 tcohen yes, that's probably what they did 02:43 rangi yeah they all come from the same IP 02:44 rangi tcohen: did you see https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Kohacon18/Social ? 02:45 tcohen haven't had the chance to dig! 02:46 tcohen but certainly bookmarked it! 02:46 rangi i thought you might like to come to the brazilian steak house on the 14th too :) 02:51 tcohen good plan! 02:56 tcohen I'll think about all this on the weekend 02:57 tcohen I'm brain-dead this days 02:57 rangi excellent :) 05:56 alexbuckley Just wondering: Is anyone else having issues attaching patches to bug reports using git bz? 05:58 alexbuckley oh nevermind I've fixed it 06:14 fridolin hi there 06:14 wahanui privet, fridolin 06:18 cait alexbuckley: fix the date 06:18 cait i just ran into that too :) 06:19 alexbuckley hi cait. yeah that fixed it for me :) 06:20 alexbuckley thanks! 06:29 alex_a bonjour 06:57 magnuse \o/ 07:15 calire hey magnuse 07:15 magnuse kia ora calire & cait 07:17 cait morning #koha, magnuse, calire :) 09:02 AndrewIsh Hey all! I'm looking at an ILL problem a customer is having on 17.11. I'm trying to go to the "Libraries and groups" admin page, but am seeing "DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): Table 'koha.branchcategories' doesn't exist at /usr/share/koha/Koha/Objects.pm line 129" 09:03 AndrewIsh I've not seen this before, has anyone else got any clue as to what might be the problem? 09:03 AndrewIsh (This isn't the problem they're seeing, it's something I encountered while trying to diagnose it) 09:05 AndrewIsh Oh, I wonder if it's because I have a database that originated post-17.11 and I'm guessing the branchcategories table has been removed. Doh, of course, ignore me! :) 10:08 tuxayo Hi :) 10:08 tuxayo Is it normal that and ISBn can end up stored with dashes in the MARCXML ? 10:08 tuxayo For example, after a marc import. To know if this is valid so other parts of Koha and external systems should expect dashes in the data. Or if it's an issue having dashes in ISBNs 10:09 tuxayo *that an ISBN can end up 11:07 saa on a fresh koha installation when i try to access intranet i am getting error DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::catch {...} (): DBI Connection failed: Access denied for user 'koha_library'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 1492. at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Database.pm line 103 11:07 saa what could be the reason 11:32 oleonard Hye 11:32 oleonard Hey 11:33 oleonard Good start. 11:39 saa i am stuck at data migration here is the error while migrating from 16.11.04 to 18.05.02 "koha-upgrade-schema library Upgrading database schema for library DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'koha_library.systempreferences' doesn't exist [for Statement " SELECT * FROM systempreferences WHERE 1 = 0 "] at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Database.pm line 110." 11:45 calire hi oleonard 11:55 eythian hi all 12:25 cait oleonard: do you have a minute to look at some template logic? 12:25 cait bug 21270 12:25 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21270 minor, P5 - low, ---, philippe.blouin, Signed Off , Not finding what you're looking for displaying uselessly 12:25 cait i am nto agreeing with Blou 12:25 cait i think display ill when ill, suggestin when suggestion... an dnothing when neither 12:25 cait as the "you didn't find what you were looking for hint" 12:33 cait but maybe i am misunderstanding, just discussing a bit with kidclamp too 13:09 caroline_ Hello everyone! 13:10 oleonard Hi caroline_ 13:17 calire hi caroline_ 13:23 tcohen morning 13:23 calire hi tcohen 13:32 tuxayo Hi :) 13:32 tuxayo Does anyone know if it's normal that an ISBN can end up stored with dashes or not in the MARCXML ? 13:32 tuxayo For example, after a marc import. To know if this is valid so other parts of Koha and external systems should expect dashes in the data. Or if it's an issue having dashes in ISBNs 13:32 wahanui i already had it that way, tuxayo. 13:33 eythian wahanui: you're back 13:33 wahanui eythian: what? 13:33 eythian wahanui: your back 13:33 wahanui eythian: i'm not following you... 13:33 tuxayo The funny thing is that you might be right wahanui 13:34 oleonard eythian you're such a prankster. Take that off wahanui's back. 13:34 eythian wahanui: you're back is <reply>did someone put the kick-me sign there again? 13:34 wahanui eythian: i don't know 13:34 eythian wahanui: you're back is <reply>did someone put the kick-me sign there again# 13:34 wahanui OK, eythian. 