Time Nick Message 22:43 roch Turn outs reports are pretty permissives. Like, an intranet users with little to no rights can still go in the reports pages and access these informations 22:31 bag check user permissions in the online manual roch 22:12 roch Something like user-category might do the trick 22:11 roch Hello! Any way to get the admin-level of a user in the intranet, if possible? thanks 17:44 reiveune bye 17:40 cait yeah, but can't help you 17:40 magnuse cait: good for you ;-) 17:32 cait sorry, no :( 17:26 magnuse huh, one server with several sites all running plack. most log into the intranet in the blink of an eye, but one site takes something like a minute to log in. my expiratoin date is just a few years into the future. anyone else seen something like that? 16:44 magnuse bag++ 16:43 bag yeah we’ll get it up there magnuse 16:43 nlegrand o/ magnuse 16:43 magnuse hiya nlegrand 16:43 magnuse bag: t'would be awesome if you could try and crowdfund 2fa! 16:42 roch :) 16:42 nlegrand roch: haaaa, thanks! 16:39 roch nlegrand I think they now include the version number in the link, there are 2 new rules that need to be added in the apache conf iirc 16:38 nlegrand It's been a long time I haven't swiched to master, and suddenly, all the jquery and bootstrap links are broken :) what did I miss? 16:37 roch should have : call\nnumber\nenumchron 16:37 roch I would get : call\nnummber\n0, but im asking for callnumber and enumchron 16:36 roch Anyone ever had this issue? When using label creator to create a batch and export them to pdf, if you are splitting callnumber, everything else get parsed to 0 on the label 16:34 nlegrand hey koha 16:29 bag yeah I will miss you tons 16:27 * magnuse wants to go to marseille 16:27 wahanui magnuse is a Norwegian giant. 16:27 bag heya magnuse 16:27 magnuse bag: HI! 15:59 bag magnuse: yes! 15:59 huginn bag: Sent 1 day, 8 hours, and 21 minutes ago: <magnuse> would you consider adding 2 factor auth for the staff client to http://devs.bywatersolutions.com/ ? i'd be happy to chip in! SO bug 14319 15:59 bag @notes bag 15:27 huginn eythian: I currently have notes waiting for bag, devap, joubu:, LeeJ, magnuse:, Mfuerst, rangi, and tcohen:. 15:27 eythian @notes 15:07 kidclamp heh, clearing our garbled laters the lazy way 15:05 eythian nobody knows their own name these days, always changing 14:58 talljoy . 13:06 huginn tcohen: Cordoba, Argentina :: Clear :: 67F/19C | Thursday: Plenty of sunshine. High 86F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph. Thursday Night: A clear sky. Low 61F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph. 13:06 tcohen @wunder cordoba argentina 10:41 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 10:41 huginn josef_moravec: Quote #51: "jwagner thinks true joy is not wanting to do a telecon, and finding out the other person has forgotten about it & left for the day :-)" (added by a user that is no longer registered at 07:35 PM, January 20, 2010) 10:41 josef_moravec @quote random 10:35 marcelr a registered mess 10:32 huginn magnuse: Quote #94: "<chris> the more i explain, the more ppl know, and the less i have to do in the future ... its purely selfish hehe" (added by kf at 08:45 AM, September 13, 2010) 10:32 magnuse @quote random 10:32 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn. 10:32 huginn magnuse: Error: 'random' is not a valid id. 10:32 magnuse @quote get random 10:32 huginn magnuse: The operation succeeded. Quote #331 added. 10:32 magnuse @quote add <cait> as always... it's messy once you get closer 10:31 cait you probably need to factor in some fallbacks for outdated data :( 10:30 paxed lol. except the 'scr' is deprecated, and now there's only 'hrv' for both? nice... 10:30 cait paxed: having doubled up utils files is silly too - but don't have a better solution to offer 10:30 cait :P 10:29 huginn magnuse: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 10:29 magnuse @quote add <cait> as always... it's messy once you get closer 10:28 cait as always... it's messy once you get closer 10:28 paxed so, uhh ... 10:27 paxed cait: _actually_, it seems there's confusion which codes there are. de is ger (iso639-2-b), but hr is hrv (iso639-2-t), when it should be scr 10:27 cait in our case this was for manuscripts, so i only needed a few but not so obvious ones like latin 10:27 cait yes 10:23 paxed cait: also, koha has iso639 language codes in the database already, but it seems those are the iso639-t, not the -b names, which marc uses 10:22 paxed showing the 041 contents themselves in the MARC21*.xsl is simple 10:22 paxed cait: i've got code that downloads the marc languages codes xml and turns it into xslt, but having the xslt duplicated between intra & opac is silly. 10:20 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19530 normal, P1 - high, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Prevent multiple transfers from existing for one item 10:20 jenkins * kyle: Bug 19530: Don't update the date arrived for closed transfers 10:20 jenkins * mtompset: Bug 19530: Added commentary for last test when prove -v 10:20 jenkins * kyle: Bug 19530: Prevent multiple transfers from existing for one item 10:20 jenkins Project Koha_17.05_D8 build #86: FIXED in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_17.05_D8/86/ 10:20 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 10:20 jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 10:19 cait maybe an include xslt with the descriptions and then have that fed into the po files? 