Time Nick Message 21:21 cait :( 21:21 cait might still need a rebase 21:21 cait hm not sure 21:20 Joubu cait: why assigned? 21:19 cait just wanted to mention it..:) 21:18 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20554 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, claire_gravely, ASSIGNED , New OPAC CSS 21:18 cait bug 20554 21:18 cait hm not that one 21:18 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20555 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , usage() function in cleanup_database.pl needs refactoring 21:18 cait btw bug 20555 21:17 cait :) 21:17 Joubu thanks cait ;) 21:17 huginn Joubu: AndrewIsh was last seen in #koha 1 day, 9 hours, 27 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <AndrewIsh> OK, thanks cait 21:17 Joubu @seen AndrewIsh 21:16 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 21:16 Joubu @later tell AndrewIsh please read https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Commit_messages#Examples and update your qa-test-tools repo 21:16 andrew I’m andrew :) 21:16 cait well... that's actually a good explanation 21:16 wizzyrea joubu is a jedi 21:16 wahanui AndrewIsh is thoroughly puzzled then :) 21:16 cait AndrewIsh? 21:15 Joubu not the andrew I am looking for 21:15 huginn LeeJ: The operation succeeded. 21:15 LeeJ @later tell davidnind finished adding everything up to Templates! Tag you're it! 21:15 Joubu whois andrew 21:05 CrispyBran Will you make sure bw ticket 49181 is opened back up. Still seeing issue. I sent a reply, but I don't know if it has been noticed. 21:04 TGoat Yo CrispyBran what's up? 21:04 CrispyBran TGoat, are you there? 20:40 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 20:40 Joubu @later tell khall please re-read this wiki page https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Commit_messages#Examples especially the follow-up part. There are also checks in the QA script to catch "bad" commit messages 20:15 LeeJ well I'm heading out to do more docs work...have a good night all 19:44 andreashm oh, missed the gdpr meeting today. =( 19:42 * andreashm waves 19:06 LeeJ :D 19:06 davidnind Sounds good! 19:05 LeeJ davidnind: so since you have templates in the works..I'll add from after notices and stop at templates, sound good? 19:05 davidnind Thanks! LeeJ++ 19:02 LeeJ I'll work on more now so I'll leave you a later when I'm done so you know where to pick up when you're back at it! 19:02 LeeJ davidnind: thanks for a job well done! 18:57 oleonard Bye #koha 18:47 cait hm eat... yep good idea 18:44 severine need to eat... go back for test in a moment :) 18:43 davidnind have prepared the template changes, but thought it best to add in same order as the draft release notes 18:43 davidnind will continue when I get home this evening - hopefully I can get all the rest done 18:43 davidnind breakfast now then work 18:43 davidnind LeeJ: finished for the moment - we wouldn't want to double up on tasks... 18:40 Joubu (not asking you to SO, just for you information) :) 18:40 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20614 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Firefox prevents parent page reload when renewing subscriptions 18:40 Joubu oleonard: bug 20614 18:39 cait but one is signed off now i think already :) 18:39 cait the batch edit things are great 18:38 cait :) 18:38 LeeJ davidnind: I'll let you go off on your task tangent..so just let me know when you've had your fill and I'll work on it :) don't want to be stepping on each other's toes ;) 18:38 severine that would be a pleasure ! 18:38 severine I plan to test a lot tomorrow (block my day for that actually), so let me know if you have some urgent stuff to test 18:37 severine have fun :) 18:36 severine hello cait ! 18:29 cait i'll try to work on qa 18:29 cait thx for your testing! 18:29 cait hi severine :) 18:26 LeeJ cait: enjoy! 