Time Nick Message 00:24 mtompset Greetings, alexbuckley 00:32 alexbuckley hi mtompset 00:47 mtj hey #koha.. i came across some potentially interesting perl modules to speed up the Koha test suite... 00:49 mtj http://search.cpan.org/~jeteve/Test-DB-Shared-0.004/lib/Test/DB/Shared/mysqld.pm 00:49 mtj http://search.cpan.org/~songmu/Test-mysqld-0.21/lib/Test/mysqld.pm 00:49 mtj http://search.cpan.org/~macopy/App-Prove-Plugin-MySQLPool-0.07/lib/App/Prove/Plugin/MySQLPool.pm 00:50 mtj and.. 00:50 mtj http://search.cpan.org/~perlover/DBIx-TxnPool-0.12/lib/DBIx/TxnPool.pm 00:56 mtj i havent had a good look at them yet, but their solutions seem quite clever :) 01:00 mtj ..perhaps have the db_dependent tests running in parellel, one per cpu thread 01:01 mtj parallel even 01:07 mtompset mtj, are any of them in the default repos? 01:25 mtj atm, i dont know 02:40 mtompset If anyone has thoughts on bug 19547, I wouldn't mind some feedback, insights, test cases. 02:40 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19547 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, ASSIGNED , Maria DB doesn't have a debian.cnf 02:41 mtompset Have a great day, #koha mtj alexbuckley 04:47 mtj hi folks, i added some instructions to the auto_incr fix -> https://github.com/KohaAloha/koha-mysql-init 04:50 mtj ..i plan to do a proper 'debian package' patch... but that might be handy in the meantime 05:32 rangi ls 05:32 rangi heh 07:02 magnuse README.txt 07:23 fridolin hi 07:30 reiveune hello 07:30 alex_a bonjour 11:03 tuxayo Joubu: indeed bug 18547 is a tricky one. Good thing I had fridolin to help me ^^ 11:03 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18547 major, P5 - low, ---, mirko, Signed Off , On shelf holds allowed > "If all unavailable" ignores default hold policy 11:03 fridolin holds behavior is juste like magic ;) 12:23 LeeJ fridolin: hey got a sec? I'm working on cronjobs and I needed someone from biblibre to explain two of them 12:24 fridolin LeeJ: Yep im here 12:24 fridolin which cronjob ? 12:25 LeeJ fridolin: sweet! What's the purpose of get_report_social_data.pl and update_social_data.pl? 12:27 LeeJ I was told this was something that someone at biblibre would know more about :) 12:27 fridolin LeeJ: it is a feature that adds infos to the record at OPAC 12:28 fridolin datas comme from Babalio 12:28 LeeJ fridolin: okay! is there specific wording that you would prefer to be added to their descriptions in kohadocs? 12:29 fridolin for performance, datas are nightly downloaded and updated 12:31 fridolin LeeJ: oh i'm wrong, site is www.babeltheque.com 12:31 LeeJ so basically I can just describe it as "provides info to records in the OPAC using data from Babeltheque"? 12:32 fridolin oki, juste say that it is social datas like comments 12:34 LeeJ great! thanks fridolin! cait didn't know what they were for either so I think what I'll do is work with her for the exact wording and then I can leave you a later message to get your ok on it? :) 12:38 fridolin ok super, thanks for your work :) 12:40 LeeJ fridolin: c'est mon plaisir :) 12:41 fridolin ;) 12:41 LeeJ I didn't even have to use Google Translate for Babeltheque ;) 12:43 LeeJ welp..off to study before my Algorithms midterm! bye for now #koha 13:03 magnuse how kan the qa script say "POD coverage was greater before" for a file that is introduced by the patches i am testing? 13:03 magnuse ...and for generated files in Koha/Schema/Result/* at that 13:03 Joubu o/ 13:05 magnuse \o 13:06 Joubu magnuse: yes, the test is not perfect 13:06 magnuse ah :-) 13:06 Joubu I have not find the time to get back to it, but basically it's more a warning than an error 13:14 magnuse Joubu: ok 13:18 marcelr hi #koha 13:20 Joubu tuxayo: your attachment on bug 18547 is wrong, you only signed and attached 1 out of the 2 patches 13:20 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18547 major, P5 - low, ---, mirko, Signed Off , On shelf holds allowed > "If all unavailable" ignores default hold policy 13:21 Joubu I told you 4x already to try the Koha how-to right? :) 13:22 tcohen hi marcelr 13:22 tcohen hi Joubu tuxayo 13:22 marcelr hi tcohen Joubu and tuxayo 13:22 marcelr tcohen: i am looking at your psgi file; looks like no diffs 13:22 * tcohen knows 13:22 marcelr only some whitespace 13:23 marcelr know more ? 13:23 * tcohen knows there are no differences 13:23 tcohen so 13:23 tcohen how can I reproduce? 13:23 tcohen what are the steps to generate your setup? 13:23 marcelr you dont wanna know :) 13:23 tcohen clean jessie + master packages + gitify? 