10:18 cait the problem is you want to translate the codes into the languages 10:18 cait paxed: not at the moment... i have a custom xslt somewhere to do that, but it's not nice 10:18 paxed there doesn't seem to be any support in Koha for showing the language codes from field 041? 10:12 josef_moravec cait: you should have many terabytes of memory ;) 10:12 cait josef_moravec: i have bugzilla committed to memory... ;) 09:45 LibraryClaire magnuse: :( 09:42 magnuse LibraryClaire: can't. i have other obligations 09:03 kivilahtio lunch 09:03 kivilahtio This type of configuration skips transport_cost_matrix optimization. 09:02 kivilahtio Looks like one can force an Item to be first transferred from the holding library to it's home library to fulfill an hold as well. 09:01 kivilahtio Is LocalHoldsPriority used for something else than overriding the patron's choice of pickup library if an item that can fulfill the hold is present in the patron's home library? 08:54 kivilahtio khall_away: Very, very nice! Thank you. https://github.com/KohaSuomi/Koha/blob/ks-rumble/C4/HoldsQueue.pm#L420 08:31 marcelr o/ 08:31 tuxayo *o/ 08:31 tuxayo hi #koha oL 08:30 LibraryClaire magnuse: do it ;) 08:28 * magnuse wants to go to marseille 08:28 magnuse \o/ 08:24 josef_moravec hi LibraryClaire marcelr 08:23 LibraryClaire hi marcelr 08:23 marcelr hi josef_moravec LibraryClaire 08:21 LibraryClaire hi josef_moravec 08:21 josef_moravec morning #koha 08:09 reiveune salut marcelr 08:02 alex_a hello marcelr 08:02 marcelr hi reiveune alex_a 07:54 alex_a bonjour 07:33 reiveune hello 07:30 marcelr hi #koha 03:37 mtompset I don't know the arcane magics. 03:37 mtompset True, but I'm not a librarian. :) 03:37 mtj ..on a bib without.. the output of both may be the same? 03:36 mtj mtompset: re: rdfdc/dc.. its possible that rdfdc only differs if the bib actually has rdc marcfields 03:34 mtompset But all the sign offs are long. 03:34 mtompset *sigh* I'm 8 sign offs behind where I want to be. :( 03:33 wahanui i think interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 03:33 mtompset interesting. 03:31 mtj https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/rfid-system-to-replace-blue-cards-at-ekm-public-library/articleshow/63196232.cms 03:24 mtj It's not just you! dashboard.koha-community.org looks down from here. 03:24 mtj https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/dashboard.koha-community.org 03:23 mtj works in safari 03:22 mtj broken in opera 03:21 mtompset It's like the site hates me. 03:21 mtompset no... doesn't matter the browser actually. 03:20 mtj mtompset: its white in chrome - ok in ff (for me) 03:20 mtompset It's just annoyingly white most of the time. 03:19 mtompset Oh there it is non-white for a change. 03:17 mtompset http://dashboard.koha-community.org/ is coming up white for me. 03:16 mtj grep says plackup.sh isnt being used 03:16 mtompset Do you have the white screen of death on the dashboard? 03:16 * mtompset shrugs. 03:15 mtompset That's the problem... I haven't done an old school source install in a while. :) 03:15 mtj .. now superceded by koha-plack 03:15 mtompset But there might be a cp into place somewhere. 03:14 mtj hmm, plackup.sh depends on a debian package install after all.. so its basically redundant 03:14 mtompset I'll sign it off, and leave it up to others to debug my test. :) 03:11 mtj re: "is rdfdc and dc supposed to be identical"... i dont know sorry 03:08 mtj i guess not many people use either - now that plack works nicely with the the koha pkg, and tools 03:06 huginn Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7844 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, dpavlin, CLOSED FIXED, plack scripts for developers 03:06 mtj for bug 7844 03:06 mtj misc/plack/koha.psgi looks to be the companion config to ye old ./misc/plack/plackup.sh 03:05 mtompset is rdfdc and dc supposed to be identical in xml transform output? 03:02 mtompset It works, but I don't know WHY. 03:02 mtompset As it is now... I'm trying to make sense of some XML transforming code. 03:01 mtompset because I don't know how the two might be related. 03:01 mtompset because it makes it impossible for me in good conscience to sign off a bug I was looking at. 02:58 mtj im hoping that the debian example can be used generally, and the other file can be deleted 02:56 mtj my conclusion was... one is used by the debian packages... the other is an older general example 02:54 mtj hiya mtompset, ive wondered the same recently 02:29 mtompset *ping* Does anyone know the difference between misc/plack/koha.psgi and debian/templates/plack.psgi? 02:13 huginn mtompset: rangi was last seen in #koha 1 week, 6 days, 4 hours, 36 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: <rangi> nope, that needs to be automated too 02:13 mtompset @seen rangi