18:25 cait b 18:25 cait making dinner, bbia 18:16 LeeJ cait: I don't recall, no 18:15 cait did you see the email on the mailng list about missing the big item stable? I haven't had time to look for it yet, but can't remember we removed it 18:15 Joubu LeeJ: the release notes will also contain the syspref we removed/renamed, it's done manually just before the release 18:14 cait i tthink we didn't quite finish those 18:14 cait and authorised values categories 18:14 cait notice template codes woud be nice too 18:14 davidnind .. into the manual 18:14 LeeJ Joubu: those release notes make it SO much easier to work with 18:14 davidnind good idea to track these separately - at least we should be able to get system preferences incorporated. 18:14 LeeJ Joubu: I did! That's what prompted me to create a new user story! 18:14 cait i have some more good tihngs with new follow-ups in qa queue tonight, keep fingers crossed! 18:13 Joubu LeeJ: there is the new pref list on the release notes, you saw it right? :) 18:13 LeeJ cait: :D 18:13 cait davidnind++ LeeJ++ 18:13 * cait is excited too :) 18:13 LeeJ yes! Our cataloger will be super excited for the Rancor enhancements! 18:12 * cait cheers LeeJ and davidnind on :) 18:12 davidnind as an aside, it is nice to see so many enhancements - everyone has been very busy getting these through the process and into Koha! 18:12 LeeJ davidnind: I'm adding a new user story for new sysprefs to keep everything separate :) 18:10 davidnind excellent - that sounds very pragmatic. I guess in theory the bug fixes shouldn't affect the documentation - just making things work as intended. 18:10 LeeJ davidnind++ 18:09 davidnind tasks up to lists added 18:09 LeeJ davidnind: by the way..I was going to send an email but since you're here..I talked with Joubu yesterday and he said not to worry about documenting the bugfixes so we can skip creating tasks for them..saves a lot of time :) 18:08 davidnind feelingO:-) 18:01 LeeJ davidnind: never forget..diamonds are created under pressure ;) 17:53 davidnind am very practiced at procrastination... 17:52 * LeeJ cheers davidnind on 17:52 davidnind LeeJ: Command-line utilities tasks added 17:48 LeeJ constantly :D 17:44 davidnind ocassionaly :-D 17:44 LeeJ you're the best davidnind 17:42 davidnind LeeJ: Circulation tasks added 17:33 * cait survived the dentist :) 16:43 davidnind oh well, sabrina_ has left - has a little bit of info about barcode scanners 16:42 davidnind https://koha-community.org/manual/17.11/en/html/17_miscellaneous.html#hardware 16:41 sabrina_ Thank you! 16:40 oleonard sabrina_: As long as your scanner is sending the correct data as text to the browser, it will work. 16:39 oleonard sabrina_: Koha does not set any requirements for barcode scanners. 16:38 sabrina_ Ok , so I am new to this whole thing. I am needing to know what tye of barcode scanner is needed to work with Koha 16:35 LeeJ I'm taking a short break to stretch my legs then working on more 16:34 LeeJ that's true lol 16:34 davidnind working on the template ones - find it easier to prep in a text editor, then paste in 16:32 davidnind excellent LeeJ++ 16:32 LeeJ thanks for the info Joubu :) 16:32 LeeJ davidnind: I just finished adding the last of the current Cataloging list 16:31 Joubu I have scripts to deal with bz<>taiga 16:31 Joubu hum, if you have many, let me know 16:31 davidnind still a few more to go....... 16:30 LeeJ for all those enhancement entries :) 16:30 LeeJ davidnind++++++++++++++++++++ 16:08 * LeeJ waves to mtompset 16:08 mtompset Greetings, LeeJ 15:49 LeeJ hi #koha 15:49 * LeeJ waves 15:15 cc_ bye 15:15 m23 bye 15:15 cait bye all! 15:15 cait have to run too... dentist :( 15:15 SoniaB Bye 15:14 SoniaB yes, thanks cait and josef ! 