13:34 eythian wahanui: you're back =~ s/#/?/ 13:34 wahanui OK, eythian 13:34 eythian wahanui: literal facepalm 13:34 wahanui eythian: excuse me? 13:34 caroline_ tuxayo: isn't data store "as is" in marc xml? 13:35 eythian I think wahanui has caught amnesia or something :( 13:35 eythian wahanui: mailing lists 13:35 wahanui eythian: what? 13:35 eythian wahanui: mailing list 13:35 wahanui eythian: huh? 13:35 eythian yep 13:35 eythian so sad 13:35 tuxayo QA team? 13:35 tuxayo :( 13:36 tuxayo caroline_: «isn't data store "as is" in marc xml?» 13:36 tuxayo I have no idea. So mixed data is to be expected? 13:36 tcohen tuxayo: there's no sanitization on MARC fields 13:36 eythian you've seem MARC. Expect the unexpected. 13:36 eythian *seen 13:37 caroline_ tuxayo: I think so 13:37 caroline_ I'm pretty sure Koha has ways around dashes (to compare isbns for example) 13:37 eythian you also need to be able to handle ISBNs where someone has done "nine five one three eight dash six ..." 13:38 * cait waves 13:38 caroline_ ok maybe not that far eythian XD 13:38 caroline_ hi cait! 13:38 eythian caroline_: if you can imagine it, a library somewhere has done it. 13:39 * eythian spent a few years migrating library data. It is made of craziness. 13:39 eythian @quote 123 13:39 huginn` eythian: downloading the Perl source 13:39 eythian @quote get 123 13:39 huginn` eythian: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011) 13:39 caroline_ lol! 13:40 caroline_ Did anyone ever find april fool's prank in marc data? 13:40 eythian Haven't noticed one. 13:40 caroline_ An ex-colleague wanted to catalog a spatula and see how much time it took for someone to notice 13:41 caroline_ I don't think he got around to doing it though 13:41 eythian I did find one record that had the subject terms in Dutch, despite the rest of the record being English. That was a bit confusing. 13:41 eythian I think you'd only notice when someone tried to reserve it. 13:49 tcohen fridolin: I see a 17.11.09 package, but no release notes? 13:51 fridolin tcohen: oh packaging jsute happend, I was waiting for a go from RM 14:12 kidclamp yeah tcohe, I broked the tarballs from martin. he is ognna reup, my b ad 14:12 kidclamp tcohen^ 14:12 eythian with typing like that, I'm not surprised! 14:12 tcohen hehe 14:12 * kidclamp caffeinates as quickly as possible 14:13 * tcohen puts the koha-common package on hold on all servers ;-) 14:25 kidclamp released and published, all set fridolin 14:26 fridolin coool 14:27 oleonard Is there a known issue with checkouts loading? I'm getting a JavaScript error. 14:28 * ashimema briefly says hello from a campsite in holland 14:29 * ashimema disappears again.. 14:29 ashimema Thanks for putting together the release chaps 14:30 oleonard Oh I see, Bug 21257 14:30 huginn` Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21257 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Passed QA , Patrons checkout table throws JS error when location/collection not defined 14:38 oleonard Hm, I still get an error even with the patch applied. 14:39 cait oleonard: did you apply both? 14:39 cait it only worked for me with both patches, i noted below 14:40 oleonard I did apply both 14:40 kidclamp did you restart_all? 14:41 oleonard I did restart_all 14:41 oleonard Wait, it's not happening with all patrons... 14:42 cait hm mabe another field we were missing? 14:44 cait kidclamp++ ashimema++ fridolin++ 14:52 oleonard It would definitely be cool if AJAX datatables didn't completely break with bad JSON. 15:18 jenkins Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #84: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_17.11_D8/84/ 15:44 tuxayo Thanks caroline_ tcohen eythian 15:44 tuxayo I hadn't seen much MARC to expect the unexpected ^^" 15:44 * tuxayo sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/eCIVVrXBjdQYEgNlwVLzJEiS > 16:01 oleonard @seen Joubu 16:01 huginn` oleonard: Joubu was last seen in #koha 4 days, 17 hours, 29 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <Joubu> @later tell tcohen should fix selenium test 16:01 oleonard Joubu on vacation? 16:03 caroline_ oleonard: dont know, but he did mention he was going to see his brother in canada before kohacon 16:06 caroline_ which db table is used when TrackClicks sys pref is on? 16:07 caroline_ I see there is a linktracker table, but I click on all sorts of links (internal/external) and nothing is added 16:09 oleonard Does it only track links in MARC records? 