Time Nick Message 23:44 BobB :) 23:44 mtompset Greetings, BobB :) 23:44 BobB hi mtompset 23:39 mtompset Greetings, #koha 20:45 rangi Joubu: simon is checking up on the mailing list 20:23 magnuse yeah, munge all the datas! 19:58 LeeJ looking now 19:58 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19123 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, NEW , Remove/fix reference to latest release 19:58 Joubu go to bug 19123 if you want to give your opinion 19:56 Joubu Is this really useful? 19:56 Joubu From the release notes: "The last Koha release was 16.05.07, which was released on January 3, 2017" 19:53 rangi the hazards of running a mail server 19:52 rangi yeah not bouncing tho, so its probably queued up behind tons of spam or something 19:52 Joubu ok thanks, I have sent a test message and it does not appear in the archives 19:52 rangi katipo, i've emailed simon 19:51 Joubu rangi: ^ ? 19:51 Joubu who's hosting the general koha ML? 19:51 LeeJ SELECT query 19:50 LeeJ I should clarify this one is already slightly "broken" but I know that it was caused by my sub-par SE 19:50 magnuse Yah! Breal all the plugins! 19:47 * LeeJ goes back to breaking my plugins 19:47 LeeJ sureeeeeeee 19:46 magnuse huh? braking stuff? it wasn't me! 19:46 LeeJ breaking stuff already magnuse? :P 19:36 tcohen ah 19:36 magnuse sorry *log* in 19:36 magnuse making sure the sample patrons can check in 19:35 tcohen magnuse: what are you doing? 19:35 tcohen bye #koha 19:34 magnuse yeah, gues that is what i will do 19:33 wizzyrea i always reset one :/ 19:33 magnuse "42b29d0771f3b7ef" in the password field 19:33 magnuse anyone know what the common password for the english sample patrons is? 19:33 magnuse and alexbuckley 19:32 magnuse kia ora wizzyrea 19:31 wizzyrea hi 19:31 * LeeJ goes to fill up water grenades 19:28 * magnuse loads up the water guns 19:27 * LeeJ shakes fist at magnuse for being aquatically assaulted 19:24 * magnuse splashes about to make some evening waves 19:11 huginn` LeeJ: The operation succeeded. 19:11 LeeJ @later tell cait pong! 19:11 LeeJ hi #koha 19:11 * LeeJ waves 18:09 msexton2045 Thank you 18:08 tuxayo Joubu: If I manage to learn how to use the circ rules I should be able to try the test plan. I think this resource will do http://bywatersolutions.com/2013/05/08/circ-rules-koha310/ 18:08 reiveune bye 18:07 oleonard msexton2045: Since checkout limits can be set per patron type, itemtype, and/or branch you should double-check that there isn't another factor involved. 18:06 msexton2045 I have a librarian reporting that if students want to check more than one book she has to override it. She shows that students are set to unlimited is there a fix for this? 17:41 Joubu tuxayo: it's a tricky one, I wanted another signoff 17:28 huginn` 04Bug 18547: major, P5 - low, ---, mirko, Needs Signoff , On shelf holds allowed > "If all unavailable" ignores default hold policy 17:28 tuxayo It seems that it has already beens signed off right? And that the signoff is still valid (no new patch) 17:28 tuxayo I'm searching for a bug to sign off and found this one https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18547 17:13 Joubu all green 17:13 Joubu https://screenshots.firefox.com/yTQGW7Vn783S23cJ/dashboard.koha-community.org 17:05 tcohen You're great :-D 17:05 tcohen Joubu++ 17:05 Joubu tcohen: ^ !! 17:04 jenkins Project Koha_16.05_D8 build #12: FIXED in 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_16.05_D8/12/ 17:04 jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 16:57 tuxayo eythian: indeed, that why I might keep it as I don't know yet my most current workflows. 16:46 eythian tuxayo: the behaviour is useful when you have a list of things that you want to work with. 15:36 tuxayo Joubu: good, I'll wait and see if the default behavior suits my workflow. 15:35 Joubu tuxayo: you can change this behaviour in your settings 15:33 tuxayo Ok it's normal. «The next bug in your list is bug ***» 15:31 tuxayo Does it happen to post a comment on Bugzilla and be redirected to a completely not related bug? 15:05 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18999 major, P5 - low, ---, alexbuckley, Pushed to Stable , Acq: Shipping cost not included in total spent on acq home and funds page 15:05 jenkins katrin.fischer: Bug 18999 (follow-up) - Fix failing test 15:05 jenkins Project Koha_16.11_D8 build #80: FIXED in 2 hr 2 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_16.11_D8/80/ 15:05 jenkins Yippee, build fixed! 