15:14 m23 thanks to Cait and Josef 15:14 cait josef_moravec++ thx for taking on 2 of them 15:14 josef_moravec__ cait++ 15:13 huginn Log: http://meetings.koha-community.org/2018/gdpr_irc_meeting_18_april_2018.2018-04-18-14.05.log.html 15:13 huginn Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community.org/2018/gdpr_irc_meeting_18_april_2018.2018-04-18-14.05.txt 15:13 huginn Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community.org/2018/gdpr_irc_meeting_18_april_2018.2018-04-18-14.05.html 15:13 huginn Meeting ended Wed Apr 18 15:13:55 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 15:13 cait #endmeeting 15:13 cait ok, ending meeting, make suggestions for new date later. 15:13 josef_moravec__ i am ok with it 15:13 cait josef_moravec__: ? 15:13 cait #info If you plan to work on an issue, please mark it on the wiki 15:12 cc_ yes 15:12 SoniaB cait: Ok for me 15:11 cait should we conclude the meeting with this and meet again in a few weeks? 15:11 cait #info We are looking for someone to take care of 15 - anonymizsation of old_reserves 15:11 cait ok, maybe later? 15:11 m23 video about black vision about eprivacy https://vimeo.com/236635324 15:10 reiveune bye 15:09 cait someone for 15? 15:09 m23 ok, is something more specicif, focus is on the data transfrer security like postal security 15:08 cait 15 still needs someone to look into it 15:08 cc_ yes - detail not complete but it does distinguish between cookies to run you site and user tracking which were a bit confused in current rules 15:08 cait of the prio 1 items: Josef works on 1 and 7 15:07 cait but we probably need to talk about the eprivacy directive again at another meeting? 15:07 cait i think just informing is possible now with some custom javascript 15:07 cait i will put the banner thing on prio 2 15:06 m23 e-privacy is on the way, date not set 15:06 cait cc_: that about right? 15:06 cait so we don't quite knwo yet 15:05 cait the problem is it will take effect later than the GDPR 15:05 josef_moravec__ ah, thanks 15:05 cc_ part of the intention is to simplyfy the requirements re cookies 15:05 cait https://www.eprivacy.eu/en/about-us/news-press/news-detail/article/what-does-the-eprivacy-regulation-mean-for-the-online-industry/ 15:04 cc_ https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/proposal-eprivacy-regulation 15:04 josef_moravec__ this one? http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32002L0058:en:HTML 15:03 cait ePrivacy directive maybe 15:03 cait looking for an english link 15:03 josef_moravec__ e-privacy? Does it mean we will need another wiki page like this one? ;) 15:03 cait but it won't be ready for may 15:03 cait it's a new EU thing that will accompany the GDPR 15:02 cait i think i can#t really translate well what i am trying to explain 15:02 m23 cait: e-privacy we neet to solve to, but later :-) 15:01 cait but it's nt done 15:01 cait m23: right now yes, I think the e-privacy regulation? is supposed to fix that 15:01 m23 country 15:01 m23 Its depend on library and conty law 15:01 josef_moravec__ ? 15:01 josef_moravec__ so prio 2 15:01 josef_moravec__ cait++ 15:01 cait lots here do it now to be on the safe side 15:01 cait afaik it's still a bit of a grey area if you need a cookie banner 15:00 josef_moravec__ not in germany, as cait said right now ;) 15:00 josef_moravec__ but it does apply in czech republic.. 15:00 cait we don't need it, so it's cut i think 15:00 m23 we can store IP, because we need for law purposes, because libraryry statistic 14:59 cait but we can't know these things, we could just offer a configurable url maybe 14:58 cait ip is a personal data 14:58 cait but yep, you shoudl list what you have in your logs in whatever page it links too 14:58 cait store if you use the website 14:58 m23 if cookia banner is just information about data that we store, we can list here all data that we collected, like IP 14:58 cait I can't tell if it's enough in all cases 14:57 cait that's the latest I know 14:57 cait when you have 'seen' it it sets a cookie so it doesn't reappear all the time 14:57 cait and a checkbox to say 'seen' 14:57 cait including information about own/third party cookies 14:57 cait the one i've been working on haas a link to the documentation 14:56 m23 without chceck button? 