Time Nick Message 05:15 fridolin hi there 06:38 reiveune hello 06:52 calire hi #koha 07:17 ashimema bug 11983 07:18 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11983 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, NEW , code to select patrons to purge needs to be centralized 08:04 alex_a bonjour 08:52 ere Why oh why isn't subtitle a field in biblio table? I can see that once upon a time there was a subtitle table, but no more. Now, to get the subtitle you need to read the MARC record.. 10:14 cait hi #koha 10:24 mtj hey #koha, is anybody else running 17.11.x and getting zebrasrv proceeses not starting/stopping consistently? 10:25 mtj ...either via init.d/koha-common or koha-zebra scripts? 10:27 mtj seems to be something new on 17.11.x, but not on 17.05.x 10:35 cait i think there have been some mails on the mailing list about problems with zebra stopping 10:35 cait we haven't seen it so far 10:35 cait has anyone read through the notices overhaul yet? 10:35 cait https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Notices_Overhaul_RFC 10:37 cait i am wondering in our current setup, what the meaning of the library setting on overdue status triggers is 10:38 cait does it related to the homebranch of the patron or the items checked out? 10:59 sabrina Hi is this the right place to ask about zebra indexing? 11:01 sabrina I´m using Koha 17.11.06 on Debian 8.10. Just uploaded a subject authority mrc file. However it is not being indexed 11:01 marcelr hi #koha 11:01 sabrina what do I need to work on? 11:05 mtj ^ thanks cait, ill keep poking 🙋🻠11:05 marcelr mtj: a problem with a stopping zebrasrv was fixed some time ago 11:06 mtj sabrina: is your indexer running? 11:06 sabrina mtj: how do i find out? 11:06 mtj # koha-indexer --status mykoha 11:07 mtj # koha-indexer --start mykoha 11:07 mtj etc.. 11:09 sabrina mtj: probably it wasnt 11:09 sabrina [ ok ] Starting Koha indexing daemon for andromeka 11:11 sabrina mtj: thanks a lot! this did the trick! 11:12 sabrina my zebraqueue tableś done column got set to 1 11:12 sabrina and search is working 11:13 sabrina mtj: isn´t koha-start-zebra <instance> enough for 17.11.06? 11:14 mtj i think my system is having a problem with ... koha-zebra --start $(koha-list --enabled) 11:15 mtj it seems to be skipping some instances, its a bit odd!? 11:18 mtj ^ sabrina: im having problems around system startup.. so, its not enough :) 11:20 sabrina mtj: that is what I´m facing too :( 11:20 mtj (its possible i have a single koha instance thats causing my problem) 11:21 mtj # service koha-common stop 11:21 mtj # service koha-common start 11:21 mtj ^ sabrina: that should fix your problem 11:22 sabrina hmmm 11:22 sabrina i see 11:22 mtj do your indexers not start on boot?... they should 11:35 * mtj heads to bed, ciao 12:28 nlegrand alex_a: workiiiing :) thanks! 12:28 alex_a nlegrand, thx 12:29 alex_a But Séverine found that facts ending with a punctuation don't work 12:30 alex_a I think it should be an new bug 12:30 nlegrand yes, but it's an improvement anymay :) 12:30 nlegrand alex_a: she told me she was about to change the bug. 12:30 alex_a ok 12:31 alex_a Tell her i'm working on the punctuated facets problem :) 12:33 nlegrand alex_a: great :) 13:06 tcohen morning 13:06 tcohen hola alex_a 13:10 alex_a hello tcohen 13:26 * LeeJ waves 13:26 LeeJ hi #koha 13:27 caroline_ Hi LeeJ ! Did you have a good vacation? 13:27 LeeJ hi caroline_! 13:27 LeeJ it was pretty nice :) 13:27 LeeJ first time since I've been employed here that I've actually ENJOYED vacation! haha 13:52 LeeJ anyone know why in 17.11 when our staff checks in something, the shelving location doesn't appear on the check in table but a location is listed under detail.pl? 13:54 LeeJ https://gyazo.com/b0c40aab83b4f01871e4f9c38981a227 <-- check in 13:54 LeeJ https://gyazo.com/f9381fe168093ddac3a4894b27b0acff <-- record 14:28 caroline_ LeeJ: Isn't there a syspref for displaying the location under the home or holding library? Maybe it could be that (mind you, I've never used 17.11, so I could be wrong) 14:30 caroline_ hm. never mind, I think it's just for OPAC 14:43 LeeJ caroline_: that's what I was thinking too..I don't recall one for intranet 14:44 LeeJ caroline_: I find it ironic considering we work on the documenting of such things :) 14:44 caroline_ LeeJ: until I've written the section myself, I don't know for sure ;) 14:44 LeeJ caroline_: right now I've been working on a report to list biblionumbers and ISBN numbers without the material type being displayed in the isbn column :) 14:46 caroline_ LeeJ: I don't get it. isbn and itype should be separate, no? 14:54 LeeJ caroline_: itype yes..the material type in parentheses after the ISBN such as 0190228709 (hardcover : alk. paper) 14:55 LeeJ it was fun to discover all the mysql functions I never knew about like REGEXP_SUBSTR() 14:56 caroline_ LeeJ: Ok yes! Omg those are so annoying. There is a subfield for that 020 $q but all the catalogers always put it in 020 $a with the isbn ugh! 14:56 caroline_ at least, most of the time they are in parentheses 15:09 LeeJ caroline_: SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(isbn, '(^[^\(]+)') AS isbn FROM biblioitems WHERE isbn != '' 15:10 LeeJ ^ gives you everything in the ISBN field up to the first open parenthesis..basically excluding material type :) 15:10 caroline_ LeeJ: I'm saving that for future reference! 15:10 LeeJ :D 15:11 LeeJ caroline_: it took me 2 days to figure out a solution haha 15:11 caroline_ I was thinking maybe just take the numbers but isbns sometimes have a capital X 15:20 reiveune bye 15:20 LeeJ caroline_: correct! 15:20 LeeJ it's much more difficult even taking the numbers because then you have 13-digit or 10-digit, etc. 15:21 LeeJ at least for the LOC records we use it appears to keep a consistent format 15:44 caroline_ what is ecost? estimated cost? (in acqui/basket.pl) 16:28 LeeJ caroline_: I believe so 16:34 cait wb LeeJ :) 16:34 * cait waves and runs out :) 18:02 * LeeJ waves back to cait an hour later 18:25 cait :)