16:09 caroline_ ah! only 856$u? I'll try 16:11 caroline_ oleonard: that's it! Thanks! :) 16:41 tcohen maybe the is_url attribute on the marc frameworks is related? 17:31 Joubu hi #koha 17:39 caroline_ Hi Joubu! 17:39 caroline_ We thought you were on vacation 17:42 Joubu I am! But rainy today :-/ 17:43 Joubu kidclamp I have attached a new followup on 13618 17:47 Joubu @later tell kidclamp I have attached a new followup on 13618 17:47 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 17:54 * cait waves 17:54 cait rainy here today too, enjoying that so much 17:57 caroline_ In montreal right now: 31C (41C with heat index) I think whatever was in europe has crossed the atlantic 17:57 cait please, you can keep it ;) 17:59 Joubu @wunter Vancouver, Canada 17:59 huginn` Joubu: I've exhausted my database of quotes 18:00 Joubu @wunder Vancouver, Canada 18:00 huginn` Joubu: Vancouver, British Columbia :: Rain :: 61F/16C | Wednesday: Showers early, then partly cloudy for the afternoon. High 69F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. Wednesday Night: Partly cloudy this evening followed by increasing clouds with showers developing after midnight. Low 54F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. 19:07 tuxayo Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to have a grace period between the end of the due date and the beginning of a suspension. 19:07 tuxayo To let some time for someone to borrow an item even if they are late on other ones. But only for a little time. 19:08 caroline_ tuxayo: maybe use the suspension in overdue notice/status trigger 19:08 caroline_ ? 19:12 Joubu @later tell fridolin do you plan to backport 21226? It would be good to make Jenkins happy 19:12 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 19:17 tuxayo caroline_: Thanks I hope that will do :) . I'm relaying a question that I'm seeing in the internal email at BibLibre without understanding all the functionnal details (I'm on the technical side). 19:17 tuxayo And now I don't understand how they suspend without using "overdue notice/status trigger" 19:18 caroline_ I think they can use the circulation rules too 19:18 caroline_ do you want to send me the actual question by pm? (I assume it's in french) 19:26 tuxayo caroline_: Ho right there are also suspensions here. 19:26 tuxayo Actually after rereading and understanding more. I think that this part of the discussion was okay. 19:26 tuxayo "issuingrules.firstremind" was mentionned as a solution but I didn't understand at first read and now I get it. Thanks :) 19:27 caroline_ +1! 20:11 rangi caroline_: i've catalogued pokemon in marc before a spatula is nothing ;) 20:12 caroline_ like actual pokemon? 20:12 rangi yes! 20:12 rangi https://demo.mykoha.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=pokemon&branch_group_limit= 20:12 caroline_ Did anyone ever find them? or catch them 20:12 caroline_ nice!! 20:13 rangi yep, libraries could download the marc, and load it into their catalogue, then the kids using the library could comment on them if they caught one there 20:13 caroline_ You should add 780/785 for previous/next forms 20:13 rangi :) 20:13 rangi good idea 20:14 rangi https://demo.mykoha.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?biblionumber=30649 i used the call number on the item so the library could update if one was caught there heh 20:15 caroline_ gosh, i caught sooo many pidgeys when i played pokemongo 20:15 caroline_ and other boring pokemon 20:19 rangi heh 20:19 rangi i still play sometimes 20:19 rangi but only in airports 20:37 caroline_ cait is spontaneously cloning 20:45 cait1 yep :) 20:45 cait1 working on 2 laptops - getting really wild now 20:47 caroline_ ah, you were jealous of my 4 workspaces x 2 screens! ;) 20:47 cait1 totally! 21:59 wizzycray hi, kidclamp are you around? 21:59 wizzycray I was hoping for a tag for 18.05.03 22:04 caroline_ bye everyone! 22:23 wizzycray @later tell kidclamp please may we have the tag and release commits pushed to the repository? Thanks! 22:23 huginn` wizzycray: The operation succeeded. 22:26 rangi wizzycray: i think ashimema is RMaint for 18.05 ? 22:27 rangi might be worth latering him too 22:28 cait he is on vacation - so kidclamp did the final things today 22:28 cait i guess they forgot as it was on security repo 22:34 wizzycray @later tell ashimema please may we have the tag and release commits pushed to the repository? Thanks! 22:34 huginn` wizzycray: The operation succeeded.