14:56 cait not storing cookies will be harder and def need some implementation in Koha 14:56 cait right now we can only inform 14:56 m23 if we ask customer ti agree, we need to offer way if tehy dont agree 14:56 cait m23: hm? 14:55 cait so we don't know if it will be required? 14:55 m23 GDPR SET NEW VIEW ON AGREEMENT 14:55 cait the problem is that the e-privacy law is not done yet I think? 14:55 cait they have their own solution to implement 14:55 cait we just had a big customer ask for it 14:55 cait cookie banner 14:55 cait 11 14:55 cait Prio 1.5? ;) 14:54 cait close to 1 for us, but the other are more important even 14:54 cait hm ok 14:54 josef_moravec__ prio 2 14:54 cait next is 10 14:54 cait done 14:53 m23 3 I think 14:53 josef_moravec__ 3 14:53 cait prio? 14:53 cait maybe long have some options there, but for now in cronjobs log 14:53 cait just looked into the bug 14:53 cait true 14:53 josef_moravec__ but it's logical to log this to crnjobslog 14:52 cait cronjobs log is very noisy, it might be better 14:52 cait shoud this be a new log option separate from cronjobs log? 14:51 cait number 8 - log when koha-dump is run 14:51 cait i refuse that :) 14:51 josef_moravec__ prio 2.5 ;) 14:50 cait it's 2 now 14:50 cait prio 3 then for 4? 14:50 cc_ agreed I'm just saying priority should be after the core of removing data 14:50 SoniaB cait++ 14:49 cait i thnk having some granularity in permissions woudl be nice to have 14:49 cait or be able to download them 14:49 cait they look for missing items and do other clean up tasks, but should not see patron data 14:49 cait we had the case with student helpers 14:49 josef_moravec__ for example 14:49 josef_moravec__ cc_: true, but that's for case when user which could run reports should not see personal data at all 14:48 cc_ once we actually delete and anonymize users what can be exposed by reports is reduced 14:48 josef_moravec__ exactly 14:48 cait can already be done by sysadm 14:48 josef_moravec__ it's the same class as #14 i think 14:47 josef_moravec__ prio 4 14:47 cait 6 - backups 14:47 cait added 14:47 josef_moravec__ and probably ok for start 14:47 cait true 14:46 josef_moravec__ cait: that's the easiest way ;) 14:46 cait waht was the discussion, add a flag to them? 14:46 cait we have an existing permission at least, just not granular 14:46 josef_moravec__ thank you wahanui ;) 14:46 cait yeah 14:46 wahanui 2 is, like, pretty awesome 14:46 josef_moravec__ 2? 14:45 cait 4 - reports 14:45 cait start at the top 14:45 cait ok a few remaining 14:45 cait done 14:45 josef_moravec__ maybe 4 ;) 14:45 cait prio 3? 14:44 josef_moravec__ #14 is not high priority I think our defaults are Ok and sysadmin can always change it 14:44 cait 10 14:44 cait hm data portability 14:44 cait updated 14:44 cait probably needs to be logged 14:43 cait i am never quite sure if the staff should be able to change it 14:43 m23 2 if we can :-) 14:43 cait but we can, make it 2 or 1? 14:43 cait the addition is only for gui in staff 14:43 cait well you can also not offer the user the choice, but then anonymize immediately or afteer x days i think 14:42 cait at the moment the choice is on the user and you can have a default with a script run 14:42 m23 Its important 14:42 cait ? 14:42 cait m23: can you explainß 14:42 m23 Sorry, can we set higher prio to 3 Prio 3 Privacy/anonymization 14:42 * cait hands josef_moravec_ the duct tape 14:41 cait might be good to document somewhere that we don't want that :) 14:41 cait i think we just recently stopped a change there to keep them almost forever 14:41 cait 14 logrotate policy 14:40 josef_moravec_ 3 14:40 wahanui hmmm... 3 is not. 14:40 cait 3? 14:39 josef_moravec_ agree 14:39 cait maybe not super high priority 14:39 cait but also totally optional 14:39 josef_moravec_ yes, plugins are problematic 14:39 cait but then we'd have plugin authors to make sure they implement the permission, can't force them 14:39 wahanui a permission is a blocker 14:39 cait hm a permission 14:38 cait i think plugins are realy up to the library, i'd put 3 or 4 14:38 cait ok 4 5 6 14:38 cait done 14:38 cait prio 2 for 9? 