Time Nick Message 10:43 saksham hi, I'm new to koha and network configurations in general 10:44 saksham koha works locally on my machine but I can't seem to get it public 10:44 saksham I set up port forwarding 10:45 saksham but when I use my public IP to access koha it takes me to the Ubuntu Apache2 default page 10:45 saksham I tried editing the /etc/hosts file and koha-sites.conf but can't figure it out 10:45 saksham can someone please guide me 10:45 saksham ?? 20:58 cait @later tell Joubu - it looks like the Documentation meeting doesn't show on the calendar. could you take a look maybe? 20:58 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 21:08 cait @wunder Konstanz 21:08 huginn cait: Konstanz, Germany :: Clear :: 70F/21C | Wind Chill: 70F/21C | Sunday: Mainly clear. Lows overnight in the low 60s. Sunday Night: Clear skies. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. 21:57 saksham how do I add DDC to imprted records? 21:57 saksham can't find any way 21:57 saksham pls help 22:50 wizzyrea saksham: do you mean the same DDC to all of the imported records, or once they are in how do you add it? 22:51 saksham I managed to add it through MarcEDitor 22:51 saksham for some reason all my entries are duplicated 22:51 saksham any idea why that would be?