15:01 edveal Yes, and it is a great library and a great group of folks. 15:00 oleonard A Koha library, so you've got it covered :) 14:58 edveal I am now at the McKinney Public Library as the Librarian Supervisor and System Admin. 14:53 oleonard What are you up to these days? 14:53 oleonard Hi edveal 14:52 edveal Greetings #koha 14:46 Joubu oleonard: it's a bug, you should open a new issue 14:20 oleonard kohadevbox didn't make me coffee this morning :P 14:19 Joubu kohadevbox handles everything for you :) 14:17 oleonard Oh does that handle translations for you? I didn't know about that. 14:17 Joubu and then use `sudo koha-translate --install LANG --dev kohadev` 14:16 Joubu oleonard: you need the dev_install flag set in your KOHA_CONF (default if new devbox) 14:16 Joubu oleonard: /home/vagrant/kohaclone/misc/translator/po/? 14:08 oleonard Could someone please remind me where translations have to be copied in kohadevbox? 13:04 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "marcelr: my plack.psgi" (78 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/66 13:01 tcohen marcelr: thanks for reminding me I never submitted the orders endpoint! which uses the pagination plugin 12:59 cait a test on 16.11.x is failing - my fault, will push a fix in a moment 12:59 * cait waves 12:59 marcelr will have a look little bit later 12:59 marcelr great 12:59 tcohen I'm pasting my plack.psgi 12:57 marcelr without any link to me 12:57 marcelr luckily it was reported elsewhere too 12:56 tcohen hey, you are asking me to belive you there's an actual problem 12:56 marcelr oleonard++ 12:56 marcelr but yes i can 12:56 marcelr it cant be the cause 12:56 tcohen ? 12:56 tcohen can you warn $ENV{PERL5LIB} 12:55 marcelr yes gitified 12:55 tcohen a gitified install? 12:55 tcohen a dev install? 12:55 tcohen what kind of setup are you working on? 12:55 tcohen I would go debug it, but I'm not able to reproduce ir 12:54 tcohen it is a path problem, not sure what's going on 12:54 marcelr very weird 12:54 marcelr tcohen: i really do not understand why the problem disappeared one day and came back today 12:54 marcelr i am afraid about that last condition: if RM 12:54 tcohen he 12:54 tcohen NEVER 12:54 tcohen marcelr: I never managed to reproduce your problem 12:53 marcelr did you see that guys 12:53 Joubu marcelr: I promise you to push 10306 and 19096 in the very first pushes of 18.05 (if RM) ;) 12:53 tcohen funny 12:53 tcohen hi marcelr 12:52 marcelr LOL 12:52 marcelr what is PERL5LIB? 12:52 marcelr hi tcohen 12:49 tcohen morning 12:45 Joubu cait: seen the "Bad plan" for Budgets.t on 16.11? 12:41 marcelr hi Joubu 12:40 Joubu hi #koha 12:22 marcelr borrowers-force-messaging-defaults.pl to be more exact 12:22 marcelr 19451 12:21 marcelr or similarly named? 12:21 marcelr what about the triple on borrower-messaging-update 12:20 oleonard Do you have anything fun to recommend marcelr? 12:20 marcelr hi oleonard; so much fun in the queues ;) 12:18 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18007 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Interface updates to notices and notice previews 12:18 oleonard Hey all Bug 18007 is fun and still applies. 11:07 tuxayo Or maybe it's https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Installation_of_additional_languages_for_OPAC_and_INTRANET_staff_client#kohadevbox_.28development_environment.29 that is outdated and lacks the --dev part 11:07 tuxayo hi, I don't get the usecase of https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Installation_of_additional_languages_for_OPAC_and_INTRANET_staff_client#Installing_a_translation_on_a_development_environment 08:44 magnuse huh, no https option for covers from syndetics? 08:18 * magnuse waves 07:57 reiveune hello 07:47 marcelr hi #koha 07:38 alex_a bonjour 05:19 * mtompset is 4 short of 100 signoffs. :( 05:19 mtompset Have a great day (24 hour period), #koha alexbuckley 05:07 alexbuckley hi koha 04:03 huginn` mtompset: I have not seen alex_buckley. 04:03 mtompset @seen alex_buckley 01:43 mtompset Greetings, #koha.