14:37 josef_moravec_ prio 2 14:36 cait ah the other idea was apache yep 14:35 cait prio2? 14:35 cait someone up to working on it? 14:35 cait one ip rarely works, so it's probably not used much 14:35 m23 Cait: it will be nice 14:34 cait more than one ip 14:34 cait hm i think one idea was to make the ip settings on branch more flexible 14:34 m23 Its just about Apache settings? 14:34 cait we can still merge them, after more investigation 14:34 m23 whats about 9 Administration Staff client should not be publicly accessed, even the access to login form should be restricted. 14:33 cait I've added 15 as a reminder 14:33 m23 edhance looks lika stright way 14:33 josef_moravec_ not sure now ;) 14:33 josef_moravec_ maybe just enhance the script we have? 14:32 cait hm but i think there is a script if they set to default, so maybe only need a script for old_reserves too 14:32 cait 3 is abit more complicated than just anonymizing 14:31 cait hm or maybe one for both 14:31 cait i think we need another for old reserves 14:31 cait SoniaB: we have something for old issues 14:31 josef_moravec_ cait++ 14:31 cait keep updating the page, i am adding and saving :) 14:31 josef_moravec_ 2 14:30 wahanui heh i am good 14:30 cait heh wahanui 14:30 wahanui 3 14:30 cait 1 or 2? 14:30 cait cookie docs 14:30 josef_moravec_ ok 14:29 cait prio 2 = we have something, but not perfect yet. ok? 14:29 cait hm we have a way to delete them, so maybe prio 2 actually 14:29 cait someone willing to work on 2? 14:28 cait mkaing 2 prio 1 too, i think it's in line with deletedborrowers and statistics, to get a clean state 14:28 cait put a name yet or later? 14:28 cait ok fo rme 14:28 m23 3 Privacy/anonymizatio prio 3? 14:27 cait ok making 7 prio 1 an djosef 14:27 SoniaB I don't really know how to help 14:27 SoniaB #7 : statistics is important too in France 14:26 cait i think maybe make 2 prio 1 too 14:26 josef_moravec_ number #7 - I am working on patch for 20606 14:26 josef_moravec_ I think #13 is a bit more complicated - depends on some settings of system which should be investigated more 14:25 cait prio 1 or prio 2? for 7? who will work on it? 14:25 cait and it's the way to more anonymization 14:25 m23 7 Statistics importatnt for Czech libraries 14:25 cait ah that was for self reg? 14:25 cait 13 sorry 14:25 cait is that like a cookie banner? or more complicated? 14:24 josef_moravec_ what about #10 or #11/#12/#13 ? 14:23 m23 Privacy/anonymization : prio 2? 14:23 cait first changes saved 14:23 cait but there are still white spaces, everyone is invited to add 14:23 cait I will put BSZ down for the initial Cookie documentation, calire has worked some more on it 14:22 cait working on the table, please pick the next prio 14:21 josef_moravec_ Yes I will take it 14:20 m23 Cait: great 14:20 cait josef_moravec_: can I add you for 1? 14:20 josef_moravec_ cait: good idea 14:20 cait i will add priority to the table 14:20 cait especially for deletedborrowers 14:19 cait anonymizing is a big prio 14:19 cait I agree 14:19 josef_moravec_ cait: thanks 14:19 m23 Cait: Yes 14:19 cait just repeating for josef_moravec_ 14:19 cait (16:18:06) cait: should we prioritize and then try to find someone responsible to keep track of it/work on it? 14:19 cait (16:17:52) cait: who has dev time to spend on the issues? 14:19 SoniaB Is there already patches related to 18081 ready to test (I haven't open them all, sorry) ? 14:18 cait should we prioritize and then try to find someone responsible to keep track of it/work on it? 14:17 cait who has dev time tos pend on the issues? 