Time Nick Message 07:36 reiveune hello 07:37 alex_a bonjour 07:42 * magnuse waves 08:18 gaetan_B hello 09:05 mveron Good morning / daytime #koha 09:05 mveron Good morning / daytime #koha 12:44 tcohen morning 12:44 oleonard Hi 12:50 tcohen @seen Joubu 12:50 huginn tcohen: Joubu was last seen in #koha 14 hours, 47 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <Joubu> bye #koha, I will be afk for a while! :) 13:08 magnuse tcohen: dcook has been trying to get in touch with bgkriegel - do you know what's happening there? 13:08 magnuse ...and ¡hola! 13:08 * magnuse hopes the translation files for 17.11 are en route 13:29 tcohen magnuse: I'm not sure 13:29 tcohen bgkriegel told me he was going to answer/act 13:30 magnuse ah, so at least he is not on a 6 month holiday or something? 13:31 oleonard How can I get in on one of those 6 month holidays? 13:33 magnuse that's what we all wanna know 13:53 jcamins oleonard: redefine "holiday" as something which involves you going into an office five days a week? 13:54 oleonard Oh yeah, during the summer that's called "a holiday from witnessing my kids tear apart the house" 13:55 jcamins At least you get a three-month one, then! 13:57 oleonard jcamins: How's your extended "Holiday from being Koha's Release Manager?" 13:58 jcamins oleonard: pretty awesome! 13:58 oleonard Former RMs always give the same review 13:58 jcamins I suspect this might not be a coincidence! 13:59 oleonard We're all terrible people. 14:43 magnuse jcamins: no butter crisis today 14:43 * magnuse wanders off to make pizza (sans butter) 14:55 tuxayo I think I'm out of the loop. It's the 3rd time I heard about this butter thing. I need to search about that 14:57 tuxayo strange, nothing on https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop 15:02 * tuxayo posted the question [1] and runs away from reddit to avoid being sucked in because it still have work to do. [1] https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/7c1l3h/whats_going_on_with_the_butter_crisis/ 15:08 oleonard tcohen still around? 15:08 tcohen yes 15:09 oleonard Could you please remind me what is the best way to install translations on kohadevbox? 15:09 oleonard Regular package commands? 15:15 tcohen no 15:15 tcohen kshell 15:15 tcohen cd misc/translator 15:15 tcohen perl translate install code 15:17 oleonard Thanks 16:04 tcohen @weather Cordoba, Argentina 16:04 huginn tcohen: Error: Could not find weather information. (This may be a bug. If you think it is, please file a bug report at <http://sourceforge.net/tr acker/?func=add&group_id=58965&atid=489447>.) 16:09 oleonard Maybe we need a bot that has been updated since 2015. 16:11 oleonard @recipe Cinnamon rolls 16:11 huginn oleonard: downloading the Perl source 16:11 oleonard @coffee Hot 16:11 huginn oleonard: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:27 tcohen he 16:27 tcohen #koha did my email to koha-translate reach destination? 16:28 reiveune bye 16:57 oleonard http://splitter.koha-community.org/ is busted? 18:08 tcohen oleonard: whatsup? 18:36 tuxayo Hi, I was having suspicions about the non-transactionalness of cronjobs/delete_patrons.pl 18:36 tuxayo But as Patron::delete() is transactional, nothing bad should happen right? Except an interruption just after a copy to deletedborrowers which would lead to a duplicated on the 2nd try. Which doesn't seem an issue. 18:36 tuxayo https://github.com/Koha-Community/Koha/blob/d149f1963e3f23f2fc880fa839dadc488428e52a/misc/cronjobs/delete_patrons.pl#L64 18:36 tuxayo https://github.com/Koha-Community/Koha/blob/d149f1963e3f23f2fc880fa839dadc488428e52a/Koha/Patron.pm#L68