Time Nick Message 22:19 andreashm hi cait1! 22:15 * cait1 waves 22:15 * andreashm waves 19:41 cait hi rangi 19:30 rangi hi cait 19:29 * cait waves 19:28 rangi https://twitter.com/mbreeding/status/926168363331739648 that one 19:27 rangi hehe no not that one 19:27 rangi geez how bad must worldshare be for someone to make this decision update items set itype='MAG',ccode='P' where ccode='P'; 19:00 * cait waves 16:47 reiveune bye 16:33 Joubu kidclamp: please test :) 16:32 kidclamp Joubu++ 14:28 * magnuse gotta go - have fun, #koha! 14:16 magnuse hiya marcelr 13:59 marcelr hi tcohen magnuse 13:59 magnuse ¡hola tcohen! 13:58 tcohen morning 11:23 Joubu it is the way to go: if your DB exists you have to drop it before injecting a new dump 11:22 Joubu yes it is 11:18 tuxayo But it doesn't seem a clean solution, right? 11:18 tuxayo And after falling to find which default engine the database was setup. (I'm not even sure that such a setting exists) I dropped and created the DB (same name and user) and the dump loaded successfully. 11:18 tuxayo So it seems I got a working DevBox. When loading the sandbox2.sql.gz (unimarc) dump I got this error «ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 1442: Can't create table `koha_kohadev`.`borrower_message_transport_preferences` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed")» 11:04 magnuse Joubu: yeah, i was thinking that might be a good idea 11:03 magnuse i did a query to just extract 005, took ~3 sec on ~5000 records 11:03 Joubu magnuse: we could add a DB update to set biblio_metadata.timestamp=biblioitems.timestamp, add a warning and provide a script to update the DB timstamp fields with 005 (?) 11:02 magnuse yes, it will 11:02 Joubu magnuse: that does not sound too complex, but it will be slow to process all the record to retrieve 005 and update the DB fields 10:57 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19555 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Some changes to records are not reflected in OAI-PMH 10:57 magnuse added some questions to bug 19555, excellent if people who are interested in OAI-PMH could have a look 10:49 tuxayo Joubu: thanks that was it :) 10:41 marcelr its a shame 10:39 Joubu wt*? 10:39 Joubu showing icons on desktop ." 10:39 Joubu "I installed the Koha latest version and after installation this isn't 10:37 tuxayo Joubu: koha-shell! that must be that :) 10:36 Joubu sudo koha-shell kohadev; cd kohaclone; perl installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl; sudo service memcached restart 10:35 tuxayo hi Joubu, the script is indeed ran as the kohadev-koha user 10:34 Joubu a bit too early yes :) 10:33 marcelr hi Joubu you're early today 10:31 Joubu do not forget to restart memcached after you ran it manually (sysprefs are cached) 10:30 Joubu unless koha-* scripts (as root) 10:30 Joubu tuxayo: scripts have to be executed as the koha user 10:29 Joubu hi #koha 10:11 tuxayo > unable to locate Koha configuration file koha-conf.xml at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/C4/Context.pm line 243 10:11 tuxayo But it can't find koha-conf.xml Although it's in ./etc/ 10:11 tuxayo Hi :) Has anyone tried to use installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl in a KohaDevBox? I loaded a dump and wanted to migrate the DB to match the code on master. 09:30 doc is anyone here can help me? 09:30 doc i need help for koha support 09:30 doc hi 09:17 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19555 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Some changes to records are not reflected in OAI-PMH 09:17 magnuse bug 19555 is ready for signoff 07:46 * magnuse waves 07:36 marcelr hi #koha 07:35 reiveune hello 07:26 eythian mtj: /usr/lib/koha sort of thing 07:08 mtj .. /etc/koha was just a working location, at the time 07:07 mtj https://github.com/KohaAloha/koha-mysql-init 07:07 mtj hey #koha, does anyone have a good suggestion for better dir locations for the various files below... 00:47 mtj np, i'll aim to send a patch later today 00:41 wizzyrea I see it thanking you! 00:35 mtj https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/DBMS_auto_increment_fix 00:34 mtj A 'multiple Koha instance' solution exists here 00:34 mtj The quick and easy solution is to teach MySQL not to reset the id's to a value that already exists in the deleted table. 00:33 wizzyrea duh lol 00:33 mtj ahh.. i added the info to the wiki page 00:29 wizzyrea I was going to try them out! 00:29 wizzyrea but I have lost the link :( 00:29 wizzyrea you had a bunch of scripts for mysql for the dbms fix 00:29 mtj hi wizzyrea, whatsup? 00:12 wizzyrea mtj about