14:17 m23 Anonymizing patrons and their history are mandatory task 14:17 cait scripts like this could be probably backported 14:16 josef_moravec_ I am working on patch for anonymizing patrons, but not ready yet 14:16 cait w can see when they were cancelled/filled and anonymize after x days by script 14:16 josef_moravec_ Unfortunately, I don't think we done much ;( 14:15 cait we could still discuss anonymizing older entries maybe 14:15 josef_moravec_ but yes, we should take care of these two too 14:15 josef_moravec_ SoniaB: ideally the old_issues and old_reserves should be merged into issues/reserves tables 14:15 m23 board :-) 14:14 SoniaB cait: yes, if necessary. I haven't the exaxt content of those tables in mind 14:14 m23 hi, Mike on the beard 14:13 cait SoniaB: for anonymizing? 14:13 SoniaB josef_moravec_: should we add old_issues and old_reverves ? 14:12 cait probably not 14:12 Joubu will we be ready for 18.05? 14:11 Joubu what has been done since last time? 14:11 Joubu could you make a summary? 14:11 josef_moravec_ Do we wan't to go point by point like last time? Or just ask if anybody has anything to add? 14:10 josef_moravec_ #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Improve_data_protection_and_patron_privacy 14:10 SoniaB cait: Hi, just in time :) 14:10 josef_moravec_ #topic Debate about improvements in Koha code 14:09 SoniaB #info Sonia BOUIS Université Lyon 3 france 14:09 cait hi SoniaB, we just do #info 14:07 Joubu #info Jonathan Druart 14:07 cc_ #info Colin Campbell PTFS-Europe 14:06 cait #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 14:06 josef_moravec_ #info Josef Moravec, Municipal Library Usti nad Orlici 14:06 wahanui #info wahanui, a bot that has become sentient 14:06 josef_moravec_ #topic Introductions 14:06 cait #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/GDPR_IRC_meeting_18_April_2018 Agenda 14:06 huginn Current chairs: cait josef_moravec_ 14:06 josef_moravec_ #chair cait 14:05 josef_moravec_ chair cait 14:05 huginn The meeting name has been set to 'gdpr_irc_meeting_18_april_2018' 14:05 huginn Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05 huginn Meeting started Wed Apr 18 14:05:53 2018 UTC. The chair is josef_moravec_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05 josef_moravec_ #startmeeting GDPR IRC meeting 18 April 2018 14:05 josef_moravec_ ;) 14:05 cait kind of :) 14:05 josef_moravec_ ready for gdpr meeting? 13:47 Joubu do not display the same (a vs input, but same classes) 13:47 Joubu <div class="btn-group"><a href="#multi_receiving" role="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Save</a></div> 13:46 Joubu and 13:46 Joubu <div class="btn-group"><input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-default btn-sm"></div> 13:46 Joubu for instance: 13:46 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18327 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Failed QA , Add the ability to set the received date to today on multi receiving serials 13:46 Joubu oleonard: yesterday I had trouble to use bootstrap styled buttons on bug 18327 13:42 Joubu hi #koha 12:46 huginn mtompset: magnuse was last seen in #koha 1 day, 23 hours, 41 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <magnuse> +1! 12:46 mtompset @seen magnuse 12:46 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 12:40 tuxayo Indeed :) 12:38 oleonard tuxayo: It would be nice if Koha warned you when you were importing bibliographic data with invalid authorized values/itemtypes/branch codes 12:38 cait tuxayo: not allow you to import invalid itemtypes would be good, also branchcodes 12:37 cait khall: thx for the follow-up :) 12:37 tuxayo oleonard: which check should Koha perform? 12:36 cait josef_moravec++ 12:33 tcohen hi cait! 12:33 cait morning tcohen :) 12:33 cait morning oleonard 12:32 tcohen morning 12:30 oleonard ...but I would prefer that Koha performed the check for us. 12:30 oleonard The catalogers run reports regularly to catch the problems 12:29 oleonard Not me, we don't use acquisitions ;) 12:29 tuxayo «Can't call method "description" on an undefined value» 12:28 tuxayo oleonard: You might also have issues when exporting a PDF of a basketgroup. https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/blob/master/acqui/basketgroup.pl#L198 12:25 oleonard tuxayo: I know that our catalogers sometimes import records with invalid itemtype codes and Koha doesn't complain. 