Time Nick Message 03:45 SYAHMI anybody? 03:45 wahanui The #koha IRC channel is populated by people from many timezones, sometimes even on weekends. However, if no one is here right now and you need help you should take a look at http://koha-community.org/support/ 03:45 SYAHMI ok 08:47 eythian That was particularly helpful of wahanui 08:57 GiuseppeP Hello, I'm having trouble installing a new language on koha 17.11, when I run "translate install xx-XX" it say: Can't locate LangInstaller.pm in @INC , even if I export the PERL5LIB, it only works when I run the command with: 'perl -I/usr/share/koha/misc/translator translate install xx-XX' but after that it will stop in Can't locate C4/Context.pm in @INC any idea? 13:06 * cait waves