13:24 marcelr i was installing a new setup but master repo gave me trouble on the new vm 13:24 marcelr in essence it is just what you say 13:24 tcohen *but*? 13:24 marcelr -> essence 13:25 marcelr use my customized gitify doing some more things 13:25 tcohen so far, that bug is WORKSFORME 13:26 tcohen I'm trying to help just in case this can potentially hit stable users 13:26 Joubu Who else is using this setup? mtompset? 13:26 marcelr are you aware of problems with master repo ? 13:26 * tcohen runs vagrant init debian/jessie64, starts trying to reproduce 13:27 marcelr cannot locate koha-common errors etc. during the process 13:27 tcohen marcelr: I think drojf[m] needs to get a more stable server, yes 13:28 marcelr i could use the stable repo and do some cpanminus stuff.. 13:28 marcelr and see if it makes a difference 13:30 tcohen marcelr: can't you grab the master package manually? 13:30 marcelr in what sense? 13:31 tcohen head to apt.abunchofthings.net and browse the pool dir until you get the URL for the koha-copmmon package 13:32 marcelr ok i might try a few things in that direction 13:32 marcelr but they're time consuming 13:32 marcelr so have to postpone them a bit 13:32 tcohen I've just added the repos 13:32 tcohen to my fresh jessie64 box 13:32 tcohen it is installing 13:33 marcelr curious 13:33 marcelr and the strange thing on friday was: i got rid of the error and monday it was back.. 13:33 tcohen cd ~/tmp ; mkdir jessie ; cd jessie ; vagrant init debian/jessie64 ; vagrant up ; vagrant ssh 13:34 marcelr yeah 13:34 tcohen now following apt.abunchofthings.net/koha-nightly 13:34 tcohen removed the https thing from mirko's repo 13:34 tcohen and wget the official repo key 13:35 tcohen will add the SYNC_REPO line for mounting the source in Vagrantfile while it downloads 13:37 tcohen config.vm.synced_folder ENV['SYNC_REPO'], '/home/vagrant/kohaclone', type: 'nfs' 13:38 * tcohen loves 16GB RAM 13:38 marcelr cool 13:39 tcohen I only miss a couple more cores 13:39 tcohen he 13:40 tcohen vagrant reload 13:44 tcohen sudo koha-create --create-db kohadev} 13:45 marcelr close.. 13:47 * tcohen clones misc4dev... 13:49 tcohen ok, libmojolicious-plugin-openapi-perl not pulled automatically due to packages issues 13:49 tcohen drojf[m]... 13:49 marcelr yeah master repo has issues 13:50 marcelr PERL5LIB btw /usr/share/koha/masterclone:/usr/share/koha/masterclone/installer:/usr/share/koha/masterclone/lib/installer at /etc/koha/plack.psgi line 52. 13:51 tcohen marcelr: it seems to be trying to load /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl 13:51 marcelr $home ? 13:52 marcelr my KOHA_HOME is changed 13:52 marcelr will warn it too 13:52 tcohen dev_install was missing 13:53 tcohen ok 13:53 marcelr -/usr/share/koha/masterclone at /etc/koha/plack.psgi line 52. 13:53 tcohen how do I reproduce your problem? 13:53 tcohen plack is running no 13:53 tcohen w 13:53 marcelr home is ok 13:53 marcelr restarted plack, flushed cache each time 13:53 tcohen my logs are silent 13:53 marcelr full logs 13:54 tcohen https://snag.gy/Y3mrBG.jpg 13:54 marcelr could be some internal mojo stuff with older libraries haveing impact ? 13:55 tcohen I added the repos koha-nightly requires 13:55 tcohen installed koha-common 13:55 tcohen and only inslled manually libmojolicious-plugin-openapi-perl 13:55 tcohen i clone koha-misc4dev 13:56 tcohen and used 13:56 tcohen sudo koha-shell kohadev -c 'perl populate_db.pl' 13:56 tcohen to fill the DB (I didn't configure ports, etc) 13:56 tcohen and then 13:56 tcohen sudo perl cp_debian_files.pl 13:56 tcohen to make sure we are using master debian-related stuff 13:57 marcelr it sounds good to me 13:57 marcelr lets blame my install 13:57 mtompset @see LeeJ 13:57 huginn` mtompset: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 13:57 mtompset @seen LeeJ 13:57 huginn` mtompset: LeeJ was last seen in #koha 1 hour, 14 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <LeeJ> welp..off to study before my Algorithms midterm! bye for now #koha 13:58 marcelr hi mtompset 13:58 tcohen try koha-misc4dev 13:58 mtompset Greetings, marcelr 13:58 marcelr i should 13:58 tcohen you will like it 13:58 marcelr among other things 13:58 tcohen and I'm sure you will improve it ;-) 13:58 mtompset I'm trying to get SYNC_KOHADOCS working. I think there's something missing. 