12:23 tuxayo There is no foreign key so I'm confused. 12:22 tuxayo Can someone confirm if the values in biblioitems.itemtype must exist in the itemtypes table? 12:20 kidclamp we did an index on ~1 million with no probs, but I think we had 8 or 16gb of ram 12:20 tuxayo Is the RAM usage linear with the number of records? 12:20 kidclamp nlegrand, you could try lowering the commmit number? 12:20 tuxayo nlegrand: https://downloadmoreram.com 12:11 nlegrand After a few seconds my swap is full. 12:11 nlegrand I just happend to know the existance of oom-killer and it didn't please me so much. 12:10 nlegrand Do people have swapping problems while reindexing authority with ES? With a fair amount like 1020683? 11:59 eythian excellent :) 11:59 oleonard eythian: I guessed what that was going to show me before it loaded :D 11:59 eythian oleonard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tScAyNaRdQ 11:58 calire real-meat. nice. 11:52 * oleonard curses mildly at the margarine 11:50 kidclamp hi darn oleo 11:50 kidclamp meat-people 11:49 oleonard Hello calire and wahanui, my two favorite real-meat people. 11:48 wahanui hi dear loon 11:48 calire hi oleonard 11:46 oleonard Hi #koha 09:44 nlegrand o/ andreashm 08:52 * andreashm waves 08:10 nlegrand Salut cait ! 08:00 cait bonjour nlegrand 07:58 nlegrand Poum poum poum 06:36 reiveune hello 06:33 alex_a bonjour 02:20 tcohen :-D 02:19 BobB ok, back to work, take care tomas 02:19 BobB dogs are like that - as long as the kids stay in, you're fine :) 02:19 * tcohen is in the construction business lately hehe 02:18 tcohen he 02:18 tcohen the dog keeps escaping, but I will finish ironing the fence 02:18 tcohen yes :-D 02:17 BobB all good at your end? family well? 02:15 tcohen hehe 02:14 BobB albeit bleary eyed :) 02:13 BobB I have a meeting in Sydney the day before, but the Qantas and the International Date Line might conspire to get me there on the first afternoon 02:13 * tcohen hopes so! 02:13 tcohen =D 02:13 tcohen are you going? 02:13 BobB cool, hoping to be there too 02:12 tcohen Yes! 02:12 BobB might you go to KohaCon18 tcohen? 02:12 tcohen if someone wants to work on other distros or other ideas, everyone is welcome 02:11 BobB awesome\ 02:11 tcohen and then try to install it, and check the results 02:11 tcohen the next thing will be, the RM commits, we build the debian packages out of that (in a docker container, the koha-dpkg-docker thing) 02:11 BobB my accountant's head spins at the stuff you guys do 02:10 BobB very cool 02:10 tcohen jonathan commits, jenkins picks that and retrieves the docker images, builds the testing environment, runs the tests, destroys the testing environment 02:10 BobB Continuous Improvement in another life, but that did not fit :) 02:09 BobB ah, ok 02:09 tcohen jenkins 02:09 tcohen Continous integration 02:09 BobB in your Docker thread, what is CI? 02:09 BobB good thanks, busy :) 02:08 tcohen how are you doing! 02:08 tcohen hi Bob 02:07 BobB hi tcohen 02:05 wahanui sleep tight 02:05 tcohen good night! 02:05 tcohen hi mtompset 02:04 mtompset Have a great day, #koha tcohen 02:04 mtompset I provided a counter patch on that. 02:04 * mtompset grins. 01:49 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 01:49 tcohen @later tell dcook have you seen my 'Official Koha Docker image' thread? 01:44 huginn tcohen: dcook was last seen in #koha 22 hours and 15 seconds ago: <dcook> Oh also if someone wants a super easy pretty trivial sign off: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20592 01:44 tcohen @seen dcook 01:43 tcohen hi 01:17 huginn mtompset: Joubu was last seen in #koha 5 hours, 37 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <Joubu> nope, I guess it will change 01:17 mtompset @seen Joubu