13:59 tcohen mtompset: following the README :-P 14:01 mtompset It's not working. It thinks the name is nill?! 14:01 marcelr tcohen: i will adjust the severity of the bug first 14:03 marcelr jay one critical less 14:05 tuxayo hi tcohen, marcelr 14:05 tuxayo Joubu: I only tested the 1st patch, so I can't sign the automated test. 14:06 tuxayo Joubu: oh maybe I shouldn't have changed the status of the bug? 14:06 marcelr tuxayo: a signoff preferably includes all patches 14:07 tuxayo Joubu: so we need someone to setup a test env and run the test to sign it off? 14:07 tuxayo * marcelr ↑ 14:08 Joubu if you do not have a test env, take a look at kohadevbox, you will have one very easily 14:11 tuxayo Joubu: indeed, no excuse then ^^ 14:11 tuxayo Until I study and setup that, do I revert the status of the bug to "Needs signoff" ? 14:12 Joubu yes 14:13 Joubu well no, leave it as it 14:13 tuxayo Joubu: ok, just to be sure, is signing off a test just running it? 14:14 Joubu yes, but it is not a mandatory step when you signoff a patch 14:15 marcelr unless .. 14:16 * magnuse wanders off to make food 14:17 Joubu Unless you went through the koha how-to, then I can answer more questions :D 14:22 marcelr ok Joubu i will start reading it 14:23 marcelr could you tell me what KOHA_CONF is btw 14:24 Joubu environment variable, written in upercase 14:33 mtompset tcohen: I gave up on the SYNC_KOHADOCS... but thought you might have an idea why debian.cnf exists on the kohadevbox. What creates it? I told it to use MariaDB as the engine. MariaDB doesn't create a debian.cnf unless you dpkg-reconfigure mariadb-server. 14:34 tcohen mtompset: I don't know 14:34 tcohen and I don't know why you're struggling to get SYNC_KOHADOCS working either 14:34 tcohen have you set 14:34 tcohen enable_kohadocs: true ? 14:34 tcohen in vars/user.yml 14:35 mtompset I didn't set that, but that shouldn't be the issue, because I don't have elasticsearch enabled, but I got it working without it with just the ENV var. 14:35 tcohen elasticsearch? 14:35 tcohen kohadocs 14:36 mtompset right... but the same yml file has both. 14:36 tcohen and how is that related? 14:36 mtompset and if I got elastic working WITHOUT changing, then why would I need to change kohadocs? 14:37 mtompset regardless... I just did it without the sync kohadocs. I'll try later. 14:37 tcohen it doesn't work the same 14:37 tcohen I didn't do it as we do with elasticsearch because now I've added a way to read user.yml from Vagrantfile, the plan was that all will be user.yml driven 14:38 tcohen so a small rewrite is on its way 14:38 mtompset Ah. 14:38 mtompset I'll try later. 14:57 mtompset There... bug 19547 ready for sign off, just before my morning meeting. YAY! 14:57 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19547 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Needs Signoff , Maria DB doesn't have a debian.cnf 14:59 tcohen mtompset: doesn't mariadb have a similar file? 14:59 tcohen (different place, different name, etC) 15:21 fridolin tcohen: in my install MariaDB on Xenial has a /etc/mysql/debian.cnf 15:22 fridolin it says # Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH! 15:22 fridolin =-O 15:22 tcohen fridolin: then mtompset environment needs to be checked 15:22 tcohen thanks 15:23 fridolin tcohen: i have mariadb 10.0.31 15:23 fridolin there was a recent upgrade of mysql-common 15:24 tcohen I see 15:26 fridolin mysql-common 5.7.19-0ubuntu0.1 15:26 fridolin by also root user may have a ~/.my.cnf i'd say 15:27 fridolin maybe check mysql loggin attempt 15:32 tcohen oleonard: does this look correct for an alias? 15:33 tcohen alias less-opac="lessc --clean-css="--s0 --advanced --compatibility=ie7" \ 15:33 tcohen {{ koha_dir }}/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/less/opac.less \ 15:33 tcohen > {{ koha_dir }}/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/css/opac.css" 15:34 oleonard Looks okay tcohen 15:34 * tcohen just noticed the new plugin, etc 15:53 reiveune bye 16:21 magnuse side effect of moving marcxml out of biblioitems: bug 19555 16:21 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19555 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Some changes to records are not reflected in OAI-PMH 16:55 mtompset tcohen: The problem Fridolin mentioned only exists for a fresh by hand install. It doesn't exist on a kohadevbox. My environment doesn't need checking. It's fine. I can video the whole set of steps taken to get there if you don't believe me. 17:13 tcohen mtompset: I belive you 19:34 mtompset Greetings, alexbuckley 19:34 alexbuckley hi mtompset 19:37 * mtompset puts on his chauffeur hat. 19:39 * magnuse thinks mtompset looks smahing in that hat 19:39 magnuse *smashing 19:42 tcohen bye #koha 21:47 * cait waves 21:50 wizzyrea hi cait 21:50 cait hi there 21:56 * LeeJ waves to cait 21:56 cait oh hey :) 21:56 LeeJ oh hi there 22:15 mtompset Greetings, LeeJ cait 22:16 mtompset Thanks, magnuse. :) 22:16 LeeJ hi mtompset